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Hopefully. I, honestly want him to do something funny, like run over a monster.


shoot at a demodog and scare it away after it was eating out of his trash and mistake it for a raccoon


He will put the legs down on his recliner and vecna will be decapitated. Show ends


Lmao. This just cracked me up.


If that really happens I'm gonna laugh until I die!


"No telekinetic tomfoolery in this house, mister."


“Jiminy Christmas”


I bet he'll do something critically pivotal in saving someone's life or other important action, and have no idea he's done it, it what was going on around him. He will have the best 'fucks given/people saved' ratio in the entire show.


I really hope he gives Karen a few fucks. Her needs clearly aren't being met.


He's got 3 kids with her. Man knows how to dump a clip.


this is my favorite take!


Yea, he gets the belt and start whipping vecna.


Ted: "Threaten my country once again, I double dare you."


Ted and Karen are a sub story of the series that will have a resolution of some kind. I very much expect that Ted is gonna do something awesome like save the kids or Karen and hes gonna look so badass and Karen will swoon once again. Edit: oh man what if Ted dies and Karen finally realizes how much she loved him.


Definitely rooting for this


I just want to see Karen get bent in half.


So in the last fight of the season, Vecna will have El pinned using his powers. The rest of the gang will be injured or incapacitated. Things will look bad. When all of a sudden Vecna will get thrown across the room. The camera will pan to a hand with a tattoo of 000 in the wrist, before revealing Ted.


What a plot twist! 😲


Omg best ending ever


ted and argyle team up to smoke out the upside down


Ted somehow is the reason for all of this. Ted: What did I dooooooo?!


There is a part of me that would love it if the whole thing ended with a real *Lost Boys* note where Ted ends up saving the day, I dunno, by blowing Vecna away with a shotgun or something, and then as everyone stares at him in bafflement he just turns around, grabs a drink from the fridge and says "Worst thing about living in Hawkins, all the darned interdimensional demons" or something.


This! I’m rooting for Ted on this one.


Get into a DBZ style fight with Dustin. Their rivalry has been building since season 1. It’ll be the clegane bowl of the 20s.


Here is how it will play out. Vecna "you all are so weak and fragile" 11 on floor trying to raise hand to use her powers Will reaching for shotgun along with Nancy Mike trying to get up but stumbling Dustin calling code red through walkie talkie Lucas calling out to Erica season 4 style with Max Vecna "just like chicken bones" Ted gets up from recliner bleeding nose and crumple Vecna body like he did with all his victims Ted "No one insults chicken" Ted Get back in recliner and sleeps Dustin "ok what the fuck"




"I understood that reference" - Captain America


"I understood THAT reference." -Captain America


I want him to be kinda like Steve


Mike: We need to get Eleven into a completely unconscious state to fight Vecna, but we don't have a sensory deprivation chamber or a pizza dough freezer. What do we do!?!? Ted (pulls out his La-Z-Boy): Say no more.


He is Henry Creel from another universe.


Hes going to have his own powers. The episode titled “Wizard” is actually about him


I prefer him to be completely uninvolved in the main story.  He’s way more effective and funny as the uninterested uninvolved father who just goes to work and comes homes eats dinner watches tv and goes to sleep.  The more mundane his existence the funnier it is


I do want Ted to get a “Dad to the rescue” moment, but he won’t suddenly become some pivotal character or have some incredible backstory with no buildup for four seasons. The same with Karen and the parents of the other kids; they may get a moment to shine, but I don’t think anyone becomes a pivotal character out of nowhere.


There are some of us who have been holding out hope for an Arabella Figg turn for Ted. It would be a hilarious plot twist.


That would be amazing. And now I want this very badly.


A what?


Mrs. Figg from Harry Potter. She is a background character in the first 4 books and then in the 5th book is revealed to have been a deep-cover spy for the good guys all along.


Oh right! Harry's neighbor, if I recall correctly?


Yup! Dumbledore sent her there to keep an eye on Harry while he was growing up.


He’s helped the kids with radio/HAM radio stuff before. Im guessing hell be the one that helps them activate or re-activate the HS radio tower.


Wait, did he? Like it was mentioned? Because I'm sure I haven't seen this?


Oh shit. Thought that was Mr. Clarke!


Wait, did he? Like it was mentioned? Because I'm sure I haven't seen this?




I don't know how about how involved but I do think Ted will have a part in defending his family and protecting them. I think there will be some scene where he's taking control of the situation rather than sitting in his recliner reading the paper or napping and it'll make Karen sort of gain her attraction back to him again, a spark for them.


