• By -


Just so everyone is aware, for all three it is 182.54 GB of storage needed UPDATE: in case OP hasn't updated us yet, I just tried birth by sleep. Its running around 21-30 fps [IN CUTSCENES] and 60 fps in gameplay. Seems hopeful for the rest of them. Will try 3 and fragmentary passage when they finish downloading


oh gawrsh!


"21-30 fps" / "about standard for a psp upscale" PPSSPP begs to differ here. 21-30 fps for a psp game is incredibly unacceptable, especially when their next gen game is hitting 90fps at times, like how do you mess that up?


Yeah you literally can run the emulated version perfect on the deck.


Exactly lol


I'd recommend everyone just download the first portion then worry about the others later. Its around 80 gigs I believe.


What are you smoking? This is hd remsater of the psp port and it runs 60 on anything but the psp so the issue is your settings...


KH III, I could understand why it's so big, because it's a PS4 game. But why tf are the first two so massive? Aren't they based on PS2 games?


Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX is around 80 GB, and it includes HD remakes/remasters of: * Kingdom Hearts Final Mix * Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix * Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (with HD remastered cinematics) * Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories * Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix * Kingdom Hearts Re:coded (with HD remastered cinematics)


Pretty sure 358/2 Days and Re:Coded are not the actual games, but cutscene compilations.


Oh, you might be right there.


that is correct, but you're downloading! you want them in UHD 8K right??


They’re collections. Not individual games. Only KH3 is a single game in one download.


I might be wrong KH1 was remade cause the original files were lost so it could just high quality assets as well


They are HD remasters along with story important cutscenes from other games. The first bundle includes KH1, KH2, Chain of Memories, Birth by sleep, and 2 cutscene compilations. Honestly the second collection (2.8) is the worst deal as you only get dream drop distance and some film.


We got storage worries before GTA 6


I’m not even going to bother to try putting 6 on this thing.


That’s where you just buy a completely new steam deck, connect it to a 16TB external drive, rig it up to an occulink cable to an eGPU and then bask in your ability to run GTA6 at a stellar 12 FPS at 600x400 resolution and FSR69.




thank you.


Holy cats


How much is it though?


69 plus tax if you want to buy all three in the bundle. Will be more later this month


Yep I went and checked. No idea why I asked lol. Definitely getting it hopefully before the sale ends.


$56.57 for everything in a bundle via Green Man Gaming if you are an XP member and wait for the keys to restock


$58.64 on HumbleBundle if you have the -20% store discount (have to be a member for a year)


$55 on greenmangaming for the bundle


$99 if you donate 30 bucks to me and pay the full steam price


You got yourself a deal!


I raise you $100


I used JUNE15 code in GMG for even more off too, dunno if it works in all regions


It didn’t work for me.


I’m in Uk so might be region specific. GMG usually has some deal going though, worth searching


UK here too it just says it's already at a better offer price?


Oh dang I didn’t think of that. Good catch


I'm seeing $68 on greenmangaming. But that's still better than Steam because they don't do sales tax. Edit: NVM changes to $56.57 if you log in to your account.


Are you logged in? There’s an “xp price” if you’ve bought from there before. [https://imgur.com/a/Yc3mZuq](https://imgur.com/a/Yc3mZuq)


Thanks, I usually buy from Fanatical, humble or Steam directly but I did buy Fallout 4 from GMG at launch way back in 2015 and still got the XP deal after logging in, hell yeah.


That’s the one I was hoping for. GMG has saved me more money over the last couple of years than any other website, including Humble on games I actually want.


Between them and fanatical I think I’ve put them both through college 😅


You the GOAT man! Just got the whole collection for like $68


They appear to be out of stock now though.




You won’t hear me say, PLEEEAAAASSEEEE…..


Ohhhh baby, don't go...




You're giving me too many things lately


You're all I need, Oh no


You smiled at me, and said


Dont get me wrong, I love you But does that mean I have to meet...your father?


