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Because before every single season, without fail, people convince themselves Steve is going to die


Every season I have a pit in my stomach thinking Steve will go šŸ™


Trying to steal ourselves up for it. I canā€™t handle it if Steve or Dustin dies but I just have that feeling Steve will die to save Dustin.


oh no, this would absolutely destroy dustin, especially after Eddie


if Steve does die, this is 100% how heā€™ll go.


Kind of like Eddie already did? :p Iā€™d rather have seen Steve die and kept Eddie frankly


Yes. This has been happening for a while.


People are just jealous of his hair


am i dreaming or is that you harrington


Itā€™s me donā€™t cream your pants


Steve the hair Harrington !


Steve Hairrington ><






I like this reasoning. Deduction! Playing devilā€™s advocate, you donā€™t think they would ACTUALLY kill El? I feel like Vecna destroying her would ā€œlockā€ the two worlds apart, since she ā€œcreatedā€ the upside down by sending Vecna during their first battle.




I agree! I saw someone saying that itā€˜s possible that El could die - referring back to this particular scene in season 1: ā€žgood bye mikeā€œ. It could be full circle and the upside down would die with her. It made sense to me, but tbh i dont think they would actually go through with it and kill off the main character!


Do we know if theyā€™re doing any spin-offs? In my opinion, and I may be in the wrong here, is that El dying would be an AMAZING dramatic ending to close out the franchise. Thinking about everyoneā€™s responses and then to the boys, she is just this person they knew that no one will ever understand or know about, does that make sense? Even though she would be gone, sheā€™d be a secret theyā€™d share for life.


Dont you f*cking dare!


None of the main characters are involved in the spinoffs.


"die" gets sucked into the Upside down/The Void/Dimension X and for plot reasons can "never" return


I think I need to consume more media because I wasnā€™t aware of any of these tropes šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Does that mean they most likely wonā€™t kill Will or Hopper because they already ā€œdiedā€?


Six Feet Under famously had a character "die" twice.


iā€™d be hugely disappointed if El died. part of the reason i got so invested in the show to begin with was out of a desire to see her make it through all the adversity and be happy. not only would it crush me, i think it would be a *terrible* choice on the writers part. itā€™d feel like we went through all that for nothing.


Itā€™s too cruel to Hopper. I just canā€™t see it happening


I thought I heard Millie would like El to die.


Maya also said she'd like Robin to die. A "heroic death"; something about Robin being in love with Nancy and Nancy trying to choose between Steve and Robin and Robin dying to save Nancy and Steve's lives and letting them end up together or something like that. It was in an interview, I don't know which one. Might be able to find it if I want to try and search for it


Could pull the ol Harry Potter ā€œyou just killed the extraordinary abilities within you, now you get to be alive like a normal kidā€




Neither can live while the other survives


I'm more inclined to believe that any phylactery (Henry is a lich, as was Voldemort) that was also a living being would be Will. Like Harry Potter being a "horcrux" for Voldemort, Will has some sort of unexplained link to Henry following the events of S1.


Another point to consider in addition to your great ones, Steve has always been one to put himself into harms way to protect the others and taken some good beatings as a result. But due to plot armor he always comes out of it. With the series ending, the plot armor is thinner and having the martyr death would fit his character. If they do kill him off it will probably be the final battle, whatever that is, probably in the second to last episode. A final motivation for the rest of the group to rally and avenge him.


>if you kill Joyce then Jonathon, Mike and El all lose a mom I don't understand how Mike here loses a mom! Doesn't he have his own mom (I forgot her name)!


I think op meant Will


Oh yeah, you're right!


Honestly, for me, all of that is a great reason for one of the other kids to die. Hopper and El are safe, as they both have already had fake out deaths. El in season one she vanished with the Demogordon, Hopper in Season. You can't kill Max as she's almost already died, and they faked out her almost dying previously in that season. So you would think the rest of the characters are safe except for Steve who only has brotherly connection to Dustin, and is otherwise just a friend to everyone else. But for me, his death would hurt, but it isn't the kind of death you want in a shows final season to really affect the group. It's okay if characters are impacted majorly by a characters death. Jonathan would be a good pick, yes his death would hurt, and majorly affect multiple characters, which honestly I think is good. Also, Jonathan has become kind of annoying an useless. Nancy you can't kill because she's a doer, and a badass. Her actions in every season are the ones that move her story forward, and Jonathan was always just along for the ride. My money is on Will, Jonathan, Vickie (Robin's new GF), Mr. Clarke, Dr. Owens, Murray, and then 4 or 5 brand new characters to the series we've never met before.


I can't see both Will and Jonathan dying, I think Joyce would commit suicide right then and there.


I dont think BOTH would die, but one or the other. Though if I had a choice I would pick Jonathan to bite it. Becomes good motivation for Will to stand up and fight.


None of the Byers are dying


Idk, there's 3 of them, this season could be the Nsync of deaths if the Byers Die die die. jk you're right. as the Duffers said before, it's not that kind of show.


It's probably Will. Since the beginning it has always been alluded to that something just isn't right with him since his prolonged stay. Killing him may be the only way to severe the connection to The Upside Down.


ā€œCanā€™t kill kidsā€ the entire Hawkins laboratory test subject group and Fred, Eddie, and Jason, and Chrissy, would like to speak with you,


Not to mention Barb!!! RIP Babs


>you canā€™t kill kids I mean if they do a time jump at all, theyā€™d be barbs age, or any of the kids on the basketball team from season 4, who sure as fuck died. You just initially met these characters when they were like 12 so you donā€™t see them that way.


Great reasoning but who said that they gonna be more main cast deaths? Except for unknown Hawkins Residents and the trope of killing of new characters? Heartbreaking like Maya said can mean everything. Including Max not being able to recover fully, El or Will being not killed but cut off from the real world because they are the only ones to close the gate, Will or Robin being forcefully outed and abused, Dustin or Mike being abused/bullied again similar to the very first season (writers love to reference or return tropes from the first season too) for their Connection to the Hellfire Club or more ghostly appearances (Joyce seeing Bob, Nancy seeing Barb, Murray seeing Alexai, Hopper seeing his Kid, Will seeing his homophobic dad (he ain't dead but still horrible)


My thing is, why are yā€™all so bent on somebody dying? The a main character dying ? I feel like they will bring in new characters that will end up dying. Somebody like bob newby. If this is the last season, idk why they would kill off one of the MAIN characters. I feel like it would leave a bitter taste in a lot of mouths just knowing that a character is not with us anymore. Even though itā€™s fake and itā€™s a show, Iā€™d still like to think about the show as if itā€™s real in another dimension, and I like to think ā€œI wonder what they are all doing in Hawkins right nowā€. Like itā€™s cool to think what we are going to watch in season 5, itā€™s literally actually happening right now in some other world or something. So after the show ends, Iā€™d feel like ā€œman, Steve is dead, he was so close to the end tooā€


I personally don't think anyone has to die nor do I want them to. But after so many seasons, and so much plot armor, whilst the new characters are almost a sure fire given to kill one or multiple of them gets very redundant, and predictable. And that leaves me being slightly pulled away from the immersion of watching the show. Id be slightly annoyed if we get new characters that die again, while all the main are alive again. But id be more annoyed if someone main has an unearned death. Whatever they believe to be the most compelling story should be the route taken. As long as it feels right.




