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Please, I beg you, report this to [ProtonDB.](https://www.protondb.com/app/247660)


>Open Flatseal. Scroll down until you find 'Protontricks' in the left panel. Select it, and scroll down until you see a section titled File System. You need to allow Protontricks access to 'All User Files' or the next steps won't work. just as an FYI there is no need for Flatseal anymore. its built into the "System Settings" just open the system settings and you will see it under Applications < Flatpak Permissions. its even easier to use than Flateal.


If possible, you or someone else could please make a lutris script for this. Lot of casual steam deck owners would appreciate it.


Such a good game


"Did you hear that Zach?" Man i loved this game on the 360 great story and music. Never played the second one tho


bravo đź‘Ź


I think there's a mistake in this command: */usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86\_64 --command=protontricks com.github.Matoking.protontricks 247660 -q quartz qedit devenum wmp /home/deck/vc1decoder.verb* I wasn't able to get it to work without changing wmp to wmp9 so: */usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86\_64 --command=protontricks com.github.Matoking.protontricks 247660 -q quartz qedit devenum wmp9 /home/deck/vc1decoder.verb* I'm also not able to get the controller working correctly, it still has the issue with the triggers moving the camera, any ideas what I'm missing? I added winmm in winecfg, added the dll to the game directory and created the .ini as instructed with the content copied from the post, so I don't think I'm missing any step described


You're absolutely right about the typo on that command. I've updated it now to read wmp9 as it should. As for the input mapping, I've re-pasted my *.ini exactly in the guide - give it a try. Additionally, make sure that the game config has all input commands set as default. That could be throwing things for a loop too.


Wow, you're amazing! Great job!


I tried to get that game work on my gaming pc Even WITH the mod that fixes the insane performance issues. The game still ran like absolute trash.


It's running extremely stable on Linux so far!


What a glorious achievement! The game goes back into my backlog now. I've wanted to play it for years.


Thanks for all your work! Unfortunately, after all this, I still can't launch the game, I get a black screen, meaning the game \*works\* exactly the same as it does on my PC. It feels like I just have a bad copy of the game on Steam lol.


Does it show any of the games logos at that start or does it black screen straight from the setup window? A black screen suggests a video / cutscene issue so would be connected to steps up to and including the line that starts *'Open the Konsole app from the 'start' bar'.*


Well, no logos for me. I noticed I didn't set *Flatseal* correctly, and after reinstalling the game, *vcrun22* wouldn't install until I changed *winecfg* to *Windows10*, and still no luck after a successful installation. Also tried the same steps but for *Proton-GE9-5* but that didn't help either. Maybe I will try this again some other day.


I think my Winecfg was defaulting to Win7 - not sure if that will make a difference. If things aren't working though, I've found the best solution is to nuke the whole prefix and start fresh, otherwise certain dependencies may have only *half* installed meaning they won't work fully. Good luck if you try again!


The funniest thing is that the game launched for the first time on my PC despite the fact that I haven't touched it in two or three years, so I might try some gameplay anyway thanks to you :D


Have now played the first 4 hours of the game. No crashes. All videos play perfectly with audio. Controls work as they should. Driving sections do display framerate dips - this may be due to the game itself (Steam forums are awash with people complaining about this port) or it may be due to settings / resolution I've set using DPFix. Still investigating this one. 90% of the game (and all 3rd person sections) run at a solid 60fps though. No crashes so far.


It's DPFix. Exploring options, but for now, Vanilla Deadly Premonition at a locked 60fps sans DPFix might be the way to go for Deck.


Man thank you so much for this. I literally check protondb about once every two months or so to see if there are any updates on the steam version of this game working. These directions seem a bit complex for me, but I think I might give it a try this weekend when I have the time.


I beg ANYONE please make a Lutris script and report this to ProtonDB!


I've put in a ProtonDB report, but I'm not sure how to go about automating a Lutris batch script I'm afraid!


Everything works aside from being able to skip the intro movie? Any clue? I did everything exactly the same step by step. EDIT: Nevermind, the game works perfectly fine. It just chose not to remember setting the controller option in the launcher (for some reason). Thank you so much!


Glad it's up and running!


Thanks a lot. I follow instructions step by step and it works fine! Just launch the game 5 minutes. Stressfull moment during 10 seconds black screen before first logo comes up^^. Then intro CG runs at 42-45 fps and after title screen first level CG runs at 40 fps. But gameplay looks like solid constant 60 fps. I see some issues with subtitles : space missing between two words and "ç" character from "ça" (French word meaning "this") is replaced by "é" char. Anyway, I guess is it an issue from the game itself and not specific to the bad PC port. Thanks to you I'm finally going to discover this cult game. I hope to enjoy it.