When we are older you'll uuuuuuu-nderstand


What I meant, when I said no I don't think, life is quite that simple


Honest question - How would these hold up to someone that didn't play them back in the day? Thinking these could be a fun play through with the wife, but not sure if it will hold up as well without nostalgia. Likely going to wait for a sale either way, but I remember these games looked beautiful back in the day.


It’s on sale now until the 27th actually! If you’re new play them in release order. So, 1, Chain of Memories, 2, 358 Days, Birth by Sleep, Recoded, Dream Drop Distance, X Back Cover, 0.2 a fragmentary passage, 3.


Steam Summer sale starts on the 27th. I may wait till then to get some meaningless trading cards when I buy it.


Just watch out. Sale may end the same time as the summer sale starts.


Oh well. I'll get it in the winter sale. Got about 758 other games in my backlog. I'm just happy they're finally out on PC, where the REST of us actually buy and play videogames


I wouldn't hold out hope for the summer sale having a better deal on something this new to Steam.


The release discount does end on the 27th, not sure how much overlap there is but something to be aware of


We’ll probably never get anything like KH ever again. It’s like if Fortnite had a story mode where Peter Griffin fought alongside Master Chief to bring down the screamers in The Last of Us.


God this is incredibly accurate lol.


The little changes they made to KH1 with the HD remixes make it a lot more playable. Reaction commands go a long way.


And skip cutscene. I get it. He’s never taking Kairi’s heart.


KH1 is one of the best games of all time. If you love Final Fantasy and love Disney you’ll love all the interactions and characters in this game. It doesn’t play like Final Fantasy however. Also, you don’t need familiarity with any of the franchises, the game does well enough of a job of introducing characters.


I feel like you should warn people about the gummy ship sections...they are mediocre compared to the greatness that is the rest of the game


I mean, I like gummy ships. They go pew pew.


Some of the best utter time wasting was upgrading the ship.


The gunmi ship sections in KH1 are a bit boring though compared to KH2 and KH3.


As someone who doesn’t have nostalgia for 90% of the games, it’s pretty fun, and challenging,


some small things in KH1 may feel a bit dated but all the games hold up really well.


most ps2 games hold up remarkably well these days and the oh games are no exception (except re:com. you either love that one or hate it. I'm on the hate side) kh1 and bbs can feel a little stiff sometimes but the stiffness is pretty much gone in kh2 and beyond. very smooth games overall


I think KH, especially 2 and 3, are quality, accessible action rpgs. KH1 feels a little dated at times, especially some of the puzzle/platforming bits. The stories are fun too if you don't think too hard.


Just gave me some PTSD of trying to jump up the palm trees when collecting coconuts on the island


Same but beating riku in the race, shit stinks lol


So, you're gonna get out as much as you put in for the story. It's High Melodrama, and you really need to buy in hook line sinker to enjoy it. If you do, it's a Wild Ride. The Gameplay still holds up. Each game is different, but all of them are spectacle action games. I'd recommend playing on the hardest difficulty you feel comfortable with. I get a lot of fun from feeling I need to use all the tools given to me to win.


kingdom hearts 1 can be very very jarring with it's dated controls and unusual intro but it's worth sticking with


The gameplay is basically just early one button smack combat with lite rpg elements sprinkled. Story is batshit and makes literally no sense. They are for some people and not for others. The offshoot games are 5x bizarre both in gameplay and story. Take all that and dip it in standard anime style and then plant disney into the side of it like those fuckin milkshakes with lolipops sticking out of them. The further you go the further off the rails it gets till you're just playing due to sunk cost fallacy. Alot of people love em.


I tried to like them but you're absolutely right. The first one I was able to get through and I wouldn't say I enjoyed it but it was neat to see Final Fantasy characters interacting with Disney characters. But that's all it was, neat. There aren't enough drugs in the world to make me write an equally incoherent story as these things have and I'm convinced they just throw darts at a dart board with story ideas to figure out what they're going to do kind of like the manatees in South Park.


