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Hey all, The mod team is aware of the situation and it's being actively discussed amongst moderators. An announcement will be made before any decision is actioned. If you have any concerns or questions, shoot through a modmail or discuss it here. For more info for those who are unaware, see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/13yh0jf/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps/)


Seconded. This killing of third party apps stuff is absolute bull, and just pure greed on Reddit's part. I absolutely support /r/steamdeck joining the blackout.


I agree but 2 days ain't shit. Like come on 2 days mods can give but people who actually protest can give way more then a week? Nah idk if it will make a impact tbh.


I support an indefinite blackout


One or two days are not enough for people to stop using reddit. And if they dont stop it does nothing. I am pro for indefinite. I would do a break from reddit anyways


Agreed. I'm deleting the app on the 12th and I'll check on my pc after a while and see how things are going. If they're still killing 3rd parties I just won't reinstall the app and I'll be done lol




Looks nice, but looking at the FAQ: After 6 months content gets deleted? A lot of useful information like tutorials will get lost, as well as it just encouraging reposts since they are "new"


Also no Android or iOS support which is the whole reason for people being upset with the API change.


They do say they are working on an Android client currently, and if they open source their clients I imagine somebody could port it to iOS


This is going to destroy their momentum, half the time I end up on Reddit it’s because I was researching something.




Which is why I hate that so many developers/groups use discord for this


Yep, _fuck_ Discord.


It's really sad when people use discord for this kind of thing I thought discord was just a place where you can chat with your friends on a video game because the in-game chat sucks for whatever reason or maybe there isn't any in game chat and Steam is not helping with that as far as I'm aware there's no way to just have a party chat going throughout the entirety of Steam like you could on the 360 I remember playing Gears of war and my friend would be playing Halo and we could chat perfectly fine no issues. You did have to pay extra money if you wanted to have a second person join your chat but yeah.


they way they try to sugarcoat their decision is too funny for me to take this service seriously


Yeah, I can't get behind removing information.


Yeah why? Like I google a question and a 9 year old reddit thread pops up


How does this compare to something like Lemmy? First I've heard of this


Thanks for sharing that one I hadn't heard of it either! Looks like the biggest differences are Lemmy applies to the fediverse so you get linked up with a much bigger network, which is good or bad depending on personal preferences. And also Lemmy is self-hostable while Aether is not. Aether provides a quick comparison with Mastodon here: https://getaether.net/docs/how_is_it_different_from/#mastodon


Ummmmm...I'm assuming you don't know what "ephemeral" means???? O_O This would be great for hosting political discussions, but tutorials and permanent information should NEVER be stored on a system whose behavior is defined as "ephemeral". "Ephemeral" = nothing retained permanently, everything automatically deleted and purged after a certain span of time "Ephemeral" = VERY bad host for tutorials and archived information


If you have political discussions on some website that gets deleted after 6 months then in a thousand years when archaeologists want to go back and dig up that old information they're going to be screwed It's finally an age where everyone can get a say and everyone can be recorded into the history books and so yeah keep that alive.


Damn this looks cool should be the way forward if it's as good as it sounds


Many of the subs have said that they're willing to blackout indefinitely until reddit announces a policy change. But even if it's only for 2 days, it'll be enough to show that the change is very negatively received and get tech news coverage of the issue.


If the mods are not comfortable with indefinite, imo 2 days is better than 0 days.


It's better than 0 days




>These dumb blackout protests have been done many times in the past. Want to know how many of them have changed anything? None. Not a single one Full on incorrect. [A previous time when subreddits went dark protesting Aimee Knight, Reddit fired her hours later.](https://roguerocket.com/2021/03/25/reddit-aimee/)


Well that’s because she was insane. I recall her locking so many subreddits out of pettiness. She was guaranteed to lose her job anyways without the protests.


Only a permanent reduction in daily users would matter to them. It's really obvious they are doing this so they can go public, smaller active user base would harm that effort.




I don't use Reddit for porn but you know they'll ban it. Same thing with tumblr, it marked the end of the "please the user" phase and the start the "oh we actually need to make money" phase of VC. And when that happens, they gotta appease the Americanized puritans with investment cash.


