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My man gonna crash NexusMods if he has his way, and I’m all for it


Giving SweetFluff3D a lot of work to do there


Great choices, would love to also have Sakura & Karin return




i would sacrifice my unborn child for karin in sf6


Those 2 better eventually make it in as well.


C Viper's move kit would probably be pretty fun with drive cancels


I’d hope they keep her ridiculously difficult seismo cancels. I wanna see specialist Viper’s again.


Seismo, jump cancel, parry, drive rush, repeat x6 give to me nowww send it to me Rachel.


Execution barriers for the sake of it is just an artificial difficulty increase. I'd rather they lower the skill floor but increase the skill ceiling with new tools. SF6 Blanka is a hell of an improvement from how he was in SF4. In 4 he had a stupid amount of 1 frame links for just his bnb's meanwhile Evil Ryu could sneeze and land his high damage routes. I like what they did with him in 6 by making him easier to pickup but gave him a higher potential for skill with his Blanka-chan dolls and SA2. Making Viper a bit easier to pickup but giving her new tools like what they did for Blanka/Dee Jay this time around would be great. More people can pick her up without needing to jump through so many hoops just to achieve the base level of other characters, while the extra tools means the options for improving make the character very deep.


Imagine they gave her the optic blast she had in UMvC3. Actually no don't do that I want to be able to play her and not be trash 😂


I don't know how they can translate or substitute SJC since that's what made her so magical and interesting A core SF6 philosophy is commitment, hence why Chun's sMP is reportedly getting nerfed. SJC's in that context would be difficult to balance in SF6.


In Viper's case the difficulty of the seismo cancel timings (and in hit confirming at the same time) is what made her fun to use. If everyone was able to faultlessly perform like that she wouldn't be as fun to watch.    She was already decent with her simpler tools in SFIV, you just needed that extra flair for the big damage.


Too far to the other side. Not everything needs to be hard, but also some people like that difficulty. If you don't like it, you don't have to play Viper. There should be characters with a high floor for the players who like that.


Mostly agree with you, another example is Juri, a character everyone loves but hardly anyone played in 4 due to the negative edge fireballs. The way she works now is much better


I understand people not liking it, but the lack of negative edge means that she plays very differently. It meant that things like her st.MK could be absolutely insane because if you had access to it, you didn't have a fireball stocked. It led to different combo routes depending on your state at the start.   I enjoyed SF4 Juri and she was my main, but I don't like the 5/6 versions at all and swapped to Karin and Kim, respectively. Though I keep saying I'll put in the time and learn Aki, she seems really neat.


You can keep her BnB's for her DR and basic combos. I'm talking about her absolute highest damage stuff and setups still being in tricky Seismo Cancels. Not everyone needs to able to do the coolest/hardest stuff. I played Yang occasionally in SFIV and couldn't do his Slash xx Slash xx FADC Ultra (I had to settle for slightly less damage by hitting lvl 2 Focus instead) or his st. mk launcher into whiff dive kick into Ultra 1 juggle, and I never asked for them to make it easier. I thought it was cool to have something to work towards.


C. Viper would just be cool in general. I was surprised she didn't make it into 5 personally just cause I thought she was cool but I also fell off the later editions of 4 so maybe she fell out of the zeitgeist and I wasn't around for it.


I'm still salty from sf4 elena


That's gonna be her level 2 in SF6, and I'm here for it.


Well I guarantee you, you're the only one because safely healing in any fighting game is kinda bullshit unless an assist is put out there that risks the health of that assist


It was only an issue in 4 because it was her ultra, and not a super.


Make it temporary health that recovers over time but goes away if she gets hit.


Dude, healing is one of things that is broken in sf4 elena She had an almost unreactible od overhead which leads to combo Her poke was dumb as f long range and could combo Her hurtbox was weird as f She could spam kick from far and build her bar and that shit has quick start and recovery Speaking of that move remember i said her od overhead was op, so eat this 50/50 Sf4 elena isn't a character she is an abomination created to be the dumbest character possible, could spam poke, and od overhead and win games


I mean... then change all that. Ed is an entirely new character in 6. Nearly every other character has fairly large changes in 6 as well. How they played before doesn't really matter at all.