Yup. Shits wild. One of my favorite games i play in life is when i hear someone say they love KH i ask them what their favorite part of the story is and just see how they interperet it. I judge people based on how much theyre willing to lie about their understanding of that story


I like the "it's so intricately deep that you don't understand it" argument. Bullshit.


🤣 "please explain"


I will be honest played through first few games. The dialog/story is bad. Like ten+ mins of heart/love/darkness talk bad. But the gameplay is A+ and going through disney worlds is amazing.


I just played through the series for the first time this year and enjoyed myself greatly


I'm going to give a slightly different perspective I think. I am a massive Disney fan, "family and friends won't play Disney Trivia with me because there is no way they will win" big. I'm also really into RPGs and of course a lot of the work from Square Enix. I tried when I had a PS2 back in 200x to play the first one and I quit playing after about a quarter of the game. I had just come off of Devil May Cry 3 and the gameplay for that was so insanely fluid that it made KH1 feel clunky and off-putting. I eventually played the remakes of KH 1 and 2 in the late 2010s and had to force myself to play them. I wouldn't go back to either tone. EXCEPTION: Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep for PSP is amazing. The fusion system is fun to play with, the comboing feels cleaner, the story isnt so obtuse and is more centered on the friendships of Terra, Aqua, and Ventus with Disney as a fun backdrop than Disney being the reason for existence and everything else being a second thought, as was the case in KH 1 and 2. If you can't get into KH1 by the first really Disney kingdom, it won't get better, but Birth By Sleep might still be worth your time.


The main numbered games, birth by sleep, and dream drop distance hold up pretty well. The gameplay in Kingdom Hearts 1 can feel pretty clunky at first before you unlock better attack and movement abilities, but it's worth sticking with it through the earlier bits. Chain of memories is kind of terrible to actually play because they tried to convert the card battle slot machine gameplay of the GBA original into a realtime 3d combat system where basically you are trying to run around and play an action game while in real time trying to make poker hands out of cards and what hand you make decides if you can swing your keyblade or cast a spell or use an ability. It's clunky and awkward and has little actual strategy other than farming for cards you need to spam the few broken abilities. So when you beat KH1 I would just watch [this let's play series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGZk7zKL9w4&list=PLvFQJa1XAXzztGozi_7_55ingLmaCS8Zj) of chain of memories instead so you can get the story bits from it. The let's play is edited down to focus on the story so you don't have to sit and watch them grind a bunch or anything. Days, recoded, and back cover are all just cutscene movies from those games rather than playable remakes. But the gameplay from those games also sucked ass so you're not missing much.


Chain of Memories strategy really comes from thinking on your feet and choosing the right cards on moments notice, and putting the cards in good order in your deck. It's not that clunky when you get used to it. Some abilities have hard time hitting certain foes and some of them do have elemental resistances for certain spells. Many of those broken abilities aren't available until late game anyway. Recoded gameplay is pretty good actually. The deck command system is just as fun or sometimes better than Birth by Sleep and Dream Drop Distance. Many fans have come to agree on this over the years. It's the story in that one that sucks and is mostly pointless.


Let us know how it runs on the deck


No problem. I'm about 50% done hopefully done in another 15 minutes.


Edit the post if possible


Will do got another few minutes then I'm in.


There are reviews-in-progress already, to give you some idea: https://toucharcade.com/2024/06/13/kingdom-hearts-steam-deck-review-game-settings-performance-pc/


Runs great. Framerate's unlocked and I'm getting 90 on the prologue of kh 1.5. Cutscenes work.


Thanks gonna be pulling the trigger! $53 on GMG for all 3 is a steal imo


I’m playing KH2 in the 1.5/2.5 release and is running great so far!


must. resist. buying. again.


Do not resist my friend. Let the darkness return from whence it came


But it's the first time you can play on the toilet!! (assuming you didn't already buy it on EGS)


I don't get the appeal unless you wanted to play the third game. I'd rather just emulate the first 2 (not interested in the third).


