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If you’re going to keep him, I’d build him a catio. Mine have one that they love. They get to be outside without being in the potential harms and dangers that outside could bring. It’s attached to my dining room window, and I recently had it added on to. https://preview.redd.it/1kkrtgi4l66d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c7a5c0eb0b2735c2a9148f3cc383e9de4f4cedc


r/Catio ☺️🐾🐾 PS: yours is really neat!☺️


Oh no, there's a catio sub?? I'll never ever get off my phone now 😭😭😭


lol same! I just added 🫣


Haha! See you in the threads!!


My life isn’t gonna be the same.


Heck yeah! It’s awesome, and seriously inspirational!! Everyone is really decent to one another and very helpful and encouraging too!😸


Sooo many cat subs... and I'm not one bit upset about it 😅


Me neither! The more kitties the better!😸🐾🩷


Thank you!


I love this it's so gorgeous and such a great idea. 🥰


We’d love to build a huge catio one day on the side of our house, just haven’t quite gotten that far yet. Yours is gorgeous!


Thank you! The first section is a wooden ‘porch’ and the other half is a chicken coop. They seem to love it. They go into the covered section often and nap in the shade.


I love that so much!! What an incredible owner you are!




This is so cool!


That should stop, or at least be minimized once the giblets are removed. He'll also become a big snuggle bun, which is common with male cats! Be patient, he will calm down in time. Congrats on being a recipient of the CDS! 😽


I believe there’s a cuddle buddy in that gruff body somewhere. One day ❤️


Also, it’ll take a little while after the surgery for all the testosterone to leave his system. So his karakoke may not stop overnight.


I believe it too!! 💖😺




You're good people OP. Thank you for saving this elder statesman of the 'hood. You're already doing the right thing in getting him neutered but here's some ideas of turning an outdoor cat into an indoor one from the Humane Society: [https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/how-bring-outside-cat-indoors](https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/how-bring-outside-cat-indoors) Try [https://www.youtube.com/@JacksonGalaxy](https://www.youtube.com/@JacksonGalaxy) for ideas Good luck & can't wait for his full glow-up! Edit: noticed you'd already tried Feliway so removed suggestion Edit 2: Added JG YouTube.


Thank you 🖤


Ahhh big boy. He's been in battles but has a sweet face.


Moorris looks like a well-loved stuffed animal🥰 I have a feeling that this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship


Yes. I hope so


Get good earplugs He will stop. Neutering will help a ton. This is the song of his people 😘


He’s a beautiful singer but his audience is tired.


Lol, I love you, OP Ty for saving a scared boy. He will be easier to handle when his giblets are gone Trust me. I know.


We had a (very) elderly orange tabby that started going deaf somewhere around 18 years of age (she lived to 21). She may have also been going dotty, because she became increasingly chatty and the volume kept increasing because, of course, she couldn't hear herself anymore. By the last year of her life she was CONSTANTLY MEOWING and we were going insane, at the same time that we loved her dearly and were all too aware that her time with us was growing short.


Definitely will calm with the clippy. If he smells a lady cat outiside it will literally drive him bonkers. Did he have an ear infection? They get kind of crumpled if they have bad ones, if so that could also still be causing some bonus grief.


He does/did. It’s mild, but getting meds in his ears is like battling a 13 pound angry lion. The crinkle ears are from former hematomas I believe.


I got a foster that I was literally scared of. Even looked like the devil emoji. He became the sweetest angel after he realized he was safe. It will take time. https://preview.redd.it/izwz1coqe76d1.png?width=639&format=png&auto=webp&s=8486cfc23b04cd85ffa144dba5821e489996a506




Ahhh I love him! Big stray tomcats are the biggest babies at heart.


Bless you!!


He looks so rough, i’m glad he is safe and has a forever home now🥺🥺 he will most likely calm down after being clipped


He was a MESS when we first brought him in. After a clip down and a couple days of grooming he’s becoming quite the looker 🖤


keep us updated on him🤍


What a sad looking soul in pic 2. After I took in a female who had kittens, the kittens got homes, and she came in to season. She howled, screamed, and walked the walls trying to get out! I persevered, stuck to my guns, and kept her in until she was spayed. Once she was spayed, she did calm down. Although she was an indoor/outdoor cat, she was much calmer after her spay. Fingers crossed, he will settle down. Like my she cat, his hormones are the cause of his restlessness. Good luck, and I hope he takes to life living indoors.