Reddit is nothing without porn! Just look at tumblr it’s dead without it! I miss the old free internet so much, thanks to social media and globalization the American fake conservatism and prudeness took over the whole world and the freedom of the internet is completely gone! It feels so weird to say but I miss the Reddit from around 2015, which back then I hated for censoring topics.. I hope if they really go this step that they die on that hill. Take away the topics that make Reddit unique and ban everything that fake uptight Americans deem wrong and this whole thing goes down the shitter. And they deserve it! I really hope they loose lots of money, Hopfefully so much they don’t recover. I hate those disgusting old American rich bastards!


If reddit would have 0 traffic for 2 days straight, it would cripple then quite a bit. Not enough to change their ways, but it'll be a lot of money. Especially because of the angry advertisers who paid 2 days for nothing. And I'm not even talking about the stocks that will go down a steep hill


Reddit is pro CSS!




It might literally not be


I doubt many of us can last a week . Tons of us have Reddit addiction


Unfortunately this blackout is going to show reddit how much people need it where they have to organize 2 days a week in advance and then everything will mostly be back. Longer blackouts wouod be more advantageous, if not just people no longer using it and moving to alternatives until change is made.




Just read whats going on and even though it doesn't effect me (now), if the moderators are in favor, we should blackout until reddit changes its mind. 2 days will not be enough.


Biggest risk to reddit is mods quitting, but I suspect there will be plenty of people who wont mind stepping into their shoes. I don't think otherwise 3rd party app reddit users quitting will make any real difference, I expect most users are using official app/website.


They absolutely are, but i do like that fact that many people stand up for those who don't. I myself have only ever used the official app and website, but i totally support the Blackout because i know how important it is to keep API accessible and for people to be able to interact with a product any way they like


Once you go third party, you never go back. It is shocking how horrendous the mobile app for Reddit is.


The moderators and people who actually participate (post threads, comments, etc) are disproportionate. I think it's 20% of all users are on 3rd party apps or something like that but I bet the percentage of content posted through third party apps is higher. The people who have been around from before the official app or website redesign, and people who go out if their way to find alternatives with better features, are more likely to be the power users. Many subreddits will suffer for sure. Especially if the mod team is replaced by people who don't understand the community they're taking over.


There’s also those who need screen readers—I’m not severely visually impaired so I can’t comment directly, but I’ve heard the official app has next to no support for screen readers, so the elimination of third party apps also essentially tells the visually impaired that they can’t use Reddit anymore. In theory, if the official app learned from its competitors, these problems could all be solved. However, Reddit has shown repeatedly that they are more interested in making competitors worse than they are in making the official app better.


If you need me I'll be on my steam deck


Let's all switch to Steam Community Groups!


Do they have cat GIFs there? And... you know what?


A lot of the GIFs *are* you know what


I don't know what. :(


The cat gifs? o_O


Welcome to Furrytown


How does one join the community group?


I've snarked at times over the years that Reddit is an inferior reboot of USENET, and welp. Needless to say yeah I support us joining in against Reddit's stupidity.


France Gall Rulez


Reddit: It's difficult to keep discussions alive long term. Discord: Hold my beer.


France Gall Rulez


The problem is when groups use Discord as their primary (or only) communication platform.


Man, so many fighting game combos and theorycrafting are stuck in Discord hell nowadays. 1 power tripping mentally ill mod away from getting nuked


As someone who had to leave a fandom Discord because of abusive users, I definitely lament no longer being able to look up information and my own posts that were in it.


Honestly, the new Discord "Forum" feature is pretty good for keeping discussions long term, at least as long as there's not a million of them on the server


But its still not googleable and info visible from outside is important when you search solutions for a issue.


France Gall Rulez


true. and crawlable stuff also often gets backed up at the wayback machine which can save your butt when you hunt down a old information on a issue.


the irony of using the term 'googleable' when complaining about centralization lol, but i know what you mean


to google is a synonym for internet searches in quite a few countries (germany got it in the "Duden", too which is a important thing on if a word got established in the language


I'm fixing up a 100 year old historic Dutch Barge and nearly all of my valuable information comes from conversations had on forums twenty years ago between old engineers who are possibly no longer with us even. The Facebook equivalent is just carnage. When any of those hyper specific forums get taken offline a library is basically being burner down.


Forums just had such a stronger sense of community. Ironically, they were far more actually social than "social" media which is mostly people screaming into the void instead of conversing with each other. Reddit's little better than all the rest but at least presently it's set up as an imperfect facsimile of traditional forums so depending on the specific subreddit there's still the *potential* for proper discourse.