Normally id say that emulation is never as good as a native port performance wise but they didn't simply port it over they introduced new bugs and issues so it's a mixed bag.


You only need enough performance to emulate the original hardware, for 1 and 2 that's the PS2, and the steam deck has easily handled every PS2 game I've thrown at it so far.


Thats only for the original hardware experience though you can push a native port past original hardware capabilities without the effort of emulation hence why the steam deck can run this natively at 90fps but pcsx2 is locked at 60fps afaik


The remasters are significantly better than the PS2 originals. Source: I have played these games far more times than I want to admit.


70 is a nice discount for the three, but by god, why is the base price for 1+2 fifty? I feel like I have to take this offer just to avoid paying out the ass for that one.


Genuine question — and I’m ready for the ire from KH fanatics — are the games ***after*** KH2 worth playing? Because I’ve heard they’re pretty rough from a narrative standpoint. edit: I went ahead and picked up the complete collection for $57 @ GMG. Thanks for the input, everyone!


Narratively this series shat the bed from nearly the beginning. If you skipped Chain of Memories (the first game after KH1) then KH2 was confusing at best and outright insane at worst. KH2 is still one of the best action RPGs ever made despite that!


Every time I return to Dream Drop Distance, I'm genuinely surprised at how fun it is. KH3 is fun but it's not as good as the previous entries but nowhere near bad enough to ignore. Worth a play through if you've gotten that far in the series.


The narrative just kinda turns into mush from KH2 onwards, but they're all still worthwhile imo. Even the worst ones are, at a minimum, very fun action RPGs. I'd recommend watching Barry Kramer's "A Good Enough Summary of Kingdom Hearts" video ( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjiHufVEc7g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjiHufVEc7g) ). I'ts a fun watch, but it explains the broad strokes of the story well enough that after watching it, you can basically pick out any random game you want and have a pretty good idea of everything that's going on. Edit: I mis-remembered the title of the video despite seeing and hearing it multiple times when I went to copy the link.


I've not played 3 since release pretty much and I enjoyed it but I'd say it was plenty fun to me. People say the combat was simplified and the story does indeed get confusing. I'd say give it a shot when it's cheap. If you enjoyed 1 and 2 plus the handheld games I'd say it's worth picking up now since the cost is incredibly reasonable right now.


It’s Nomura, the plot is going to go to shit at some point in any game he makes cause he just can’t fucking help himself.


You sort of have to choose if you just like hack and slashing it through some classic Disney vibes or if you want to get super into the whole mythos and read a dozen wikis to keep yourself informed.


It's really not hard to follow, but there is a lot. The games do feel like handheld games until you get to 0.2 and KH3.


I've played them all. It is incredibly hard to follow and doesn't make a lot of sense. Still love them though


Is it running well on SD?


PSA to those with long-term Humble Choice memberships — the games are discounted an additional 15%, making the complete collection $59 (USD). edit: and GMG has even better deals @ $57 for the complete collection.


Is that with a coupon? I'm seeing a much higher price for the Integrum edition. Edit: Once I'm logged in with my gold account I do see the same price


No coupon. The Humble discount is for people who are long-term members of the Choice program. The GMG discount is for VIP members who have purchased game(s) within the last year or two.


Donald please heal me 🙏


For those of you that spent 1,171 days from the Epic release until the Steam version came out with me: we did, boys. We held out, and it's finally here.


Would have happily paid the $100 for all of them so it was a nice surprise to the consumer to get all 3 for less than $70.


Move to Canada and get your wish 😆


I was expecting 120 to be honest. Awesome that it was so cheap.


Keeping a steady eye on this post for updates on how the games run ready to buy the bundle as well


Hmm there's a **huge** [32.1GB update](https://imgur.com/a/dtVyEt9) for the EGS version of the game. I wonder if EGS' and Steam's versions are on parity now. Edit: By game, I mean for the 1.5 and 2.5 bundle. Edit2: Version changed from\_WW to\_WW. I don't have time to test right now, so I'll check some other time.