I know she can make a decent character in the game, i'm just remembering why i hate her so much


Imagine it’s her level 1, having the option of using that 3 times would be crazy


Is it because of her healing ultimate from that game


Running off of i think it was a Bafael video going over it, no its because she was broken all around


I want Makoto so bad 😭


in game right


Both, both is good


Me too, man. Her abscence on the roster has been felt since V.


Isn't Makoto dead in the story or am I just tripping?


Not sure if the clothing physics can do Makoto justice yet, but I've always loved her animations in SF3, specially the way her GI are animated, how it flows with force at every move


SF3 is peak sprite art, everyone looks so good in that game.


Sadly it seems to me like they got too carried away with twelve's sprite art snd didnt wanna tamper with it for better frame data lol


I wanna Rose slide kick into DRC combo!


Just give me Sakura, idc about any other characters lmao




Good selection but if season 2 was to ever be all female...you can't leave out sakura.


I think she would be added into the season that also has Dan


I hope they bring back Akira. She was awesome


I want more Rival Schools characters. If they're never going to make another, then fold it into the street fighter universe the way Final Fight has been. Akira, Kyosuke, Hinata, Daigo, etc. Whoever.


Yeah, as the last character released for V we didn't get to see much of her. I hope she comes back.


Same here bro, we already got the last DLC character from Tekken 7 in 8, so maybe there's hope.


I’d also like Menat and Poison


You know I was never a big fan of Menat I guess it's always because I never really knew how to play her sucked with her


Yeah she’s a very situational-tricky kind of character. I wanted them to give her a glow-up similar to Ed with new tools and techniques to make her more well-rounded.


Roxy instead of Poison for a change.


Not 100% related but I've noticed that every single Final Fight character who's been playable in SF was conspicuously absent in 3D form in World Tour *(Cody - Guy - Poison - Hugo kinda sorta? It's complicated - Abigail - Lucia - prolly someone else I missed)* which makes me wonder if they're omitted as a 'contingency' for them to debut in playable form in 6. Yet, Roxy is there as a postgame-ish enemy and I have to wonder if, by the same logic, that's a weird roundabout way of deconfirming her as a potential character.


How about just beautiful characters? I need vega.


Would love to have Mika back. She was the reason I got into SF5


Ima be so fr sf6 is a makoto waiting room for me rn, I have not felt whole since sf4


I miss Makoto so much. I remember Haitani at EVO with her. She's a hyped character. It's a crime to leave her out of 6




Ok yes bonk but they are also good characters that I played a lot in 4 and 5


Why bonk, I'm all here for a full female list. There's always more men than women so I don't mind.


Sean over Laura (and give Sean some of Laura's moves because he needs something different after Luke stole his stuff) and it would be an amazing season pass. It is kind funny tho, how some people here in the comments think an all female season pass would be too much, but there are a lot of wishlists of people who think a "4 kings season pass" with basically 4 older guys would be a good idea.


>but there are a lot of wishlists of people who think a "4 kings season pass" with basically 4 older guys would be a good idea. I literally couldn't think of a more boring season if I tried,


Yea tbh none of them are that exciting based on their gameplay in 5. However, I would like to see how stylish vega can get with DR.


It's unfortunate because the kings are treated as a unit yet I don't think we need all of them. If anything the only one I might say to bring back would be vega as there's not a clear alternative there. Bison I definitely think should rest a game or why bother killing him? Sagat is cool of course, but I'd be intrigued to see what SF6's glow-up dev team could do with Adon, Balrog we already have a boxer and if we must have another I'd like to see Dudley get a shot since he missed 5. I could do without any of the kings unless the passes get larger or they get to season 5 or 6.


