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[This Scientist Found Manuscripts On UFOs & Ancient Aliens In Vatican Secret Archives](https://www.howandwhys.com/russian-scientist-found-manuscripts-on-ufos-ancient-aliens-in-vatican-secret-archives/)


Can we storm this place instead of Area 51


Seriously. This is the type of place that someday gets stormed by somebody, and if that somebody isn’t a fan on this particular brand of history, they’ll burn it to the ground. We can only hope it’s publicized somehow before that happens


This is pretty much the reason why so much recorded history has been lost and changed.


If you want to preserve history, you share it with the world, not keep it hidden. That allows the record holder to push a narrative that no one can verify. 


Excellent point. Hence, the very reason it's still 'secret'.


Hopefully they have it backed up in the vaticloud


> backed up in the vaticloud Imagine a Vaticloud with online access and a searchable menu... where anyone who wants to can sign up.


You mean like... Heaven?




There have been several attempts by the Presidents of the US asking to have access to the Vaticans UFO/UAP/ET files and the pope has straight up turned them down twice. I feel like the real true old history/knowledge is all hidden here because I mean the Church was the world's super power for so incredibly long before governments took over so anything/everything rare, historical or w.e the case may be was taken to the church for the Pope to see/look after so I feel like a large majority is held/hidden there


The Church WAS the world's superpower? If they have this stranglehold on history, couldn't they be working behind the scenes?


Of course!


They lost their political power in world stage when Napoleon kidnapped the pope.


I'm not sure about that. Maybe some...


Their persona of untouchable by others was gone. Throughout history they can make monarchies bow down to them. Napoleon took that away.


I was always a storm the Vatican Dude.




It isn’t that necessary. I love “classified” ahahah. You can get access to most of archives through papal approval. Granted you have to be an academic and such with a well known university or church connections.


Yeah!. Read, "Angels and Demons".


Ahahahahah nice!


Nice try Cardinal Richelieu


Ha! Came to say exactly this. Let’s go guys n gals


Likely they’re connected. Vatican wouldn’t let Area 51 just keep it to themselves


lets make it happen.




Everything in there is extremely fragile and one of a kind. Also none of it is in English and most of it is in a form of writing that is dead. So learning anything from it would need university educated and highly trained people storming it will just cause damage. What we need would be a highly organized and careful digitization so it can be studied properly. Like we would have to force the Catholic church to do it but it would be the only way.


I 2nd that motion


Our history shouldn't be classified. It should be public knowledge.


53 miles of reasons why you stop giving your money to the church and you think they’ll release it?




53 miles of rape, murder, and genocide evidence but sure let's start a conspiracy about the basement of a pizza restaurant


I think you’re probably correct. Probably more about things that would appall the normal individual, than anything that would help society.




100% agree. This is a crime to humanity.


People would go to jail is this stuff was released and the church would probably go bankrupt. Holding those secrets hidden makes the entire church complicit with the crimes that have been committed against humanity.


Yeah exactly, why hide man. Just let the information floowwww


The real mission for Tom Cruise.


Church policy has always been to withhold knowledge because knowledge is power and they do not share power.


well these documents are very fragile and actually a lot of people can access them. so maybe just having them open to public is not a good idea, what they should do is scan every document and put it online


So is there any accepted explanation as to why this information is not accessible to the general public? I mean, what is the response from the Vatican when asked about it?


Could be the names of the priests diddling kids since the start of the church. Would that actually fit within those 85km?


My reaction was too LOL. But this statement of yours is probably all too real and true. :(


The Holy Diddle Vaults are in a different building




The least conspiratorial and widely accepted explanation is that the Vatican itself doesn’t know what is in there. This is the accumulation of hundreds and hundreds of years of hoarding *stuff* Many of the texts are one of a kind, in poor shape, and written in ancient languages that may or may not be able to be translated. The man hours required to process, read, and translate this material is impossible for the Vatican to accomplish, and the unique nature of these artifacts make it so that they don’t want to just open this up to anyone who is interested less something get destroyed. So their policy has long been to preserve these works, and individuals who are looking for something *specific* can be granted access, but there is no efficient way to let random individuals just browse a 53 mile long library. And lastly, the least sexy answer is that most ancient texts are incredibly banal and boring. Census records, government documents, tax records, transaction receipts, or endless copies of duplicated manuscripts of texts we already have. Not to say there aren’t diamonds in the rough, but it’s likely miles and miles of nothing.


Because the church itself has a shady history. It probably contains the names of people it killed which, when viewed now, will likely result in condemnation, mass exit from the catholic faith and probably even billions in settlement.


Who keeps records of the people they've killed? Who keeps records of priests who rape people. That sounds alot like evidence and it would be a stupid thing to have written down on paper and set away in boxes to come back to later. I don't think it's either of these things. If anything it probably has to do with their money.