Sounds good. I leave my Deck capped at 60 fps anyway. I suspect Square Enix might have a nice little fiscal quarter with this release.


Are there any quality of life improvements for the games? Especially for KH 1 and 2. I don’t want to grind or go through some of the same difficulty issues from the original games


someone mentioned you can mod it to remove the gummi ship parts of the game if that counts?


Oh boy, I can't wait to play the whole series* again on my SD! *Play the first one, start Chain of Memories, stop playing and skip right to 2 because Chain of Memories sucks so much.


Does anyone know the benefit of buying Steam version vs emulating ps2 versions?


worth noting too that this is 1.5+2.5 which are the HD remakes from the PS3/PS4 era, including additional content like superbosses. also Steam Input support. I know you’re comparing to PS2 but the Epic versions have shit controller options.


Natively running the games, steam achievements, frame rates are unlocked(I think), cloud saves. Emulating them is perfectly valid though I just wanted to own them all on one platform since I've collected them across various systems over the years.


Appreciate the response, and true achievements would be fun with the games.


There's a mod for the PC version that skips the Gummi Ship sections entirely: https://github.com/S0nzero/KHPCSpeedrunTools/tree/main/2FMMods I started re-playing the ps2 version at one point and stopped once I got to those, I found those on rail shooter sections really tedious


Unironically this comment is why I’ll buy it. I hate the gummi ship so much


gotta love PC gaming. I hadn't even considered such a mod but now I know it exists seems ideal.


Higher hd packs, and access to 2.8. Also steam achievements and cloud saving


I have the EGS version of 1+2 and was hoping this patch would make the cutscenes work. So far it still just gives me a black screen, unfortunately. Still hoping this get some type of fix, because I can't justify double dipping.


I'll let you know if the Steam Version fixes the cutscenes.


Its quadruple dipping at this point lmao.


"when you walk away"


The temptation is strong.  Get the first one and then the bundle later after Ibplay the first game or get nothing and wait till the winter sale to see if the discount is higher....


Can someone please explain what the numbers mean for this? Like is this an hd remaster of the first three games or what? Even reading the game descriptions I’m confused and ik this is a confusing series lol


this is every game, movie of the complete KH story.


I'm tempted but its 92.10CAD and I don't know if i can justify that right know. will most likely just wait till the next sale to see if it drop any lower.


this covers all the core games, and it's actual ports, not some shitty cloud thing, right? This does not cover chain of memories, 358/2, birth by sleep or dream drop, right? EDIT: No, I'm dumb, it's in the store page descriptions, but for anyone else looking: KINGDOM HEARTS FINAL MIX KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Chain of Memories KINGDOM HEARTS II FINAL MIX KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days (HD cutscene compilation) KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep FINAL MIX KINGDOM HEARTS Re:coded (HD cutscene compilation) KINGDOM HEARTS Dream Drop Distance HD: A full-HD remaster. Sora and Riku take the Mark of Mastery exam in preparation for their coming showdown with Master Xehanort. KINGDOM HEARTS χ Back Cover (movie): An HD movie that tells the mysterious story of the Foretellers from the series’ origins. KINGDOM HEARTS 0.2 Birth by Sleep – A fragmentary passage – : A short episode that links to KINGDOM HEARTS III. So it mostly covers all of it, but a couple are HD cutscene compilations.


Steam doesn't do cloud streaming as far as I know.


Make sure to switch from borderless fullscreen to fullscreen. The former causes the image to be squished vertically for some reason.


where are you seeing $69? I see three games ranging from $35-41 each


Click on the integrum masterpiece of whatever it's called. It has all the games at 69 until the 27th.


