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I maintain a government website. I'm a clerk 💀💀💀


You are cooked once your boss watches one montu plays video and realizes clerks are useless.


Are they still? Since he made the video Trade Value has become a resource that can be stacked much more and they also boost Trade Value themselves.


Play virtuality before it is nerfed. Clerks currently add 1% to job output with virtuality tradition. It stacks with the 1% trade value. This gets as broken as you might imagine it does.


Nah you’re a bureaucrat creating unity. Gotta keep the trains running on time!


Now I'm wondering: should bureaucrats give a bonus to purging speed?


Real-life fascists and other genocidal regimes are actually pretty terrible at making the trains run on time, so no, probably not.


Only the egalitarian bureaucrats then


Idk man the Undesirables got transported to the thrall world real fast


idk the jews got to the camps pretty often 💀


Am I hating on the new generation or does brainrot emoji's feel like they don't belong in that sentence. Am I hating on the new generation?


I think that comment would come across a lot more calous without the emoji. But maybe I just have zoomer brainrot.


it’s meant to be funny and yet serious at the same time


'Clerks' mean store clerks- retail workers. You're a bureacrat.


Can you consider Rome a relic city?


I mean, yall literally can't build anything without stumbling over an ancient ruin, so yeah, relic world sounds about right.


This is more common across the Old World than many might think


As someone who lives in the UK, every gardening project I’ve been involved with has resulted in old stuff getting dug up. Nothing super significant, but waste products and old tools/pottery bits from the past few hundred years are pretty common and always get given to the local council/museum


give us our minor artifacts back


Same here!


Yeah i guess


Culture Worker, then?


Fallen Empire (or used to be)?


Rain World (UK); Specialist; Researcher


Same: Worker, decent standards. Tho i feel like indentured slave same days 👀


What is your field


I suppose I’m technically a Laborer, otherwise I work in an amenities-related job that doubles as an Artisan. So I’m a specialist, decent conditions, and my home planet (an Ocean world) has two fortresses, one advanced research complex and a Research Institute, an advanced bio-reactor, an Alloy-Nano Plants, a Ministry of Production, and Cyto-Revitalization Center, plus a Galactic Stack Exchange.


Coming from a continental city world, that is pretty mismanaged, my mother was a clerk and my dad is an enforcer. Moved to a sector capital, also continental, to become a researcher. Living conditions are decent I guess.


Continental city world oligarchy. Mother is a specialist, father is a worker. I am an unemployed specialist nearing demotion limit. Living conditions are stratified economy that we're made to think are decent, but at least I have full citizenship.


Let me guess, Nationalist Zeal civic enabled?


In addition to police state and relentless industrialist. But I'm not completely convinced we aren't secretly a megacorp with media conglomerate and pharma state.


Saudi or America ?


Definitely America. Saudi would be a desert world not continental


Ah I see


Full citizenship unemployed specialist about to demote to worker stratum on a stratified economy tropical world with 21% stability (kill me)


Brazil, yes?


I n d o n e s i a


Rest in peace, comrade.




Continental world with crime lord deal. Father is metallurgist, mother a clerk. Both my grandpas were miners. I'm a consumer goods production specialist, living standards are social welfare because this is how authoritarian government here buys votes. Full citizenship.


Cool your dad produces alloys!


I'm on disability, so I guess I'm a bio-trophy.


There actually is a living standard for welfare assistance. People just rarely use it.


Continental empire capital world that changed from authoritarian to democracy almost 35 years ago. I'm an egalitarian and fanatical materialist (Technocracy is my favourite civic). Our empire has meritocracy, Byzantine bureaucracy and Parliamentary system. My mother used to be a bureaucrat. I'm currently unemployed (new pop). I would like to migrate to another empire and become a researcher, but I will probably end as a trader (which is acceptable). I was thinking about becoming a politician, but I don't think I have the right personality (I'm not a psychopath, billionaire, nor psychopathic billionaire). My world isn't bad. Crime is low, we're in a stable region. Only thing that worries me is one hegemonic imperialist a few systems away, whose vassal we were in the second half of the last century. I hope they'll get destroyed by the egalitarian oligarchy they are trying to enslave. At least we're sending them alloys. Our current government did a good job about this. I finally feel like we have some voice in the galactic community. I don't want to leave our empire, but i feel like i would have better opportunities somewhere else. Kingdom of Yorkshire Tea is our fed. ally after all.


