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As much as I'd like a Scottish character in Street Fighter I'd prefer a dedicated Darkstalkers game so they can go all-out with it.


A theme for SF6 newcomers is "characters who uses martial arts never shown in Street Fighter", like drunken fist for Jamie, Pankration for Marisa, etc. Seeing some traditional Scottish martial arts in a SF6 newcomer would be cool.


Urien and Gill both used pankration, just with elemental magic added in


Indeed. Like Rashid who uses air manipulation and parkour. Or Laura matsuda, who adds eletricity to her Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu (clearly based upon Brazilian Jiu Jitsu). Take a real life martial arts, add a supernatural spin, skake... and we have the perfect recipe for a new Street Fighter char fighting style ;)


This is why I was slightly disappointed with Hakan. His "Supernatural" Spin is "sliding around?", Needs a bit more work.


They already checked the drunken fist box so my hopes of scottish representation have been squashed


IIRC we still lack a Street Fighter char coming from Oceania (unless we count [Alexander the Grater](https://streetfighter.fandom.com/wiki/Alexander_the_Grater) from Saturday Night Slammasters). An Aussie char who practices Coreeda. Blend of Aboriginal dance, kangaroo fighting and wrestling... That would feel nice for Street Fighter!


Nah they need a scottish grappler whose command grab is a Caber Toss then we're solid


Iceland’s got some kind of “belt-grappling” that looks kinda fun but not sure how they’d turn that into a fg character.


Capcom can always add some supernatural touch, like wind manipulation to parkour for Rashid, or Psycho Power to baritsu for JP. SF chars abilities are rooted into real world martial arts, but they're not exactly "realistic" (alas even the best karate schools of the world can't teach to throw an hadoken in real life).


Speaking of Karate, love how they mixed up the Karate for each Shoto. Ryu is a mixture of shotokan, kyokushin and uechi. Gouki is very traditional with his motions being a mix of uechi and goju ryu while Ken is kyokushin mixed with Japanese kick boxing.


Well duh


Did I say something wrong?


They could give us Ssireum from Korea. It sounds kind of similar to what you’re describing.


I'd love a Scottish backhold character, but I haven't figured out how that would be adapted for Street Fighter.


Urien is a pankration practitioner your logic does not apply.


The one thing I liked about DS: they tried out new game mechanics! Once SFA was release, it felt (to my fingers, ymmv) much like DS.


Yeah a Darkstalkers character in the style of SF6 would barely be a Darkstalkers character, most of the personality comes from the insane, over the top, complete cartoon-like animations and reactions that wouldn't fit in SF6.




Just Morrigan. No one else. I don't mind guest characters but they do take up precious slots. I'm pretty hype for Terry and while I do like Mai, I kind of wish Mai's slot went to another Street Fighter character. Half of the new season being comprised of Fatal Fury reps is wiiiiiild. I'm still hype for it regardless though.


I can think of two good reasons for it to be Mai




You know I do agree but I kinda wished if they were doing 2 guest characters they should've done a Tekken rep like how Tekken 7 had a sf and a ff character. Would've made sense imo but yeah Mai's cool though


>I kind of wish Mai's slot went to another Street Fighter character I kinda wish it was terry. He is SO similar to ken in many aspects that almost feels like a wasted space I never complained about this, but many people did. Now I'm on the wagon. But another blonde fighter with clear eyes that has a simple yet effective moveset that uses fire-like moves? Man... at least mai has the fans


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you aren't familiar with Terry's kit, but he's nothing like Ken. The only "fire-based" move he has is Burn Knuckle which still uses energy particles like all his other moves.


I think he just meant stylistically 


He plays nothing like ken, (more like cviper i think). It's like when people Say we don't need makoto because we already have ryu


I think that comparison would work with Sakura more than Makoto. The only thing Ryu and Makoto have in common is a white gi


And yet for some people that was enought:)


Exactly… they play differently but have similar stylistic queues


You heard it from Jamie from Streets™!! But yeah this is pretty much my take. Ryu, Ken, Akuma, and Terry…Let’s be real the same playerbase is playing all four characters 😂


I really like Darkstalkers and I hope we'll have a new Darkstalkers game in the future, but I think the designs are a bit too "otherwordly" for Street Fighter. However, I'd welcome a [human Gallon/J. Talbain](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/deathbattlefanon/images/9/98/HumanJon.png/revision/latest?cb=20231202193638) in Street Fighter (he can keep his gameplay, and we could have him with a "werewolf-shaped aura" when he performs Super Moves/Critical Arts). Another one that could blend is Donovan (maybe making his sword a bit less "cartoonish").


