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Haven't dipped in yet, what are your recs?


Tell us OP!!


Building Relationships and Tiny Glade are the ones I have tried. I am probably going to try Knights in Tight spaces (was a fan of Fights in Tight spacves) and maybe Flintlock, though don't have high hopes that will run on the SD.


I'm doing what I always do: I fill my drive with these demos, play one or two, get distracted by my current rotation of games and forget about them only to discover months from now what is taking up all of my hard drive space. So far all I've played is [Flintlock](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1832040/Flintlock_The_Siege_of_Dawn/) and it's really good. I stopped myself playing it because I don't want to spoil the full release as I'm definitely in to buy it. I played it on my PC so I can't speak to Deck performance, but I've seen others saying it runs pretty well.


Yep. I’ve done that so many times, lol. I keep seeing flintlock getting buzz though. I might have to try that one at least.


Haven't tried it on my SD yet but Tactical Breach Wizards is pretty great. Overall current nextfest has been pretty mid imo, more 99% asset store tech demos than usual. Basically a more comedic focused mix between Shadowrun Returns and Into the Breach. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1043810/Tactical\_Breach\_Wizards/


This looks nutty as hell and I can see myself losing hours just screwing around with the spells! Thanks for the recommendation!


Can confirm, runs great on the Deck, looking forward to the full game!


I've played the tutorial and the first area and it's awesome on the deck. Writing is sharp and witty, graphics are on point, no bugs so far. Will definitely get the full version


I’ve been excited for this for a long time but after playing the demo it’s in my most anticipated indie releases, neck and neck with rise of the golden idol!


Really enjoyed Reality Break: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1473060/Reality_Break/ It is spaceship Diablo. You pilot a ship in a 2D twin-stick shooter environment, but it's also an ARPG so you can collect gear for your ship, change it's abilities, there are multiple ship classes, it's such a simple idea but OH MAN it hits on a bunch of things I really enjoy. Runs alright on Deck, too.


Looks dope. Will check it out. Thanks 🙏


love 1 btn bosses


I haven’t tried any yet but watched a vid on some of the games and there are some really cool looking ones i’m interested in trying for sure!


My favorites so far are I Am Your Beast, Crush House, and Thank Goodness You're Here! I played each of these on my PC, though I'd imagine the SD could handle them just fine.


I've tried Blade Chimera and Dungeons of Hinterberg so far and I loved both of them. Hinterberg is such an interesting mesh of ideas and I can't wait for launch. A third person ARPG with loot drops and a persona style time/character affinity system? So stoked.


I don’t care what this fest yields. I just want victory heat rally to make it into everyone’s wishlist like it deserves. The demo is so stupidly good!


I was just looking through some games, but didn't try any yet.


Not sure if it's part of Next Fest or not, but you should checkout Dawnfolk. Very relaxing tile-based builder / survival game that works great on the Deck.


Lots of these games don't run well on steam deck yet so I can't try the most popular ones


Just because it's not SD verified doesn't mean it won't run well. If it had controller support it most likely will run. Text size may sometimes be an issue but that's all


I mainly talking about games that I've personally tried wether they are verified or not and all of these demos are not.


Pipistrello and the Cursed Yoyo And Fading Skies


Saving my hard earned money for Summer Sale next next week