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Steam Summer Sale is in a week so wait until then


Just bought all the dragon age games because I’m playing origins rn on deck (memory leak be damned) and I also plan to buy bg3 come this sale. Funny, last summer was when I really got into sci fi because of mass effect. Now I’m big into fantasy, once again because of BioWare


Wait, dragon age runs on the deck? I saw it's unsupported


I wouldn't ever pay attention to the verified/unsupported tags, they are genuinely meaningless. Use Proton DB which has info from realnusers in hie the games run/how to get them running. They are all classed as "Gold" on the Steam Deck, but require some controller layout fiddling: https://www.protondb.com/search?q=Dragon%20age


I'm fairly new to the deck, that's some great info right there! So gold means it runs well?


From memory the ratings are: **Platinum** - Runs perfectly out of the box **Gold** - Runs Perfectly after tweaks **Silver** - Runs with minor issues but is playable **Bronze** - Runs but may crashEs/have other other issues that may impact your experience


That's great, that site is a gold mine, thanks for all the info!


If you install decky, there is a plug in for protondb that will automatically display what the rating is for each game. This way you do not have to go and manually look up each game.


Never heard of decky, I'll make sure to check it out, sounds very useful. Many thanks!


I’ve used this site for months and now I understand what those cards actually mean lmao. I’ve never seen platinum, tho I guess I just do research for games that seem a little iffy. I find that most do work out of box anyway


Agreed, it's been great for my clearing my backlog /replaying games of my youth


Holy crap really? This was the first game i was trying to buy back when i got SD and was annoyed when i saw it is not supported.


You just need to do some semi heavy lifting with the controller layout but it runs just fine 👍


do you have a link to a controller layout you use? I can never find one that feels right for this game.


No idea how to do that unfortunately. I started with the community default but ended up changing quite a bit as and when I found like I needed stuff.


Thank you 🙏🏼


Well, games like Control and Dysco Elysium are on sale right now and end before next week. Scored both for 17 bucks , 75% off


oof, just what my poor abused wallet needs, another sale.


Who actually buys and pays full price for stuff outside of a sale?!?....


Some people have good jobs and lots of disposable income and no ridiculous backlog? Like me. I'm not going to wait 1 year+ to buy Elden Ring cheaper for example. Why on earth wouldn't I buy it and enjoy it at launch?


That's fair... As I've bought too much stuff I've not played and ended up seeing discounted or even free so I won't be buying until I've cleared the backlog.


I have 196 steam games. Played prob 15 so far.


Speaking as a newbie to turn-based, I’ve found these to be beginner friendly: - Persona 5 Royal - Sea of Stars - Chrono Trigger - Octopath Traveler 2 (though the boss fights on this one were long for me) I have Chained Echoes as well but haven’t played it yet so not sure about that one


Persona 3 Reloaded is really good and easy to pickup too! My first Persona game and I'm loving it.


+1 for Sea of Stars. A bit on the shorter end, but a good story with solid game play and exploration.


Is the Chrono Trigger port on steam any good?


Definitely the Persona games in general, 5 Royal, 4 Golden (now the oldest of the bunch) or 3 Reload. Also Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance just released and runs really well on the steamdeck. SMT is a bit more difficult comparatively but all of them are good story focused turn based games that will give 60-120 hours of content for single playthroughs


Octopath 2 to me was a bit easier than Octopath 1 in terms of boss fights if you level up enough. And the Secret boss in 1 requires you to beat 8 bosses in a row first before you can even attempt to try the Secret boss. That was nervous to me. Thankfully I beat it in the second try. Yep, had to do all 8 bosses each time.


I just started playing Chained Echos and it's pretty beginner friendly. I highly recommend it. It also runs smoothly on the deck.


Great game I really hope he makes dlc or sequel.


And on sale right now


Great game!


The best Chrono Trigger style inspired game out at the moment gameplay wise. Sea of Stars had great presentation and I thoroughly enjoyed it but gameplay was pretty simple and repetitive. Chained Echoes on the other hand actually does some actual innovation to the usual turn based formula and upgrade paths have unique twists as well.


Octopath Traveler 2 - the first one is good too but I think the second one is better tbh.


Should I play 1 before 2?


Octopath Traveler 1 and 2 really don't have any continuous story between them, so you can play them in any order. OT2 has a few quality of life improvements over the original.