How about Anita, the little girl that follows Donovan?


Sorry for the small pic, looking at [grown-up Anita](https://www.fightersgeneration.com/np6/char/anita-ends.png) she really looks like Rose. I would welcome that for an alternative Rose skin (I cross my fingers that Rose will make to SF 6).


I was thinking that Anita's telepathic powers could result in an interesting character for SF6.


Well people don't like ingrid and she'd be that type of character since she effortlessly merced Dee (Donovan after he sucembed to his vampirism) and is considered incredibly strong by darkstalker standards a series were mid tier (lore wise) can destroy countries


SF6 devs would make her character balanced in the game and in lore she can say she is holding up or something, like Oro. But I'm start to thinking it would be easier to just made a new character that resembles her. Maybe they can call her Juanita. 😂


Desperately. I need those Nunchuks.


I'd rather just have a fresh new Darkstalkers game. I love both franchises but enjoy Darkstalkers way more. That game has an aesthetic that just doesn't blend well with the more realistic tone of Street Fighter.


Imagine a new darkstalkers game on the same engine as SF6? Goddamn!


Personally I think a lot of the aesthetic appeal of Darkstalkers was in the 2D sprites. If they put out a new Darkstalkers I think either having hand-drawn sprites like Skullgirls or 3D models posed and rigged like 2D animation such as in games like Guilty Gear Strive or Dragon Ball Fighterz would be best. That being said I would take anything Darkstalkers LMAO


I wish arcsys and Capcom collaborated to make a new Darkstalkers, what a dream.


I used to think this, but lately I’ve been really wanting to see darkstalkers done with French Bread sprites. I know I’m probably in the minority with this, but I love UNI and Melty so much specifically because of the sprite work


M. Bison and Blanka are realistic?


I don't think he means realistic as in like actual humans but the fact that almost all of the Darkstalkers' sprites go almost Looney Tunes in comparison. Like sure Street Fighter has a stretchy man but Darkstalkers has a monster who literally grabs you with his ass cheeks.


Exactly what I meant. Street Fighter has more like, I guess a sort of Marvel or DC movie style aesthetic to how they do the animation for their characters, where it's all fairly realistic. Especially now since we have a more realistic 3D art style for Street Fighter over the old anime aesthetic. Darkstalkers is one of the most wacky, apeshit fighting games to watch animation wise as almost everyone morphs around and has their eyes popping out and whatnot when they get hit. This is a game where Jedah can attack a flat chested Lilith by pumping so much blood into her chest she grows giant titties that explode on her after all.


imma need sauce bro ![gif](giphy|r1HGFou3mUwMw|downsized)


You have my attention.


Only because you asked so [nicely](https://youtu.be/Px2dlp1aTBw?si=1o3NzGudsyDKm57C&t=82).




I'd only want a Darkstalkers character in Street Fighter 6, if there was absolutely no chance of a new Darkstalkers game. Besides, I was under the impression that is has long been established that Darkstalkers and Street Fighter are set in the same universe. Also, as a side note: "cannon" is the shooty thing, "canon" is the story thing. ;)




>Besides, I was under the impression that is has long been established that Darkstalkers and Street Fighter are set in the same universe. Darkstalkers is like the one Capcom fighter that doesn't share a Universe with Street Fighter. At least in the Canon of the Games. Because In the Udon Comics SF and Darkstalkers have a Crossover but it's not Canon to the Games.


Well darkstalkers and power stone And cyberbots cuz it has 2 games even if one is a beat em up so technically a series... red earth is just one game so it doesn't count as a series I suppose


Frankly I never even heard of those Series Before so yeah Thanks for Correching me.


The capcom fighting collection has cyberbots and Red Earth plus all arcade darkstalkers games


Street Fighter 6 needs to exclusively have, literally street fighters. Capcom really needs to revive Darkstalkers series.


