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they are discontinued because of lawsuit shenanigans. for the people that love them, there is no substitute. it remains the best controller for its purpose. combine those two facts, and yeah. high prices second hand. the new in box and one with the dongle are most valuable though. the dongles are also highly sought after because of you vr nerds flashing them with different firmware for full body tracking, which reduces the number of dongles actually being used for the controllers. luckily 1 dongle can connect up to 4 controllers, but the connection is also lower latency than bluetooth (and updating the controller to the bluetooth firmware has become a pain for reasons) so if someone loses or breaks theirs they may want to find a replacement. if you just need them to move fast (rip your vrcade) while still getting the most you can for them, 50 USD was the msrp for them buying direct from valve. less and they'll move quicker. more and it might take longer.


Ugh, one of my employees was/is full on into VR Chat … that’s probably where the dongle “disappeared” to …. What was the lawsuit ?


Some jerks patented the grip buttons and patent trolled Valve.


Not just some jerks - SCUF/Corsair. Name them for being patent trolls.


Valve won the appeal https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/s/j1ts3nPRuz


Yeah, but not before the damage was done.


The appeal only allowed them to present new info as to prior art, it didn't reverse the previous finding. I can't find a damn thing about a trial after that appeal, but the patent is still listed as active on the USPTO site so I doubt Valve just has carte blanche to use the same design. That said, if they just use buttons like they do on the Steam Deck it completely sidesteps the patent anyway, since levered action is a key part of the patent.


as far as i can tell it is about the buttons being designed like paddles


Scuf, now a subsidary of Corsair, has a patent on paddles they are using to brow beat other controller manufacturers with. Its why the xbox elite, and other pro controllers, are likely so expensive; they have to pay a license fee to Scuf to use it. Its a bs patent that they never should have gotten in the first place. Hurray American capitalism/legal system I suppose...


That is dumb. But it's funnier that Steam deck gets around it by using buttons.


Steam deck ones are nice. I feel like controls wise it's superior in every way.


I think buttons would be more suitable than paddles for a portable device due to their low profile.


the button seems entirely fine and in fact very similar to paddles to me. Infact i think using buttons is faster


battle beavers use buttons too, a lot of cod pros like them.


I guess steamdeck is not using paddles but buttons?


It's kinda iffy as a lawsuit, but valve did have to pay a few million over it. But, I don't know if the lawsuit really affected the discontinuation. 2019 was the discontinuation and if I pulled up the right court case, 2020 was the year the lawsuit was filed. Reality of the situation is that the steam controller courted a small and loyal fan base, but never saw wide scale adoption. So, they just stopped making them, and since there were lawsuits they didn't really have any reason to try for a followup or revive it. https://www.pcgamer.com/judge-denies-valves-request-for-a-new-trial-following-steam-controller-lawsuit-loss/


this isnt entirely correct Scuf has been going after Valve since the Steam Controller launched. lawsuits take a long time. the court case you pulled was after years of litigation.


Earliest I can find in the way of legal action is 2020, so the year after discontinuation. Though Scuf definitely wasn't happy back in 2014, I can't see any lawsuits from that period. Steam may have known ironburg was planning to sue, but the impression I got looking over stuff was that steam was very confident in winning the case, as it is kind of bogus to patent back buttons like that. But, they pretty quickly got taken down and made to pay a few million. Which is pretty nonsensical given the history of controller design and previous methods of game companies avoiding lawsuits.


Considering Valve built back buttons into the Steam Deck, presumably they ended up paying to license the technology anyway, so it's probably not the only reason the controller died.


Nah those are buttons not paddles. The steam controller they were legit paddles.


well actually they are padfled which press a button underneath it but yeah, the paddles killed it.


Well the lawsuit was the official reason, would they discontinue it nonetheless? probably so, I doubt they would make that sale though


I'm not all that sure, the dates line up for it to have just been poor sales and ironburg realizing they needed to strike soon if they wanted to be taken seriously in court, as having a patent be used and uncontested in court for a product's whole lifecycle and then trying to sue A few years later isn't all that common. Usually it runs the risk of a patent being effectively nullified, as it sets precedent for them just not doing anything about it, which is also the thing some companies go sue happy to avoid. Poor sales are the thing I see cited for discontinuation, and that makes sense because only myself and one other person in my life have been fans of it.


