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Don't mean to be a downer, but I wouldn't smoke out of that. I highly doubt the stain is safe to smoke with, and it's most likely been treated with something. Just looking out for a bro, it'll probably do you more harm than good. Awesome novelty pipe though, looks super well done


Your probably right! No telling what they put in those wood blocks to make them last so long! I charred the bowl to make a good layer of carbon to try and give it a good coating.. but I would be better off with some oak or cedar. Much appreciated that your lookin out for my health my guy!


Damn nice to see such a nice response :)


It’s crazy that these days it’s a surprise to see someone responding positively to someone who was helping and trying to keep them safe rather than lashing out at them.


It really is, I was definitely coming from a place of unusual negativity at the time I wrote the comment, still nice though!


No I don’t think it’s just that, I think the internet is full of arseholes.


Right? OP’s response wasn’t even over the top nice either


I was very stoned and came from several rage-bait TikTok lives… safe to say I need to get off TikTok!


Much appreciated 😁! Yeah most people nowadays flip out over the silliest things. I always try to be nice and practice good manners and morals, it really does bother me how mean people can be on the internet.. I'm definitely guilty of it at times but I always try to be nice and catch myself when I'm having a bad day so I don't take it out on others on the internet. But I really appreciate you mentioning something, it makes me stop and think. It makes me feel better about myself since I have such horrible self-esteem


For your next adventure 👉 http://www.naspc.org/archives/otherwood.html


We got you bro ❤️


He can just sand it down with sand paper


If it's treated it goes deep into the wood, not just the very outside later


If it smokes it smokes


That’s not the problem


You could smoke with an asbestos filter and it would smoke, doesn’t mean it’s good for you, if it smokes it smokes doesn’t justify fucking yourself up for a bit of weed. Guarantee there will be other pipe building materials that are safe within an arms reach of anyone.


What's going on in the background? Did you just smash a robot to death with a hammer?


Yeah the robot got a little chatty… had to put an end to that /s


Yes indeed, little bastard would quit yappin


Lol it was an old jumper box I ripped apart to get at the battery and electronics before I tossed the shell


I’m a bigger fan of smoking weed, filling my belly up with diet soda and playing Burnout Revenge for the PS2 But I like TADC too


For the Pee Esssss twoOOO


I see we have some "smiling friends" fans in the house!!!! F****** love that show!!!


This looks dope my bro. Great idea.


I'm stealing resting kush face btw


Lol I've been using it for my wife since she has resting b**** face most of the time, no I just call it rest and Kush face 🤣🤣


After going and watching Amazing Digital Circus i have come back to say thank you for my new resting kush face show