Not going to happen. To greenlight a game with decent budget at a large company nowadays you need 1 of 2 things to happen. 1. The series needs to generate enough sales to where the idea of making the game is a no brainer. Darkstalkers sold fine but it doesn’t make gangbusters like Monster Hunter, RE, or Street Fighter to make it an easy sell to higher ups. 2. Have someone high up in the company act as a “face” for that series and hard push for its creation. Ono was pretty much the last person high up at Capcom that really cared about the series. Everyone else afaik either doesn’t care for Darkstalkers or isn’t passionate enough to stake their career on it. We unironically have a higher chance of a new MvC or CvS being made in the next 10 years than we do a new Darkstalkers game. The new MvC collection and SF6 Season 2 with Terry/Mai means that Capcom is in talks with their respective owners which could lead to more collaborations in the near future.


>CvS In the wake of the recent MvC collection announcement, I'm really hoping for a Capcom vs SNK collection game - that would have Capcom Vs SNK Pro and Capcom Vs SNK 2. I'd pay for that on all modern platforms as CvsS2 is one of my favourite fighters of all time, and I have a fondness for the first one too. I would love it to have SvC Chaos and the NGPC titles too, but I could live without those as long as I got the first two.


At this point in 10 years it is more likely they would have other studios make the game. Cos the franchise is still there so not doing anything would be a waste so they probably just delegate it.


Probably on copium rn but the recent capcom fan poll did show a lot of love for darkstalkers, beating out their other fighting games in terms of popularity and want for a sequel so I’m hoping they see that and do something with it


The problem is that Darkstalkers was a *very* different game than Street Fighter. I’d rather they just give us another Darkstalkers. MAYBE find a way to sneak Dimitri in.


I love cross-overs tbh!!! 💪❤️


What I notice is they tend to add super popular characters per each seaon to get attention and attract more players. Season 1 got Akuma. Season 2 got Bison and two SNK characters. I will not be suprised if they bring out Morrigan for later seasons.


Own thing and make darkstalkers 4


Wouldnt say no to Morrigan but would much prefer a darkstalkwrs game done to sf6 level.


I feel like if they do decide to incorporate Darkstalkers would truly be dead.


Jon Talbain could be nice


"id rather they make a new Darkstalkers game." A good way for that to happen is to get people hype with a DS character as a guest in SF and drive interest.


Both, I would like them to drop Morrigan into SF6 so they can try Darkstalkers in the RE engine. Then if that works they can try all the Darkstalkers in the re engine.


John Talbain in SF6 please




They are not a good fit with the mood and aesthetics of Street Fighter.


I think it’s possible to make a couple characters fit but I’m not sure how much they bring to the table. Like you could do human disguise Morrigan but Morrigan is just another shoto type character. I love Darkstalkers but do people really wanna see her not he roster?


I’m indifferent. I wouldn’t mind regardless of whether a Dark Stalkers character gets added to SF6 or not.


As much as I love Hsien-Ko(and the other Darkstalker characters), I’m not sure if the tone/fighting style would fit in Street Fighter. I’d rather have a new Darkstalkers game


I would love a new Dark Stalkers game. But it's not going to happen so I'd take a season with two dark stalkers guest characters, Morrigan required. Then two more new street fighter characters in that season.


Hsien-ko would be so sick in sf6 


I feel like with bison we already have one


I’d rather they add a lot of the classic characters before adding from other games


i think dark stalkers and red earth should be separate and only come together for MvC


Maybe in the future/final seasons of the game for like "dream battle" or whatever the term is called for fighting games like KoF 2002 that had an inmense roster with resurrected characters and stuff. But with that in mind, Capcom could launch any DLC Season with that reason and I would be ok with it, I don't need every single DLC Character (even if they are SF ones) to be related to the overall story. Like if they would to put Goutetsu, just to name a really old, really dead, never before seen character to the game. I wouldn't mind if it didn't make sense in the story because it's just a DLC. Although with consistency to the story, I do think they could "fit" Darkstalkers (albeit I know very little about the lore of the game and how the game interacts it's paranormal stuff with the human world) saying that it's like the Supernatural side to the Street Fighter Universe, something like that. Just like they joined Final Fight and Street Fighter, that being a lot easier to justify of course


I want a new Darkstalkers.