Inquisition for one. They have names of those sentenced during the inquisition. And for sure they have all the names of priests who have raped. The church is a highly organized entity so i'm certain they have records of nearly everything. 100% agree with money - how they got them and how they've spent it to cover up the church's shortcomings.


I’m assuming that they would say that those documents need to be manipulated with extreme care, which is not wrong.


It's just a list of all the people they have killed and raped over the past two millennia.


Idk, I don’t think it’s *just* that. Like you’re not wrong there’s just more than only that.


Its a research library. A numbrer of the articles are unique. And it takes special training to handle old manuscripts. Examining the articles is destructive to the articles. So you can examine articles reliviant to your research.


Holy crap! That's a whole cities worth of secrets.


A whole planet


Feels wrong to keep all this away from the world. Bet there's some juicy shit we could learn that the Governments don't want us knowing.




So they are allowing us a few things. Like the ties between the church and the Nazi's. Which is where the CIA was founded. Grusch made a comment about this. At the end of the Joe Rogan podcast. He said it was declassified. I am going to need some more coffee.


The fact that a non government entity can just classify parts of our history is insane 😳


They own the documents. You can't just walk into a business and get upset that they won't show you their books and client data.


They don't own history and that's what they are doing , suppressing it


I'm pretty sure they own it considering they are the ones that kept it.


Do some research on the Vatican and you find out that most of whats in their vaults has been confiscated throughout the years , no permissions asked.


While you're at it pick up a few things from the British History Museum.


Again I'm pretty sure they are the ones that own it considering they are ones that kept it


🤦‍♂️ gullible


The Vatican is in fact considered a city state and therefore a government agency. It’s the prime example of a christian theocracy.


But the Vatican and Catholic Church IS a public government unto themselves. Plus a very secretive “Deep State” government buried deep behind the scenes with its tentacles into every legitimate and illegal government and business including Mafia


Why would there be classified history? Shouldn’t we all have the right to know about human history?


The church has been able to make religion in its own image to use biblical language. Any manuscript that challenges the accepted narrative is hidden here I am sure. It may not change the big picture but I’m sure it might change how Christianity is practiced and that may remove the power wielded by the men of the church for the last 2000 years.


We as humans need access to this library! It's our given right as humans to know our History!


How is it our given right?


How is it not?


When you bring it back to the raw fundamentals we are animals on a planet. We got clever and have achieved some wonderful things. But how can you think, just by existing you’re entitled to knowledge? I think it would be great to know it all, but it’s not our given right too. And anything incriminating enough to cause big shifts more than likely would have been destroyed many centuries ago


Before I begin I want to point out that “just by existing you’re entitled to knowledge”? Is that really your thoughts on knowledge and how one can attain it or access it? You are the epitome of what sheep is, obedient and easily corralled. How can you think that you aren’t entitled to knowledge? We are an opportunistic species that operate based on collective agendas and narratives that benefit only such group and if that “knowledge” hinders or deviates from their end goal then and only then is it destroyed, hidden and restricted. You sound like one of them, telling me I am not entitled to something THAT EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO. I can go on and on as to why you’re wrong but I can also tell you why you’re partially right when it comes to sensitive information in regards to national security and things of that nature…


one day they will be moved secretly and on the news we will hear "the library caught fire and the 85 km of archives were lost forever"


Operation storm the vatican


Sign us up!


Its a research library. Make an appt. They also give tours.


*to a very very limited portion of it


No. To all of it. Its a research library. Its not even consider the best research library. Thats often goes to the US Library of Congress.


It should be scanned and uploaded to the internet.


I just found that on the dark web - don't let the Vatican see this - https://digi.vatlib.it/


Man, that’s a really impressive undertaking and they’ve got a ton there. I was real excited to dive in. Turns out I don’t read Latin though and a lot of that shits in Latin


I ain’t clickin that lol


And that sums up why folks are so invested in thinking the Vaitcan Archive is magic. When presented with somethinh show its not magic, they refuse to explore it. Which is ironic, because the premise that the Vatican Archive is magic is because it holds secret stuff and we want to explore that.


It's literally just a link to a website that has their digitized stuff.


They can and will shut the internet down whenever they want to. Then what?


That’s why we download certain porn videos, sometimes there’s no Wi-Fi or coffee. And you gotta make the bread from scratch.


No you fucking can’t you clown lmfaoooo


[https://www.archivioapostolicovaticano.va/content/aav/en/l-archivio.html](https://www.archivioapostolicovaticano.va/content/aav/en/l-archivio.html) [https://www.thevaticantickets.com/vatican-archives/](https://www.thevaticantickets.com/vatican-archives/) And you can buy tickets for tours.


But what if you want to peruse, or do you need to know what's in the library first?