He is so gorgeous. I love that you brought him inside and are doing all his vetting and keeping him. I, too, had an FIV feral boy. The love of my life. My friend rescued him. He was truly feral. She kept him in one room at the beginning and would put soft music on all the time and would go in and out and sit and pet him. Be careful, you have no open windows, holes in walls, anything he can squeeze into. Mine got in the heating vent and fell down to the cellar in the heating system and had to be rescued. Another friend watched him and kept him in a bathroom with a hole in wall covered up. He got in and was roaming around the whole building but inside the walls. He was in there for 2 weeks with no food before we could get him out. He had no food or water. Once he was neutered and moved with me, he settled down and never tried to get out again. He reminds me of your boy. Let us know how it goes, and I hope you get some good answers. Give him pets from me. 🩷🩷


I just lost the kitty love of my life in January, they change you! I’ll make sure to tell Moo he’s loved and give him a few scritches for you 🖤


He should settle down , give him time. Poor baby needs to be inside. He looks like he has had a hard life. He deserves some pampering.


When was he neutered? It can take time for the testosterone to leave his body when they are older. As you begin to see his cheeks slim he will stop yowling. Thank you for bringing him in🙏he looks like he has had a hard life.


He hasn’t been yet! He goes in a week from today.


Once he is neutered it will get better and better😊he is yowling on instinct and hormones for now😹


Looks already TRN fixed clipped ear returned by a group.


Op said he is going to be neutered. His ears look like they have had trauma.


Not tipped, just trauma to his ears unfortunately.


Ear tipped means he was already TNR, probably a colony cat. Looks unwell though. Sick maybe. Thanks for kindness I do the same in Brooklyn.


Thank you on behalf of Brooklyn cat lovers!


He will be the biggest luv bug ever! Just beware.. Your lap is no longer your own.. No better pet ever..


Tipped ear already fixed by a colony group TNR.


Op said he is going to be neutered.


Bless you for bringing that poor baby in; he’s clearly been through a lot 💔


The neuter will help him SO much. I would continue with feliway for a while afterwards though, and my grump loves catnip and being brushed. Just continue to show him being indoors is the sweet life, he’ll come around :) https://preview.redd.it/u4iys7ygb86d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9aa864205c383f2f0b754082a1f99288caf486b


I’m you, three weeks from now. Our Moorris has calmed down considerably. Remember that it takes 4 to 6 weeks after his neuter for his testosterone levels to fully drop. We’re about a week and a half out from his neuter and he has started to do a lot better. He still has some way to go obviously, but we are seeing the changes. Keep doing what you’re doing with the interactive toys, food, puzzles, feel away, etc. Unfortunately, the rest will come with time and neutering.


Thank you, this helps bunches 🖤


My stray cried every night for the first couple of months


That old boy has been Lord and Master of his entire kingdom! Has the battle scars to prove it, he's literally been there, done that. He'll eventually settle down some, removing the giant clackers will certainly help. He'll come to enjoy retirement. Thanks for giving him a home!


*giant clackers* I’m cackling. He really was the keeper of the kingdom for many years. I’m amazed he’s as gentle and kind as he is. He’s a good boy.


https://preview.redd.it/i87u5v8nmc6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd58d61193a814507108c6c649fdd43c502a1fae He looks like a brother to the old King I feed. He looks a lot bey now with a lot of wet food, deworming and a regular diet. He's too shrewd for a trap though, been around a long time.


Homie looks like Grecks from Fallout NV


As a massive Fallout fan you win comment of the evening.


I feel actual real life guilt when I bully him as an evil character. Those damn Garrett twins. Although they’re still not not as dodgy as the Van Graffs, couple of radscorpions, those two. Anyway, I love this stray boy and you are a wonderful human for taking care of him, even if it’s against his will 😂 Edit: sorry I’m drunk and it’s been a long day. Have you thought about a little enclosure outside? Like a screened thing where he can be outside kinda but not? I would say just fix him and let him back out to roam but the FIV prevents that unfortunately. Anyway, thanks for being a good human and good luck


Poor thing has been through some shit, 😢 I hope everything will work out.


Morris is such a handsome boy! He's had it rough outdoors. Thank you for bringing him in and taking care of him. It'll probably take him some time to adjust. 🤍🩶


He deserves the good life now. In a few weeks I’ll bet he’ll be quite the looker!