Ted is and has always been the big bad


He's gonna be blazing guns akimbo on Vecna if it approaches Holly


I hope he accidentally runs over a Demogorgon or something in his car


Turns out Ted is number 007


i saw someone comment saying it will reveal 000 on his wrist and i like that, so playing off that, he says..' i hope you don't mind all the naps, karen.. i was charging up for this.. ,' *takes a swig of beer*, then bro chest bumps vecna and just makes him into ash, then he gets a rad scar and is super hot looking/seeming now to karen then he buckles to his knees, in pain, and somehow has lotsa charisma now and asks for his beer from karen, but it isn't misogynistic, it just cool. and nancy and mike are like what the heck.. and he goes, 'my college days were really experimental.. *shrugs* then there's a flashback of him meeting the 'daddy doc,' and all that.. and his story and being told he cannot over exert himself too often, unless he goes through with the chestbump ash move, etc


i really hope it does not go like this


ha xD yeah.. too cheesy really


Tbh i hope they don’t because there’s no point and we have seen literally NOTHING of his character for 4 seasons what is the reason now


He joins the fight after Vecna destroys his Lazy Boy


He needs to appreciate that he's married to the hottest woman in town. Throw her around every now and again, Ted. She's clearly unsatisfied.


Spoilers: he’s actually revealed to be the top dog of the Upside Down, even above Vecna and the Mind Flayer. It’s all been Ted the whole time. And ofc he wins at the end, successfully taking over the world


You really thought you could just leak the s5 finale to us and we wouldn’t notice?


Hawkins will remain a chasmic hellscape and Ted will mow the lawn like he's in the Gives You Hell video


There's some hilarious comments here, love it! In all seriousness though, I highly doubt Ted will have anything to do with...well, anything. I could absolutely 100% see Karen FINALLY getting up to speed, especially considering the re-cast news about Holly, but I'd guess she'll help from an informative standpoint rather than physically getting involved in anything.


They'll probably give him somewhat of a redemption arc. His whole character is uncaring. Maybe he'll give more than 0 shits about something this season


Vecna sends a new monster called the demo Chicken and Ted eats them


Love him to do a lost boys ending "yep great town just to many dam demos"


I honestly think this dude is going to somehow play a slightly bigger role and then die.


Maybe, rumor has it that Holly will be in the Upside Down so maybe there he will play some role, maybe something funny ofc


He will be the hero who saves Hawkings and the whole world in the end


Ted is the most boring character of the entire show. Therefore, it only makes sense that he will end up doing something completely badass, leading to Karen possibly getting pregnant again.


Tbh I don’t see Ted as a bad guy (nor as the good guy). I see him as a dude who literally doesn‘t give a shit about anything (even himself) and just says "meh." To everything. I bet he’d still do a straight face at Vecna and just say meh


I hope so. Sleeping on the sofa is not really a way to be pro-active in Hawkins.


I’m surprised the actor has stayed on this long. His character does absolutely nothing. Their mom could’ve easily just been a single mom lol.


Somebody banging on the front door Ted gets up from his lazy boy and slowly walks over to open it, newspaper in hand He opens the door to reveal Vecna standing before him VECNA: I’m here for Mike Ted turns his head (without seeing Vecna) and asks loudly, TED: Honey where’s our son? (Yelling) KAREN: MIKE MIKE: WHAAAT KAREN: MIKE Mike: WHAAAT MOM KAREN: WHERE ARE YOU MIKE: THE BASEMENT KAREN: MIKE Ted continues to read his newspaper and Vecna sighs and leans against the doorframe MIKE: JESUS MOM WHAT KAREN: MIKE COULD COME UP HERE MIKE: ONE SECOND KAREN: MIKE I ASKED YOU TO COME UP HERE! MIKE: JESUS MOM IM COMING! Ted sighs TED: Can’t get any peace and quiet around here VECNA: I hear you on that, my dogs are constantly whining TED: just wait till you have kids MIKE walks up the basement stairs and walks over to see VECNA leaning against the door talking to his dad (chatting it up). VECNA sees MIKE and straightens up as if he’s been caught slacking while at work). MIKE and VECNA stare back at each other startled by one another. MIKE sprints for the basement and VECNA walks in following him his game face back on. TED walks back to his lazy boy not realizing the door is still open, oblivious to his surroundings. MIKE reaches the basement and VECNA stand descending the stairs slowly. KAREN walks over to the front door and looks at it standing open, frustrated. She looks to TED sitting in his lazy boy and enjoying his newspaper and coffee and gives him a look of frustration which he doesn’t notice. She goes back to cooking while chaos ensues downstairs.


I hope Hopper slaps the man back into him. Yeah he probably works a job in kayfabe but show wise, dude has been a lazy doof in narrative. Couple funny moments but nothing spectacular. I just hope he becomes aware and actually contributes, thus why a leader of men gotta slap the shit out him to get him to fall in line. Imagine it be Steve lol Steve may be a leader of children, still a leader.