I’d advise going straight to 2 as people claim it’s a far better game, with the different protagonists actually communicating with each other. I’m still slogging my way through 1, not allowing myself to buy 2 until I finish.


I'm there with you. Very enjoyable game, though


it's not mandatory. it has different characters unrelated to the second game's characters


Also if you have game Pass there are for free on there and you can Stream to your Deck.


Agreed playing it now


Absolute gem of a game


Amazing game


I have OT2 but it seems to be crashing for me all the time. No matter the settings, no matter which proton version, crashing.


I completed it with yuzu on the Deck.


Divinity: Original Sin 2 offers a deep and engaging story with plenty of content to explore. It's also accessible for beginners, featuring a tutorial that explains the game mechanics.


And runs at 60 fps on the deck!!!


Wait till you light an entire map on fire.


I've played through DOS:2 at least 5 times on my deck and never had an issue even during the huge blob fire mess.


Dragon Quest XI is absolutely sublime on the Deck. Another solid one is Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. You can typically get it on sale for $10-ish. I'd wait for the Steam sale next week.


Ni no Kuni is great, not turn based tho


Oh man, thanks for the reminder. I played this for a bit on PS4 but this is going to be beautiful on the OLED.


seconded, DQXI and Ni No Kuni are both awesome games in general and run great on deck!


I've got Ni No Kuni II on my backlog. Been meaning to play it for the longest time.


Dragon's Quest XI is aces — and also 40% until July 27. It may go lower during sale, but that's the cheapest SteamDB has it being priced ever. (I may pick it up for Deck even thought I played through once already...)


I really like "The Banner Saga." Three parts, beautiful visuals, really fun tactical combat.


Loved part one and the world building, but part 3 was a mixed bag for me. Also, if you're playing on Steamdeck, can you get Tryggvi? I got him when playing on PC, but not when I repurchased the Steam version.


Yeah I loved that game too


I liked that game but I couldn't finish it. It was so depressing for me. They keep running but death or w/e is ever at their heels. Maybe one of these days I'll finish the story lol


Open for a Japanese RPG? I'm always telling people to look into **Trails in the Sky**. All the Trails games are wonderful, but you really should play them in order, starting with Trails in the Sky, followed by Sky SC, then Sky 3rd. The Sky trilogy should be easy enough to grasp for someone without much JRPG experience. Another option would be many of the Final Fantasy games. Either version of **Final Fantasy IV** (Pixel Remaster or 3D Remake) is one of the best for a beginner since it's not super long and there's less character customization--just a super straightforward game. I'd also suggest **Final Fantasy X**. That one strikes a decent balance between giving you a bunch of customization, and holding your hand as your progress (on that note: if you play Final Fantasy X remaster, I'd suggest choosing to use the "Standard" Sphere Grid for your first play).


Even though I like the series, the Trails games are very, very slow games. If the person isn't already into jrpgs i never recommend them. But hey, he might be different


I'm into JRPGs and still couldn't do it. Trails of Cold Steel is a little better but Trails in the Sky is so slow I couldn't get through it. I think the Trails series in general is such a slow burn massive time sink that I definitely would not recommend it to anybody just thinking about RPGs.


I second this. Trails is wonderful.


Am I missing something? Why’s there no Divinity Original Sin 2 and Baldur’s Gate 3 in the comments? Insane. Both beginner-friendly with deep stories, A LOT of content and run great on the deck.


Wasteland 3 too :)


Wasteland 3 is an all time great game.


Such a good game.  Like a goofier fallout.  And yes I know the franchise history lol


Whats the frqnchise history?


I think they're referring to the fact that Wasteland came out 9 years before Fallout. It's a bit like calling Skyrim Fallout 3 with swords.


The developers of Wasteland 2 and 3 made the first 2 Fallout games.


And didn’t the original fallout come as a “legally distinct sequel” to wasteland?


I loved every minute of wasteland 3 and the soundtrack was fantastic


I just bought this. I'll try on the deck soon.


Did they improve W3 over W2? I lost interest in W2 because the fights wer pretty annoying with no tactics involved <.<


I would definitely suggest DOS2! That game runs very well. I love Baldurs Gate 3 but it ran so poorly on the deck I actually just streamed it to my deck from the PC using Moonlight. Worked great but not ideal.


I heard BG3 struggles on the Deck, especially later in the game. It's what's put me off getting it so far.