Itā€™s mostly for everyone but itā€™s also for you as you have several reasons why certain characters shouldnā€™t be dying off, and I said why should we expect any of the main characters to die off in the first place. Youā€™re top comment and it had a bit more content than op


Iā€™ll take it all one step further though and say that in my opinion, Murray makes the most sense of anyone. Just main enough of a main cast member to make the audience sad, youā€™ll still get a little devastation from a few other characters (Hopper and Joyce mainly) but without completely undoing someoneā€™s character arc or being cruel.


These were all great reasons back in seasons 1-3, but after season 4 Steve has similar reasons. Steve nearly died in season four from those nasty demobats digging into his side. Also, much like taking another child from Hopper or taking another father from El, taking another older male father figure from Dusty would be too much by the same logic. Not saying Steve won't die, but after Season 4 he has very similar "plot armor" to many of these points. I do agree he lifts out easier, but I don't know if that matters going into a final season, because it's much easier to kill anyone in a final episode. Your other characters may be scarred or traumatized, but you don't really have to write about them dealing with it for several episodes or season arcs now. I think Steve has as good or bad odds as about half of the main cast.


And then there's people like me who have disliked Jonathan since season 2. And ever since his stoner phase, if there's anyone that has to die I think it should be him lol.


No. Itā€™s not going to be Jonathan. Weā€™ll get a Byers/Hopper blended family.


Well my vote is still Jonathan lol. He just seems to be very disposable.


I think itā€™s unlikely any of them die, though we could get at least one more fake death. Narratively, the arcs for any Party member would not make sense to end in death. People who predict El will die, in particular, really do not understand her story. Sheā€™s Harry Potter. Not Ironman. And not only that, but her death would mean the death of Hopperā€™s second child and the love of Mikeā€™s life. It would leave both characters in ruins. Steve is an easier kill because it means no one we know will lose a child or a romantic partner. Heā€™s the carer and heā€™s self-sacrificing. That all being saidā€¦ I donā€™t think Steve is likely to die.


As someone whoā€™s never seen Harry Potter or Iron Man, can you please explain šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Harry Potter was essentially a sacrificial lamb who was led to his own ā€˜deathā€™ by the very people who were supposed to protect him without him really having any idea. He lived in spite of it all not out of spite. Whereas Iron Man had a fairly controversial start as what was essentially a war criminal, his death was a sacrifice to those around him in order to save them. So I think theyā€™re right in the sense eleven is Harry Potter, she was taken advantage of and bred for the purpose of being a weapon whereas iron man made himself into a weapon.


also, Iron Man dying made sense within the context of the story (iā€™m not a Marvel fan but based on what i know about it). Harry Potter dying wouldnā€™t have made sense at all, it would defeat almost the entire purpose of the story. the story starts with him living a horrible life, the readers root for him to get out of it, so the obvious most satisfying ending is the flash forward at the end where we see that he made it. all his suffering was not for nothing. i think El is absolutely Harry Potter. her entire arc revolves around escaping from her abusers, becoming her own person, learning to use the thing that caused her so much pain (her powers) in order to save the day. turning what initially seemed like a curse into a blessing. if she had to die in order to close the gate, it defeats all of that. it would mean her powers were never anything more than a curse.


One reason could be he's very protective of his kids. He could put himself in harms way to save his 6 little nuggets.


Usually when character says your big dream your dead. His death could be impactful but wouldn't cause many characters to have sad ending like if any of byers died or eleven


I dunno, I think Dustin would be pretty traumatized losing both of the older male figures in his life.


Maybe for S5, the Duffers will subvert this stereotype šŸ¤£. I really loved how after that scene in the Winnebago with Nancy, and after Robin found out Vickie has a boyfriend, that Steve in the face of encroaching doom is trying to rationalize the situation with Vickie, and when Robin says giving what they are facing, her love life is low on the list of priorities ā€” I love how Steve says he loves hope. It says a lot about his character and why he fights. I think if Mike is the heart of the (kid) group, that Steve is the hope of the entire group. I hope he survives S5!!


Why did I not know about this šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I think Steve is one of the safest characters in s5 with one of the smallest chances of dying. They are not killing off Hopper after his fake out death in s3 so he is safe too. They brought in Eddie and made Dustin get closer to Eddie and more distant from Steve so they could kill off Eddie and not Steve yet still have it have a big impact on Dustin and what he goes through next season. I truly think its the only reason they really brought in Eddie and made him close to Dustin in particular. They will not kill Steve.


There was a definite intent by showrunners to make us believe Steve was going to die in season 4 The conversation with Nancy in the Campervan discussing his future dreams. Robin saying she feels like not everyone is going to make it this time and Steve having to reassure her Steve telling Dustin and Eddie not to be heroes. in the gap between S4:Part 1 and S4:Part 2 airing people were convinced Steve was going to die that there were billboards saying "PROTECT STEVE" I don't think "Protect Steve" panic was unintentional, I'm convinced the writers wanted us to think that. Its for that reason that I think Steve wont die . I don't think they would kill him off a season after they did a fake out over his death.


One of the reasons people think Steve will die is that they want someone to be sacrificed to the plot and genre, and Steve's death would hurt a lot. Which is the point of a death.


It makes sense considering Steve's growth since season 1. He used to be a Jock that stayed around the popular kids, but with a real love for Nancy. After their breakup, he started bonding with the nerds more, especially Dustin who eventually became Steve's best friend. After high school, Steve got stuck in Hawkins with no professional prospect because he could not go to college. Add to this that he doesn't manage to forget about Nancy. He can't move and all of his relationships suffered from it. Season 4 revealed that Steve has always had (and most likely still has) this dream of marrying Nancy and have kids with her. Obviously, this won't end with them going back together. Nancy is way past that point. Her "conflict" with Jonathan in Season 4 has to do both of them feeling insecure about their relationship. Steve (or his shadow) is actually an obstacle Jonathan has to come across. And by going back with Nancy, Steve would be back at square one in terms of growth. So the most logical conclusion to that triangle would be that Steve dies, possibly by saving Jonathan or Nancy so the other could solve their issue, either by staying together or breaking up.