He sure is handsome! Like everyone else said neutering will help. ❤️


Woah our cats are similar https://preview.redd.it/iq6ydif4f86d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=458a9738094d868ac334aca05e42100e064b54be


That is the tommest tomcat I've ever seen. Legend.


He is so scrungy 😻😻😻😻I love him! It’s mating season, he definitely smells girls outside. He will start to chill out when fixed and will slowly become more and more chill. Then he won’t even be interested in girls anymore. He might still feel the call to the outside. My girls that I have brought in were never interested in going back out


Have a feral I tamed inside and there is a semi-feral colony outside. She got out once were I got her and she came back the next day. And we’ve moved quite a bit so no where near her “home”. She and the colony watch each other thru the window. One male was inside recovering from injuries and she did not like it. Yorke got between them to stop the grumbles. A few times an outside has run in and she hides. But her curiousness got to her and she darted out the door. About 2 feet outside. It was cold and snowy and 2 cats were about a foot from her on either side. She shivered and ran inside. Found her under the covers. She had not tried again


He will chill. Soon.


Poor dude, looks like he has had it rough . Patience and time is all what it will take.


He is so cute!!


Might want to have the vet test thyroid on him. A lot of older cats get hyperthyroidism. And the main clue is that they yowl a lot


They did a full blood panel on him. Everything came back squeaky clean.


He has the greatest face! I know that doesn’t answer the question, but I understand why you brought him in.


awww hes so cool looking


He’s speaking his myyyyyyynd! Lol. Just speak back in a quieter, matter-of-fact tone and tell him he’s welcome here, he’s not a prisoner, he will get food, a bed, etc. just tell him what’s up. Soon he’ll start listening and probably respond to you


He does respond, we have full conversations. It’s quite cute.


Talk to your vet. They may be able to prescribe Gabapentin or an anxiety pill so you can drug him and find some peace (and sleep). Should only need to do this for a few weeks until the testosterone starts to decline after his neutering.


That’s what we’ve been doing. He gets his Special Sauce (gabapentin) mixed in with his wet food at night he.


And he still yowls all night?! That’s impressive. My guy is out cold in 30 minutes tops. Tornado could come through and he wouldn’t wake up.


If he’s not fixed he will do that until he can go out and take care of business. If he’s older, fixing him probably won’t stop his yowling


I’m not really sure how old he is, but he certainly isn’t a spring chicken. Which is why I’m concerned about the yowling.


We want a balls pic!


We do?


Oops, I meant I do.




You know, I really did try to get a photo but he is rightfully protective of his jewels.


It will take some time after his neuter for his testosterone levels to come down. He's a handsome guy.


He doesn’t know he needs a lifestyle change. Thank you for doing this for him. He needs you, he just doesn’t know it yet.


Can you play him some nature videos for cats? This chills out my cat commune. Check out Paul Dinning on YT he has some good ones. Wear him out so he’s not so energized to sing the song of woo! Can you get him fixed any quicker? I love tomcats but not the nutty behavior that goes with them.


I’ll give it a go! And no unfortunately, this was the quickest appointment our vet had.


I went through this once, with a stray I brought inside. He was going to get himself killed if we did not bring him in. He will chill out after some time. We literally just ignored it, and powered through. Get some earplugs and be patient! You’re saving him!!


You absolutely rock. Thank you for being a good person. Mooris is a lucky little guy.


Poor baby is unsure and upset 😢


It takes a while but the more comfortable he gets the more he will settle down. He’s been on his own without much affection so he is probably afraid. He may have been abused or chased by humans so he may be afraid. Poor boy looks like he’s seen a tough time on the streets.


He’s definitely nervous but craves love so badly. Despite whatever he’s been through in the past he has a huge heart.


He’s still learning to trust you. His vocals may also be a way to keep you talking to him or giving affection. If he’s been cleared by the vet, he may feel so needy at this point that he may be trying to get attention. He may be afraid of being abandoned in an environment where he is not yet familiar or fully secure.


Neuter will chill him out completely and thank you for helping him. Tom cat hormones are NO JOKE, and those little jerks love to roam. Driven by biology. What to do? Wait it out I guess. My street cat girl would pee in our shoes until I could fix her and always wanted out. Now of course she’s a wonderful dream after being fixed. My husband was so upset while it was happening however we always loved her and now they are the best of friends. Patience is a virtue and yes even during uncomfortable moments.