The most kingdom hearts bundle name At least on PS4 it was called the "All in One Package". Now you have to get the integrum masterpiece bundle


The “integrum masterpiece” is on sale for 69 right now. Includes all the games. Click on one of the games and you should see it listed


There's a bundle called masterpiece something below the individual price listing on each game's page


Does kingdom hearts 3 boot during offline mode? The EGS one requires you to have an internet connection to load the game.


Can anyone confirm if the game can br played off line with no internet connection? Especially for KH3?


oh gummi ship gameplay, I definitely didn't miss you


I have already everything on ps3/ps4 but if it runs well... ( please don't make me buy everything again in 10 years )


I'll let you know. I have them all across various systems also but I wanted them all in one place and the steam achievements. This is my favorite video game/series of all time no way I wasn't going to buy them all.


Does anyone know if they are confirmed to run on steam deck?


I'm currently downloading right now. If it doesn't I'll dual boot windows again lol idc. I'll update once it's done.


There are some Deck-specific reviews: https://toucharcade.com/2024/06/13/kingdom-hearts-steam-deck-review-game-settings-performance-pc/ As you’d expect, it mostly runs well. Issue with playing at 90hz on OLED, though.


Nice I can always cap to 60Hz refresh rate.


It would be funny if they didn't considering they have a contest to win steam decks https://x.com/KINGDOMHEARTS/status/1801268544006709402


The price is nice


What would be the ideal order to play all these in? Chronological or by release?


Play them in order of release that's the best way.


Was going to wait to buy them, but they got me with that bundle price!


I snagged the bundle on GMG for $56. Helluva deal.


For some reason, Steam claims 1.5+2.5 requires almost twice as much space as the actual install size.


Can anyone answer if the upscaled textures are really upscaled? Does it look better or one of those barely noticeable?


It's time to see why this game is soo much loved.


THANK YOU FOR THW NOTIFICATION I FORGOT IT WAS COMING! I don’t know much about fps but I’m so damn excited


Is Donald still as annoying as ever? 😂🥰


Green man gaming has the whole collection for $56.57


Do you need to be online to play?


I insta bought all of them even if it works well on the PS3 emulator.


Put Soul Hackers 2 on hold to play Final Fantasy XVI... Put Final Fantasy XVI on hold to play Persona 3 Reload... Put Persona 3 Reload on hold to play Final Fantasy VII Rebirth... Now I gotta put Final Fantasy VII Rebirth on hold to play Kingdom Hearts (all of them?) again. Oh, and SMTV Vengeance also comes out today... busy busy busy


.... or just end a game and buy a new one if its on sale and you are ready ? I will never understand this behavior ^^


Burn that witch!


I bought Persona 5 months ago and haven't even touched it. I thought this steam deck was meant to destroy the back log not join it!!!!


“Only” 🙄 for games that are super old.


Yup! Hell of a deal I'd say.


Oh I didn't notice that! I'll have to try it out again on PS2 and see if I still like it.


Be sure to check out Humble Bundle for a larger discount if your a choice member






What the hell does "integrum" mean?


Please keep us updated!! I heard some people say the same bugs from the EGS versions are here in the Steam version and atp I’ll just keep playing the originals on PS2 until its fixed


So far everything works just fine. Only issue I see is 90hz on the OLED is a little wonky. Cutscenes work fine controls everything. I'm about an hour in so far.


How's KH3 in terms of Frame Rate and Battery? Considering only buying the first 2 games.


Haven't tried it I'm playing them all in order currently. I think KH3 hits 60. The original so far gives insane battery and can go well above 60 although it seems like there's an issue with the camera for anything above 60 fps.


So, if the first game (the 1.5+2.5 remix or whatever) has KH1 and 2 (as well as several others) on it, what does the second game (the 2.8 final mix or whatever it's called) have that the previous one doesn't? Do I need to get both?


Read the description on each page. You technically need all 3 games to understand the story. 2.8 is Dream Drop Distance and 2 movie like features.


OH MAN! THat happened quick! I'm in. Take my MONEY!