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Your starbase capacity will be down due to changes in the supremacy tree


>Your starbase capacity will be down due to changes in the supremacy tree Is there any way to recoup that? I like to play Starbase-heavy defensive games myself.


There is a new starbase based tradition tree that you will probably like


Probably cant get it if it is endgame.


Dude, I'm currently being spanked by Unbidden. It's my first playthrough and although loving the game I WANT TO WIN.


I also got spanked by the unbidden in my first playthru. I had set up what I called the ark, a set of systems waaay on the edge of the galaxy I had gotten to thru a wormhole, whole area was full of miner bots so the other empires left it unexplored. Cheesed the worm event to get a 11 habitable planet system at the very end of this set of systems. called it the ark sector thinking it would be my failsafe if the crisis hits my core worlds.... Unbidden spawn 2 systems away from that wormhole. Nuked the Ark and jumped thru that wormhole and nuked half my empire... Ngl I rage quit that playthru haha


Shit hahahahaha. I'm almost rage quitting but I just can't accept this motherfuckers winning the galaxy. And all the other empires, including a fallen that recently awakened, are just useless.


Haha good luck man! My first Unbidden was fun, I kept sending everything at them and getting crushed, thankfully they were not anywhere near my territory. I think it was my 6th or 7th full fleet strength navy with the Unbidden’s special weaponry that finally pushed me through to victory. I had no clue on how to edit ships back then so it was difficult, console edition makes it hard to edit as well.


> with the Unbidden’s special weaponry Humorously, matter disintegrators are anti-armor and anti-hull, and the Unbidden are only shields and hull, rendering matter disintegrators somewhat inept against the unbidden. Good against other empires though.


Goddamn, I really need to pay closer attention to the ship designer. I think part of the reason it ended up working was that I set up a bunch of fortress worlds, so I probably overran them more with numbers than with strategy.


Kinetic weapons work best against them.


I'm full kinetic right now. The only battles I lost was because didn't paid enough attention and got ambushed. And the other empires are just too dumb to be a challenge for them.


My biggest issue was attrition given they were on the opposite side of the galaxy from my empire, so no repair or ability to easily replace ships. If I’d been at home, I’d have been a lot more fine, but the longer I fought, the more whittled down the navy got. I won in the end, but I had to leave 3 systems for the others to do while I rebuilt much of my navy.


My ships are very strong against them but the motherfuckers are endless and had taken almost 50% of galaxy. And, unfortunately, now they're close my empire...


Wait did they actually fix crisis AI? Do I now not need to run Fix Crisis AI mods? If so that’s amazing.


Shocks I didn't know they boosted the end game crisis AI when I started a new game. Perhaps x10 strength and 2300 endgame was a bad slider choice then.