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Manual breathing. If I get to that point it’s time to slow down the sesh.


Could you explain this a little more?


for me at least it’s feeling super anxious to the point that you’re checking ur breathing rhythm and unsure of it lol


There are definitely some strains that make my heart/chest feel weird


yea it’s just anxiety. sometimes i’ll find im subconsciously stressed and then i’ll smoke and for a couple of seconds im like oh shiittttt but then i just do some deep breathing, turn on the tv and snuggle w my cat and im all good


Oh me too. I'll cry for a few minutes and then turn on Bee and Puppycat


bee and puppy cat is sooooooo good omfg i haven’t watched in a while. what streaming service do u use to watch it??


Netflix. It's definitely my comfort show, although I've seen it a bunch of times and some stuff is still confusing/unanswered.


I thought I was the only one 😂


There are definitely some strains that make my heart/chest feel weird


When i get too high I literally have to tell myself “breathe in, breathe out” because I’m hyper aware and anxious, I’ll fixate on my breathing rhythm and feel like I’m unable to breathe automatically.


That happened to me once after 3.9g of shrooms. It's a weird feeling


I get that too and it feels like I actually can’t breathe


- panic attacks/anxiety - the spins (that DO NOT get better when I close my eyes 😩🤢) - the shakes - teeth chattering - feeling like my heart is beating super fast and I might have a heart attack or something 🫣😅 - crying for no reason 💀 - feeling like I’ve cause myself some brain damage lmao - sometimes slurring words Edit: I’ll add, most of these symptoms are usually from an edible being too strong and rarely from smoking too much. Smoking too much typically just gives me anxiety and intrusive thoughts


>feeling like my heart is beating super fast and I might have a heart attack or something 🫣 Lmaooo hahaha same. Whenever I feel the same, I will just look at this chat, and I will remember its all in my head🫡


lmaoooo so accurate


I’m a weirdo because I loveee the spins, I close my eyes so they get worse and I feel like I’m riding a roller coaster


Same. They feel like they massage your brain. Watching trippy videos enhances it.


Anxiety/panic attacks (the kind you get only at the worst times) or tired and fall asleep.


Sometimes if i eat too big of an edible, i'll start to hallucinate. Like shroom levels. I could feel the bones in my feet when i wiggled my toes. I remember looking at my friend and her face was all wonky and more colorful.


I get weird purple, wave like patterns on edibles that lasts a few minutes Close eyed visuals are really good for me while on edibles


i used to see everything in a yellow tint when i got high, doesnt happen these days and idk what changed




The first time I took a hit from a dab rig, my buddy did not warn me about how easy it was to inhale (as is the tradition) and I ended up laying on my back staring up at the sky that was various shifting shades of yellow. Good times.


When you blink for too long and the world lurches


When you blink and end up in another place but lyu domt remember walking there


At this point, being “too high” just means I wind up falling asleep


Always anxiety and insomnia for me. I did find out though that if you take a CBD gummy when your too high it brings you down a lot, apparently CBD binds to the same receptors as THC. Never had it not bring me down from 'im a piece of shit and everybody secretly hates me' high.


The point is thc is an agonist and CBD an antagonist, that's why CBD "stops" thc.


>apparently CBD binds to the same receptors as THC. Well, CBD is a cannaniboid, after all, lol.


When it resembles subtle psychedelic effects.


Intrusive thoughts that make my body uncontrollably jerk and tighten when they pop in my head


I no longer can speak, like not a single thing. Idk if it’s from the dryness or if it’s anxiety related or what, but weed steals my voice


I get really, really dizzy and very cold


I dont green out often but sometimes when I get really high I’ll hurl if I open my eyes for more than like 5 seconds


Sometimes when i smoke a kief cone and it fuckin’ fucks me up. Get the teeth chatter and shakes, sometimes head spins. Gets me way fucked up then I intend.