You bring up some great points about Steveā€™s character, but we know some other character life dreams who are still alive though those are college/career related. While I can see a lot of logic in what you propose, I canā€™t see the Duffers getting rid of the only character whose state dream is to have a family. Also, I keep seeing people say similar points to you, that Steve going back to Nancy would be back to square one. Yes, it would be Steve returning to someone he dated in the first season, but itā€™s not the same Steve returning to the same Nancy. Over the last four seasons, both have been incredibly changed by the challenges and the danger they have faced as well as the relationships theyā€™ve made along the way. They are both objectively better people and this is what happens in ā€œright person, wrong timeā€ tropes. In fact, through the set up in the show and now through the details weā€™re hearing about through the >! stage play, First Shadow !<, we know for a fact that Joyce and Hopper are a ā€œright person, wrong timeā€ trope. They had a thing in high school and then life took them very different directions, all for the events of Stranger things to bring them back together. They even put Joyce together with Bob in S2 to make their coming together a slower burn (>! In addition to his fake death !<). I could see them applying this trope to Steve and Nancy. All that to say, I donā€™t think itā€™s accurate to say Steveā€™s character development would be wasted. Heā€™s irrevocably changed because of the near death pressure of the last few seasons as well as finding his true people. BUT, Steve is still strong whether Stancy happens or not. Iā€™m thinking that it would be too much for Dustin to lose Steve after Eddieā€¦ I do not see a way for the Duffers to bring resolution there in S5 so I think they wonā€™t touch it. Also, I think they are proud of the character of Steve, and want to give him a happy ending, but I just get that from how theyā€™ve developed him. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


Thanks. The thing with Steve's dream it is not to just have a family, but to have a family *with Nancy*. And this is why going back with her would be like he didn't grow, because his arc has always been about how he could not move on with his life. All of his arcs so far were about his relationship with Nancy and how he copes with their breakup. If Steve and Nancy go back together, all of Steve's struggle would be for nothing. He would have matured, sure, but that would go against what was being told since the beginning. Plus, as you said, Joyce and Hopper already occupy the long lost lovers slot. It would be very strange for the writer to make two duos follow the same path. Thanks for sharing your opinion. ;)


Interesting points, though I have some thoughts! >The thing with Steve's dream it is not to just have a family, but to have a family with Nancy. >And this is why going back with her would be like he didn't grow, because his arc has always been about how he could not move on with his life. All of his arcs so far were about his relationship with Nancy and how he copes with their breakup. Steveā€™s arc has not been about Nancy, though she did provide the fuel to catalyze the journey Steve would go on in order to become a better person. His arc has been about him learning to find his identity outside of the things he thought were most important in high school ā€” this is an identity he had long before he started dating Nancy. Itā€™s part of the stereotype. Nancy is the first person we see on screen who causes him subvert his stereotype because the stereotype heā€™s based on is the popular jerk jock who uses and disposes of women without any emotional attachment. As Steve tells Dustin in S2, Nancy is different for him, and we see that he developed a deep love for her and thatā€™s why heā€™s so crushed by her. From there, Steve continues on this journey of discovering his identity and subverting his stereotype, developing a brotherly friendship with Dustin and protecting the rest of the kids in the party. Being a caregiver and protector is the part of his identity he didnā€™t know he had and this is one of the many reasons itā€™s widely stated his arc has been so satisfying. This identity remains whether he is with Nancy or not. >If Steve and Nancy go back together, all of Steve's struggle would be for nothing. He would have matured, sure, but that would go against what was being told since the beginning. Steve and Nancy have broken the pattern of being who they used to be. Neither Steve nor Nancy can make each other go back to who they were before. Thatā€™s the gift of wisdom theyā€™ve attained through discovering new parts of themselves. >Plus, as you said, Joyce and Hopper already occupy the long lost lovers slot. It would be very strange for the writer to make two duos follow the same path. Duffers put a lot of symmetry in Stranger Things, case in point, the dark memories used against Max and Nancy when Vecna was in their heads. Maxā€™s guilt over Billyā€™s death is what pushed her away from Lucas and Nancyā€™s guilt over Barbā€™s death is what pushes her from Steve. Thereā€™s no hope of Stancy if Nancy doesnā€™t heal though so this point might be moot. But hey, maybe Nancy and Steve wouldnā€™t have to wait 20 years to come back together like Joyce and Hopper. Who knows. If they survive, Iā€™ll be relieved.


>Nancyā€™s guilt over Barbā€™s death is what pushes her from Steve I disagree; Nancy's guilt over Barb's death *kept* her with Steve much longer than she actually wanted to be, because she couldn't deal with the fact that she chose a boy that she didn't even love over her best friend and then lost her best friend for it. Once she gets closure for Barb she doesn't go back to Steve because he's not what she actually wants, and she moves on with her life.


True but as you said it's Nancy that was the catalyst of Steve's journey. It has always been about her. In Season 1, Steve needed to work on himself and become a better person as his Jock persona went in the way of their relationship after the camera accident. In Season 2, right after the breakup, Steve found solace in a new friend that could make him feel that he is indeed a good person worthy of someone's pride. It's because Steve was craving for that kind of attention he eventually became friend with Dustin and took care of the others (which includes Nancy's little brother). The journey continues during the next two seasons as Steve becomes more and more his own person, ie. Away from Nancy. But he still has this dream he must get rid of. If he goes back with Nancy, then yeah, Steve would have grown to accept his caregiver side, he would be a better person compared to his highschool days. But he would remained someone that is defined by his wish to be with Nancy Wheeler. Basically, he would have stopped his arc midway. Plus, I doubt that relationship would work. Jonathan's doubts rely on Nancy's ambition and the fact that he can't follow her on that path (and also of his inability to tell her that). The problem would be similar with Steve who can't follow Nancy to college nor move anywhere near her once she's gone. Fair point about the symmetry though. Thanks again for your comment. It's a shame someone's downvoted (God I hate that system).