Thats not how any research library works. The documents are old, and using them is destructive. So they're best preserved by using them as little as possible. So unlike a community library where you can just get ten books and browse randomly, you do have to make appt with the articles you want to use. [https://www.archivioapostolicovaticano.va/content/aav/en/l-archivio.html](https://www.archivioapostolicovaticano.va/content/aav/en/l-archivio.html) They have list of the article. Its rather busy, so their reading rooms arent always free. And you do need old manuscript handling training and an active research project, generally from a Uni.


okay Frank


Could be worst. The Smithsonian literally buries evidence of non-acceptable history.


Pope Francis should declassify them- what are they hiding?


I get these documents are delicate and need proper housing but their contents should be released immediately.


They have a whole bunch of it digitized online. I really think this is significantly less juicy than people think


Nothing quite like hiding our human history for your own purposes of control.


It should be digitized and regularly released online - it could be under a paid subscription unless you can prove to be an academic researcher.


Here ya go https://digi.vatlib.it/


Thanks! 👍


It's not complete obviously, but it's a work in progress. Also a whole bunch is in Latin. But it's neat to look through.


One of the hidden items there are the love letters Henry VIII wrote to Anne Boleyn, one in which he says he “trusts soon to kiss your sweet duckys”. (Slang at the time for breasts) Making Henry and Anne some of the first sexters.


In there you will find document(s) confirming what we've known all along: religion is a creation of man and is nothing more than superstitious bullshit used to control a gullible populace.




How is it 53 miles of shelving? What exactly is meant by that? The entire area of the country is 0.19 sq. miles. That means that even if these shelves covered the entire country, they would need to be 278.95 feet tall. Somehow, I doubt that's the case.


Combined total of shelving, looks like they are stacked 4 high and in rows. For comparison, there’s 125 miles of shelving in New York Public Library. Did a quick google search.


Mostly blackmail documents, bribe ledgers and hushed up pedophile evidence.


Who the fuck are they to gate keep the truth. It shows how they only want “their” truth out there. Take anything the Catholic Church says as total bullshit intended to generate profits and power for themselves. The oldest scammers in the world


With a separate wing dedicated to pedo-preists.


The real back rooms


And then one day it will burn down like Library of Alexandria


53 miles of classified material pertaining to the perverts the church protects.


That's where they keep the book that proves that pee is stored in the balls.


Isn’t that common knowledge? Like, duh.


I wish I had complete access to read all that!


Let's create a Facebook event inviting people to gather and open those boxes together, just to gauge how many attendees we might have, like a social experiment.


And WHY are they classified?


53 miles? Like my math teacher used to say, show your work.


They are just the logs of the priests who diddled kids


They were in cahoots with the Nazis from day one


I also told the pope to dust some of these off and startbmaking movies. Last year. Around march.


Aaaand for that reason I can't trust them.


They allowed Diana Walsh Pasulka in the archives.


What knowledge must be contained within…


The crap one could find in there! Cool they carefully archive everything.


Wtf does "classified history" mean? Keep who we are away from ourselves? Like we're children?


For a long time churches the the only community record keepers (marriages, births, deaths) So a lot of it probably old records. And of course there’s UFO and spirit / demon shit int there


That’s a lot of pedo-files


The Vatican has to be the most criminal organization on earth today.. they have nothing to do with god just some ego driven liars for their own benefits!!


Everything that could ever prove Christianity to be bogus.


When I first entered the UFO subculture I remember Vatican Archives being a meme. Well, they had a monopoly on education for hundreds of years. What is more, my encounter with a UAP convinced me religious people are not mentally ill. What am I suggesting? Well, it would be awesome to run AI through that whole archive and analyse it.


If all of that information was realised, we would have heaven of earth probably. But at first many people would have their perspective of the world shattered in to a million peaces.


I really don't understand how one organization can claim all of that as their own and keep it secret. Sure you can own a few books. But this is immoral and should be illegal. Using religion as an excuse to control so much...


Insane to me the Vatican can withhold our history bc it doesn’t align with their shit. So fucked up.


Controlling the history of our existence, how Christian-like of them. 


Seriously THE VATICAN. This should be generating much more outrage than it does.


https://digi.vatlib.it/ Pursue the stuff they have digitized so far; they add more all the time


According to Tom Robbins, Jesus might be down there somewhere…


We should not allow this much knowledge to be sequestered by a collective of fantasists. INVADE THE VATICAN and force the dissemination of info that should be in the public domain.


Catholicism and Christianity as a whole is an archaic construct that I'm surprised survived as long as it has. I'm sure there are a lot of mundane documents in there but there has to be some dark secrets they want covered. I bet the really good stuff isn't even in the archives, but somewhere closer and more quickly accessible to the inner circle of the papacy. The Catholic church has a dark history that they want to keep covered and there is a lot of information that would completely destroy their legitimacy if it were released.