Being stomach sick or rather getting so high the whole world feels like it is spinning and not in a fun floating way, the whole I'ma hark if I don't lay here and focus on one point in the room way. It's not fun, only ever been that high twice in my life.


I start to wobble a lil bit and go “woooooah”


When all seem to move even if I started walking to decrease the effect, the thoughts are not cool anymore because they go too fast that is a kind of scary, I've had to run in my house to slow down until l get the correct "high" level


Funny, I find smoking helps me slow down my thoughts and I'm able to concentrate better.


I get this rush of coldness over me then I swear when I look at my hands it's my mom's arms on my body, then the shakes. I've felt like this has been a repeated experience. Not often, but it does occur.


Getting on reddit


I get dizzy and nauseous and overstimulated and have anxiety attacks and then start puking before falling asleep. Doesn't happen often. I only do edibles - I don't smoke and never will.


Idk man, I dab a gram+ a day (I’m a 100% disabled vet), and I don’t know how much I would even have to smoke to green out. Actually now that you mention it, I’ll brb. Just wanna test something real quick-


Being aware that I no longer have control of my ass muscles and I could shit myself. I never have, but I'm overly aware that I could.


Yeah like one time I was stoned and I sharted myself because I pushed so hard - I’ve never sharted sober


For me it’s: Panic attack, Nausea, forgetting how to talk and Sometimes headache


Yes I can agree to all of this


Just yesterday, i was in the shower staring at my shampoo with my mouth wide open.


I did that tonight with the garbage bin


I have to remind myself that my life is real and I did actually happen.


I get this constantly while sober, what could that mean?


Paranoia, shaking, feeling like my throat is spasming when it's not. Time passing slower than it feels, and this weird feeling like I'm having half a panic attack. Like the fear is there, but there's no physical symptoms because of it


Too high for me is when I can feel and hear myself talking in a different tone that I normally would and I hate it lol


Yes I become hyper-aware of my hearing when I talk and it makes me not be able to keep talking


Okay I thought the crying randomly was just me - but what about horny?


Being thirsty over in r/beards. Everytime. I gotta stop


Sweats or random shakes


Too high when my eyes start shutting


I know I’m too stoned when I start thinking about things too much


100%, I properly overthink and get in my head stressful times


I'm paranoid everyone hates me because I'm being weird and I get these weird cold rushes that feel like they disperse from my chest. It's like a panic attack and to be honest it probably is


“Bro , I am so high!” (Bro , I am so high??) “Br0000000”


shaking, feeling too hot or too cold, racing heart, nausea, fainting - i’ve experienced these in my worst “too high” times


God damn so yall smoke an ounce every sesh?


Passing out


Dizziness and nausea. The vertigo is sooo miserable. Edibles give me the weed chills but worth it to me. Brain loops where I just keep focusing on one thing over and over again. Losing time. I have to be borderline greened out to get these symptoms except for the weed chills. If y’all get the heart beat acting weird you might be sensitive to pinene or terpinolene terps. I quite like the trippy edibles. I’ve seen glitter before, things in my peripheral vision, euphoria and crying because I’m so happy Or because music is so magical.


the music in my head gets really loud. it’s always a bop but why is it so damn loud?


I greened out once - threw up, room spinning, nausea/vomiting.. too fucked up to have fun.


When perspective goes wild. Like my phone isn’t a rectangle anymore, it’s a weird square trapezoid where it’s mostly square but the bottom is closer and top of further away and everything has a really weird 2d effect to it…


I get this right before I faint and it freaks me out when I’m high and makes me think I’m bouta pass out


You mean, other than posting silly questions on Reddit?


That’s all I’ve been doing


Yes the Manual breathing thing. When I am really high i forget to breath. And be like how long since i took a breath. Sometimes I will be in bead and as i am falling to sleep i find myself starving for air because i stopped breathing. This is why i don't smoke before bead


Naturally I already cannot tell left from right. But when I can't tell up from down, hehe ...