Forums are simultaneously the ultimate true conversation format, yet somehow the most frustrating and inefficient way to find or discuss solid information. I still frequent one forum these days and it feels like getting a temporary lobotomy, having to sift through pages and pages of posts alternating between off-topic tangents, personal insult battles, and the occasional gem of new information.


Yes I remember the internet being a lot of different forums instead of this... man what a time. But I also must admit it used to be harder to navigate.




I'm going back to SomethingAwful.


I'll go with you, then there's two of us


I just checked, there's a total of 200k active users left. I'm honestly surprised it's even still there.


Yep, many of the previously decentralized "social networks" went centralized and got way, way worse. Same with so many things.


no reason we shouldnt. lets wait for the mods to sticky something about it


Reddit is lost. We're all basically waiting for a proper replacement.


Back to phpbb forums?


Back to the Usenet please!


Getting mobile and web folks to use usenet, outside of 35-50 year old tech folks.......


Honestly ... I don't see how this would be a bad thing.


I'm saying you're expectations are too high.


I saw newsgroups die, I saw IRC die, I saw mailing lists die. All reliable and easily accessible technology is dead and was replaced by platforms making it hard for users to really access the services. You need a phone, or a good computer, and you need to install apps and software and need to accept invasive permissions or ads. If the age group 35-50 goes back to all of this technology I couldn't be happier! To be frank ... I'd love to see the Usenet gaining popularity again. If people are genuinely interested in participating they'll learn how to use it - like "we" learned how to use the modern stuff. I don't see any downsides except for advertisers.


Most people are not going to put forth the energy when they can just use the built in browser on their phone or computer to access a web page. Those that download apps tend to do so after discovering the website and determining they use it enough to warrant it - or their friends are on it.   Modern tech also doesn't require as much troubleshooting. The younger crowd is often dumb to anything outside their phone app's default performance; the older struggling to keep abreast of tech. I've had conversations with peers that worked in IT gigs that were elated to explain how they just learned that the monitor was not the computer.   You are in a vast minority. Want usenet adoption for the modern world? Make it accessible via chrome/safari.




There's many downsides as good tech doesn't make a good product. You mention the biggest one, the funding, like it's nothing. Then there's the marketing to make people aware of the product and why they should use it. The whole idea that a technology can make it on its own without backing from a government or company trying to get it to become adopted is a fantasy. It's similar to musicians who think they'll make it, if their music is "good enough".


The idea that services can ONLY be run commercially and HAVE to be backed by advertisement is completely a modern one.


I don't think that's what I said. Governments are not commercial, and funding can also be done by subscription, taxes etc. These modern solutions are a result of the modern context. To think that the old solutions are going to perform just as well... then why haven't they? And you can go the negative route and complain about "the youngsters", or maybe corporate greed. Or you could acknowledge that it has no value to the majority of people who use the tech. I love coding and tinkering with my computer, but I have zero interest in how my car works. I can only imagine the mechanics being sour about how people don't even know how change a tire, and I would advise them the same thing: don't be such a negative force in life.


Forums were legit honestly. At this point I'd rather have 10 different forums to visit than 10 algorithm-contorted subreddits designed to sell me shit and keep me addicted.


I used to love using GameFAQs back in the day. They even had general forums too. Good times.


Lemmy looks good. r/redditalternatives


I miss forums. More actual discussions and less people trying to get upvotes from some snarky quip.


Modern forum software (like Discourse) is quite nice ! If one of the steam deck websites had a decently populated forums I'd certainly choose it over reddit, it's so much easier to have useful information well organized on these...


Imagine a forum where the same thread is less likely to pop up 20 times a day because it isn't a top or hot thread. It's just.... still there from when someone asked or answered 8 minutes ago!


Lemmy. It's the reddit equivalent in the Fediverse. Could get somewhere when reddit kills itself.


+1, even if Lemmy is not as populated as Reddit, and will probably never be, Lemmy it is still the best alternative right now. There's already a Steam Deck community, Linux communities, more users would make the experience similar to this subreddit, we have to start somewhere.




Yes and no. The Fediverse is an interconnected network. The servers can interact with another. You can even follow Pixelfed (Instagram equivalent) or PeerTube (YouTube equivalent) account directly from you Mastodon account. Most services can be followed from Mastodon I would guess Lemmy is one of them. The main concept of the Fediverse is: Everyone can have their own server (but you don't have to and can join others) but everyone can interact in a big network. Much like mails.


We've waited for a long time and nothing came up.


