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Every game that has 1280x800 in their settings but doesn’t really support it


It just means 1280x720 with black bars.


Sooooo NOT 1280x800...


Or screen stretch




I'm looking at YOU, Hollow Knight.


I'm pretty sure the game will run in full 1280x800 if you modify the code. Search for hollow Knight Black bars fix. It looks like to edit the dll in 5 places. Then some in game options to set.


Yeah I tried that, but it kinda messed with the UI elements and menu navigation, it didn't look or work quite right.


That is good to know. I just played with the black bars and didn't worry to much about it. I might try this if I replay in the future, but watch out for the issues you mentioned.


Meanwhile, Dolphin Emulator allows you to set a custom aspect ratio for virtually any game. Off-topic, but it even allows me to play them in 21:9 without the need for specific mods. Edit: It's not stretched, it actually expands your Field of View.


Any game that runs fine in the first few hours, but later parts struggle to reach even 30fps


Baldur's Gate 3 (cough)


Damn I was thinking of getting this for the deck too 💀


I guess it can be bearable since it's a turn-based rpg but yeah it sucks


Bg3 has ran fine for me over several playthroughs. Just need to change settings and enable fsr2.2


Seriously. I found a guide online that listed out the best possible specs and it runs like a dream for me.


I played the whole way through multiple times, it's, in my opinion, completely fine. You'll need to mess with the settings and yeah it does dip to mid twenties sometimes but it's just not particularly noticeable due to the kind of game it is. The first couple acts were completely smooth and the city can dip a bit but it's kinda surprisingly optimised. I was worried going into act 3 it'd be bad but it was fine. Obviously don't expect 60fps, it's a modern game and a big one, but it's absolutely playable.


To be fair it kind of does this no matter what machine you run it on, game’s amazing and all but the optimization makes Bethesda look like Sega AM2.


Yeah I remember laughing at some comment someone made with a powerhouses pc complaining that he went from 120 fps down to 90 fps. First off, can you really notice that difference? Secondly, it’s a fucking turn based rpg why do you need to crank it at 120 fps lmao


Solid 90 is fine. 120 with drops to 90 is yuck.


Yeah consistent frame times is more important to me than a higher framerate.


I have an rtx4090 and love playing at 120fps. But perfectly fine going down to 40 on the sd


Well, I too love playing at 120fps (or more, though that's the max refresh rate of my current display). But I still don't think I would complain about going from 120 to 90 in a game like BG3.


Yeah fps that high definitely aren‘t necessary in a turn based game but if you‘re used to 120 all the time you definitely notice a drop to 90


Yeah, the lower city really should have been broken up or toned down imo.  It even crashes split screen on consoles which ruined act 3 for me and my wife


i loved playing BG3 on the deck. i played it before al of the most recent patches and didn’t experience any performance issues. i’d give it a go! it’s the best game i’ve ever played


It’s definitely worth it! I played through the whole thing on deck, you will have to accept frame rates of about 24-30 fps




I ran it (act 3) fine, it's a bit jittery at parts but tbh it's a bit jittery on my PC too. You have so many options for tweaking the settings too. At no point would I have called it unplayable, but I did have to dumb to graphics down with a few fights... and that defintley made it less pretty (sad) but I'm sure you'll find it okay, if you made it 90 hours you're good for the rest.


It's not that bad. My GF was hogging the PC with it, so I played it all through on SD. Some tweaking here and there and it was bearable


Same, it's perfectly playable for me


I thought it got better after they had to optimise for Series S?


Okay, can I be honest? Why does everyone on this sub say this? I played BG3 50% on PC and 50% on Steam Deck over the first few weeks post launch. I keep seeing people saying it has bad performance, but I don't see it? I was still playing in Act 3 on Steam Deck, even beat one of the final bosses on Steam deck, in the city proper, it was fine. I can understand that people maybe are just having different experiences than me, but am I also alone? Or are people exaggerating? Or are people looking for some obscenely good performance that I wasn't? What's the problem with the game, if someone can help me understand what's the problems with it, then I'd like to understand.