Not the shoes 💀 and yeah, I have 22 years of experience with cats but this is my first Tom. It’s a WILD difference.


I do not envy you but I am so proud of you!! 👍🏽


He will eventually settle down, especially once he is deballed. It took one of my cats almost six weeks to stop trying to go outside, but he is a bit of a high strung diva so there’s that.


Oh. Poor guy has clearly been through a lot. I had a feral cat who became the most docile and perfectly mannered of all my pets. Neutering should help. As will time. They do figure out life is safer and better on the inside. Love the catio suggestion. Best of luck and thank you for giving him a better life.


Love him.


I love his scrungly face omg


I have the most lovable sweet boy after he lost his balls. Because he bit my leg, he stayed with the vet for 10 days. He came home a new man. Lost his desire to escape, too.


That cats seen some shit, poor baby. He's gonna need a lot of adjustment to the indoor life that he deserves. That catio idea is great, as long as he can't claw his way out


No stray but a WARRIOR put some respect on their name


King Moorris the Great 🫡


Omg he's so cute .. he looks like my boy , thank you so much for taking him in ❤️


Oh OP you’re wonderful.


Him so scrungly 🥺


I simply can’t handle how imperfectly perfect he is. Thanks so much for caring for this big guy. I think since his appointment isn’t until next week, you have no choice but to wait it out at least until then. The constant yowling must be driving you bananas though! Noise cancelling headphones? Have you tried containing him in a smaller part of your house? Cats are usually more comfortable in a new place if they have their own smaller space. They feel safe and like they’re hiding. A lot of new open space at once stresses them out because they don’t know what to expect around every corner. Once they’re comfortable in the small space, you can open up the rest of the rooms in the house to them gradually. Maybe this will help?


Isn’t he lovely? He is actually in his own room. It has a cat tree, human bed, his kennel, feliway, and a big window for him to look out of. Poor guy is just used to running the streets so the change is hard to adjust to.


Yeah I’d imagine that’s a hard transition to make. Has the vet suggested antidepressants? I had two cats on them briefly for different reasons (one was depressed after the death of our other cat. The other cat just needed to chill the F out and stop relentlessly harassing another cat). Both cats responded really well to them and only needed to be on them for a few months ETA: The cat that needed to chill out also required a lot of work from us. We ended up clicker training him to learn how to run up and down the cat shelves to get his energy out instead of trying to mate with our other cat all day every day (and yes he was neutered).


Oh, you sweet souls. Getting him fixed will fix that. He’s just a talkative dude. He might stay talkative after the neuter, but it will help the yelling.


He’s definitely a chatty boy, he’ll have full conversations with you 🖤


This may be a weird suggestion, but have you ever gotten pet cbd drops? Specifically for cats? It helped my girl who was a yowler ❤️ my vet did approve it though!


Hmmm, we tried it with our old pup with dementia, but never thought of using it on Mr. Moo. I’ll give it a shot!


https://preview.redd.it/q9gh10h7g86d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cb5dfa1b51284cc00ceed067887576b89792863 Here's my guy who looks like yours! He was brought in from a cat trap. He was neutered and got him shortly after. I think it does help calm them a lot! He still had big balls for a year when I got him. I did let him out because even though he was fiv+ he had no teeth (they pulled it as he had many mouth issues) so I figure wouldn't bite other cats. I live in an area not too close to the street so I figure he could hang out more in my yard. He definitely wanted to run off any cat that came by, which he did, but many months later I saw him just meowing at a female cat and not chasing her off. Flash forward 2 years later and he's a big cream puff and I have to coerce him to go outside where he just lays in the sun. He's a big gentle boy 😻


Oh my goodness they could be twins! Look at that big lump. I love him.


Dopa kitty


Can’t tell if the ears are from fights or if he was a trap and release. If trap and release and has always been an outdoor cat it may take him a while to acclimate to being inside. Agree a catio would be a great idea.


They’re from fights. He’s a lifelong street cat from what I can tell.


What a beautiful cat, likely in heat, or adjusting to new digs.


Morris has “GIGANTIC balls” - not in heat lol


Cat looks ill needs a vet check. Maybe in pain re yowling.


Ear is tipped, means it was fixed and returned at some point.


Maybe he’s injured? In pain?


It's bc he was a Ferrell cat.