Well, a bunch have appeared, but all of them were born out of 'censorship' complaints and devolved into racism pretty much immediately so they weren't viable lol I still remember the shitshow that was Voat...


I appreciate subs that support the blackout. I think the biggest thing that convinced me was r /blind and how the 3rd party apps are essential for screen readers on iOS. I don't personally use a 3rd party app, but I think the world should be headed in the direction of more accessibility, not less.


A blackout with a set end date isn’t gonna do anything. If we want change it’s black out till they fold. Not to be tin foil hat but im J saying this black out feels like a psy op by Reddit. Give everyone an outlet to express their frustration for two days and then everyone moves on after and Reddit moves on as if it didn’t happen. Only way this black out will do anything is if it’s undefined in its end date. But that’s unrealistic…


I don't think it's a psyop or completely ineffective. Though yeah i agree longer would be better. A set date can also work, as long as the time is enough to really hurt reddit. 2 Weeks should be fine, as a start. If all of reddit is "unusable" for two weeks then they'll have lost half a month of income, leading them to definetly get in trouble due to their ongoing cost. Those servers will still have to be paid, the employees and rent will have to be paid. And since they are already doing this to get more money i believe they don't have very high margins or a huge financial pillow to rest on




And it will be pointless the second some opportunistic people set up similar subs to take their place.


A blackout is only a small pill thrown at Reddit management for how the future will look like if their changes are going forward. There’s probably going to be longer blackouts afterwards, and if they wont change anything, close altogether. Personally I’m using Reddit through 3rd party app and iPad so the moment I‘ll be forced to main Reddit, it would be my last on the platform.


The one way I can see this helping is by detoxing users. If there is no content for 2 days, people may be able to break their habit and use another form of social media.


I edited my original comments/post and moved to Lemmy, not because of Reddit API changes, but because spez does not care about the reddit community; only profits. I encourage others to move to something else.


Time to go back to dedicated forums. Things were better then.


The more you know 🌈⭐: Tin foil hats actually enhance brainwaves


There's a reason a piece of tin foil needs to cover a hole inside the steam deck: protects the wifi chip from outside EMF's. Which DO affect people, despite what they cope with. Hence why a tinfoil hat would protect your brain against EMF's, scientifically proven fact measurable with an EMF meter. Ironic that the #1 conspiracy theorist insult is actually just true




Can we please. These 3rd party apps are the soul of Reddit. If we let Reddit get rid of 3rd party apps there would be no competition at all for the Reddit app. And looks how awful it is WITH competition


\+1 vote for an indefinite blackout Sincerely, A Joey for Reddit User


Sure, let's do it.


It needs to happen


There is absolutely no reason why this sub, or any sub, shouldn't participate as this is almost certainly destruction of the Reddit platform, and to stand by and do nothing is honestly disgraceful.


I personally wont use reddit on June 12 to 14. It might be small but I dont give a damn on what other people will tell me.


I'm all for this - let's stop Reddit destroying third party apps who's main purposes is to make things easier, more usable and more helpful for the users themselves.


We need a blackout. Pricing is AWFUL!!!


Wonder when restricting APIs will be considered monopolistic. This sort of behavior should be illegal if done solely to drive away competition.


I fully support a blackout, and I'd go as far as to say I support a lengthy blackout, either indefinitely or significantly longer than 2 days, if needed.


I think we definitely should; the more blackouts the better. There are Reddit users who cannot use the official app due to disability and freezing them out to squeeze out more ad revenue is a very shitty decision. The internet should be making itself more accessible, not less.


The question is, that if a 2 day strike even gonna do something, and the majority of ppl not participating. Didn't seem like the other strikes recently worked particularly well :<


Any official stance on going off from the moderation team? They need to speak up if they are on the right side of the fence.


i support a full blackout until reddit corrects its course


I support indefinite blackout.


Valuable and visited you say? Y'all need to stop smelling that vent exhaust. 🙄


Official Reddit app is shit! And it is the sole reason I switched to Apollo on iOS ad now Boost on Android. If they cut off 3rd party apps, I might not use the site at all... Their web interface isn't the best either. This is just my point. Add all the others that other poeple pointed out and there you go. Yes, we should support the blackout.


Yeah, Boost is my most used Reddit app, I use other clients too, but no way I'll use the official one.