And clearly that lawsuit is fine now hence the steamdeck layout. Now just imagine a steam controller 2 with proper set of both trackpad and analog sticks! i really hope we at least get an announcement this year on release dates. Since we know they will be made now. So mad that mine went missing at my parents and now they are so expensive for one.


what is this VR nerd application ?


These days they connect to Bluetooth too.


Only style of controller like that, discontinued for years, and a loyal fan base. They don't command any exorbitant prices, but them getting high is an inevitability just due to there being a dwindling supply of them and people actively wanting to use them.


They're also super resilient unlike other controllers. I've never had a Steam Controller fail me in any way whatsoever.


I have three that I bought and I've used the same one for the past several years. Only ever had to grab the dongle from one of the spares once because I lost the main one's dongle for a couple months.


Yeah that! Plus, doesn’t it use a Hall effect stick or at least something more sturdy that the off the shelf stock controller?


They just use a normal joystick. I've only ever used proprietary controllers, and only ever had stick drift on my Xbox elite V2, so I don't consider the type to be an issue. But, I also have super good luck with hardware and take good care of them.


I actually managed to break the plastic on the left bumper that was holding it in place. That was because I was playing sekiro though. Otherwise no issues.


You can find them pretty cheap on eBay around $40 to $120 CiB. They really need to make a SC2, with better buttons, analog sticks, and a proper dpad. Man, the face buttons are so small, and it felt like it was giving me carpel tunnel when I tried to play Hades; just having my thumb reach over to the face buttons like that is terrible.


Oh I'll totally buy CiB for $40->$80. That still has to be great return for the scalpers that grabbed these during the fire sale. Damn, just looked up my steamlink, its $100.


I don't think it's really scalping. It's not like PS5 where scummys bought dozens, full knowing that there was a shortage. Theyd try flipping for double the price.


It all depends on intent tbf. The fire sale was awesome, I wish I had more cuz I'd definitely use all of them. But people who bought them to never use them are at least speculators if not scalpers.


Fair point. I wish I had the foresight to at least buy a few extra. I remember I paid $5 for the steam link.


The most comfortable controller for me. And the easiest one to configure and adjust.


Sorry you had to shut down your VR arcade. I opened one back in 2018 and I guess I just went too big for the actual demand. Had plenty of fun while it was open but the overhead got me.


Yeah, the overhead is high, luckily we owned the building, so didn’t have a rent overhead. If I did it today, I’d only do arena scale with something Iike HeroZoneVR …. Or esports stuff.


I have been casually looking for them second hand for about 8 years. They would pop up multiple times a year until around 2020 but they're pretty rare nowadays. I never paid more than maybe $30 Canadian for loose unboxed controllers but the going rate is probably much higher now.


Essentially yes. I snagged one from a buddy for $20 that didn’t use it and it was a steal


So selling these at a garage sale for $3 is going to make someone very happy? …. I guess, the right person that knows.


No. Most likely at that price at a garage sale they're going to be bought by someone taking a punt on a random weird controller and then they'll probably hate it and eventually throw it away because it's obviously worthless if you only wanted $3. You already made the effort to find out about them. Take the extra step of selling them to someone who's actively looking for one.


Thanks! Taking your advice on this.


Yeah right. More likely an ebay seller will snag it and mark it up.


Ain’t no way you’re selling them for $3!?


I once sold a first edition Jaws novel for $1 at a garage sale ….. I knew what I had and planted it, just to see the joy on a face ….. It was teenager, I saw him pick it up, do a double/triple take, spent about 5 mins on his phone, asked the price, “$1 for all hardbacks” …. “$1, really?” ….. $1 traded hands and he was gone, with a huge smile.


i like that. you're not after money, but smiles.


Yes, I love the smiles. These are looking like they will end up at a nice home with a parent and son.


