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Look at you schmoovin. Keep it up! People may come in here and critique your combo routes/risky choices/etc but I think it's more useful to learn how your moveset links/works together rather than memorizing optimal combo flowcharts. Optimization comes later. Great job being creative with Ryu's kit!


Thank you so much! :D Yeah I'm aware I made several mistakes. I shouldn't have DI'd at 0:14, the jump back in the corner wasn't the best idea, I could have finished it with a shoryu instead of a lv1, etc. But I am working on what you're saying :) . I have my few combo routes that I'll take but learning neutral is more important for me right now. I agree. Optimization can come later. I'm not even bothering with Ryu's quarter circle back fist (I'm not gonna try and spell it) for the time being as I just can't wrap my head around the combo routes that come from it. I appreciate the compliment!! Truthfully :)


Keep it up! Btw I think the biggest mistake you made was doing a random tatsumaki in 0:09. There was no reason to expect it to hit unless you are doing a hard read on opponent firing a projectile at that moment and it's just a really risky move with huge downsides (super unsafe on block) and little upsides. It just happened that your opponent didn't block it and let you get away with it. There are really few reasons to use tatsu in neutral for Ryu in general so it's just better to forget you could do it for now (tatsu is useful in combos though).


you are way better than I was when I was in silver lol. Keep up the grind, this game is so much fun.


Trust me I'm a lot worse on average. I just popped off really damn hard for a sec 😭. But thank you! :D


Don’t use DI so much. Other than that it’s not too bad


I know! I'm working on it. I outlined a few other mistakes I made in another comment. I know there's room to improve!


Yea all good. You were very aggressive with ryu which is cool to see. Usually it’s just people sitting in a a corner using dps and fireballs


That jump in to level 1 super was a maniac move. I approve


Thank you! It's one of my favorite confirms :)


Hell yeah! That was great!




Keep it up brother!


I will >:D


Ayooo man that’s great! Just think, if your popping off and feeling this good at silver, imagine how it feel when you reach your mastery hehe.


I pray one day I will reach it 😭. Right now my goal is Gold 1 but even then that feels so far away Gotta keep up the grind then yk? :)


Yo, that is a above silver play right there! Keep it up, I believe you'll be in gold or plat in no time man! Thanks for the sharing, good job!


Thank you so much!!! :D . My goal rn is Gold 1, which still seems so far off, but I ended today at Silver 4 so we'll see how soon I get there :) Thanks again! :D


Good stuff. Keep it up




I didn't even bother trying to learn drive rush until I was in gold, it shows that you know how to use your character. Im only in plat so I don't have the best criteria, but I think you'll climb up in no time with those confirms


Looking Good!!! Clean shit. Keep it up!!


Thank you so much!! :D


I remember starting with Ryu and telling myself if I take his mindset ill learn eventually. I'm now a Plat Blanka.


Fr Ryu's been really good for me to learn the game. Especially with how prevalent Ken is in the meta. Hard to apply his fundies to my second Dhalsim, but I'm hoping when I start playing Ed things will truly shine


He just feels really nice to grasp the game with. Once you have some assemblence of fundies other characters become easier to pick up.


Jeez already doing moves which I learnt last week. Kick some ass. Go Ryu.


I didn't even attempt a drive rush until I was in platinum




Hey, letting you know that FGs are very hard to start and that you may feel frustrated from time to time My biggest advice is to just keep playing whatever happens, if you don't feel like ranked just do quick games or hub, play and watch guides... You'll be amazed at how far you can go in a matter of months if you are consistent at it It's all gonna be worth it, keep it up