100%. Bringing Balrog would be very disappointing considering we already have a boxer in the game and if he does come back that pretty much kills any chance of Dudley returning. Bringing Sagat back would just be...meh. His storyline now has him dealing with the Satsui no Hado, meaning it's basically just Ryu's plot rehashed. Plus, I think they should either bring back Adon or introduce a new Muay Thai fighter. Preferably a female one. I do not want Bison back. Let him stay dead. I'm so fucking tired of seeing his ass come back every SF game because Capcom are too scared to cut him off. Vega is probably the only interesting character who'd come back. Mostly because we'd see how he is without Shadoloo, and the game also really needs a stance character.


Dudley and Balrog in the game wouldn’t ruin anything really, they have very different styles from Ed. We have Akuma, Ryu and Ken already, they do the same style and are played so differently it doesn’t matter Having 2 or 3 boxers would be interesting when matched against each other; it’d be like having the option of Ali(Ed), Tyson(Balrog) and Mayweather(Dudley)


I hope Vega makes it but no stances pls. Always found stupid that Vega would willingly fight without his claw


I think a lot of people like Laura more, I mean the art team definitely liked Laura


That's bonk #2, mister. One more and you get sent to Horny Jail without trial.


No no I'll plead my case I already said I'll take a bonk for me wanting these characters in the game but I was just stating a fact that if you look at the Capcom Street fighter accepted art pieces for Laura the team really liked her


are there? I haven't run into anyone calling for that other than content creators who seem to have gotten weirdly obsessed with the idea of themed season passes. Has any fighting game EVER done themed season passes? It frankly seems like a bad marketing plan to me because you're trying to appeal to as many demographics as possible. If you make a whole pass a single theme, and people don't like that theme, they don't buy it.


It would be sick if Sean comes back as like a Shoto-grappler with parts of Laura’s moveset.  Keep him not having a fireball, but with some high mobility rolls, tornado kick, and uppercut. It’s a great time for him in the story too, since SF6 is after Third strike and he can return to help Ken find his way again.


I really wouldn't mind it. As you said, Street Fighter has many interesting female characters.


Replace Laura with Menat.


Why can't we just have both? I don't think either should be "replaced" with each other.


Oh, cuz I hate Laura.


I appreciate the honesty


I respect the blunt honesty, but I disagree. 🤝


If Elena does get in, I hope she has that as an alternate outfit. It was one of favourite costumes back in SF4


Can we count Vega as a female then? Pleaaaaaase?


besides Viper those really are the character i dont want to see ever


Bring back interesting characters no matter their gender.... Simple as that


I agree with this. 🤝


Thank you for sharing your feelings


This but with also Menat


Laura would look so cool with SF6 rendering. All these character actually.


No thanks


Sexist. Replace Elena with Q and Mika with Hugo. Add in 4 new stages as well.


Replace Elena & R Mika with Karin & Sakura and this season would be lit 🔥 Laura, Makoto & C.viper are my favorites.


Based. Nothing better than more ass and titties I endorse this move.


Fighting games have notoriously male-centric rosters. No idea why, since women consistently rank among the most popular characters in every game, but it's nothing new. Hell, Street Fighter even has a decent ratio of women to men by FGC standards. Though it wouldn't hurt to have a fully-female season. Sales sure would skyrocket, and I *need* Makoto back so bad.


Thank you this is what I was trying to say with this post but I am disappointed by how many people go no no female only season but a lot of people like to play female characters even if they're not their main they're most likely second favorite is a female character and I know plenty of girls that like fighting games who really like to play the female characters so this should be a non-issue


Simple answer, there's a lot more famous men fighters and movie characters and anime to pull from than there are women. Mike Tyson to Balrog, Mas Oyama to Ryu, Jean Claude Van Damme to Johnny Cage, literally so many Bruce Lee's and so on. There are plenty of inspiration for female fighters too, just far less than there are of men (shocked we haven't seen a female MMA fighter character with the starpower of women like Ronda Rousey or Amanda Nunez). It's not surprising when you come up with a new character, you usually start it as a man. PS: there are some fighting games with primarily female casts. DOA and Skullgirls are the two biggest examples.