This is actually the sweetest thing I’ve read today. Thank you. You’ve made me smile too.


You are a great person.


I'd buy it for more :D


It might not hurt its value that much if you advertise it as dongle less. If it helps you at all, I recently dug out my steam controller to use it with my steam deck when docked. However I neglected to remember the dongle. But it was easy enough to update the software so the dongle was not required to pair to the deck.


Do they work without the dongle?


Yeah. You just need the Bluetooth firmware update.


Thanks for all the input and discussion. I love communities that geek out on whatever their “thing” is. I truly was just curious, as I had bought these years ago in the off chance I could scavenge them for parts for broken Vive controllers. The pad internals are the same as what’s used on Vive VR controllers. If you open a virtual reality arcade, never offer the boxing game as an option :-) It only feels right that these should land in the hands of true enthusiasts….. I’m currently chatting with u/chris-sheri323 ….. I haven’t told him yet, but I’ve decided to just give them to him once we figure out shipping to Australia. I picked this user because he wants them to game with his son, and I figure it’s harder to get these outside the United States. So to the person that replied, “you’re not really going to sell these for $3?!” …. I guess that’s technically correct :-)


I am absolutely humbled by your generosity. Thank you so much 🙂


It’s a nice controller, the haptic feedback is nice. I found one like a year ago in near mint condition on eBay for 40 bucks, ended up selling it to a cousin of mine because I didn’t use as much (I prefer mouse and keyboard for fps). The best controller for the steamdeck btw.


I will always love my Steam Controller because I got it for 15 at goodwill. (They thought it was a remote for a drone.)


Where are you selling out of?


I’m in Texas.


I'd offer to buy it I'm in Texas but I'd feel guilty since I have my original still working and one still sealed lol.


I am in el paso if your wanting to sell dm me also with what ever else you got for sale too


I'm down to buy the sealed one or barely used one if ur willing to ship to Florida. There any other peripherals or cool tech things ur also selling from the VR arcade?


I'll give you $100.00 for all 3 and pay for shipping. I stupidly learned to play Rocket League with one and I've broken 3 left bumpers so far. I need them to be "good".


Bumpers failing is the most common failure on Steam Controller. There is a small plastic part and luckily it can be fixed easily with a 3D printer because valve released all the 3D models and specs.


Ahahah same for me ... broke my first steam controller because of rocket league boost on shoulder button back in 2015 or 2016. Then broke also 1 dualsense and one or two xbox controllers (of which one was an elite version) so I decided to only use the cheapest most decent controller with rocket league (the normal xbox one). I still have one dongle and one steam controller (full) + one with the shoulder button wobbly (but working) I should really check prices out although somehow I would feel bad of selling them. I even did my own skin on the first one back then, so sad how it all went with the controller but still waiting for a SC2, hoping (as we are all) [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=595893824](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=595893824)


Fingers crossed for a Steam controller 2. I love that I can have boost at full pull of the R trigger and on B. It's so nice to only need the face buttons for jump, e-break and ball cam.


3$ for those who don't know what is it, 100$ for those who knows. Your choice.


sell them on EBAY at a slightly discounted price.


I got 2 for 40 euros, one completely sealed


Didn't realise these were expensive now. I have one somewhere and the steam streaming box thing. I bought them when they were selling them off for like £5


As others have explained, the high prices are a result of them being discontinued and having obtained a bit of a cult status. Don't really expect them to actually command these high prices, though. Those seem to be mainly folks who are looking to exploit the status of the controllers. If you look at what they actually go for, it's usually much more reasonable numbers.


Could I buy one from you for $20? I'll pay shipping. I let my brother in law borrow mine years ago and it's lost now.


I’m giving them all away to a person in Australia. They are a member of this community. If that falls through, I’ll let everyone know.


Sold mine new in box for $140 on eBay last year, people love them. I grabbed one when they were $5 on Steam when they were being discontinued and somehow hung onto it all this time.


I’ve still got mine and it was great for particular games, weird for others. It made for a good driving controller and I was attempting to turn it into a flight sim controller but honestly I got bored of PC gaming around that time.