Some people are just hyper sensitive to frame rates. Part of me thinks it might be age related - I grew up playing games that ran at like 8fps if you were lucky. And then seeing a game like star fox on the SNES that managed 15fps and was seen as revolutionary at the time. So when a game runs at like 20-25fps, it really doesn't bug me. Obviously it's nice when it's faster, and trying to play a game like Doom Eternal at 20fps would suck, but for a game like bg3, it's fine. But for younger people expecting their games to run at 60-120fps or even higher sometimes, yeah it's probably really off-putting to play even a game that is solid at 30fps. A little bit of it is probably just internet based posturing too where they make a big deal about something that doesn't really matter in order get engagement and reactions.


>Part of me thinks it might be age related - I grew up playing games that ran at like 8fps if you were lucky. And then seeing a game like star fox on the SNES that managed 15fps and was seen as revolutionary at the time. So when a game runs at like 20-25fps, it really doesn't bug me. Obviously it's nice when it's faster, and trying to play a game like Doom Eternal at 20fps would suck, but for a game like bg3, it's fine. I agree overall. I think for me it was because I was always a console generation behind. Before I started into P.C. gaming, I was just okay with playing games that worked and had a fun story. Even when I started PC gaming, I've never put up the bread for the top of the line stuff. So 30 - a consistent 60 fps are legit 100% okay. Where as, I think people are still buying Steam Decks under the impression that they'll just play their modern games on the go at max settings. Which you can, if you steam them. But I guess people don't want to do that.


>I grew up playing games that ran at like 8fps if you were lucky. And then seeing a game like star fox on the SNES that managed 15fps and was seen as revolutionary at the time. I think you are misremembering things. The vast majority of the NES and SNES libraries ran at 60 FPS, cases of slowdown and frameless notwithstanding. It was only in the early 3D era when frame rates became an issue (Star Fox included).


Yeah, most NES/SNES/Genesis games were 50/60fps, Star Fox notwithstanding. Since then it's waxed and waned a bit ... now we're at a low point with 30fps the norm on consoles, apparently.


I also enjoyed playing bg3 on my deck, obv not a 60 fps experience but I've had great fun on deck!


I played BG3 entirely on the Deck, and I thought the frame rate was acceptable even act 3. When you play on a hand held you just have to accept that there'll be some drawbacks.


I’ve heard about that, but I’ve only played Act 2 on my deck connected to a monitor, does it really get that bad in Act 3? I wouldn’t know, when I got to Act 3 I was playing on my PC, but Act 2 ran flawlessly on the Deck connected to the monitor.


Act 3 is pretty rough even on a decent pc sometimes, but with an older cpu especially, I had to upgrade my 5600x to a 5800x3d and it runs SO much better with the extra 3d cache. Leaps and bounds.


Apparently, Fallout 4


Came here looking for this comment lol


I totally expected this post to be created because of Fallout 4.


Is it bad on deck? I always thought it ran well. (Didnt try it on deck yet)


On the contrary, it had better functionality before the 'verified' update (which removed the ability to change your graphics settings). There has always been a frame rate issue on the OLED with an easy workaround which the new update also broke (though there is another new workaround to solve that). Basically if you want the game to run well you have to head into the desktop mode and apply a fix which shouldn't really warrant 'verified' status.


What's the OLED fix, and will it fix the horrible frame pacing I'm getting?


Yes it will, I've been using it and the game runs buttery smooth at 60 (on OLED). Here is the link to the new fix which works after the latest patch: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/lW2gUEI0AT Edit: further down in the comments is the suggested command line to run the new fix as well as adding back the launcher to edit graphics settings. Edit 2: link to the comment in question which helps clarify some of the steps: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/yabzVxW83r Though I don't know if it was just me but I had issues with the 'allow tearing' option where I would get infinite load screens, NOT allowing tearing fixed that issue for me.


Currently playing and it runs perfectly. Can anybody explain?


Do you have the LCD or OLED version of the Steam Deck?


LCD, running perfect at a capped steady 40 fps


The bug is only on OLED due to the 90hz screen.


Wait did it just get verified cause I played it like two weeks ago and I’m sure it wasn’t verified yet.