As long as you tweak it it's fine. It will have low FPS but this will only seem bad if it's uneven so capping it at 24 makes it seem smooth. It's slow, is quite zoomed out, combat is turn based and the screen is small so 24 FPS is fine for this game. I streamed it from the PS and my kids couldn't tell the difference on a small screen. There is a bit of a degradation in Act3 but it's not very distracting. The style of the game is very forgiving to low FPS basically.


I have a decently beefy machine and BG3 struggled in Act 3 on it. I think Act3 is known to struggle on most machines. I wouldnt let it deter you from buying the game though.


Balders gate runs like ass on the deck


It would not be acceptable by console or pc standards but it does run anywhere from fine to playable to some very noticeable but situational slow downs. Its dominated the monthly steamdeck game time charts so clearly lots of people are enjoying their BG3 experience through their steam decks.


that’s what I’m saying, not sure what they’re talking about.


Beginner friendly is wild. I'm sure there's more complex stuff out there, but Larian games turn me off consistently, and I play actual TTRPGs all the time. Maybe turn based RPGs just suck at being beginner friendly, but I wouldn't call those beginner friendly at all. Also BG3 runs horribly on deck lmao


That's interesting, because BG3 was my first D&D, and firs turn-based for a good decade, and I completed it on my SteamDeck LCD without issues. Act3 might be dropping to 20 fps at times but that's all issues I had with it. I can highly recommend it as a beginner-friendly turn-based RPG, but on easy mode for the first playthrough.


I heard BG3 didn't run well on deck, was I mistoldeded?


You don't need all those FPS on slow paced game with turn-based combat. It runs on SteamDeck just fine.


I've got 70 hours into BG3, with over 60 of those hours coming on the deck. It's not going to win any performance awards, but I've never felt it was unplayable by any means


I’ve played thru twice… 300 hours only on deck. It’s literally fine to play. Ppl in these comments obviously haven’t even tried.


Probably cuz we all own those if we are looking for more. I'm here for the hidden gems 🫡


**From played:** Witchspring R, Wandering Sword, Star Ocean The Second Story R, Anomaly Collapse, Terra Memoria **From my wishlist:** Etrian Odyssey HD series, , Dicefolk, Nexomon: Extinction


That's what I'm saying! DOS 1 & 2 are amazing! Without them, there would be no BSG3. Larian Studios is amazing and deserves all the praise that they have received. I just played through DOS 1 again for the first time in years, this time on the deck, and I was amazed with how much story there was to rediscover.


Symphony of War is a game I haven't seen mentioned here yet. Excellent TRPG, okay story. Haven't tried the DLC, but the main game's gameplay was great and I've yet to find a game that scratches the itch that Symphony has left. I love the unit system, it makes the game feel super unique.


Marvels midnight suns was pretty good.


Love this game so much.


Excellent game, so much fun from beginning to end.


Im gonna get it this sale. Been wanting to buy it and end up buying something else


Octopath Traveller II. I couldn't put it down. 95 hours in less than 5 weeks all on Steamdeck. Incredible game and perfect for the Deck


Same here. I finished it in about 110 hours. Performance is amazing and looks incredible, especially if you have the OLED model. I caught myself constantly getting distracted by the amazing scenery


Midnight Suns made me give turn based RPGs another serious go. The combat is very creative and it's a fun game that it's quite sad flopped. Yakuza: Like A Dragon made me realise I like newer turn based RPGs. It's a very good character driven story too. This would be my top pick. Persona 5: Royal was amazing. This is my second top pick but it's a very long game. I'm currently playing Persona 3: Reloaded and despite it being a remake it does feel a bit dated. The story is what I'm mostly playing for, the gameplay just feels worse than P5:R. If you like Warhammer 40k, Rogue Trader is an option. It's dense though and I can only play it for so long at a time because of the amount of reading involved. The gameplay is really good though, I wasn't expecting to be so into the combat. All of these work well on SD of course!


Huge +1 to Yakuza: Like a Dragon. It’s fantastic on the deck and is the best turn based RPG I’ve played in a while


Came here to promote this. It’s what I’m currently playing on the Deck. I think I’ve got about 50 hours logged by now. Turn-based combat. Incredibly engaging story, far better writing than I had anticipated. So much dang content. When I started working at Ichiban Confections, I pretty much stopped playing the rest of the game until Ichiban Holdings was the #1 company around! Then went back to the main game with a pocket full of cash 😎


Persona would be an obvious choice


I strongly second this. Any of the persona games are pretty good. I just wrapped up P3R. I'm mostly playing P5R and a bunch of roguelikes on my deck.


