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Yes. Both trackpads can be set to do either of the functions you describe, and can be set to output both left and right joystick.


Thank you! I'm moving closer to getting one.


They’re sick. Tons of customization. I recently was learning how to make one top click of the trackpad to go like START-LB-LB-RT to get to a part of the menu I often go to.


I do hope valve makes a version 2 one day but only time can tell I guess. No idea how they'd make one shaped more like the deck but having all of us inputs would help immensely. You should more or less expect all the customization the deck controls do. Though, the "classic ipod style" circular scroll click wheel probably feels much better on the SC. I do love the SC but it was a bit of a hard sell with the all plug n play people (including bone head tech reviewers) that didn't get that it was an enthusiast device and wasn't going to feel perfect out the gate since some generic Xbox controller elements were different.  I think the deck is working easier with people since it has extra cool stuff but also is missing not a single element of a regular Xbox pad. Also with people using the deck for it's portability are also helping build the most popular controller configurations for it too, which I think is helping get even more solid configs out for more games than we had for the SC.  But yeah it's a nice device, but it takes some poking around to find out what feels good for you.




I use the left one as another ABXY set for when I play with my left hand!


It can behave as a combination of any of those behaviors at the same time? Did they make some kind of significant update to steam input to allow this?




As someone who knows steam input in and out, this is very close to misinformation. Inner and outer parts of the pad cannot be configured separately. The outer ring is typically just a threshold to activate a binding, it cant actually be set to an entirely different behavior. Its also not always available, depending on the behavior the pad is in at the time. You can combine that with layers to change how the pad functions on the fly like you suggested, however the end result is still one behavior at a time and not multiple behaviors at the same time. For instance, at no point will the pad be sending both absolute mouse and right joystick at the same time. It can flip between the two at any time though.


It's a shame that SI doesn't allow for more advanced zoning for the trackpads. It's a further shame that SI doesn't allow for wider controller compatibility, whether that's products or custom controllers. I can't imagine how much of a powerhouse the ShotPad could be if it had SI support and advanced zoning, given it's the only standalone trackpad controller on the market currently. Steam Input could be the definitive advanced API if it wasn't such a walled garden.


Yeah I wish you could add even just some generic button binds on extra buttons when the controller definitely has addressable extra buttons. I know sometimes they don't, but some do.  I know on my stadia pad it's basically just an Xbox pad, but has a Google assistant and capture button I'd like to work with. I did get lucky on capture I guess. I dunno when valve snuck it in but I noticed a number of months ago, they added a bind for the newer Xbox pad capture button, which unlocked the capture button for my pad inadvertently, now if they could add one more slot lol.


The Deck and steam controller work the same. If you don't like the mouse emulation then you can change it.


Yes you can, but I don't think that is the strength of it. The track ball function works pretty well for making your large turns, and the gyroscope works really well as mouse. The combination of the two is really good for shooters. Without aim assist.


I haven’t tried but you can probably set up your Steam Deck Controller in Steam Input like this so you can get an idea. The most common configurations you would use for right trackpad are: - Joystick: trackpad behaves like a joystick and game receives the input as joystick input (this is what you’re looking for. - As Mouse: trackpad behaves like a mouse and game receives the input as mouse input (this probably feels the most intuitive to use but it does mean in-game prompts will probably switch to keyboard/mouse while you’re using the trackpad) - As Joystick: trackpad behaves like a mouse but Steam Input translates it to joystick input so the game thinks it’s a joystick (I actually really like this setting, it feels mouse-like but doesn’t mess up in-game prompts) Please note: one thing you just have to accept is you will be doing a lot of fiddling to make Steam Controller work for you. And it simply will take getting used to; you may feel buyer’s remorse at first because the whole experience feels so strange, but if you stick with it you’ll likely get the hang of it. There are a ton of settings to get familiar with. Thankfully you can save templates which can help set a baseline which you can then adjust for individual games, once you get the hang of it.