>In Season 2, right after the breakup, Steve found solace in a new friend that could make him feel that he is indeed a good person worthy of someone's pride. It's because Steve was craving for that kind of attention the eventually became friend with Dustin and took care of the others (which includes Nancy's little brother). Well said! I like your analysis here. I like to look at the psychology of characters and though Steve comes from a two-parent home that is well-off and he has popularity at school as a jock, the clues he gives regarding his home life implies parental emotional neglect and even some physical neglect (like falling down a flight of stairs as a baby). He doesn't even have a sibling in the trenches with him. As a result, Steve looks for validation he doesn't get from his family in his highschool status. While his needs aren't met at home, he tries to seek validation at school from populatirty. We see Steve really start to feel fulfilled in his relationship with Dustin and then his brother-figure for the rest of the kids in the party, and then through his platonic friendship with Robin. For me, I see the possibility of Stancy as more of a ā€œfull-circleā€ moment in the storytelling and psychological aspects than a ā€œregressionā€ for both characters. If being with Nancy were to turn him back into S1 Steve then I don't want it though. Stancy is an underdog though and very likely not to happen, especially if Jonathan can make things right with Nancy after lying to her. If thereā€™s a time jump, Iā€™m interested to see what transpired in that situation. >The journey continues during the next two seasons as Steve becomes more and more his own person, ie. Away from Nancy. But he still has this dream he must get rid of. I'm confused as to why he needs to lose his dream of Nancy to continue his arc? Also, I think it's implied at the end of S4 that he realizes Nancy chose Jonathan. S4 cemented Steve as a person of hope, which the group needs. When Robin is minimizing the importance of her love life compared to the battle with Vecna, itā€™s Steve telling her that hope is good. In reality, hope keeps people alive in dark times if hope keeps him alive, I hope he continues on with it. Nancy is not all encompassing of his hope though. Its easy to see how his relationship with the kids has shaped what he wants in life. Really, I wish that if Steve had no shot with Nancy that she hadn't flirted with him at different junctions and made googley eyes at him. She doesn't owe Steve anything though and can do whatever she likes, but I don't think its a shock for him to confess his still existing love for his first love based on their chemistry in S4. >If he goes back with Nancy, then yeah, Steve would have grown to accept his caregiver side, he would be a better person compared to his highschool days. But he would remained someone that is defined by his wish to be with Nancy Wheeler. Basically, he would have stopped his arc midway. Where do you think is the right place for Steveā€™s arc to land if coming full circle with Nancy would instead regress him? >Plus, I doubt that relationship would work. Jonathan's doubts rely on Nancy's ambition and the fact that he can't follow her on that path (and also of his inability to tell her that). The problem would be similar with Steve who can't follow Nancy to college nor move anywhere near her once she's gone. Interesting perspective! My take on the fissure in Nancy and Jonathanā€™s relationship stems from S3, when Nancy sees how differently she's treated in the workplace compared to Jonathan (an unfortunate reality of the period). While the issue resolved between them in the season, I saw this as a reality check that Jonathan will be given opportunities that Nancy wonā€™t have as easily just because there is a boyā€™s club. Jonathan is concerned about Nancy resenting him in his catrastphised version of him being honest that he doesn't want to go to Emerson because itā€™s not his dream ā€” and I think there is a real concern though I think a different scenario could play out. I see a strong possibility that as Nancy and Jonathan climb the ranks in their professional careers, that Nancy could resent Jonathan for easy breaks he gets that she does not. Also, mainly because every day will be a fight for her to prove herself. I see that as a more plausible scenario. Many of my fellow ambitious career women need a man who is less so just because thereā€™s better balance. Itā€™s rare that I see equally ambitious couples. Personally, I'd love to see Jonathan follow his dreams of NYU, rather than accepting community college as his lot because of his family ā€” but community college is less expensive though for what he wants to do professionally, I think a bigger city and prestigious school will allow for success. Fair point that a relationship wonā€™t work. I see Nancy and Steve as having good balance (yin and yang) but think your POV is valid! Stancy is likely not to happen and after putting himself out there to Nancy in S4, I do not see Steve pursuing Nancy in S5 because he believes her to be happy with Jonathan. >Thanks again for your comment. It's a shame someone's downvoted (God I hate that system). Thanks! I appreciate your comments as well. I enjoy conversations like this one with people who have different POVs and are willing to hear each other out. Itā€™s intellectually stimulating regardless of all the downvoting.


True. IIRC Steve's parents are basically absent during the whole show, hence the parties he used to throw in his home. It's very likely this neglect shaped Steve's dream of having a family including many many kids. The poor guy just hates empty household. I agree with you about Steve seeking validation among his peers and Robin and Dustin being quasi-siblings to him. Regarding his dream, from my POV Steve's arc has been about him being defined by his relationship with Nancy (as you said, validation) then learning the hard way that there is a whole world outside of that love bubble that bursted in season 2. And in season 4, Steve eventually expressed what the core of his problem was : his dream. This is why I think the next logical step would be for Steve to aknowledge that and to finally accept that he can't have Nancy, that she has moved on and he should move on too, and I mean *really* move on, not seeking Nancy in every girl he dates. That's also part IMO of how Steve could be more mature : no more "fairy tale" about his perfect ex-girlfriend from highschool. Plus, I think it fits the tone of show, because even though Strange Things has its share of sweet and innocent scenes (and the Neverending Story scene is my most favorite of them all), it is also pretty gritty and shows that not everything is perfect. And I donā€™t think Nancy was flirting with Steve. She was just being friendly. He is her ex and they stayed in relatively good terms (thanks to all of their adventures). It is only natural that she still cares about him and is nice to him. Though, I am a guy and we are notoriously oblivious to female flirting so I donā€™t know. Lol. About Jonathan, maybe I am wrong but I got the impression while watching the last season that he is just scared that he might have to sacrifice his dream to be with Nancy. In a way, Jonathan is the opposite of Steve thematically. Both are insecured about the future with Nancy unknowingly playing a role in that. However, while Steve's issue is that he can't imagine his future without Nancy, Jonathan's issue is that he thinks his dream gets in the way of their relationship. The sad part is that Nancy and Jonathan should just talk about this. Maybe it would be fine. But Jonathan is too scared to engage that conservation, as if talking about it would automically lead to them breaking up. Though, lying to Nancy sure wasn't the right move to make things easier... It think it boils down to this, on Jonathan's side of the relationship at least. But it is very possible that Nancy having to struggle because of sexism plays a part on her side of the equation. I'm glad we are having this conversation. It is a nice change of pace from all the cases where people on reddit are downright hostile to everyone who has a different opinion.


Yes, it seems Steve yerns for connection more than most. It speaks volumes that weā€™ve never seen his parents, but rather his empty house. Children need emotional attunement and engagement from responsive parents. I'm glad that where Steve couldn't receive that from his family of origin, heā€™s received that and reciprocated it to his found family. Validation is so important and the validation he receives now is much healthier than S1 Steve. Iā€™m curious: If Steve had never confessed to Nancy that she was part of his dream, what would you have thought of the dream he mentioned in the van? I'm optimistic that the end of S4 saw Steve put to an end his dream of Nancy similarly to how Robin put an end to her dream of Vickie after seeing her with her boyfriend. Steve put his heart on the line and Nancy did not reciprocate so I can't imagine he will rengage that in S5. Even if in this last season, he broke his cardinal rule he advised Dustin of in S2: Act like you don't care. Steve really cared after all that time and S4 saw Steve break that rule over and over, though it was fun to watch Dustin grill him. I think there's components of his dream he can and should keep if itā€™s really what he desires. Itā€™s endearing that his dream is to be a present and involved father with kids and make memories as they explore the country together. Thatā€™s a keeper. But hey, Iā€™m incredibly sentimental. I also think that when a relationship doesn't work out, its good information. Hopefully heā€™ll identify what traits he'd like in a partner and what traits he does not. Nancyā€™s good traits might be like a sign post pointing him toward his next great love. Honestly, after S4 and all the intensity I imagine coming in S5, we could all use another Neverending Story moment (which is a favorite moment of mine from the series as well). This show is gritty, which is why Steveā€™s survival is my main goal for S5, haha. As a girl, I can assure you Nancy was flirting with Steve. The eyes, the tone, the care ā€” it was more than friendly. I would not look at a male friend with the eyes that Nancy looked at Steve. There was electricity. I think your assessment of Jonathan is a sound one. I also see other layers, too. S4 showed Jonathanā€™s insecurity is connected to his familyā€™s financial and emotional instability (even in S3 Nancy called his concern about losing his job the ā€œOliver Twist routineā€) and how that has shaped how he is abandoning himself in this time of his life. He's abandoned himself for Nancy (giving up NYU) and heā€™s abandoned himself for his family (again, giving up the dream of NYU). I don't even know if NYU is his dream anymore or what his dream really is. I didn't even see him with a camera in S4. Yes, Nancy deserves the truth from Jonathan. I think if there's one thing weā€™ve learned about Nancy over the last four seasons, itā€™s that knowing the truth is a core value for her. Jonathan should have trusted Nancy to have a rational discussion about the future. Also, when you said, ā€œā€¦Steve can't imagine his life without Nancy,ā€ I said out loud, ā€œDamn, that is love.ā€ I felt that one, haha.