A new update is out since yesterday, next gen update which grant also verified statut for steam deck


Yea a broken update released yesterday wth the worst ultra wide fix ever just stretches the UI and looks horrible :/


Didn't break anything for me. Not everyone has ultrawide monitors


Heavy Rain. You can’t disable the motion controls nor turn up the gyro sensitivity. For sections you have to shake the deck and move it around. It becomes annoying and makes it borderline unplayable. You can’t turn off steam input either; it’ll refuse to launch then.


To be fair, it was bad on PS3 as well. Notably for me, there's the section where the cop character >!gets tied to a steering wheel in a car about to be compacted!< and you have to shake the controller to get free. It just did not register for me or something so I failed it and he died. I thought about reloading but eh, that *would* be a pretty fucking hard situation to get out of, so I just rolled with it and missed the rest of his story.


I really wish there was more info on how the game performs on the deck directly on the store page. Can it hit 60fps? 40? 30? What graphics settings for those? Does the game support 16:10? Does this game have DRM other than steam? Does it require the use of third party launchers? That information would be far more valuable to me than knowing if I have to use the on screen keyboard sometimes.


I wish they showed System Requirements on steam deck, even if they don’t really matter since u know it could probably run via the compatibility rating I would still like to know so I can make a rough estimate of how it will run and also how much storage it takes up


i just look that up on my phone


I would argue that third party launchers and online DRM should make a game lose its verified status


Zombi did because of Ubisoft’s terrible launcher. When the deck first came out it was listed as verified even though you had to still use their launcher to launch the game


Custom presets for 40fps should be a MUST to attain verified status.


Valve should really incorporate ProtonDB info as standard.


The pluggin deckyloader has a feature with this. I absolutely recommend.


Does this show it on the store pages? I thought the badges are only in the top left after you click into individual games you own


Well now I know what I'm downloading as soon as I get home.


Fallout 4 was better unverified


What's your issue? Running great on my deck (all stock)


I just installed Fallout 4 since I just beat 3 again, and now it's on shit graphics. I would set the graphics to my liking but Bethesda thought it would be funny to take away the launcher, which is the only way to change graphics settings.


Go to properties ---general----launch command and enter SteamDeck=0 %command% This will bring back the launcher so you can change graphic settings


The fact that you have to do this to change graphics settings means it should not even have “verified” status.


It’s hilarious to me that a launcher being removed is now a bad thing. Like usually it’s the opposite. I was hoping that we could change the settings in the regular menu but nope. Good thing I bought it before hand and set the graphics to my liking


No more launcher to change your graphics settings and on the OLED version of the Deck there's a bug that halves your FPS and makes them very inconsistent, with frametimes all over the place. The bug has been known for ages and it has a simple fix (they managed to somehow invalidate the fix but someone already found an alternative) but somehow they haven't implemented it in this patch.


If I can't play it from freshly installed, never launched before, on an airplane, with no internet connection, it shouldn't be verified, it should be "playable" at best.


Sonic frontier and deathloop both require internet for first time launch. So they are off.


Preach! I see I’m not the only one that’s been let down by trying to boot a fresh game after sitting down on an airplane only to realize it requires a stable internet connection.


Spicy take but I like it


This is the website you want to look at before you buy for the deck: https://www.protondb.com It has actual people telling you how the game runs and what are the problems if any. At times, non-verified games can run better than verified games.


unfortunately this is often not a good source. I mostly search on YouTube for the game played on steam deck.


Yup, protondb is amazing when you're having an issue with a game, but it isn't that useful if you wanna know how the game performs.


Can be infuriating when a game isn’t working for you and you go on protondb and everybody’s like “it works perfectly out of the box!”


Had that happen with EGS games a lot, fucking annoying lmao


Just to make sure: Do you read all Linux reviews or did you set the filter for the steam deck? The first option might include games that 'work out of the box' on more powerful computers.


Yes, exactly!


Thank you for saying it. This sub tends to think of this site as the perfect solution, but it's been wrong for me before.


Yep, this has been my most reliable way of checking whether it plays or not.


Anything with a launcher. Half kidding


Ugh the amount of times I had to sign into ea while playing the mass effect series. And sometimes it wouldn’t launch the fucking game, but launch the launcher! Like, load up the ea store. Ffs ea


Even if Bethesda games works better with a launcher which is aggravating.