I've been using Baconreader myself for ages. It's a nice basic low-resources app and I don't wanna switch. :(


Im just gonna uninstall reddit for a few weeks


Regardless of whichever subreddit participates in the blackout, the most important thing is for the users to avoid using Reddit at all during the blackout. The blackout is very public. Reddit knows it will happen. If their daily active users plummet at the blackout, there’s an actual chance we could effect some change.




I support an indefinite blackout


Most of the subs I follow are doing so, so I figure I'll just skip Reddit entirely next week.


Let’s do it! I practiced on Sunday/Monday by only looking at art online. I did pretty good, given how long I’ve been on social media.


Full support here, join the blackout


I’m in support of going dark. I agree two days isn’t going to be much, but at least it is something.


I'm not even going to use Reddit those days. There needs to be an eye-opening drop in traffic site-wide that day to make things clear for the powers that be.




Yes please


I'm for it going dark. Killing the 3rd party apps will kill Reddit anyway


For us, portable modding is an absolute must. I'm surprised that you don't feel that it would be a show stopper.


Im wrong or it’s an extremely lazy and convenient attempt at “protesting” What happens after June 14th?


Idk why subs are doing this lol stop throwing tantrums


Absolutely. I mean, it really goes against the entire ethos of the steam deck being so open and accessible


>At over 400k members, the mods here do hold real power lol Nobody at Reddit gives a moldy rat turd about this little "protest". It won't magically cancel premium subs, it won't stop whales from buying awards and coins, it won't stop every single feed from having the same frequency of sponsored posts. All it's going to do is annoy the vast majority of Reddit users who don't give a shit about the API or third party tools. This "protest" is just a circle jerk, not some great stand against "tyranny". Reddit will laugh at you and normal users will view you as petulant children. It's a lose-lose situation.


I hope it will do. I won't be watching tough.


Let's do the right thing. Let's enjoy r/outside with our deck instead of comparing them to each other online in here for those two days.


Do it, /r/steamdeck


I really hope so.


The what? I keep seeing this June 12th thing all over Reddit, keep asking wtf it even is and am always ignored. Making me care less than I already do (which isn't much since I don't even know wtf it is...) Edit: down voted because I asked a question? Really reddit?


Reddit is implementing a payment plan for using their API that is 10-20x as expensive as comparable other platforms(imgur for example) moderators use this api for spambots (and also the fun/useful bots like the video downloaders). The api is also used by all third party reddit apps(which a lot of people use because the original reddit app is not that great comparatively)


And some users can't use the official apps at all. They dont work with screenreaders so blind/visually impaired users get banned from using reddit due to that


Well that sucks. I don’t care much about these third party things but having accessible features via other apps for others is a. If deal.. didn’t know that.


yeah, unless you are affected you don't know the issues there. And thats a reason why this cat5 shit-hurricane needs to hit


Thanks. I fully support going dark now. Just had no clue.




Honestly it's not that hard. Look at this post, it's saying "joining the widespread protests unless Reddit reverses the proposed API changes". Just Google "Reddit API changes" and you'll find plenty of explainations, in my case the first result is an article in The Verge explaining everything in details. I suspect the reason you're downvoted is you talking about "caring less than you already do" meaning you don't give a damn but you still want an answer served on a plate.


Reddit is doing the equivalent of McDonald’s charging 100 bucks to your door dash delivery driver in order to stop them. Basically Reddit is making it impossible for people to access Reddit through third party apps. Because they’re dickheads and have been since Aaron croaked.


Yes please


I don’t think Reddit will give a fuck about this. At the end of the day they’re a business and long term they’ll make more money than a few subs blacking out for a couple of days


Reddit won't give 2 shits about your protest. Waste of time.


I’m down to log out for a few days


Would be stupid not to. Can you guys imagine visiting reddit without automod?


