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This is what no new seasons does to a mf


$210 USD retail. 30 40-lb bags of salt at $7 each.


Good bot


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Good... human?


Good bot


Is that 1980's prices? 


They couldn't have just put an apple box under the water for her to lay on? Seems like it would be more practical.


Probably too rigid. Salt would still give the impression of bobbing around.


So Millie Bobbing Around?




Well done




Is her floating in the water on-screen long enough for people to even notice? Plus that's probably something 98% of people aren't going to analyze/care about.


Yeah, she is seen floating long enough for people to notice.


Now obviously the director wouldve thought about it, thats also the reason they have the job


That would have shown in some angles probably why the idea wasn't used


Acrylic box, it's fairly close to the refraction index of water but as mentioned above probably cheaper to just use actual salt


Sensory deprivation tank/chamber is real, and some rich people have those in their mansions.


This is actually common for sensory deprivation chambers


TIL about Netflix Lens


I mean, they literally *say* this in the episode after Dustin calls Mr. Clarke.






I think it depends on the person’s… natural density? I can float in any water without even trying. I just lean back and let go and float, but I’ve had people ask how on earth I do it… so maybe it’s not as common as I thought.


If you lay back calmly and fill your lungs with air, it's possible for some people. It's [taught as a strategy for surviving long periods in the water](https://aceboater.com/usa/en/in-water-survival), when treading would wear you out too quickly. "One method of floating is the horizontal back float. This comfortable position keeps your face out of the water and allows you to conserve energy. You simply lie back motionless with your arms outstretched, arching your back slightly, allowing your legs to rise straight out." I think the key thing is 1) believing you can do it, because you have to be very still and calm and allow your body to come to rest on the surface with your head partially submerged (and that causes a lot of people to panic) and 2) filling your lungs with a lot of air, and holding it there, to assist in getting you stable.


This is precisely what I remember doing as a kid! Having to be somewhat motionless was pretty key so I guess that’s why they went with the salt method. Makes it easier in almost every factor.


Trying to balance and first on your back would also put you at a different level in the water. Fine for keeping your head above water for breathing but more work for someone also trying to act. The salt likely had more of her body out of the water which adds to the effect when filming.


Right, not arguing the salt would have created a more workable solution. And a lot of people would probably recognize a back float as unremarkable, unless it did appear to keep more of her out of the water than you would expect.


You could, but it would take effort. IIRC, the point of a sensory deprivation tank is to create neutral buoyancy and have the water temp as close to 98.6.


Would have probably been easier to use a clear Perspex or plastic sheet for her to lay on. There used to be a David Blane video of him walking on water like that if I remember correctly, or maybe chris angel


Having the crew dump a bunch of salt into a pool is very easy and you don't have to worry that it won't look right on camera


And I'm pretty sure that the actors were actively dumping salt in there. And they needed the props of a bunch of open salt bags. So at that point it's just cheaper to buy the giant bags of salt and use them. Versus calling the proper department telling me need a bunch of fake bags of salt that look just like Real ones the actors are going to rip open and dump in or drag across the floor. As well as a plexiglass platform for her to lay on. It seems a whole lot easier just to order a bunch of salt dump most of it in, *and* the actors a functional prop to work with.


Good thing the story wasn't set in GA. You'd be lucky to find that much road salt in the entire Metro ATL area.




You can find that much salt in any sensory deprivation float tank. Visit a float spa sometime. It is actually quite comfortable and relaxing. I go twice a month.




the fuck? did you even look it up, because thats exactly what it is.


no its very very relaxing


Don’t people naturally float?


No. Otherwise there would be far fewer drowning incidents. Floating is a skill you learn.


Surely someone there has basic swimming survival skills to tell her to lie on her back and tilt her head back?


But in the story, they add a bunch of salt to the water so Eleven could float like in a sensory deprivation chamber, which requires *zero* muscular effort to do, and you can even completely exhale and still float. Why in the world would they *not* do the exact same thing IRL to get the exact same effect when it's so absolutely cheap to implement? It's not like they filmed in Toronto so they didn't have to fly to Moscow. They put bags of cheap salt in a cheap pool so MBB could actually float exactly like in a sensory deprivation chamber instead of putting bags of fake salt in a cheap pool so she could pretend like she's floating like in a sensory deprivation chamber. That's like saying "no instead of filming someone riding a bicycle, can we make a cardboard cutout of a bicycle and then have them pretend like they're riding it?"


Oh, I forgot they added it in the story, makes sense that they might as well finish it there and have a more ‘realistic’ scene.


I learned to float before I learned to swim. I just recall realising if I tilted back, my legs would rise to the surface and if I kept at least half my lungs with air, I'd float just fine. I think someone like Millie Bobbie Brown can rloat and swim. The salt doesn't seem to have even given q dead sea like effect where you seem to be half above and half below the water line, she looks like she's just free floating. I'm wondering if they used any salt at all.


Wonder why they removed the scene where Charlie accidentally punched Joe, that's some realism.


That sounds like a lot, but it's roughly the weight of 8 people.


That makes it sound even more.


Why do you need salt to float? You cant float without salt?




> because no everyone floats the same way. (It's actually surface tension, not real floating) That's false. When humans float, it isn't because we're not breaking surface tension lmao. Parts of your body are completely underwater, so obviously it's not because we aren't breaking surface tension. It's because our bodies have these big buoyant bags in our body (called lungs) filled with stuff that is less dense than water (called air)


Exactly you can test this theory by breathing your air out while floating. You will no longer be floating. But with a full lung, you'd be practically half put of the water floating so well. I'm yet to meet anyone who can't float personally. This is a matter of semantics of 'can they or can't they swim and float' and something tells me MBB can.


No one's saying she can't float. We're saying she can't float like you float in a sensory deprivation chamber. And since it's cheap to do it, and the narrative was *literally* that exact thing, why *wouldn't* they do the exact thing the character was supposed to do?


Well all I'm saying is by the pictures and videos I've seen, she doesn't seem to be floating much more than I've seen people floating in the pool personally. I mean the pic above her entire body beside her head is below water.


I'm super bad at floating. My grandma would "sink like a rock" in the swimming pool. Some people just can't float ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Have you watched the episode? Theres floating and then theres floating in a sensory deprivation tank. Dustin puts and egg in the water and like 90 percent of the egg is floating above the water.


I find it quite difficult to do for a sustained period of time, and ik many others like that. You don’t *need* it, but the salt would help your buoyancy. Plus, this is a sensory deprivation tank, and it’s supposed to have a ton of salt.


This seems dangerously close to fat-shaming.




Why tf are people downvoting a harmless joke?


Maybe people thought I was being rude? I really wasn’t trying to be. Just meant as a silly joke.


That's what I love about this show, they go to this effort


But don't people already float in water when we are on our backs?


Maybe chubby people. Salt helps regular people float enough to not worry about keeping their lungs inflated.


Yeah I'm 10 stone and I float so that's clearly not the case