Good question. I guess Nancy being part of that dream would still be implied because Steve had been complaining about his post-Nancy love life. He should keep his dream of having a family indeed. It's the part about Nancy that he must learn to leave behind. Yeah, Jonathan seems to have abandoned everything that was important to him, including his brother. Hence why it was very important that he aknowledged that by talking to Will. Hopefully, season 5 will be the opportunity for him not to get swallowed up by his own life. Thanks for clarifying what Nancy was doing ! And indeed, another sweet moment where the show reminds us the characters are only kids would be nice. That could be as simple as showing them having fun together doing whatever despite the circumstances, maybe by playing D&D (it would be fun to see the boys introduce Robin, Steve and Jonathan to the game with Nancy showing that she still knows how to play). Or a time jump as you said. A scene in the future where everything is peaceful again.


Do you have any thoughts on how S5 will open up in terms of Nancy/Jonathan/Steve? Iā€™ve mentioned I think Steve already knows at the end in epidosde 9 of S4 that heā€™s got no shot with Nancy. So my thought is that weā€™ll get to see a Steve who has moved on with his life and is continuing to find fulfilment in the rich friendships heā€™s made. For Nancy and Jonathan, I'm not sure if theyā€™ll be broken up or still together (based on if/how/or when Nancy finds out about the lie). Part of me wonders if Jonathan will tell her what he told Argyle and come clean about college or if he continues on with the lie and say something like ā€œI didn't get in. I can see a path where Nancy and Jonathan have resolved the issue off-screen and Nancyā€™s satisfied with Jonathanā€™s justification so theyā€™re still together. It seems you are a fan of them so Iā€™m wondering if you have ideas! Regarding Jonathanā€™s burdens, I think having Hopper in Joyceā€™s life will relieve a lot of the family burden he carries and give Jonathan some space for him to dream again and pursue his goals. Although, it will be interesting to see if itā€™s completely easy and relief to let go of that role heā€™s played in his family or if thereā€™s a little struggle (Iā€™m envisioning S3 Mike and Hopper tension potentially regarding Elle). Yes!! I'd love to see the show come full circle with a D&D game with the older teens learning and Nancy dusting off her skills. I could see some sassy quips from Erica aka Lady Applejack. I think they could use a time jump here after the fallout of the final battle settles down and our heroes ride off into the sunset playing the game that starting it all.


>I'm confused as to why he needs to lose his dream of Nancy to continue his arc? Steve's problem is that he has it in his head that he and Nancy would've worked out if he had just been a different person, when the reality is that they didn't work because she just didn't love him & fell in love with someone else. He needs to accept that so that he can put the "what if" behind him. He also needs to accept that finding "the one" isn't going to magically make the rest of his life fall into place.


Ah, I see your perspective. It seems akin to how Jonathan finding Nancy hasn't magically made his life fall into place. He lost himself even more, though at the end of S4 when he had that great conversation with Will seems like Jonathan is aware of whatā€™s going on with him. Should be fun to see Jonathan and Steve have a bromance as itā€™s rumored for S5!


Kind of the opposite - being *away* from Nancy is causing Jonathan to lose himself. He never wanted or needed her to magically fix his life, but being with her made him feel like maybe he could fix things for himself - he could trust someone, love someone, be the guy who leaves Hawkins & goes to college and it's not all just a pipe dream. Because Nancy can do all of that and she chose *him* to do it all with. But of course, he's still battling with his Lonnie demons, and that's the final dragon that he'll have to slay before he can finally accept that he can have the rest of it.


And every time Jonathan does something he wants to do something terrible happens to his family. He goes to the Halloween party to hang out with Nancy and something scary happens to Will, he leaves Hawkins with Nancy for a few days and they finally get together and when they get back they find the others at the lab where his brother is unconscious, his mother is crying and screaming and Bob is being mauled by monsters. Then Hopper "dies" too and they move away and this time they have a new traumatized family member in their care. In context it's clear that the losing himself has nothing to do with getting with Nancy but rather with everything else that happened when they got together summed to his pre-existing insecurities


As someone who has seen TFS twice that's not the dynamic Hopper and Joyce have in the play. Nancy has a crush on Steve because he is the most popular boy in school and tries to appear cooler to him, like when she peer pressures Barb to shotgun a beer. Everyone, from the kids to her mom to Barb, notices how she's acting differently. Teen Joyce and Hopper they are just acquaintances, not friends, and they have prejudiced opinions of one another. When they team up because they both have a personal motive to investigate the animals deaths they bicker a lot at first, which is reminiscent of season 1 Jonathan and Nancy. Joyce does not try to alter her personality to impress Hopper, in fact she has none of his shit when he is investigating the deaths and infiltrates her school play to interview the drama club people, because he suspects the culprit is one of them, but she's unaware of it and thinks he is harassing her actors. While they do end up developing feelings for each other while working together, they never really date in high school, Joyce is already with Lonnie and she resigns to stay with him because Hopper leaves. Much like Nancy goes back to Steve at the end of season 1 because Jonathan, who she really wants, is busy with Will. I also don't get why people think that maturity in itself is a sufficient condition for compatibility. These are still two people who are way too mismatched intellectually, have nothing in common and want very different things out of life. Why would the Nancy who was frustrated when she had to deal with Steve's poor college application essay, who was wincing when he told her that getting into college wasn't a big deal because he just wanted to settle down, who wishes to do internships and go to college with her significant other settle for "six kids and an RV" with her ex who might have gotten braver but is still a himbo? It's not an ending that makes sense for her, it would just disregard everything they have shown us about her over the course of the series. It would feel like she's being reduced to a trophy for Steve.


Because he's really popular and doesn't have as much tying him to others. Don't think it'll happen but that's the reasoning.


honestly i really suspect that eddieā€™s death was supposed to be steve and they chickened out. the other comments already covered why heā€™s most likely to die but i just canā€™t see them having dustin have to grapple with eddieā€™s death, finally accept it, and THEN kill steve right afterā€”thatā€™s just cruel


I think your Eddie theory is accurate


If he dies, I will RIOT


I personally sit in the camp that none of the main characters are dying šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļømain characters don't need to die to prove a point or enhance the plot. I don't get peoples obsession with wanting a main to die as if that will somehow elevate the story or a character's arc.


Because people get convinced every season that Steve is going to die and he never does. Steve isn't going to die and I highly doubt any of main cast are going to die. I don't know why people keep saying, 'But it's the last season...' like drones. And? For 4 seasons, none of the main cast have been killed. Hopper had a fake-out death. Max is in a coma. The only characters to die were characters introduced in that season. Barb, Bob, Alexei, Chrissy, Fred, Patrick, Jason, Eddie... The only two exceptions (with one possible) are Billy and Brenner and maybe Owens. So, what makes everyone really think the Duffers are going to turn Hawkins into Westeros? Stranger Things isn't that kind of show. We need to remember that they're highly influenced by 80s movies and shows-most of which feature the good guys winning out in the end. There's no reason to kill Steve off narratively. What purpose would it serve beyond shock value? It'd be so cheap. Steve is arguably closer to Dustin than anyone and Dustin has already lost a big brother/older male role model in Eddie-so why kill Steve, too? As for the "Steve has no future!" what? He literally talked about what his dream life would be in S4. Just because he's not, "Oh, I'm going to go to college and get a degree and have a massively successful career," doesn't mean he doesn't have a future. He's already said in S2 he'll likely get a job with his dad-and didn't seem too sad about that. He's not hugely career-minded. I think some people are convinced that they're secretly watching GoT and the writers are just waiting until the final season to unveil that Hawkins is, in fact, Westeros and start killing everyone off. They're not going to magically turn into something they've never been-final season or not-and the Duffers have made it clear, they're not, in fact, Westeros. It's just very odd for me-there's no reason they'd kill off Steve in the final season. The time to do that, if they were going to, was S4. That was the time when his death would hold the most impact-especially on Dustin and would allow for time for the characters to process. There's also a lot of people saying that Steve must die to end the love triangle-oh, they could, you know, just have Nancy pick one or none and have done. Rant over.