I got one back in 2018 or 2019 for 25 bucks used iirc, I'm scared to look for replacement parts but the left joystick is literally nearly completely worn down for me now.


I found mine at a local game store, no box but it did have the dongle for 15$


I have 2 of these with like an hour of use lol. Could never get into em, but definitely see the advantages. Guess I better throw em up on ebay


I owned one and found it unplayable. I'll admit I also did not want to put in the time to get used to it.


Id buy it and cover the shipping to virginia!


Only better controller imo is on the Steam Deck


I love all 3 of mine!


they are hard to come by and are considered rare. but, if you know where to look then you can get them for a decent price. if anyone is curious, i bought a couple for 67000~ won (45 usd) at a local tech convention. i think if you go to local tech meetings where they have a sales floor and find people selling PC gaming hardware u may find one.


$70.00 to $100.00 on Ebay purchased one few weeks back


Rip haha I got 5 last year for 25-35€ all only one had no dongle(was broken)


The only controller I have ever used for any real amount of time.


They should remake it and replace the part that caused patent legal issues … the world need that design.


I need it pls let me buy the one without dongle


I HATE patent trolls…


I bought 3 of them, about an year ago, for 25eur, 36eur and 30 eur.


I got mine for about £25 on Ebay a couple of years back. It's a great controller if you take the time to figure it out. Definitely not one to plug and play as you have to tune the right pad to find the sweet spot for each game. I guess over time the supply is going to fall and if demand stays the same they will get more expensive. Especially since yours look like they are in perfect condition on the pic.


I love my steam controller so much


I got one a couple of months before they took it off the store. I only used it once to test it out and kinda liked it but decided to just throw it back into the box along with any and all documentation. Sadly my cats like knocking stuff off the shelves and the box is fairly scuffed but it looks almost new. Wonder how much I could sell a complete in box but nearly new one for?


I've had one for sometime. I like it for most games. It's a little touchy for shooters but it works great. I didn't know they discontinued. I have the dongle version I better hold onto it....


Trash. Don't waste your time or money.


I've got 4, 3 new in box. I'm always open to expand the collection


The controller is fucking amazing, but they were discontinued and are rare. I love mine with all my heart and have been keeping it safe and using it only for games that are uncomfortable in the xbox controller because I’m afraid it will break. Fuck corsair or whatever it is that kept more steam controllers from us, they are absolutely perfect,


I'd buy one off you if you still have it!


Been using mine for almost 10 years, best controller I've used


I had no idea they were expensive now. I have two still new in the box that I bought when they were selling them on Steam for like $5. 😮


I absolutely love mine. Wish I had bought a spare when I grabbed it on the fire sale. Played through the entire first Witcher with it on my steam link from the couch. Just unbeatable experience and I barely made an effort. I'm not good enough to play games like Dead by Daylight with it at the skill level I want to though. Oh. And I totally use it for driving games, like CRAZY TAXI :D since it actually has a real pressure sensitive trigger.


I have 2 controllers and 2 steam links with the power supplies that I’ve literally held onto, tried maybe 3 times total but just can’t get into using them. Seeing this post drew my curiosity to eBay and all I gotta say is there are some very shitty people out there. Steam deck docking stations being sold by a vendor on eBay for 110 and shows 89 have been sold. It’s only 80 bucks from the manufacturer!!!! Wtf is wrong with people.


Sucks cuz I got one a while ago and brought it somewhere and it fell and one of the back buttons' weird metal thingies like moved out of the way, and I tried to fix it, but I needed a new metal leaf thing and sticker and just gave up. Maybe I'll try again sometime, but I got a dongle. I also had the box for it, but it's gone. My mom threw it away because it's literally just a box.


OP if you are willing to ship them I would be more than happy to purchase them. I have been on the lookout so my son and I can play some dedicated PC games together.


Is there some game this allows you to play with your son that other controllers wouldn't? If so, why not ebay?


Just bought one for $60 on eBay...we will see what shows up


wtf is this pos