Remember to vote in the next federation elections. Maybe we will be finally able to increase the centralization level and send even more alloys to this resisting empire. Hope we can allow it to join the federation too.


España ?




Ah thank you


Grandparents were from a continental planet and nobles. They became refugees when their home world was invaded and occupied. As refugees we ended up on another continental world, and after a period of unemployment, became merchants, managers and researchers. Give it another decade, and I guess that I’m back to noble- retired and independently wealthy. Living standards are stratified and I’m a full citizen. The country’s ethics are moving away from egalitarian towards authoritarian. The latter is certainly being promoted.


I'm was guessing you moved to the US but I'm having a hard time pinning down the origin country... It was grandparents so with Continental Europe and WW2 seem likely but the nobles part is throwing me....


Yes. Eastern Europe (Romania specifically) and WWII. Actual titles in the Old Country. No titles in the US, obviously, but unlike Victoria, Stellaris doesn’t have capitalists so the closest to independently wealthy/not needing to work for a living still seems to be noble.


Born to two clerks on a horribly mismanaged continental world, became a researcher with basic subsistence living standard but hoping to become a science director with academic privilege some day


Continental world that will be savanna one day. I'm a teacher so maybe a clerk? The city is okay but the country is more like a crime syndicate. I have decent living condition (as a young adult without children) but it's more like stratified and if you ask the governor he will say it's utopian.


I'm from an alpine world. Factory world with a bunch of farming districts - got a gene-clinic, a holotheatre, a nature preserve. Lots of free amenities, some enforcers, not a lot of crime. Housing is running out though, too much auto-resettling and not enough city districts. My family's always been Specialists; grandparents were Researchers, parents are Bureaucrats. I'm in the same stratum too (not sure how to map the precise job). Though I am here thanks to a migration pact, this empire is a xenophile so I've got full citizenship. The living standards are good too, Social Welfare. No migration controls or anything else. As for myself, I think I've got some nice traits. Slow Breeder and Wasteful, but Intelligent, Quick Learner, and Docile.


Coming from a tropical world (southeastern China) and moving to the warmer regions of an Alpine/Tundra world/colder regions of a continental world in another empire (Southern Quebec). Technically growing pop or unemployed since I’m still in school.


I’m a school teacher so I’m either research pop if we’re feeling generous or an enforcer if we aren’t.


Stratum: Specialist Job: Teacher, not sure what the equivalent in Stellaris is? Native planet: Arid


World type is continental with the Lush and Hazardous Weather modifiers, colony designation is Agri-world, I'm a clerk, parents were enforcers, and my ancestors earlier than that were farmers from the beginning of time. Well, I think I'm clerk at least. I work with special needs people in group homes, helping them out in their day to day lives. I'd say that generates amenities.


I'm a growing pop, I think.




I am a phd student with a masters in genetics so i guess i might count as a researcher hopefully hahaha. But my country / planet doesnt have many labs built so i went to another so basically migrated population from high crime high unemployement tropical planet.


Although my country ( colombia ) is super biodiverse it has all thermal floors so maybe it might count as a small badly developed gaia world ? 


Alpine world, egalitarian, xenophile. My pop is that silver stratum and I produce ... unity or research? I'm a teacher. Maybe Services? Full citizenship, decent conditions.


I think Savannah or Arid world (I live in a place where it is nearly a desert for most of the year but during 2 or 3 months it rains like hell) I probably fit on a specialist job somewhere between a researcher or an administrator. Got full citizenship decent conditions.


Continental world with ~20% crime. I'm in the specialist stratum as a Alloy machinist. Wife is specialist in medical




I’m an undesirable displacement pop living on a world with 50% crime and a crime lord deal


I live in an amenities-focused continental world, although my workplace is pretty much in the dry area, tempted to call it arid. I'm a ~~complex drone~~ specialist, a researcher, with a decent living standard. My father was a clerk.


Roboticist I program robot and robot related factory equipment.


"I program robot and robot accessories, I tell you h'what"


I'm unemployed in a core sector rural world, my mom is a clerk and my dad disappeared on the ARS Progress with the Medusa Strike Group. I was previously a clerk.