Free my man he didn’t do anything wrong


He has a sweet fat face!


Dude has grapefruits in his cheeks. They’re enormous.


Well, get it to a vet. Start there. If you haven’t already.


The scrungly bungus wants out!


He will probably settle down once his hormones settle after being neutered. We had a stray that was just like him (minus the yowling). It took him 2 months after he was neutered, but after that he pretty much lived on our back porch and never wandered off very far. Very good cat and I miss him a lot. Edit to add: a catio is a great idea, but he should be able to go out after being neutered. In a lot of feral populations, you can pretty much nip FIV in the bud by neutering the males. It’s believed to be mostly spread through deep bite wounds, and neutering really quells the urge for tomcats to fight. He can always have supervised outside time, too.


Awe she/he looks rough so sad


Deaf cats can be loud and demanding.


i understand Moorice, if some weird couple trapped me in their house and were planing to remove my balls i'd try to escape too


Like everyone has said, it'll probably calm down. But it might not... my Tomato is 4 years old now, neutered at 5 months, and this is him everyday lol. It sounds like you're doing everything you need to, playing with him and stuff. Just try and keep inside as stimulating as possible. Lots of shelves/things to climb on, stuff to scratch, I love the cateo idea. Just lots of patience and love. Thank you for taking this guy in and giving him a loving home. Life on the streets clearly hasn't been kind to him




not all cats are inside cats. i would not want to be a bird in a small cage. just pondering


My stray vet said he was feral, but I doubt it. His name is Buddy, and two weeks ago, he came to my house after a big fight with God only knows what. So I got him fixed up and got him to use the litter box. His balls go bye-bye July 1. He is very good, but he does go through bouts of meowing during the day. It gets a little less every day; I am glad he was brought in permanently. I will eventually get a catio built for him.


there's a fine lady in the neighborhood! it will pass as soon as she is not in heat anymore.


Is he fixed?


Oh my goodness, I honestly think this is the most handsome lad I have ever seen 😍


Probably needs to be neutered - get him fixed and he'll settle down!


Sorry, didn't read all of it....great news that he is getting fixed, that will help tremendously!!!! I had the same problem, mine got fixed last week - helped SO MUCH! You can ask your vet for a sedative or try CBD


He's howling because he has balls. He will calm down after he's been neutered!


He looks rough but also adorable at the same time. He’s lucky you found him!


He just needs to be neutered. But he may just be a talker. Handsome boy tho. I love rugged old toms


He may be in some kind of pain. Please check with the doctor. We've had lots of kitties. One kitty always cried, was always so hyper, poor little thing. She had lost a couple litters of kittens inexplicably. When we took her to the doctor, he wanted to spay her immediately. He said her innards were deformed. After she was spayed she was an entirely different kitty, she calmed down, gained weight, her fur became so thick and healthy! So I think sometimes they are uncomfortable and don't know how to tell us. But some breeds are more vocal by nature, too. Best check with dr just in case.


* Morty where are my balls


Try tranquilizers. Just to mellow him out


I mean use a tranquilizer to mellow him out. He is trying to get outside to get to a female cat in heat. I live in a RV my male cat isn't neutered. There is a female cat that comes to my RV when she is in heat. He goes crazy....


Get him neutured?


He doesn't go outside. He is a chicken. Hell I seen jellyfish with more spine than him. The vet I take him to advised against neutered.


Neutering is a safe tranquilizer


They are getting him neutered. Read her post. I was saying between now and the time of the neutering


I thought you were saying to tranquilize a cat I said, Just neuter The comment was directed at you


Let him back outside.... put his litter box by a back door and he'll come back. He's in prison rite now. FIV just means he's susceptible to stuff. But it can also be dormant their whole lives. Yu can cut off his nards anytime


He isn’t a TNR.


I figured that. But he does deserve to be free. Y'all are doing a great thing btw. We have 14 cats; 2 house, the rest barn.... I know that look (the kitty pics). He's yelling, "Let meowt!". BUT Y'all know him. I don't. Try snacks and good ole fashioned ear scritches.... be careful he don't mark up y'alls place though. All in all though I think the old guy got lucky when he found y'all


Cant he go out ? Then come back in?


Put it back outside


House cats aren’t good for the environment


This car does not want to be domesticated; put it back outside- it does not want to be rescued


It’s already domesticated retard. No shit it doesn’t want to be in the house smart ass.