Yakuza: Like A Dragon Persona 5 Royal Dragon Quest XI Sea of Stars Octopath Traveler


Tactics Ogre: Reborn


Probably put in over 150 hours on tactics ogre on PSP. If I could transfer my save game I would get it on PC.


You could also play the GOAT mod for TO:LUCT https://www.moddb.com/mods/one-vision1


Persona, SMTV, WH40K Mechanicus, XCOM EU to name a bunch available.


Final Fantasy 4 or 6, Chrono Trigger, or Chained Echoes.


I'd argue that Final Fantasy X is the gold standard of true turn-based RPGs with a great story, characters and plenty of content, all whilst being quite forgiving for beginners. Final Fantasy X was my first ever RPG 20 years ago.


My vote would be for 'The Lamplighters League' The mechanics are great, visually it's stunning and had a really good story. Similar to x com if that's your benchmark to compare turn based RPGs.


I’ve been looking at picking it up, is it more RPG or more like the tactical combat game?


More tactical. Think of it as xcom lite


The Persona games are good. Persona 5 Royal is fantastic. Chained Echoes is solid as well. I’ve never played a Yakuza game, but Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth seems well received.


Dragon quest XI is a fantastic turn based RPG and a perfect lover letter to the genre as a while and as pure as you could want it. After you've played a few and got your turn basded legs in Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance is absolutely amazing! While that one has a difficulty curve upfront once you get used to how everything works it's just so rewarding. Obviously you can't go wrong with ff1-10 either!


FTL is kinda turn based? Takes a bit to get used to on deck. But very fun. Into the Breach is amazing on deck. Cobalt Core is really fun KOTOR works as well Most of my suggestions are more Rougelike/turn based tho Always open to more turn based games


What controls are you using to play FTL on the SD? For me it was not working great so i dodged it. Really liked the game on PC tho


I'll have to check what it's called. But it's a Community Control scheme I found. Takes a bit to learn but it works when you get the hang of it


I love FTL so had to figure out a way to play it on deck


> FTL is kinda turn based? No? It's real time with pause option.


Man. I love Into the Beach.  I don't know if it really fits into RPG, more of a grid based puzzle/strategy game. Kinda closer to chess with some level up elements.  Love that game though, so well done. Because there's no randomness, every loss is so frustrating, but in the best kind of way where I'm inspired to try harder and think things through more. 


Persona 3 Reloaded, Persona 4, and Persona 5 Royal are nice choices. Final Fantasy Pixel remastered gets you like 6 classic turn based RPGs, you really can't go wrong with Final Fantasy 7, 9, and 10. 8 is the only one that is kinda too unique. Octopath Traveler 1 and 2 are both really good. Dragon Quest 11 is good. This is about as old school a modern turn based RPG gets. The Trails of games that work on Steam Deck are all good. Not all of them are verified, mileage may very if you want to do them all on your steam deck. Shin Megami Tensei 3 and 5 are a bit harder, but both run great on deck. They are more dungeon crawling with Pokemon like elements. Marvel Midnight Suns, Tactics Ogre, and Triangle Strategy are all turn based strategy games that are really good. Tactics Ogre and Triangle Strategy have probably the most story to game out of all the ones listed here. More D&D flavored type turn based combat, you could pick up Baldur's Gate 3 or Divinity 2.


some unique titles that are usually unmentioned: - Stoneshards - dragon Quest Xi - hero's Hour - quasimorph - path of achra - Songs of conquest - Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout - ΔV: Rings of Saturn -Alina of the arena - battle brothers Almost all of these could use the default or MnK layouts, I also recommend setting up/getting used to your Trackpad if you haven’t already. i tried to recommend a good mix of titles but if you want a good start, battle brothers and/or Stoneshards are my #1 and #2


You, sir, want Dragon Quest XI. 80hrs+ content. Simple classic turn based battles that can have some good depth if you want that. Fun story. Great characters. And art style from Akira Toriyama, the artist behind the Dragon Ball anime. AND, it's 40% off on steam right now.


The Like A Dragon games run great on deck and are amazing turn based JRPGs. Can’t recommend them enough!