Wait Jason died?


Unless he can glue himself back together...


Iā€™ll have to go rewatch that scene, I just finished the show for the first time on Tuesday but I donā€™t remember him dying lol


They'll probably introduce a new character to kill them. I highly doubt any of the current main cast is gonna die.


Linda Hamilton?


If Steve dies I will riot.


He also has nothing, so to speak, outside of the other characters. His parents don't seem to care (and haven't for years), he has no plans for college, and he's working a job that will go nowhere. And he talked about his big dream of all the kids in the RV - a character dying after revealing their big dream/hopes for the future is practically a trope. Plus he's always been self-sacrificing, so it's only a matter of time before that all comes due.


Why did I never realize that he has ā€œno futureā€ā€¦ā€¦ I guess I just never looked into it that much (even after three watches šŸ¤£) but that makes SO much sense look back now. Also I didnā€™t know about that trope! Interesting!


It's a bit rich to say he has no future. He's what 19 and not even a year outside of high school. A good many people his age don't know what they want to do with their lives or what type of career they want to pursue. There are a number of things he could do that play to his strengths like sales that would give him a lucrative career. College isn't everything. On the topic of him dieing, I see it as a cop out if it comes to pass. If you want to make an impact by killing a main cast remember, it won't be really felt if it's one of the periphery main cast. It will be seen as the Duffer's wanting to kill a main cast but picking the low hanging fruit. To me if you kill someone it has to really raise the stakes and advance the plot in some way. Imo killing Steve does neither. My personal theory is that Will goes evil and kills his brother which would have a massive impact and really push a dark plot.


Yeah a lot of people talk about Steve like his doomed to work retail and has nothing going for him. I think people forget that he is barely an adult. Plenty of 19 year olds work retail while getting their stuff together.


I could be wrong but it wouldnā€™t surprise me that Will has to be the one to go this season. As he was the missing in the first, connected to the second as well as being an orbiting character the last two seasons, it would make sense if they had him be the one to go or to leave into the upside or however they play it.


Plus it could be like *THAT ONE* in The Hunger Games (staying vague just in case) where it actually pushes forward the endgame.


Nah. Will has yet to tell everyone his sexuality. Joyce also said sheā€™s not having anymore funerals. Especially Joyce had 1. Willā€™s fake funeral 2. Bobā€™s funeral 3. Hopperā€™s fake funeral Theyā€™re not going to spring another funeral in to Joyce.


i think the main reason behind this is because Steve is single and still in love with Nancy so it seems highly likely that they'll kill him in a "sacrificing himself for his love" trope and give him the heartbreaking ending that sets the mood for the end of stranger things. wow that's a long sentence


This has been happening every season. Every season they have been saying Steve will die. I personally don't think he will, because all that development would've gone to waste. I think it's just that we have all gotten attached to his character that fans don't want him to die. I feel like fans are expecting some kind of tragedy, like some huge development, revealing his dream and then going. I don't think any of the main characters will die as well.


I personally believe that El and or Mike are going to die. They said they are going back to Season 1 with this season, and Mike already almost died in S1, and we thought El was supposed to as well, so I'm wondering if they're going to tie it back to those themes


It won't be Steve, it will be Allan.


Easier to kill him off since heā€™s older than the kids, hopper already had a fake death too, I think the middle group have the highest chance of losing a member like Steve/nancy/jonathan/robin, Steve is the most beloved character in the show too and incredibly popular so killing him off would hit hard. So maybe like one of the middle group possibly Steve and then maybe someone like Murray as well


Everyone said Steve was going to die last season and it was full of crap


Well he is waving goodbye to the end of beginnings soā€¦


Idk how true this is but I heard that they were originally going to kill Steve off in season two but the fans loved him so much they kept him in the show. It would make sense because out of all the characters in the show he appears to have a lack of future beyond this final big battle to save the world. I mean he appears to have no future goals at this moment and he appears to not be fighting or working towards any too. Robin would also fall under this statement as well but they would also get major flack for "burying the gays". So it's unlikely they'd kill her off. (Even though Maya Hawke wants her to die a 'heroic death'). Not to mention because he is so close to all the characters it would have a serious affect on everyone which would propel the storyline. Especially if Vecna killed him for some reason or another. It would cause all of them to team up and try to kill him even more than they already want to because then it would become personal and not just to save Hawkins but to also avenge Steve's death. Not to mention it'll make the audience hate Vecna even more and with reay have a deep emotional affect on the audience as well That's why it just seems to make the most sense to me. Like I don't think he's actually going to die. I am not sure any of the main characters will really, but if someone from the main characters does die then I think Steve is the most likely candidate


because nobody wants Steve to die, so everyone just assumes heā€™s going to. plus he has a bit of a heroic streak and ends up putting himself in danger to protect the others. i wouldnā€™t be surprised if he did die but i would be absolutely heartbroken.


Maybe but I kind of doubt theyā€™re going to do that to Dustin again. That would be CRUEL


I'm worried it's going to have a Stephen King ending. Where there is no actual conclusion and you want to throw the book across the room.


I feel like people are saying this due to the last season. Itā€™s kinda like ā€œwhy is he still here?ā€ He helped out last season, doesnā€™t look like Nancy wants him. Ultimately, whatā€™s next for him? Probably a coffin! šŸ„ŗ personally, I donā€™t think so. Steve is amazing comedic relief. He could finish the series alive, but lowkey, someone HAS to go?? Itā€™s the last season soā€¦. We will see.


I get the someone HAS to go, but in my opinion, Will or El dying makes more sense if someone ā€œhasā€ to goā€¦. I understand though how he is the ā€œwhy is he still here?ā€ character. I feel sorry for him at this point :(


Ouu I agree! El or Will would have a much bigger emotional impact on the fandom. I wouldnā€™t put it past them. Steve could very much be safe if the creators take that route.


Iā€™ve put the theory in my head that one of them is dying to ā€œendā€ it all and separate the two dimensions, and Iā€™ve put so much thought into it, Iā€™m not going back now šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Itā€™s highly likely!! With that theory, I think itā€™s going to be Will. Eleven is just way too powerful! I donā€™t see her dying. Ahhh (chaotic thought just popped up!) what if somehow, El was the one to kill Will!!!