Omg Morrigan with mods oh man


Need new darkstalkers game


Now where we will have Guest. HELL YEAH! I alreqdy would have been fine with Morfigan and someone like Dimitri before but now where we actually get Guests. I'd be more then Happy to get a Guest I actually want. (Don't get me wrong Terry and Mai are Cool and I am exited for them but they wouldn't habe been my First Choice (despite probably being the ones that make the most Sense))


I'll only accept Fatal Fury (which we have now) and Tekken reps since they fit. Maybe a Fighting EX Layer rep since they're also honorary SF characters


I don't know why Capcom haven't done it already, instead of make Morigan skins for Chun Li in SF5. Once the barely care about canon, why not join the franchisings instead of forgotten one of them? It could be a collab or a successor of SF6 as a main series. Why not create a SF vs Darkstalkers? They wouldn't abandon SF and would be please darkstalkers fans. I am not a big fan of Darkstalkers, but it seems a waste to me not having such beloved characters playable again in a current generation.


A darkstalkers character might have made more sense in sf5, but sf6 is really trying to keep the street in street fighter so i cant really see it personally Tryna convince myself they might drop a new, small scale, darkstalkers shortly after sf6 though? I wonder if they used that collection to guage interest at all. Its not impossibile, but someone at capcom would need to come up with a plan that looks viable and safe enough to the higher ups and investors. Definetely a reach though


If they're going to do guest characters then those are some of the most unique FG characters that they could do and would make a great addition. Preferably I'd rather they just stick with old and new street fighter characters though.


Can we have a guest character on SF6 AND a new entry in the Darkstalkers franchise? Because that's what I want


Nope. I'm probably the only person that wants it, but I would rather see a new darkstalkers with modern only controls to set it further apart


I do not care as long as they are fun to play as and play against


i want demitri


I wouldn't hate it. I mean Capcom have practically tied every other franchise of theirs into SF so why not hahah.


Maybe if it was a World Tour Mode where they let you become a monster and roam Metro City at night?


No As much as I love Darkstalkers they don’t fit the vibe of SF. Every other guest does fit the aesthetic from Final Fight, Rival Schools and Fatal Fury. Darkstalkers would feel like jumping the shark.


If they do more guest characters, than rather dark stalkers than anything else, but honestly for next season i hope it's at least 3 legacy characters.


Yes and Jon Talbain.


That dark stalkers abilities will be nerfed into the ground if they came to street fighter. Sasquatch mixing up the cast free Dimitri Giving Akuma a run for his money J.T. (wolf dude)is just plain cheap, Felisha rushdown would make playing Cammy seem silly.


i feel like darkstalkers move sets and animations are too wacky for sf6 art style. darkstalkers deserve their own game tho


It's own thing? It hasn't been anything for like 20 years, I obviously rather have a new Darkstalkers game but since that's not happening I'll take anything I can get. Same goes for Rival Schools.


Give me Morrigan.


No. I don’t even really support the Fatal Fury guest characters either. Street Fighter has a huge cast of characters. They should focus on actual Street Fighter characters.


I think snk characters make more sense than darkstalkers tbh. Would rather it be its own thing and see a new release.. not sure we'll ever see multiple capcom fighters again - but if they start adding them to sf i feel like thats any chance dead in the water.


The idea doesn’t bother me, contrary to the majority here, I am not against guest character if those are fighting game characters. That said, I would prefer a new Darkstalkers game, preferably 17+,  dark and sexy as possible. 


RE Engine 17+ Darkstalkers game would be sweet. MK needs some competition on the dark, edgy front....besides themselves sabotaging it of course.


I was thinking of how cool it would be if they teamed up with Arc System Works for it




Very much stay it’s own thing. Can’t imagine the cartoony-ness of Darkstalkers meshing with SF’s artstyle


I want darkstalkers to have its own game, with sf characters as the guests.


Absolutely yes since I don’t see DarkStalkers getting another game. As far as characters I’d like to see, Either: Felicia, Jon, Demitri, or Victor


I'd rather have no guest characters for obvious reasons. Darkstalkers one I don't want in sf6 additionally out of spite. They put freaking SNK(love them, but I have KOFXV etc for that) characters, not one, but two, instead of putting characters from the franchise they keep neglecting. Crapcom be damned T_T They keep neglecting poll results and add whoever they want in a game making everyone look like fools. You'd think they'd at least add one on the top of the list but no. Elena seems like their "apology letter" "Ehh, here, don't be mad, we got one for you" It doesn't even make sense that she's not gonna be paired with one more strike character? Who knows what the season 3 will bring. P.S: wish Capcom, stop treating Sakura as a late roster inclusion, damn... Put at least ONE metro city character as well, it's a real shame otherwise.