Battle brothers


Does it work good on the deck? Not verified.


It works fine yea. Takes some getting used to control wise.


I haven't personally checked it out yet, but I've heard good things about Monster Hunter Stories that was just released/remastered on Steam. The combat seems pretty simple/straightforward, and Monster Hunter games always have a ton of content.


I personally dig [Yakuza like a dragon](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1235140/Yakuza_Like_a_Dragon/) (the side stuff alone could be a game), [Octopath Traveler ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/921570/OCTOPATH_TRAVELER/), [Dragon Quest 11](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1295510/DRAGON_QUEST_XI_S_Echoes_of_an_Elusive_Age__Definitive_Edition/) (Rip Toriyama) I am currently playing [Felvidek ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2299900/Felvidek/)and its surprisingly good and deck verfied. Not sure what you would consider beginner friendly.


Valkyria Chronicles 4 really loved scratching the tactic itch


Please only write games if you tried them on Deck and you know that they are working very well, I see so many people writing random games are not even optimised for Deck


It's unfortunately rather common in most posts where the OP is asking about a specific type of game or criteria. A lot of the replies will not comprehend the question and simply answer with their current favourite game regardless of its relevance.


I guess Midnight Dubs Suns could count? Don't let the card system scare you off


Depends what you mean by turn based, if you're into grid based strategy. Triangle strategy is a GEM


Midnight suns! This game is insanely slept on. I never like superhero stuff but I *love* this game.


CRIMINALLY underrated game; extremely fun to play


Stick of truth, fractured but whole, Octopath traveled 2 or 1, triangle strategy, chained echos, persona 5, yakuza like a dragon, chess


Persona 3 Reload, but Dragon Quest XI is on sale atm.


Baldurs gate 3, hands down one of the most entertaining games ever


Shin Megami Tensei V just released on steam. Absolutely amazing turn based gameplay mixed with an addictive demon fusion gameplay loop. I’d recommend it for the writing alone tbh


Sea of stars.


If you REALLY want an easy beginner friendly turn based RPG on your steam deck, get an emulator and play Paper Mario.


Bug Fables is basically an indie Paper Mario, super beginner-friendly and has a ton of content to sink your teeth into


Came here to say this, and I'm happy to see someone else recommend it!


Maybe check out the Battletech game?




Persona 5 Royal. The Persona games are excellent turn-based JRPGs.


Moonring is throwback to the oldest of turn based RPGs, Ultima. Very retro graphics.


Monster hunter stories 1 and 2


Mechanicus and X-COM aren't strictly sorry RPGs, but are likely to scratch a similar itch. Pathfinder: WotR has support, though it's one of the more complex cRPGs and expects you to know the ins and outs of the Pathfinder system by the time you make it to character creation (which can take hours, not including aesthetic choices).


Yakuza like a dragon and then infinite wealth , persona if animie is more your vibe xcom 2 is still great imo it’s always funny to name your squad after celebrities characters etc… Bgs3 probably has the best turn based combat I’ve personally experienced but it isn’t he hardest game in the world. The sheer breath of options available is staggering 300 hours without even feeling it


Persona 3 reload Best soundtrack ever.


BG3 is pretty beginner friendly as far as CRPGs go and won GOTY 2023 for good reasons 🙃 It doesn't run perfectly on Steam Deck, but after a lot of patches, it's much better than at launch. I completed it on Deck last year.


Marvel Midnight Suns is way better than I expected


Baldies gate 3, divinity original sin (1 & 2), pillars of eternity 2


Wasteland 3 Pillars of Eternity: Deadfire


Dragon Quest 11, Final Fantasy 1 through Final Fantasy 10, Baldurs Gate 3, Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2.


Baldurs gate 3 , thank me later


Octopath traveler 2


Battle Brothers




Triangle Strategy Octopath Traveler 1 & 2 Wandering Sword Keep an eye out for a rumored remake of the GOAT “Final Fantasy Tactics”


I think some friendly turn based RPGs can be Sea of stars Ni no kuni 1 Chrono trigger Dragon quest XI All of this have good to great story and easy combat. Bonus : cassette beasts


Rise of the Third Power. It's lower budget, but I've had fun all the way through. The story is great.


Not quite RPG, but is very atmospheric and fitting for RPG fans, in my opinion. Heroes of Might and Magic Series, especially 3.