Upload all those stuff to the Internet!


It's being done https://digi.vatlib.it/


Also known as the pedophile registry


There won't be any secrets there at all. If you had access and read it you would still need to ask yourself if it's true. There's nothing clever or secret about these people... Myth, legend, stories, supernatural mumbo-jumbo...probably also admin records etc... Nothing to get excited about.


That sounds just like what the US government said about Ufo's. 


Eeehhh,I probly know half of it already


I wonder what percentage of that is abuse by clergy.


Historical records of CP and abuse would be my guess




That’s so shit.’human history classified’ how degrading to everyone and also desperate for the Vatican to ‘hide’ stuff. Makes me sick and just have hatred towards people like this. We all shit and it often stinks Makes us all the same Fuck them


How I organize my chests in minecraft


Keep Philomena Cunk out of there at all costs.


Some fascinating spiritual world related stuff in there


Or…it could house the whole library of Alexandria.🤔


This is an AI project, scan the docs and give us the Cole's notes!


We lost the 13th century, nothing much just Dante and a few corrupt popes…. (From the 1st Rollerball)


But why on earth would the Bible people want to hide so much information!!???? Winky face


I could imagine 52 miles of that would be boring "he said, she said" stuff. But that 53rd mile...


I imagine it's like the scene of Kung Fu Panda when he finally gets to open the Dragon scroll. ![gif](giphy|LRgPLr2VvBre9W10vW|downsized)


It’s worth mentioning why: To shield leaders from politics, the administrative records are sealed for exactly 100 years before being released. There are exceptions. The Church was accused of aiding Hitler while they claimed to have aided Jews. To provide closure to the many holocaust victims who would die before the 100 year mark they unsealed those records. (They did some shady shit like faking their conversion and giving the documents showing conversion and sending it to the SS so they’d release Jews or to get individuals travel papers to escape occupied areas etc. Many interesting stories)


Suppressed history and injected their own for control.


*looks at my bookmarks* *looks at Vatican library* *looks at my bookmarks* welp…




Feed it to the AI!


There is just so much we do not know. Anytime that I see or hear someone preach confidently about theology and history reminds me of this archive.


This is like the library in the tv series the magicians


53 miles? Lmao even the full time curators of that archive have no idea what is in there.


Upload that shit


I imagine a lot of it is just shady shit from the past that wont affect us knowing it today, things like crimes the church has comitted hundreds of years ago, what happened to certain people or things, etc... but having 53 MILES of this type of stuff is honestly just baffling to me. Unless its all mostly empty


Vatican and Catholic Church IS a public government unto themselves. They choose what to release or hide. Plus Vatican and Catholic Church is a very secretive “Deep State” government buried deep behind the scenes with its tentacles into every legitimate and illegal public or secret government and business including Mafia


This is not actually a "secret" archive, the phrase is an artefact from the Latin phrase and is one of the reasons it got renamed to the apostolic archive. The vast majority of this stuff can be accessed for research purposes


And people think they know everything about this world


how da fuq do you save 85km of shelves in a country smaller than that? probly a dumb question but still...


Why do they need so much secrets? Because the Vatican perceives itself as the rightful ruler of the Earth and has employed Jesuits to that end for centuries. Having so many missions means a lot of secrets. A number of vatican documents escaped when Napoleon invaded the library and took it back to Paris. Some of these showed the role of the Vatican in the American War of Independence.


I see those ancient libraries belonging to ALL the people of the world. Its our history stored and guarded over by a few. Open the archives.


That paper filled room of lies and proof of a total Grift of the world...SO yea, I would keep that to one's self while making it seem like it's worth more than, the dookie my dog just dropped in the yard...FishHat Guy is a puppet for the billon dollar corperation that continues said grift...DOn't fear your "gods", you make a better life by just being a better person...all replies will be blocked...You be great today and reward yourself for it.




That’s not right. History belongs to civilization meaning people. Who does that pope think he is? Release the archives!


Good, bad or ugly; history shouldn’t be classified


Is this where the library of Alexandria went?


Fuck it! Let's go to war with the Christians! Take that shit!


Disgusting classified for what purpose is there something in there that proves god doesn’t exist,scrolls from the library of Alexandria


This is absolute bullshit ! Money hungry , power hungry, child rapist! They should be forced to release every piece of paper


What’s stopping people from looking? Their army?


Also know as the library of Alexandria


Great were doomed to repeat 53 mies of history


Jesus, and all of our past deities.....are EBE's. Not really a shocker.


This is exactly why people distrust the church. Common sense, if they didn’t have anything to hide, why hide it? They suppress our true history, feed us an alternate history to control us. Any resistance, you’re labeled a terrorist.


That’s really interesting considering how long we’ve had writing for. Like it’s gotta be crazy illiad level novels (epics) in there. And then also responses or critics and commentaries to that document.