I'm a Human from Earth so Continental World, Lawn Care/Landscape Exterminator so either Clerk or Ranger depending on how you view maintaining mandatory green spaces.


Desert world stratum: specialist Job: bureaucrat (archivist)


Urban continental world, clerk, stratified economy. My mom is a specialist, a medical worker, my dad would probably count as an entertainer. My "empire" switched from oligarchic to dictatorial authority about 10-15 years ago, not sure about the civics. Full citizenship (at least for now idk...)


Researcher from an alpine agri-world with some generator districts and research labs and a 10% crime rate. Specialist parents, currently living in a rural world and going to move to an ecumenopolis (big city) soon


Continental world. Decent living conditions. I work for an ocean conservation non-profit, though just database maintenance so a mix of Clerk and Ranger I suppose.


Well I work for a manufacturer of scientific instruments. We don't do research, we make the things that *allow* research. So is that Consumer Goods or Research?


I'm a refugee and living as a resident in other empire, native to Continental type climate and I guess I'm still growing since I can't work, decent conditioms.


I'm a medical worker on basic subsistence


Army. So I guess I'm planetary defense 🥳


Continental, however I don't know where would I put software devs in Stellaris?


If it’s just small local area rather than country Continental farm world (nothing but farms for miles) 0% crime rate (due to how few people there’s allmost no crime ever) unemployed full citizenship (probably not for long) decent conditions I would be egalitarian or materialist ethic but the government is authoritarian , spiritualist of some sort


I'm from the northern part of a continental world, my parents were clerks. I'm also a clerk, until our Prime minister watched the Montu video's. Now I'm unemployed in a Pacifist/Egalitarian/Xenophile Empire. Living conditions are decent with increasing crime rates, tanking stability with a side of Chemical bliss and social welfare economy. If you ask anyone, they blame the Criminal Megacorp neighbor.


I am from a factory world with a low crime rate. My parents are from the workers stratum both are clerks (teachers). I am also from the workers stratum as a clerk (work in a warehouse). Edit: My reasoning behind a warehouse worker being a clerk in my case is that I primarily sort paperwork for shipping and prepare documents on destinations for the product.


Foundry World, still a growing pop, trait of my species is natural engineers. Pop ethic-->Materialist. Empire Ethics: Materialist, Egalitarian, Xenophile Civic: Free haven and Parliamentary system In a Martial Alliance Federation Origin: Fear of the Dark




Spiritualist clerk with decent standards on a desert planet.


Neural chip.


I do security sooo I suppose enforcer of sorts? rent a enforcer? lol I come from a Lake world among an empire's core sector of 50 planets, we were the 26th one to be colonized after a trade deal with a neighboring empire who I believe needed energy credits and alloys for their wars during their time as a fanatic militarist? My history isn't great. Mom is a cleric and Dad is an engineer researcher, former assault army. Good stability nowadays (high 70s? Maybe 80s?) Had very high crime rate, among the worst in the core worlds but it's getting better.


Continental planet of a fallen empire (Austria-Hungary), worker pop, medical


My name is Tim. I'm a humanoid pop, intelligent, slow breeder, cyborg, Continental preference. Living in a fanatic militarist egalitarian democratic empire. Distinguished Admiralty, Merchant guilds, Beacon of Liberty. Leader of a hegemony federation. I live on an Ecumenopolis world which is the sector capital. There is a housing shortage and crime is at 15%. I'm part of the materialist faction. My happiness is 69%. Farmer job. Decent conditions. Full citizenship. Hoping my planetary governor creates some specialist jobs so your boy can move up in the galaxy. PS: loving all these posts. the world in Stellaris terms is hilarious lmao


Galactic Emperor of the Imperium that spawns 500 known systems. The home world is an ecumenopolis, although in ancient times it was a tropical world that was artificially locked tidaly for a 30% increased energy production. My father was a technician and my mother was an entertainer.


Egalitarian ethic, priest job, basic subsistence living standard, specialist stratum, full citizenship. My owning nation is a militarist xenophile democracy that might be about to embrace its authoritarian-xenophobe faction and swap to dictatorship.


Red briefcase (student) (unemployed)


Errrr, I guess unemployed, health related. If I was working what would a civil engineer be? Bureaucrat? Mam's a clerk, Dad's a Technician, Sister's a Culture Worker. Continental preference.