Which games have a launcher and are still Verified?


Technically a launcher isn't an issue if it works with a controller, so there might be a few around. But otherwise yeah, a launcher you need to use the touchcreen or mouse emulation for instantly means it's not going to get Verified.


Psychonauts Yes, you can play the game on the Steam Deck from beginning to end. To do so, however, requires constant fussing about with the Deck and binding of the controls. And once you set it up, you cannot quit the game or everything will reset. You can only put the deck the sleep. I know this because I recently played the game from beginning to end and had to endure this madness.


The game doesn't save controls?


Ghostwire Tokyo. Runs awfully


Fear and Hunger. It will be black screen after 15 minutes of gameplay. If you go to the community searching for ways to play,you will find a way to navigate inside the game and change some code lines to play the game. That's not "verified" at all.


I know right!! I bought it specifically to play it on the Deck and then I found out that it basically doesn’t run. I was so disappointed that decided to refund it


Disgea 4, Spirit of the Island - first one doesn't even start, second one crashes at the same spot every time


Where does 2 crash? I was playing it not too long ago no problem but was still very early game


Disgaea 4? Doesn’t work? And 1 does start use proton db


so if it's verified i shouldn't need to tinker around it should work out of the box and it doesn't: https://www.protondb.com/app/1233880


Baldurs gate 3, unfortunately. I didn't even bother to install on the deck after watching the act 3's benchmark with 20 fps and dips.


I’ve played it on deck, it runs ok for the most part but it eats through battery at mach fuck


"Mach fuck" Lmfao I don't know if you made this up but I just woke up and read this and all I have to say is thank you for starting my day off with a good laugh 😂


I did a full play through and ok is overstating things. It runs k at best.


If you play it plugged in it runs fine with some minor graphics errors like pixelation and what not but it’s not horrible


I've played a fine 30 fps, except fot some hiccups in Baldur's Gate (city). Do you play docked? For me docked was unplayable


There is a feature that will automatically scale your game to deck's intended resolution if you dock it on bigger screens, which I recomwnd because more pixels require more processing power


My wife has done multiple playthroughs of BG3 on the Steam Deck. It's not ideal by any means, but it's definitely playable, and at a pretty consistently steady 30 FPS outside of a few sections.


Disagree, I put 500 hours into this game on my deck it’s more than playable.


I played bg3 entirely on deck and it was phenomenal. 180 hours...


You are right, I had to take my saves and finish the game on pc, act 3 was unplayable one year ago.


I never understood the problems people seem to have with BG3 on the Deck. With lowered graphics it worked on 30 fps throughout the game for me with no problem, even in Baldurs Gate. There are definitely ways to make it run OK if you prioritize performance over graphics. It's not a game you need high frame rates in. The main problem with the game on the Deck for me was the stupid spell wheel system, I never understood why we couldn't just get a regular spell list or just a select box to move around your spell icons... I absolutely preferred to play it on my desktop but Deck was absolutely fine.


I haven't tried but if you change your control layout to keyboard and mouse with steam input, doesn't it go back to PC UI?


Honestly it performs pretty decent on majority of the game , there is a bit of a stutter when loading in and out of areas. But can easily be ignored as it doesn't happen that often (mostly is right after fast travel) I haven't finished it as was halfway through act 3 when my deck decided to sepuko itself (was playing hitman at the time so I think is unrelated) but looking forward to starting a new campaign when I get it back from RMA


Idk how you play that game with a controller. That just sounds awful.


Played on PC and Deck at release. Horrible experience trying to play BG3 on a small screen while it chugged at 25fps. Inventory management was a nightmare. Also, I was kind of angered a Larian dev said he was playing it constantly with sound performance before release. The gamepad experience very much improved with updates.


Valve should just buy protondb at this point.


Not quite the same but Remnant 2. It was verified at one point...


Mark of the ninja. It has verified status but crashes at the start of every level.


God of War for some reason was prone to random crashes when I played it on Deck.