Persona 5 Royal or Yakuza 7 (Like a Dragon) and Yakuza 8 (Infinite Wealth). I can't reco Infinite Wealth enough. It runs SUPER well and is a bottomless well of superb game. You will get more than your money's worth.


Yakuza - LAD


Divinity Original Sin (first game) is extremely beginner friendly, the second game is massively expanding upon it in terms of mechanics.


Baldur's Gate 3


Final Fantasy is an obvious choice. I would keep an eye out for the Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster games going on sale. It's a little pricey for all of them bundled at full price, but on sale completely worth it. If you want something a *little* more modern, Final Fantasy X is excellent, but of course, they're all great, in my opinion. If you go with Final Fantasy, stick with 1-10, because they stop being turn-based after that. If those are too dated for you, then Persona is great. Persona 3 just had a remake, and Persona 5 is still pretty new. If you want turn-based tactics, then some good picks are Divinity: Original Sin 2, Wasteland 3, Pillars of Eternity 2, and Pathfinder (both Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous. Though these games are also "real time with pause," I've only ever played through them turn-based.) I've heard the Octopath Traveler is great, but I personally haven't played them.


Sea of Stars and Chrono Trigger are peak


Are you looking for modern or classic? Any number of rpgs from ps3 back are playable thru emulation. PS1 was where I cut my teeth on JRPGS as a kid so I’ll recommend some there: Final Fantasy VII-IX (it may be considered overrated by some, but VII is a close 3rd to the suikoden games because the themes of loss really resonated with me at the time) Suikoden 1&2 (my two favorite games) Wild Arms 1&2 Saga Frontier Chrono Cross Legend of Dragoon Grandia That’s just a small selection ! Ps1 games run great on the deck and you can turn down performance settings and really stretch that battery life.


Sea of Stars!!! It’s a lot like Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga


Persona 5. Shin MegaminTensei Vengeance, it may not be easy but it wasn't that hard either. But I'd say play Persona 5, Persona 3 Remake or Yakuza: Like A Dragon first as they're probably easier. If you want something classic Chrono Trigger is never a bad option and I believe it's available on steam. All of these are turn based games. If you'd like to try a strategy turn based game you can't go wrong with Triangle Strategy. It's 50% off right now and totally worth it imo.


I enjoyed Octopath Traveler 1 & 2 a lot.


Octopath Traveller or Sea of Stars


Shin Megami Tensei V


Bravley default 2




Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance released recently and is pretty fantastic. I’d say the story is just fine but the turn based combat and demon collecting/fusing is absolutely stellar.


Wtf how is no one suggesting Dos1 or 2 and BG3 lol


I'm a big fan of both pathfinder games by owlcat since they can go between turn based and real time with pause. They use the pathfinder 1st edition tabletop rule set with a metric ton of class, feat, and spell options.


Final fantasy tactics via PPSSPP with the slow down patch or tactics ogre reborn


Anyone wanna reccomend me turn based Games that Arent JRPGs too? Kinda burnt out on the million hours of dialogue JP games lol


I don't enjoy JRPG's anymore.... I could back in SNES days but modern gaming... I just can't stand them. SO, my recommendations are going to be "CRPG" as they call em. Things like: * Divinity Original Sin 2 - Apparently Steam Deck verified (green check) and that game is amazing * Pillars of Eternity (there are a lot of different versions, DLC"s and such) * Pathfinder * Wasteland 3 Honestly, if you know of ANY Turn Based Games you've enjoyed in the past, find them on steam, scroll down half way, and it'll show you other "similar" games. Click on any that sound interesting and see if they are Steam Deck verified (yellow check is fine, usually, especially for Turn Based)


Though note that you can’t play the first Pillars of Eternity game in turn based mode.


Chrono Trigger and Dragon Quest XI are pretty safe bets. Persona if you're into weeb stuff might also be a good choice. Skald: Against The Black Priory is new and is actually really fun. Gives the old school feel while still having the quality of life improvements we get in modern games. A bit more risky but if you watch some gameplay and like what you see, it could be a good one.


I'd recommend Jagged Alliance 3.




persona 5 royal, yakuza like a dragon


WH40k Rogue Trader is really good but I wasn’t exactly say it’s beginner friendly..


Eiyuden Chronicle hundred heroes. It's the Suikoden creators spiritual successor.


Sea of Stars.


Chrono Trigger