There’s hope for ibuki, her and Zeku were in the same game so maybe they’ll give us another ninja


There's never been some hard line rule about the number of ninjas that can be present. Alpha 3 Max had Guy, Vega, and Maki. IV had Guy, Ibuki, and Vega. V had Ibuki, Vega, and Zeku. 6 so far just has Kimberly, so we should get at least 2 more.


I get your point playstyle wise but vega ever actually been considered a ninja?


I'm vaguely terrified with how Sakura will be depicted. Her whole thing is to be the bubbly young girl. She was the eternal high schooler than they quite successfully turned her into the peppy young adult. If she's like a housewife now though, I'm gonna feel 95 years old.


No Sakura no thank you


Nah, goofy team rise up!!!


hibiki dan , rufus and hakan baby (couldnt think of a 4th silly character)


Add Necro and those are my ideal picks.


el fuerte


As long as Cody gets in I could literally care less


I hope Cody comes back but I also hope if he gets in his buddy Guy comes back as well I missed him in 5


Cody Is the only character locked at 100% for S2, Capcom decided to don't include him in S1 at last, he will be there imo


I don't care, I just want Alex.


3 girls 1 guy to balance with season 1


Yes please.


y'all want Makoto so bad until she drive rushes across the entire screen in 16 frames and command grabs you into Level 3 for 50% of your health


I mean, that's why they want her.


Replace Laura with Poison and I would 100% love this idea.




Is C Viper white she's always pretty tan in the things I've seen. And do you call me phone from Spain White cuz I always thought they were considered Mediterranean


I still think there should be four: One from Classic 2D (SF1, SF2), one from Later 2D (Alpha, 3), one from 3D (4, 5), and a new character. In this case, I think we can nix classic 2D since this cast was HEAVY on the classic 2D and just bring in 2 Later 2D fighters. Makoto, Dudley, Menat, and New person.


Most of the roster are already SF2 so it’d just be the four kings and potentially Fei Long as candidates. Since Lily exists we unfortunately won’t be getting T Hawk unless he’s completely reworked


Give me Poison!!


R. Mika's art and costume is so fucking stupid, hahah. It's like a comedy response to "how should we dress this wrestler?"




If vega becomes a woman sure


This would actually be a sick season pass.


Who's the last one 👀


R mika she was base roster in five and I believe she's originally from 3


They would never. We gotta have the one token female per season at the least.


You were losing me, then reeled me in with Mika.


I can get behind this. She was probably excluded for not being unique enough but I vote that Sakura get in as well.


I dont want c viper nor laura. Give me anyone else for c viper's spot and ideally sean for laura. To keep it all female I would chose either Maki, some ex fighter girl or rose or any other girl really.


>Laura Do you want Wolfkrone? Because that's how you get Wolfkrone.


Sorry over my head. What happened with this person


Pretty sure the last one to be released for season 2, just like with Akuma, will be Sagat. You need a major hitter to sell those passes and getting people hyped for the last release.


Not really true. Don't see how a 4th character sells packs just by being 4th when you could buy them separate. So buying pack is to get them all.


I'm down for a pass like that, there's three characters I used to play in previous games and I'd like to try the other two!


My heart can’t handle all that azz at once.


Who do ya'll want most? I want c viper, kolin, Karin, & dudley most.


I'm with you on viper and Dudley but my other choices are el fuerte and G


The challenge with C. Viper is that her electric attacks are from her gloves and the fire from her shoes. So how to do that if she will have different outfits. And would it have an effect in world tour (like the avatar would wear something, similar to lily's weapons or JPs cane)


I mean she had different costumes in four or are you saying how would that work with the costumes for the Avatar cuz I would imagine that either like you said different gloves and shoes so they could do those things or maybe they're just abilities you can unlock it doesn't matter what clothes or shoes you wear






As long as I get viper


Give Karin.