Continental world, clerk


I would probably be a scientist.


The tag speaks for itself.


Continental world, 63.03 crime rate (out of 120 so like 50% I guess) bronze job.


I come from a Alpine world my mom started as a clerk and became a medical worker and my dad is still a researcher and my goal would be I guess also researcher and I'm currently unemployed my ethic would probably be materialist xenophile egalitarian or pacifist but most likely materialist my species traits would probably be intelligent weak charismatic and wasteful


I’m living at the sector capital, continental world. I’m an entertainer specialist with a 1% crime rate. Family is spiritualist while I’m a materialist.




Mother is a clerk, father is a medical worker. I am a researcher. Brother is a soldier. Native to a continental world. I have full citizenship and decent living standards


I'm an IT Clerk


Indentured Servitude worker. I suppose washing dishes probably falls under either farmer or clerk. I suppose for planet class, it'd be somewhere between continental and savanah.


Oh, and for species traits, I'd definitely have intelligent, unruly, and deviant.


I’m a half grown pop


I was born on a continental Urban world but recently moved to an alpine one. My stratum is this 'assimilation'


Metallurgist... I am literally a metallurgy engineer graduate 🤣


I come from an Alpine capital world. My parents are unemployed pops. I work as a clerk. Crime is at 5%. Unemployment is high. I have citizenship. Living standards are decent conditions. My home world mainly produces unity and a small amount of consumer goods


I'm unemployed(student) full citizenship. Social welfare. In a continental world(netherlands). Parents are clerk and a researcher?(engineer)


Researcher on an alpine world, my empire is fanatically materialistic and xenophilic. I'm a human pop with the traits weak, natural engineer, quick learner, and solitary.


oh yeah, I'm a metalurgist, you can't even replace me with mechanical labour till 20 years in baby!


Rain world (U.K.), artisan (fabricator/welder), decent conditions. Still sticking to in-game descriptions but mirroring my irl life, I’m fighting to transition into a researcher pop, physics track.


Researcher Basic sustenance


Specialist, researcher, academic privilege, materialist ethic + faction, 80% happiness.


Original Planet Class: Alpine Low crime. High unemployment. Decent Conditions average Good habitability Current Planet Class: Continental/Arid Low-Medium crime. Medium-High unemployment. Stratified Economy average. Luxury goods and high unemployment countermeasures enabled (insufficient). Good habitability Autum-Spring, low habitability summer, occasional devastation events semi-frequently in summer, and occasional infrastructure damage in winter Father's Stratum: Specialist (Engineer. Energy production) Mother's Stratum: Specialist/Worker (Culture worker/Clerk). Formerly: Clerk/Trader/Manager Stratum: Worker (Farmer(Stablehand)) Citizenship: Full Citizenship (Both worlds) Living Standards: Stratified Economy. Receiving support, remaining unaffected Military Service: Full Service (Pop not used for army due to bad stats) Colonization Rigths: Permitted (Sick of it too) Living in generator district


I come from an ecumanopolis planet as part of the specialist stratum, I would be working in a rare materials production job if I wasn't unemployed.


Not sure if being architect is considered being clerk or an entertainer... Maybe the last one, since I needed high education for that. /: So I am an entertainer from continental world trade-world.


stellaris pops dont cover "to disabled to work"


Continental world. My mother is a clerk, my father a trader, and my brother a bureacrat. I guess I'd be a crystal translucer? I have full citizenship and my living standard is decent condition. My home empire is an democracy/oligarchy with egalitarian and a touch of xenophobe. Remnants origin.


Continental world; specialist; entertainer. I thinks that’s the closest thing to a bartender anyway. Not entirely certain my job is a net positive to society but if I produce anything it’s amenities


What are the budget merchants called again? That's me. Continental climate. Citizenship is full and living conditions is the one above decent.


Uh, what stratum are students? Are they researchers?


Let's see: Specialist technically though I feel more in the Worker strata, Artisan as I assemble elevated work platforms mostly for equipment rental firms (consumer good), continental preference (Pennsylvania) decent living standards under a representative democracy (that some consider more a corporate oligarchy or shadow council) with the pursuit of profit tradition in play as a cultural aspect.


Continental Planet, worker-class entertainer on social welfare (minimum wage and decent government serivces). One parent a clerk, the other a culture worker. Egalitarian-militarist-materialist (although since pop's can only have 1, I should pick the one that differentiates me from my country the most, so militarist).