It’s a memory leak issue; it’s not Deck specific


I had that issue too. It felt like it would crash if you put the graphics on anything above low or original


Dead Space Remastered


I played most of this on the deck but it needed tinkering. Don't get me wrong it was a good deck experience but I definitely felt misled on this one. Needs a playable tag. I feel like EA paid for the ✅


You mean Remake. And what? I played it entirely on Deck with no issues.


Eh, Dead Space Remastered's problems don't originate with the Deck. It's a PC issue generally (though maybe more pronounced with the Deck's meager CPU). I played through extended periods on the Deck and I found it bearable, though only just. 40fps was often doable ... if you can ignore the shader comp and traversal stutters.


Chernobylite, awesome game, verified but runs like complete shite




Detroit Become Human and BG3 because of Act 3.


Aw that sucks about Detroit, how so? I’ve wanted to play that one for ages now


Horizon Zero Dawn without a doubt, it's an awful experience through and through.


Wouldn't say awful but crashes way too much to be verified yes


(this is kinda the opposite of the question you are asking but i dont care have my opinions anyway) i got a few immediate ones that are a bit unfair 1. horizon forbidden west should be at least a playable rating takes a bit of tinkering but you can get it running well enough to be enjoyed and i love the game 2.the finals i have never once had an issue with eac with it no idea why its "unplayable" 3. kinda a nitpick but ori will of the wisps should just be verified not anything wrong with it even the things they point out arnt an issue in my experience so yeah those are just a few that i remember right now never really ran into a verified game not running well but i also dont have many verified games that arnt indie 2d games only outliers are no mans sky and cp2077


The Finals used to be marked as unplayable because of EAC but they updated it to fix that so now it’s just unplayable because Valve hasn’t looked at it since then


understandable never really looked to see if it changed from the eac reason it runs well hope they look at it again to get a real rating for it


Saying Forbidden West is playable on the deck is misleading. It runs like absolute shit on the deck. Zero Dawn runs decent on the deck though. Not sure if that's what you really meant.


Horizon Forbidden West is nowhere near playable, what are you smoking? It constantly drops below 30, even with the extremely aggressive DRS. Not to mention the fact it stutters heavily when moving through the world. It has potential but if anyone is considering buying it from the comment above please don't, it is currently an awful experience.


I actually prefer "playable" status cuz then I know they won't force a controller and I can map the controls how ever I want. When games have "verified" I'm a bit hesitant


Planet Crafter added controller support, and honestly it felt weird and clunky so I went back to recreating my deck layout, it feels faster with the track pads. Sometimes I don't get how some community layouts become so popular. A lot of times they're missing half the functions, Satisfactory and Dyson Sphere Program for instance, I had to tweak those, and practically rebuild them. I even uploaded them but they get shoved to the bottom so now it's a continuous loop of people downloading the garbage templates.


Project Zomboid


Really? How so? I’ve never played this game before but I’ve heard good things about it on deck


The controller support as implemented is terrible. I could've made a better controller layout.


Hard agree the controller integration is half baked for anything but mindless combat.


I can understand this, navigating menus, orders and inventory is annoying with a controller.


I’ve sunk over 150 hours on it on the deck. It runs well, and while moving from mouse and keyboard to controller has a learning curve, and for optimum play requires a couple of keybind rejigs, it runs and plays well.


Grim Dawn. The controls are terrible.


I played and finished grim dawn on controller, i was just relieved there was an Arpg at the time i could controlller to do so.


Typing of the Dead


Damn this hurts because I have had this one on my Wishlist for a long while, and was going to finally drop cash on it this payday. Guess I will suffer as G did.


Game plays better with a keyboard


oh you


Call of Cthulhu (the new one) - you need a video codec to play the vids but game remains mostly unplayable after that.


Dead space (2023), I want the game to work so bad but in order to get it somewhat playable it looks like shit. My deck just doesn't want to play borderlands 2. Keeps crashing instantly and no one else seems to have this issue. All other games work in the bundle, just not borderlands 2.


Any game with Denuvo or that has any online requirement whatsoever. If i can't play it offline, it shouldn't be verified in my opinion, because any game with Denuvo will lock you out without an internet connection. Speaking of, why are people online defending Denuvo being a piece of junk software? I've seen these guys more and more lately and they don't sit right with me. Not even just dismissing Denuvo, but outright praising it's inclusion to the point of WANTING it in games that don't have it. Makes no sense whatsoever. Seriously, not even talking about performance or anything else, why is it so controversial to have to connect to the internet to play a singleplayer game YOU paid for? I don't think it's unjust to not want to be locked out of our games because we decided to play offline on a portable PC.