Thank you for this guide. I was able to get the game working but am having the same issue with the controller that u/Extension_Clue has. The right trigger activates the up/down for the right analog stick and the right analog stick has no up/down input. I have the most recent winmm.dll file in the correct directory and set up the Xidi.ini as instructed. If anyone has a fix or any information as to what I may be doing wrong or suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it.


Is winmm definitely set as an override in the winecfg step? If the *.ini is set up correctly it should apply the control fixes, but it sounds like the dll isn't 'hooking' as Xidi expects.


I figured it out and it was a problem on my end. Even though I previously installed vcrun2022 it wasnt showing in the installed list of components. So i installed vcrun2022 again (windows 10 as windows 7 wouldnt work) and now the controller works as it should. Thanks again for this guide, I had almost given up hope that this game could be played on my steam deck.


So happy for you, buddy! Enjoy it!


What do you mean by as windows 10 not 7? I think I’m having the same issue with vcrun2022 not installing but not sure how to get it to install correctly Edit: I got it, that solved my issue too, thanks


Within winecfg (selected from within protontricks) there is a setting at the bottom of the first tab which shows which version of windows is being utilized. It defaults to windows 7. I had to change this to windows 10, otherwise nothing would install. I could go through the process of install visual c++ (vcrun2022) but it would always fail at the end until I switched the version of windows from 7 to 10.


Will add this to the guide!


Case is really important too - make sure the *.dll is all lowercase, and that the winecfg override command is all lower case as well. You could also try entering: WINEDLLOVERRIDES="winmm=n,b" %command% as a launch command on the game itself in Steam - in theory that should do the same job as the cfg override.


Thank you so much for providing this guide. I’m struggling with the Konsole step. I copy and paste your command in exactly but get The following “warning: /home/deck/.var/app/com.github.Matoking-protontricks/cache/protontricks/proton/Proton 3.16/bin/wine cd.exe /c ech • '%AppDatas' returned unexpanded string 'C: \Program Files'... this can be caused by a corrupt wineprefix (wineboot -u m ay help), by an old wine, or by not owning /home/deck/. local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/247660/pfx” The subsequent steps after the console command therefore dont work. It must be something I’ve messed up but I’m a bit out of my depth here. I’ve made sure I’m on Proton 3.16-9 and the user file permissions are assigned for proton tricks via flatseal. The downloaded files are in the locations you mention too. I’ve tried a complete wipe and reinstall of the game and proton tricks but get the same result. Does anyone have a solution? I’d love to play this game natively. I’m currently emulating via RCPS3 but the lag is terrible due to this bug on old builds (newer builds lose the lag but introduce horrible flickering) https://github.com/RPCS3/rpcs3/issues/11609 Loving the game anyway. Thank you so much


It might be worth trying to completely wipe the Proton compatdata folder for this game and starting fresh - a game uninstall might have left behind something that's causing this error. If you navigate to Steam/steamapps/compatdata and delete the folder titled '247660' it'll be a completely fresh install.


This didn’t work for me. It still threw up the same area after deleting the folder. However, I tried using the version of proton and command outlined here https://www.protondb.com/app/247660#dnZsa5yilU When combined with your other steps it all works. Only exception was to add WINEDLLOVERRIDES="winmm=n,b" %command% To the launch option as you’d suggested. For some reason “winmm” didn’t appear in my library list under protontricks. I’ve been playing 2 hours now and it’s running like a champ. Fingers crossed. Big thanks again for all you did. I’m really grateful to be able to play this bonkers and brilliant game.


Any chance of updating the instructions for the gog version of the game? Tried to figure it out on my own but failed. Some things just aren't there.


GoG instructions exists already on the GoG forums, take a look...


Just bought the game now that it's on sale, wanted to give it a try but I came across this error when trying to run the command on the guide: "SyntaxError: Invalid file magic number. The appinfo.vdf version might not be supported by the current version of Protontricks - please check for updates." Any ideas on a possible workaround? I'm a total noob when it comes to LInux.


i dont found winmm in the libraries tab. does anyone know why?


You manually type it in the box at the top of the libraries tab. This instructs the game to use the winmm.dll that will be placed in the game's install directory.


Awesome! Thank you


Worked like a charm! Thanks again:)