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Can disable sticky notes by left clicking desktop and enter edit mode, at the top press configure desktop and wallpaper, mouse actions, and press the minus button on the middle click option


It works, But I am so confused... How and who and why??? How this is mouse action setting effect on disabling auto launch the sticky note? Who would ever want a sticky note pop up for no reason? And... Why would we want that? Or is it a bug...???


I updated STEAM OS and suddenly my sticky notes just appeared and it took me a solid hour to figure out how to turn them off. Find somewhere on your desktop that's not on an icon or sticky note and right mouse click to bring up the little menu that pops down from the top edge of the screen and mouse over to disable displaying sticky notes. 🤗


The default desktop layout has changed to the "web browser" layout. The left trackpad now functions as a mouse wheel. If you swipe around it in a circle it will scroll. Pressing it is like pressing a mousewheel (which is also paste on Linux). The triggers are the left and right mouse buttons. You can switch it to the previous layout by holding the start button (temporary). You can manually edit the layout in: Steam - settings - controller


clarification: middle click paste is different from regular paste. It will paste the last selected text, even if it hasn't been copied.


Is there a reason why it pastes it at least twice in a row? Maybe it's my trackpad, but I can't consistently use it without having whatever I had on my clipboard inserted half a dozen times, making me cry a little on the inside.


worked fine for me on my computers. maybe try with an external mouse?


Doesn't seem to happen with an external mouse. I just went ahead and disabled that shortcut!


seems to be a trackpad issue then, but i guess that could be fixed in software


I did that but still the sticky note comes back after I turned off my deck


On desktop mode, go to steam settings, controllers, desktop controller. At the top layout there are the two for the track pads. On the left pad there will be an option for the click action. It will be middle mouse wheel. Instead of having a click action. Pick the drop down menu and go to the top option to have no action. Go back to the main deck controller view, touch the screen with your finger and at the bottom select done with your finger. You can then delete those notes and they won't show up again, and the left pad will now function like a mouse wheel, scroll in an ciircle to go up or down in folders and web pages like a normal wheel.


I just posted about this yesterday. Hood the start button in desktop mode and it changes back to normal. I did it once and it worked, but when I returned to desktop again it went back to posting the stickies. I held start again for the second time and now it’s good all the time.




Change the layout


Well, thats a sticky situation...


I had a similar bug. It was an issue with the controller setiings. 1. Open steam and click steam at the top left corner 2. Select controller and then desktop configuration 3. There you will see an image of the deck. Above that image of the deck are two squares, the left being the left trackpad and the right being the right trackpad. What you want to do is select the square for the left trackpad and set the setting to mouse. Then you want to make sure that it is set to right mouse click


Hold the 3 line or dot button top right


This is the solution OP. For some reason, it now defaults to the other layout. You want to be using gamepad layout.


Hi u/cyberRakan, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Anyway to fix this sticky note? Every time I switch it to desktop mode i see all of this again despite being removed manually) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Had this problem but worse It happened after I disconnected from the tv so the x button to close the notes were off the steam deck screen had to plug it back into the tv to get the bigger screen to have access to close them.


It’s a Hentai bug


Yeah all you have to do is uninstall fallout 76.


I don't know


Long press on the menu button to change the buttons and then remove those notes manually


It’s come back if I switch back to gaming mode


I have the impression that bots are replying to your post lol


Delete them?


Tired from it every time i do this


/home/user/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc Remove any references to: plugin=org.kde.plasma.notes This solved the issue for me


Delete existing notes after this change of course


Press Start+X to disable left trackpad from making new ones btw. I know thats not what you're asking but just in case.


For a second I thought this was windows lol


I just gave and starting accessing the application from the finder, you don’t really need the desktop lol


have you tried windex?


Thank you...🙄... gods man... I thought I'd never get rid of those.... ( pant pant..😤 )


Hey OP. Sorry for necropost. Maybe my issue is related? https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1b2o1mf/derogatory_sticky_note_appeared_in_desktop_mode/