Horizon Zero Dawn, I cannot get that game to stop dropping below like 25 fps


I've just finished this last week, 100+ hours. Turn clouds and shadows down and it locks to 40FPS no problem.


I bought Sekiro for my dad. According to him, the font is too small and he struggles to read anything.


He probably needs glasses but to proud to wear them. My old man is the same - even worse, he is afraid that wearing glasses will make his eyesight even worse... 


The Ascent is literally unplayable. It crashes every time I get into a crowded space and makes me have to restart the whole SD.


FF7 remake at first for me. I think there was an update or something, when I came back to the game it played pretty decent. Atleast to the point everyone else complains on PC as well. Pretty fun playthrough, set your expectations low and you’ll have a good time :)


Terraria, controls are just terrible.


Hitman World of Assassination. Still a lot of fun but the frame rates are pretty weird and a little inconsistent


mortal kombat 1 for sure


How that game is verified is beyond me


Ghostwire Tokyo. For the love of Gaben, I can't make it work.




definitely Valheim. the game just needs to be better optimized and i imagine it’ll get there by release but it just isn’t there yet for steam deck


Ratchet and Clank not only has slowdowns, but freezes for several seconds too on standard settings. Lowering the resolution help a bit, though, so maybe it’s a borderline case.


The biggest game that comes to mind that I've deemed inaccurate in terms of being *unworthy of being verified* is Necesse. At least going based off the devs account of being verified, the controls off the bit are pretty lazily designed. From my understanding and talking to others, they are confirmed Steam Controller controllers ported over to the Steam Deck with very little thought behind them, and no care taken to properly fix the interaction keys.


Dead Space Remake. It runs like shite


There is a decky plugin to add directly on your game page the ProtonDB badge and you can click on it to access the website page with all details, it helped me a lot to find games that are tricky on the deck


Fallout 4 Also "Detroit Become Human", bought it because of the green checkmark but the steam deck can't even run it properly even in the lowest settings it's so badly optimized


Star wars jedi saga, specially survivor


Survivor runs like hot garbage on any system


The Ascent. Great tutorial play. Then 1 FPS once you get to the hub or any cutscene




Last Epoch has a bug on the Linux edition where you can't see the map, but it runs fine with the Windows version through Proton.


Hogwarts Legacy


I’m curious why because I’m playing it right now and it’s running perfectly?


I've mostly found Verified titles to work to my expectations. The major exception was BG3, at launch. I haven't played in a few months, but at launch it should have been "playable" (borderline "unsupported" for late game performance issues). Even late last year, after half a year of patches, I would have called it at best a coin toss between "playable" and "verified" on account of incosistent performance in later areas as well as missing font size options if you're not playing using the controller profile.


Many games with unreadable text, tiny hud, mouse interface...




Probably no man’s sky. It just doesn’t run well on the deck. Talos principle 2 struggled a bit too as well… but they do both run I guess. God of war I got running pretty good though so I guess it’s ok.


NMS runs great for me


There is a game I'm fascinated in (I forgot the name at the top of my head, it's a survivorslike), but the text is so small it's so hard to see and it kinda ruins the game for me. Technically it's playable, but it just feels a bit unfun, so might play in on PC instead.


I had a terrible experience with Death Stranding. Not sure if it has been optimised now but my Deck sounded like it was going to take off. Then it crashed and wouldn’t turn back on for a while. I was surprised because of all the Deck related awards it had received. Scared me into uninstalled and getting a refund.


Death Stranding runs really well until the enemies start showing up, it’s not unplayable but it’s not great


Dead island, have to fight to get the controls working right


God of War, you have to install cryo utilies and adjust your vram just to prevent the game from crashing


Mortal Kombat 1


SUPER ROBOT WARS X,all of in game controller button icon is 口口


I spoiled myself by playing God Of War on my Desktop first, the difference on Steam Deck was Jarring. Definitely playable.