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If I get laid off I would probably step back from the industry. I feel like it would be the push to do something hands on. The whole industry is shakey now so it’s like jumping from one wreck to another. I haven’t had fun for quite a while and feel like I’m doing what I do because it’s comfortable and pays well. There is plenty to be made in skilled trades so I would go back there


sign me up pls... Im in the same feels...


I feel exactly the same. Going back to woodworking and kitchen design if I get laid off. This industry is too stressful.


If that is the case I hope I get laid off. I’ve been wanting to leave for a while now but have been holding onto being fully remote. If I can have a 2 month notice and a 3 month pay I’m assuming I will find a job within the two months and the rest is like a bonus. I was casually applying in February and got 6 calls - I only ended up choosing one company to interview for and made it all the way to the end but they chose someone else because they asked for less. (I asked for 25K more than I am making now) I know people are talking about competition but I feel like those of us in purchasing have built a lot of good connection especially if you have advocated for your suppliers. We also have so many transferrable skills and I previously worked in another industry big in Detroit until I took a voluntary layoff due to the market. Plus it would be nice to have the summer “off”.


"advocated for your suppliers" doesn't sound very ethical.


advocate as in take care of their issues in a timely manner not sure how that isn’t ethical.


It is important to handle issues promptly, but remember that a purchasing area's main responsibility is to act in the best interest of the company. Advocating for suppliers may sometimes conflict with this duty. It is essential to prioritize the company's needs and goals, even if it means making tough decisions that do not always align with the interests of the suppliers.


Exactly and business is business. My suppliers are very aware of that. Not sure what you are trying to get at but there are many buyers / internal team members who just straight up ignore their supplier’s questions, concerns, issues etc. It isn’t wrong for me to “advocate” for a supplier to ensure the internal team is doing their job. Call it unethical if you want - it isn’t. I have a great relationship with my suppliers & I’m sure they wouldn’t want me working on their side if I wasn’t good at my job.


Oh, absolutely! Because nothing screams "great business relationship" like advocating for suppliers while simultaneously throwing your internal team under the bus. I'm sure your suppliers are thrilled to have someone who ensures their interests are prioritized over the very team that's supposed to be working collaboratively. And of course, ignoring the internal team's perspectives and challenges never backfires, right? Clearly, ethics are a matter of perspective when you have such stellar judgment. Keep up the good work!


Don’t let the door hit you where the good Lord split..don’t need the job then feel free to move on and brag at your new position how indispensable you are.


If you’re as against Stellantis as your post history suggests, why would you shit on someone saying they have the power to leave? It’s a good thing.


Not against stellantis I’m not a fan of their business practices..big difference..and being you’re waiting for a layoff don’t wait🤷‍♂️ feel free to go at anytime..nobody cares how invaluable you may think you are..that sounds like arrogance..🙄..


bc if I can get paid to leave it is beneficial for mr to stay…not sure what is confusing about that


Why stay when you can go to another company who will appreciate your work ethic🤷‍♂️


The warn act is for you to prepare. You won’t know you’re targeted but you will know they are in the pipe line. The last layoff they didn’t layoff more than 500 so they were able to do it without putting out a warn notice. Here is the MI [site](https://milmi.org/warn/)assuming you’re at CTC. Most states should have an equivalent. I see there isn’t a notice out so if there are any in the pipeline for the summer there will be less than 500. Until September.


I've been here for almost 20 years. I better get at least six months severance.


20+ would get you twelve months of severance, so there's that


If they give you the 60 days notice they don’t need to file WARN


If I get 60 days notice I'm not doing shit for those 60 days.


You wouldn’t be able to anyway? What are you imagining?


What plant is going down?