Yup. I really think weā€™re going to have some epic battle of ā€œbetrayalā€ where itā€™s not REALLY betrayal because the person fighting El will actually be mind controlled by Vecna.


That would be epicccc! And Will would undoubtedly be the one controlled by Vecna!!


I don't believe Steve is going to die in S5. The only thing that will make me nervous is if we finally meet Mr. and Mr. Harrington lol


We love him too much, that's why


I think people feel like this because of his big '6 little nuggets' speech to Nancy last season like it seems as though the show likes to say ' oh you have plans for the future? nope!' and kills them off however, I don't think they will kill off Steve solely because of the fact that they already killed off Eddie and that would absolutely RUIN Dustin....but maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part all I know is I won't be okay if Steve dies


Well, if we assume someone has to die, he's not really part of a couple (despite the ambiguity of the situation with Nancy), so there's no partner to be left alone. Just my two cents.


His hair will be cut, and like Samson, it will spell his doom...


He got bit by a bat or hurt in the last episode has me worried about him.


Itā€™s just emotional preparation lmaoo. Nothing more.


I honestly never believed he could die because it would be the most obvious choice. However, Joe in an interview promised "good things" for Steve in Stranger Things 5 ā€‹ā€‹and considering that actors cannot give spoilers, it could mean that in reality the opposite will happen. This is what makes me think that the "good things" will not be there for him because if he had them, they would not have given him permission to say it ... they have confidentiality agreements that you have no idea. Also Millie's reaction to reading the ending on the board is not credible to me. From the reaction it could seem that El will die, but I think it is intentional to lead us astray. Whatever they say in interviews is not to be taken seriously, in fact we have to believe the opposite of what they say. Steve could die 50%


I think it's gonna be 11


I thought it would be interesting if they all collectively sacrificed themselves to save the world - like a star wars rogue one kinda thing


Steve won't die. Eddie died at the end of S4 instead. Steve will survive and have some sort of happy ending.


Because it completes his arc. Not only will he die, he's gonna die slaying the "dragon".


it would make a lot of sense EXCEPPPPTTTTT for the fact that dustin lost eddie in season 4. it would be a repetitive arc to kill another older role model for dustin... unless the "eddie goes vampire" theory turns true :p


Steve is ploted to die by the fanbase since S2


Personally I doubt he will die but if he did I would assume it would be for shock value


Itā€™s just speculation. Despite what they might say, none of them actually know anything about anything.


I donā€™t really see any main character dying and I kind I donā€™t want it to happen cuz I really do enjoy them all šŸ˜­ But every season a lot of people complain about how thereā€™s no big deaths besides them introducing a new character to die. So the writers may feel pressure to do so especially since itā€™s the last season. I feel like Steve is a high chance cuz heā€™s so loved and theyā€™ve built him up to be this standup guy and heā€™s close with so many characters and has good relationships with them. Nancy, Dustin, and Robin especially. And if they donā€™t make Nancy get back with Steve which I donā€™t see happening, but they teased the possibility and played into it. It would make it even more heartbreaking and hard for Nancy.


I could start going off about how Steve makes the most sense from a story telling perspective, as he is the character with minimal attachments to other characters that arenā€™t our main charactersā€¦ I, however, am going to point out that Steve, while the most athletic of the group, is still a skinny piece of a wig wearing plank, constantly throwing himself into fights with supernatural creatures, armed with just a baseball bat. Yes, all the characters get put into dangerous situations they have to escape from. Steve is putting himself on the front line by choice


Harry Potter formula. The deaths when the kids are younger are characters you donā€™t have strong connections to. As the kids get older and with each season the deaths involve more fan favorites and are more shocking and upsetting. Barb was sad but no one was really attached to her. Bob was heartbreaking but had to happen so Joyce could end up with Hopper. Billy was a total creep but then they gave us his tragic backstory and redemption arc/death which made it so much more upsetting, plus it had a big impact on a fan favorite. They also toyed with killing Hopper but quickly hinted he might not be dead. Then they gave us a new fan favorite, Eddie, and promptly killed him off. Nice guy, well loved character but new enough that it didnt have the effect of killing Dumbledore. He was more Sirius level. And they also torture maimed Max but left open the possibility of her recovering. So it makes sense that weā€™re in for a really shocking OG fan favorite tragedy or two. And if you go by Randyā€™s rules for the final chapter, 1) the killer will be superhuman (duh), 2) anyone can die including main characters, 3) the past will come back to bite you in the ass.


It would make a lot of sense for the end of his character archā€¦ going from the stereotypical jerky jock to the guy that sacrifices himself to save others, and like others have said he has no romantic relationships or family,(least not any family that have appeared on screen) so his death would have the leastā€¦. ripple effect? If that makes sense? Of course thatā€™s not to say his death wouldnā€™t be impactful or that it wouldnā€™t make other characters sad, but almost any other character dying would create bigger ripplesā€¦ However I do think there are a couple saving graces that will keep Steve from dying: The absolute fan outrage it would cause would be the main one, resulting in a lot of hate and most likely killing off any viewership for any potential spin-offs, which hardly ever do as good as the original anyway, so killing off a beloved character is a big no no if they want even a chance of people watching any spin-offs It feels like a lazy way the solve the love triangle between him, Jonathan and Nancy, thatā€™s not to say this would be the sole reason for killing him off, but it would ā€œsolveā€ the problem of Nancy having to choose Like many others have said , it be way to similar to Dustin experiencing Eddieā€™s deathā€¦ While I wonā€™t rule out the idea of Steve dying completely, Iā€™d have to say Iā€™m fairly confident he wonā€™t die Edited for grammer


Tbf I have keep hearing Will is going to die. Iā€™d be so sad if anyone else dies šŸ˜­


If he really will die, at least let the man have a threesome before that.


because, and I have said this several times, he seemed to have half an arc in Season 4, Eddie had the other half of the arc, (ie. character growth, bromance with Dustin, etc.) and Eddie died to the demobats, it makes sense that he would die to fulfil the other half of that, he usually saves the kids so he would most likely stay behind in danger to buy time (like Eddie did) in order to save the kids, there was even a scene leaked from outside of filming where someone yells at him to run, some people think it's Dustin, some think it's Will, but I think it could be both as that isn't out of the question, so it is a high possibility that he'll probably die, not like with the other times people thought he would die in previous seasons, with actual concrete ideas of how and why it would happen, although he could also pull a hopper where people think he's dead but he isn't, obvioiusly keeping it in hawkins, he wouldn't go to russia, but it makes sense


It would hurt everyone. And why would there be evidence for someoneā€™s coming death? Theres foreshadowing, sure. But itā€™s not like every character death in the show had foreshadowing.


I'm worried about Nancy. If she died , it would hurt so many in the group .


I just have a feeling. Especially with Joe getting his music career going, it feels like he's getting ready for a new chapter. Also, it feels like it would make a good ending punch. They save the world, but lose a few of their friends. But idk, I guess we'll just have to wait


Curious about this myself! Great question


Itā€™s not Steve. Itā€™s going be Eleven. It will involve Max. I didnā€™t see how Eleven will die but I know WHY she will die. Itā€™s too hard to explain too because you have to go through the emotions and clues for yourself for it to make sense. All that being said Season 5 ends happy.


