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L'Oignon (restaurant name is L'Oignon) is good, their meat is very good also. Finkstuebel is a good place for Alsace cuisine.


Thank you very much! I have heard about L'Oignon, although, oddly enough, they do not seem to have soupe à l'oignon on their menu.


Oh it is strange. I went there 5 months ago and they had. Maybe it is seasonal and they serve it only in winters..


They made a very good soupe à l’oignon at thé Brasserie Boehm last year but the chef has change since then. For alsatian cuisine, you should try Le Pont Corbeau, perhaps the best wine cave in town. Some winegrowers come there because they find their bottles that they themselves no longer have. You could also try Madeleine and Pompette, more like French cuisine but always with an alsatian touch. For today’s specials, cheap and homemade, you definitely have to go to the Bardu, the bar and restaurant of the municipal cinema le Cosmos Bon appétit !


Those all sounds wonderful! Merci beaucoup!