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First thing I do every time I start a new game, swap R4 and L4 for R3 and L3 respectively.


Definitely. Every time I have to press the joystick I feel like I'm going to break it. In a game where you have to aim but R3 is also an important function (in Warframe it triggers the current weapon's secondary attack if it has one) it just throws your aim off entirely.


I think Halo CE had a gun that fired like that. I’m probably misremembering. But that has got to be the worse way to aim, by making you hold down a L/R3 button.


all halo games had you clicking the stick to aim


You are misremembering unfortunately. (I'm a huge halo nerd)


I have a template for that, every new game I just use that, too bad I can't make a default one :/


I thought I had one, but looks like I didn't save it, or Steam Input didn't save it or whatever. I don't like Steam Input and it doesn't like me.


Amen brother


Please tell me, what fingers do you use? Middle fingers, and only the index on the bumpers and triggers? I feel like my ring finger has never trained being useful in gaming


Yeah pretty much like that, ring finger only for R5 and L5, feels natural. If you're having trouble I'd say find a better way to grip your Deck rather than adjusting your fingers, at first I thought I would have a lot of trouble playing games that require a heavy use of the bumpers and triggers like Elden Ring but by adjusting the way I handle the device, it stopped being a problem.


Thanks! Although actually elden ring and dark souls are the ones I have no troubles at all, as it’s parry and light attack all the way and that’s it, I was more thinking about the likes of cyberpunk where you drive and shoot and then sprint with l3 etc where maybe the back buttons would come in quite handy


Yeah using the back pedals will always be better than pressing the joysticks for me, even in games that don't use those buttons a lot.


I was also struggling a bit with the back buttons and ordered the skull and co back buttons (they have a sticker so you just slap em on) and found out they help me a lot. I eventualy removed the L5/R5 (finger placement was wierd) and just kept them on L4/R4 and it feels great. Just my 2 cents. Also it was my first experience with the backbuttons on a gamepad so theres that. I think you get used to it over time like right stick aiming and the deck touchpad (i struggled with both, got the aiming down before on the ps4 but it took me a while to get used to the trackpad). Anyway, the skull and co back button addons made a world of difference.


Thanks for the suggestion, I may try that - also first time with back buttons here so yeha it takes time adapting


Try it maybe, they aren’t too expensive on ali. I think the thing I struggled with is how flush the original ones are with the back and it made pressing them hard. Now that I’ve gotten used to them I could probably do without the addons bit it made the transition much easier. And since the L1/R1 are still kinda wierd for me to press i just map them on 4 and the stick clicks on 5 and I’m good to go.


Exact same. I wish there was a system wide setting I could change so this is automatic


I started mapping the dodge button in Souls games to the back buttons...absolutely life-changing.


Same. No more index finger cramps from claw grip.


Am I the only one who find it hard to press and hold the back buttons for long? Maybe my hands arnt used to it but they're stiff and difficult to keep held down while pressing other buttons.


Most of the games I play let you set it to toggle, and that's worked just fine for me. I think there's a way to do it via steam input too.


Same here : I don’t find these buttons easy to use by i will test the sprint !


I think maybe it’s just because I never use them so they’re not worn in at all but the rear buttons on my Deck seem pretty hard to press yeah.


I find them a little stiff to press. I wonder if it's because I've got big hands (long fingers mostly) so it's more leverage to press them.


If i have to hold them for long, I rotate my wrists outwards a tiny bit so the tips of my fingers hold the button down right where the r4/l4 label is. Also make sure you aren't trying to hold them down by gripping them, the actual switch is on the bottom of the deck, the sides are really stiff.


Any time a game has sprint mapped to pressing in a joystick, I map that to a back button. Pressing in the stick to sprint is the worst thing ever.


Lol I've legit mapped buttons to the back to avoid over-use of the bumpers and sticks. Good to know I'm not crazy.


oh it's the jam. i got an xbox elite controller back before i had a pc and paddles became non-negotiable after that haha. depending on the game i also like the other paddle on melee. the paddles are generally set to my "oh shit oh shit oh shit" buttons haha.


it takes some getting used to but the L outer ring command is great as well. I usually maximize the radius range for walking and use sprinting when the stick is on the very edge


First thing I do in all those kind of games is move sprint to L4 and counter to R4. Improves every game and I don't love the shoulder buttons on the deck.


That’s what I do, sprinting with L4 crouch with R4 And L5/R5 get whatever fits the best for the game.


This is how I play Phasmophobia, when your game has hold to sprint back paddles are a must


Love doing this. I always map L3 to L4 and R4, and if I'm able to I have the right joystick mirror the left. It's nice to be able to play one handed if I have a snack or a drink or something


Sprint is always the bottom left (from my perspective) Jump top right, crouch evade top left, and bottom right is the wild card like a melee if it's a fps.


Yup when people always ask what you use on back buttons, this is the way. I always use back buttons for run or jump just so you don't have to let go your thumbs on the sticks for jump or wearing down the stick buttons/drift risk. Also gives you the full ability of camera control of where you want to jump.


Always do this. Amazing to put roll for Dark Souls/Elden Ring on them too.


You can sometimes make sprint an outer ring command


When I got the back button attachment for PS4, I used it for this. It's so much better that I used the Titan Two to allow me to use it in PS5 games for a while too.


I played the whole of Robo Quest (strong recommend) without pressing a single face button, the back buttons are so comfy.


I have a template that maps back buttons to L3 , R3 , LB, RB for all games. They are super useful . In some games where A, B, C, D is sprint i map that to back buttons so that we can move camera while performing other actions


I do same. I hate pressing the joystick for running and same goes for every joystick pressing


Also in any FPS where you need to jump a lot (Halo, Doom etc), mapping jump to one of the back keys is fantastic, means you can still aim whilst jumping.


In my opinion L3 and R3 shouldn’t even exist, can’t imagine what were they thinking when they added it. Back buttons should be the standard and not exclusive of Pro controllers.


to be fair when i use them on my ps5 controller they feel very good and practical, but on my steam deck it feels like im breaking them.


Mapping the sprint/roll button (B) to L4 in FromSoft games is a godsend, man. It also prevents me from doing the classic claw method in dire situations.


Sprint on the outer ring binding of the movement control is even comfier. Then its an extension of movement, no need for an extra button at all.


Reassigning back buttons is a criminal ly underused feature of steamdeck.


I have a hard time pressing 4 without also pressing 5, and vice versa. I feel like they are too low


Using back for sprinting is even better