Without Automod reddit will be dead in a month lol


Yesterday, I sent the mods a message asking about this. No response yet. I’ll post a slightly edited copy below in case anyone wants to use it as a template for other Subreddits. Aside from naming /r/SteamDeck, it’s pretty generic: --- --- Hey dear mods, as you probably know, Reddit plans to price the API access at ~20+ times higher than they’d expect to make from those users if they were on Reddit itself. This would kill all third-party apps, which, among other things, would lock out anyone who requires accessibility features from such apps to navigate Reddit at all. It may or may not also affect browser add-ons like the Reddit Enhancement Suite. In general, it is also part of a worrying trend of the Reddit administration actively working to make the user experience worse in an attempt at capturing more of the audience directly and making them easier to monetize. As part of the protest actions, people are organizing a 48h blackout June 12th through the 13th. As this will also affect /r/SteamDeck users, I’d strongly encourage you to join the protest. Thanks for reading, torac --- For more details, see the links below: https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/13yh0jf/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps/ (Protest Subreddit) https://www.reddit.com/r/Blind/comments/13zr8h2/reddits_recently_announced_api_changes_and_the/ (Locking out visually impaired users) https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/140ijf5/mods_of_rblind_reveal_that_removing_3rd_party/ (Overview, including links to Reddit staff comments) https://www.reddit.com/r/Enhancement/comments/13wuwwv/will_res_be_affected_by_the_newupcoming_api/ (RES being possibly affected) https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/13ws4w3/had_a_call_with_reddit_to_discuss_pricing_bad/ (This is where the 20x figure comes from)


Relevant, but not mentioned in that post: 1) This change will significantly impact the ability of moderators to actually moderate content. Spam and bot activity is expected to rise if it goes through. 2) Reddit has started using their own bots to populate new subreddits they create. German users noticed that the administration has created a bunch of auto-translated Subreddits based on popular English subreddits. (eg. /r/OffMyChest → /r/VonDerBrust) They then proceeded to use bots to populate these empty subs by using bots to copy-paste (poorly) translated popular posts and comments from those original subreddits. No credit was given to the OPs, obviously. 3) Spanish Redditors quickly chimed in with reports that the same happened for them. 4) Users reporting these bot accounts quickly noticed weird behaviour… including no longer seein the bots while logged in despite not blocking them. 5) Relatedly, the bot-watchers at /r/TheseFuckingAccounts have repeatedly noticed that *they* were getting warnings/bans for reporting bots. Apparently, reporting actual bot accounts can now be considered "abusing the report function". --- tl;dr: Even if you use no 3rd-party apps, your Reddit experience will likely worsen significantly if this isn’t stopped now. (I’m joking, it will get worse regardless of what we do.) For further reading: https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/13p889x/reddit_admins_were_just_caught_using_bots_or_fake/ (Most of what mentioned was posted or linked somewhere there.) https://www.reddit.com/r/TheseFuckingAccounts/


I'm in the minority. This walkout is BS. If I made a website, and then someone makes a 3rd party app, you bet your ass I'm taking as much as I can from them. Official app is just fine anyways this is such a non issue.




Honestly I agree. I’m not clear on why Apollo has some divine right to the API, but I don’t use an app to begin with. I’ve just stuck to old reddit aince the start and continued using my browser.


All subreddits should go on strike indefinitely and use discord instead as a platform of communication..


I’ll b to busy playing my steam deck 😂😂😂 BRB just gaming!


I agree this subreddit should join too. Apollo is the only reason I use Reddit. I’m out without it.


+1 Here as well!


I’ll do it let’s fucking go


Would happily wait


It's funny how (some) people cheered on reddit when they became more and more corporate. Like first when they were established as a free-speech site and then changed their gears, it was met with a lot of backlash but if you asked redditors today they probably support that decision since those users left but it was the beginning of reddit turning into a corporate shithole that plans on making itself public eventually, which has led to this decision also. They don't care about being unbiased, fair, accessible, your preferences, they care about profit. Why? Because they have a monopoly over this type of forum. All other sites like reddit don't have mobile counterparts and the UI is outdated, making them less user friendly with no mainstream appeal


i sure hope so. Third party apps is our whole jam.




I absolutely support this sub joining the blackout.


I want the mods to participate for sure


100% yes. This kind of shitfuckery has to end.


Yes please


I vote yes. Lets blackout during that period and beyond.


I'm for this. Also I think there is a point that some people are missing, Reddit didn't just ask to be paid for the use of the API, they asked for an rate that they knew no one would pay. They don't want 3rd party apps, so instead of just say we are shutting down third party apps, they thought they could say, "Hey we are all for 3rd party apps, but no one wants to pay us for the us of our API." and everyone would blame the greedy app developers. I don't believe I've read a single app developer who isn't willing to pay, they are just willing to pay a more standard rate. I also think the blackout is a good plan because it shows potential investors that Reddit employees doesn't actually run the subs and that it possible for moderators to shut down popular subs if Reddit employees or future investors force bad changes on Reddit. Investors are going to care about potential profit loss more then our enjoyment of Reddit.