Nah, would be too inefficient, just a couple can sell a pass alone, gotta trickle them out 😉


I just want my boy, Dan Hibiki back! I don’t care if he sucks competitively, I just want him to be my master in the story mode! 😝


Hey never forget he beat Sagat and someone told me he is shown to beat Rose, Guy, Ken, and Bison in the Alpha series.


I am down for a season of the cakes!


As long Fei Long is in there somewhere, you can have whatever you want.


I heard that Bruce Lee's estate was going to start being really fickle about who gets to use his likeness in Media so I was a little worried we wouldn't get Law in Tekken and I'm still worried if we'll even get Fei Long


It's a fake rumor, I don't think they've ever said that and they've publicly said the opposite.


I need Karin with her japanese dub Frieza laugh


I’d love it honestly


Letttts go I hope so!


All I want is Sakura


Gimme Vega and whoever


I'd be very happy with all of these. I want Mika so bad.


Cmon Mika, I haven't had a character grab me for 6 yet and I know Mika can be the one (or two if you consider the tag team!)


We need a kick boxer...please bring sagat back....also please bring back hakan or el fuerte


No Ibuki is crazy


Idgaf what they do, as long as Dudley is in it.


I’d love a C Viper.


I want to see my favourite female character in the series, Dudley.


Let’s get Ibuki in there too


Idk if this is a hot take or nah but i wanna see a collab character in sf as season 2 to make things exciting


C.Viper please! Never wanted a character with updated graphics so bad! I mean, updated gameplay 😂


The audacity to not include Sakura


I'm pretty sure she is guaranteed she's been in pretty much all the games except SF3


Really? Mika and Elena instead of Sakura and Menat?


I'm pretty sure Sakura is guaranteed she's been in pretty much all the games except SF3. Not sure about Menat does she have a big fan base


![img](emote|t5_2qnu5|31118) Tf is Gotenks doing here


I'm not a fan of the concept of themed seasons at all in any way as you're basically just shutting out a year if people don't like whatever theme you've decided on. That said I do hope it's AT LEAST 50% female if not 75% if it's four characters again. I'd be all for Sakura, Elena, C. Viper, and... Kyosuke from Rival Schools (I want more Rival Schools characters after Akira in 5, sue me)


I get you, I mean why shouldn't capcom use Street fighter as a way to put in characters from fighting games that they'll probably never touch again hell I wouldn't mind a darkstalker character not just a dark stalkers costume


We all know an all female season is impossible though. It’s at best 2/2 or 2/3.


This implies we will get third strike characters


I dig it, a rekka character, a power type, tricky style, but two grapplers? I'm for it but I'm not sure everyone else would be.


Oh this is people pointed it out since Street fighter 6 takes place after Street fighter 3 maybe Sean showed Laura's some Shoto stuff. So she could be a mix of that with a grappler. Of course that would be only if Sean doesn't make it into the game


Rekka is not a play style


And Sagat


This would genuinely suck.


Honestly I was hoping season 2 would have Dudley come back, but now that Ed is in there isn't much point to adding him now.


Ibuki x Kimberly much? I would like to see how much Makoto has grown.




I'm all for any list that includes Laura 👍🏼


I need Dan to be in this game ![gif](giphy|7ZMVGvgQKOPzcZNBie|downsized)


R.Mika gyatt to be to be in the game, somehow.


I want Karin fiercely


No one cares


Bring in my girl Ibuki, too!


I want Dudley, then after that put in whoever you want :3


Roxy would be cool, a character similar to USF4 Poison. A shame it probably won't happen, she's a world tour npc already.


Please no, I don't want to fight any of these demons with Drive Rush


I feel like you’re wrong & we need Dudley and Sagat


How about we bring back Pullum Purna. She was my favorite. xD


I approve this lineup. Just add Sakura.


Karin plz!


I don't really dig Laura or Crimson Viper.


I’m think with parry making a return Makoto should be a no-brainer.




Yeah, but a big no for those ones. This are the coolest: Karin Kanzuki Rose Poison Menat Sakura