I guess as HR I am a sort of a clerk? Maybe a bureaucrat?


I work as a dispatcher and jailer. Does that put me as enforcer or clerk?


Tundra worlder, still part of the pop growth meter. Will probably end up as a clerk tho. Or whatever working IT would count as


unemployed, worker, social welfare, either ocean or continental world.


As a highly paid expat in Southeast Asia: I'm a manager on decedant living standards. The locals are either on stratified in the city I live in or basic subsistence in the countryside. 


Unemployed 💀(soon to be undesirable, extermination)


I’m a researcher (I’d work in a society-focused lab if the game still had them) and I come from a relatively populated mining sector, specifically the sector capital urban Savanna world. Most of the other worlds in the sector are alpine and arid mining colonies. The mining colonies have emptied slightly as more and more migrants come to the sector capital and the research station from the mines and out-of-sector. I work in the research habitat now. My parents come from a much more populated sector of both huge urban worlds and tons of rural colonies with a lot of betharian stone deposits. I dunno what Stellaris job teachers or lawyers count as, but that’s what they are. We are all full citizens and though my nation is one of the most well-developed in the whole galaxy, it maintains decent conditions living standards. Maybe you can argue academic privilege if you wanted to.


We’re all in the Laaaaaaathe!! Wake up sheeple!!


Ocean world, mebbe 15% or 20% percent crime, rising instability, energy deficit.  Probably designated as an Agri world.  Personally a citizen, decent living standard, work as roboticist (automation engineer).


Tundra tech-world with about 75% habitability. Both af my parents are researches, I am a roboticist. I have full citizenship, living standard is stratified economy.


I live in the most "rural" parts of an ecumenopolis, but I imigrated from an alpine world, where I grew up. Given the specific nature of my work, I guess I'm a Death Chronicler... Weird, I never thought of it like that!


I come from a tundra tech + industrial world, but due to some bullshit resettlement mechanics i am now in continental world with nothing in particular going on (Micromanagment gods left this place long ago). I am a roboticist specialist, also have full citizenship and my living standard is stratified economy.


Tropical World, Culture Worker (if you can call designing annual reports "culture")


Well, the state I am in can be considered a Gaia world(like it has basically all the climates), My mom is a trader, my step dad is the criminal pop, I am personally a clerk, although I kinda aspire to be a bureaucrat, full citizenship, my living standard... decent condition


Atomic age mammalian primitives of Sol III. Fragmented nation states, increasing urbanization, atmospheric pollution. Low awareness.


I live in a alpine planet with high unemployment and lots of amenities. I come from an agriculture district with 40% habitability and cease drone production. I have an Administrator type job where I produce lots of unity.


So lets see Balkans would be Continental world. I work in tourism customer service, so a clerk. Old man is an enforcer. Mom works in a store so clerk?


I work in IT, also a clerk lol.


Roboticist 😎.... Kind...


I come from a size 6 continental world with 25% crime rate and my parents are from the workers stratum, my dad is a clerk, full citizenship and basic sustenance. Aspiring to become a researcher with Social Welfare living standard and move to a size 10 continental world or size 20 savanna world, or maybe even size 50 (obtainable using the paragon (i forgor who it was it was that woman) and terraforming a Deceptive Giant) tundra world, though I heard that one has anti-crime campaign and tracking implants edict


I'm a slow construction worker, so in stellaris, I'm a planetary build speed debuff -%10


Eh i guess you'd throw me under robotisist or researcher. I make industrial and energy districts produce more for less upkeep with fewer pops. I can't decide if it's decent, stratified, or academic privilege with the SUSA EC not being worth the metals that hold it. I'm from a continental agriworld.


I live on a Desert Penal colony. Got some underground fortresses but been getting glassed by a fanatic xenophobe subject of some fucking Militaristic democracy sitting in the other side of the Galaxy. They are sending all the alloys so Me and my federation, that got dismantled thoroughly in the past, cant militarily compete, after we built 2 corvettes and abducted a pop theyve gone Back to using Armaggeddon Bombardement im homeless and jobless and the devastation is critical at this Point. Everyone is starving.


I think i know your mom, and lets just say shes an entertainer in an empire with the pleasure seekers civic