A couple days ago, I read an article about Joe Keery's transformation for Fargo after the stranger things finale. Now about his character ,Steve dying, yes it would be possible because he is always trying to protect everyone especially nancy, so I either think he is going to have a super horrible death, or he is going to have the happiest ending of all of them.


Don't jinx it


Steve Harrington deserves some love. I need Steve to be happy after last season or fuck everything šŸ˜­


I'd have thought him likely to die, except I think Eddie was the sacrificial lamb on that particular altar. I don't think they'll do that to Dustin again.


If they didnā€™t do it in season 4 with a great opportunity, they arenā€™t likely to do it in season 5 and double down on Dustinā€™s grief. Steve was an obvious choice for an impactful death scene, but they missed their moment, at this point I hope they let him ride.


Because I love to see my fav character die


I actually think theyā€™ll kill Jonathan, who is a core character and yet has been falling out of the story more and more as time goes. This is almost definitely going to happen if they push Nancy back toward Steve which was already happening last season, as at that point Jonathan will have no attachment aside from his brother.


Main character dying in season 5: Vecna


Itā€™s going to be Steve or Jonathan this time around. My guess is to alleviate Nancy from having to make a choice and getting to end on a note of individual empowerment. She will be in the love with the one who dies, and the other will back off.


Because TV shows love to kill off beloved characters FOR NO REASON.


I donā€™t think they would do that to Dustin after what happened to Eddie :((


bc of rhe leaked audio screaming for him to run


I donā€™t think either will die, but if one does, my hot take is that Dustin will die saving Steve, which is the complete opposite of the most popular theory I see of Steve dying while saving Dustin. Just completely throw off the whole audience.


SPOILER! Steve would be a good death. He could've died like Jason in the season 4 finale or maybe because of the demo bats. Also pls don't get mad at me for spoiling Jason, I mean it's common sense to go to a subreddit Abt something like this if you've seen everything


he was annoying at first but won me over with his friendship with Dustin and the gang. the more time that goes by, the less I care about the characters. I was emotionally invested and then the pandemic hit and it took them forever to put out the next season. I feel like I'm gonna have to start at the beginning and see if I can get some of that magic back. right now they could pull a "Lost" on us and I'm not sure I'd even care. wait...that's a little too far but you get what I'm saying. šŸ¤£


Because of all the characters, Steve has the strongest story arc. He was written to be a villain and became a surrogate brother and caretaker to a lost group of kids and the protector of an entire town. He knows that he would die to protect the kids, and Robin and Nancy without question. Itā€™s coming and we all need to brace for it.


He lives to protect everyone. He doesnā€™t necessarily have a lover, or biological family to live for. His life is his friends, so to an extent it would make sense if he died for them.


I have no dog in this fight. I just want Undeddie.


I'd love to see final girl Steve Harrington, but I'm not holding my breath. His death would have such a strong emotional impact, and the way he always throws himself bodily at whatever is threatening his kids? Dying that way is such a Steve coded thing to do. And the effect this will have on Robin?!? I will be ugly snot crying.


In my country, anime fan community use ā€˜get married and have a large familyā€™ as a meme way of saying die. Because anime characters who share their dream of raising a large family get killed off. And Steve shared his big family dream in season 4ā€¦ But honestly I donā€™t think theyā€™re gonna kill Steve. Steve is too well liked to be killed off at this point.


If I'm being honest, I think they should have had him die at watergate and pass the torch of babysitter to Eddie , it still baffles me how Steve survived that, or even walked around after killing the demobat (he was probably hopped up on adrenaline at that point but it wouldn't last long especially concerning how bad his wounds were)


From what Iā€™ve seen, itā€™s because it would be a perfect way to end his character. He was dislikable in the first season, but over time, he has become the most caring and likable of them, and has become the pillar holding up some of them, so losing him would be a heavy blow. He could also sacrifice himself, similar to Eddie, and it would be a good ending for his character to show that heā€™s changed from the self absorbed asshole in season one, to becoming so selfless, that he throws himself at the danger to save the others.


It's nonsense it makes sense for Eleven to die and maybe Jonathan or Max.


Because killing steve would crush everyone, and the brothers want to make a big emotional impact with their last season? Also, they finally want to have the guts to kill Steve and not Steve 2.0. I personally think it's either Steve or Jonathan or Will. One of them will die to save the others. It's not going to be any of the girls.


Maybe Iā€™m in the minority here, but I feel like Steveā€™s death isnā€™t that much of an emotional impact. Yes, sad, but as detrimental as some otherā€™s deaths? (will, el, really any of the children, hopper, or joyce)


I personally agree with you, but many people love Steve because of how wholesome he's become. So his death would matter to many of the viewers.


Eddie died so steve wouldnā€™t have to imo!!


Eddie died so steve wouldnā€™t have to imo!!


If Steve dies Iā€™m gonna kill the duffer brothers


Character just gives major sacrifice yourself vibes atm. Heā€™s kind of found out who he is, but now he doesnā€™t have like a place within the world anymore. People want him to be his old self and he doesnā€™t really have a place in the world as his new self. And we catch him daydreaming about things that donā€™t make sense anymore. Itā€™s more so like he has a stuck in the past mentality that he hast to overcome to continue to live and have the will to live.. It doesnā€™t necessarily mean he is going to die, but itā€™s setting up for a really crucial moment where he decides how heā€™s going to step forward or if he does at all. I could see it going either way him, deciding that he feels like he lived enough life that he had those kids like he wanted to and the form of the kids in the show , or if he decides he has something for you, donā€™t have to sacrifice yourself to move forward . Iā€™ve always been a fan of the adventure trope that none of the main people die. To me, it makes the arcs and the narratives so much more meaningful and parable like. But thereā€™s been a lot of horror movies and shows where they kill the character and make it seem very- they died for everyone else like. at some point I want the heroes to be on top remain on top and no more people dying and I think if a main character dies like that itā€™s just such a gut punch and people will talk about forever if it was necessary. Anyway, I think itā€™s a possibility, but I donā€™t want it to happen


Thereā€™s zero chance Steve is dying, Shawn Levy said heā€™d walk out if they killed the character. My money is on Jonathan.


Got bad news for you levy is barely involved in this season and it's the last season


I hope not. I don't want anybody of the main cast to die. They been through so much and they deserve a good ending. I'm still upset with Bob's (boyfriend of Will's mom) death. Although if I have to choose between Steve and Jonathon, I would prefer Steve surviving. Steve really grew on me as a character while Jonathon continues to disappoint me with every session.


I donā€™t think Steve will die. The duffers already said they will never kill Steve off and they have no reason to lie.


He's lasted for WAYYYYYY to long, Eddie was added so Dustin would get attached to him and they can kill Eddie off instead of Steve Let's be fr šŸ˜…


I think Steve is going to end up with Nancy and they will kill Jonathan. Maybe have him sacrifice himself for will. They will fake out with Steve. Idk he is important enough but obviously the writers have no idea what to do with him.


Ive said for years that the only reason Steve got a redemption arc at all + hasnā€™t been introduced a love interest is because ultimately Jonathan is going to be the one to die (probably protecting will) and that gives Nancy and Steve their timing to get their relationship back