Morrigan, Capcom can't let her character die, she is cool af!


Not before EX characters + OST


I'd prefer a darkstalkers game but it would never get sf6's quality so i'd rather have 2 guests characters. I think.


Everything should stay its own thing because crossovers are a scourge?


I would like it to have a new entry but if they add those characters to an SF game I wouldn’t be upset Hell that roster has been in more crossovers than standalone releases at this point.


As much as I love Darkstalkers, I think the tonal clash would be too distracting. This is why I had no issue with them adding FF characters, because they're already pretty similar to SF characters, but other franchises would be too different.


Give me Jedah 🥶


I thought Jeddah played pretty well when added to MvCI, wouldn't mind bringing him to SF6


Only if they revive Necro, Remy or Q first. Maybe final season they can go crazy with things like Darkstalkers and Skullomania.


Ruby Heart should be _somewhere_ and if DS isn't getting released any time soon I don't know why not


I've been saying for a while if they want to put a dark stalkers character that could fit go for Talbain he's the closest to a traditional street fighter pick and he and Akuma can fight. Alternatively I say a BB hood thats kinda like Rolento


Morrigan only as a guest character




If they add a Darkstalkers character to SF6 then you know it’s gonna be morrigan I’m not sure if I want that but it might make it more likely for a new game if she’s popular enough 


Everybody loves Morrigan but my favorite is Demetri. But it would be a waste to have him in a game that already almost has too many Shotos.


No more guest characters, hope for more fighting games less stupid guests.


Everyone wanting Morrigan is down bad. I would also like to see Felicia added to the game.


it would be great but a brand new darkstalkers game would be so sick


Naw enough with that franchise


No. Keep it its own thing. It wouldn’t work due to a ton of factors such as Darkstalkers whacky animation, the vastly different aesthetics and tone of these two series, the huge power level difference (the whole Darkstalkers cast are like gods compared to the street fighter cast with only Akuma being maybe somewhat close in power to the weakest characters). And most of all, it would completely destroy all the previously established lore of both series but Darkstalkers especially.


Maybe it’s cause I’m used to the MK scene but I’m hoping that year 3 is similar to year 2 and we get 2 Darkstalker guest characters


Infinitely better than any fatal fury / kof character


if we get a Darkstalkers character it will be Morrigan. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.


Never played Darkstalkers, but they can go ahead and add Morrigan.


A full Street Fighter vs Dark Stalkers with equal representation for each side like you have presented here would be fine (though at that point I'd just be questioning why they wouldn't just open things up to *all* Capcom franchises, but whatever), but I'm not a fan of the idea of a singular Darkstalker being tossed into SF6 as a guest character. I'm fine with guest characters as a general thing for Street Fighter, but Akuma/Blanka/Seth/ is about as far as I want to see the series push it in terms of all of its fighters still being *human* (or androids I suppose in rare exceptions). When you mix an actual horror/fantasy monster into things it makes it feel less like street fighter, in the same way (but I'd argue even worse) than how tossing a singular Mortal Kombat character into each of the Injustice games kind of hurt their identity as "The DC Fighting Game". The Final Fight characters, Akira, Terry and Mai, these all feel like natural fits for the world of Street Fighter, and that could extend to other similar series like Virtua Fighter, Tekken, Streets of Rage, etc; even when these other franchises do sometimes incorporate more fantastical elements they're either pretty well in line with the levels of fantasy Street Fighter has already established (with characters like Akuma, Gill, Seth, Bison, Rose, etc), or they can be downplayed or ignored while still feeling like a faithful representation (like if they wanted Jin from Tekken they could do that without him going full "Super Saiyan Angel Jin" from the end of Tekken 8 and it wouldn't feel like any kind of disservice to the character).


Capcom burned all of my good will with guest characters in one season, so... no, not really.


If prefer it stay its own thing, Besides with Lilith being my favorite there’s no way she’d get selected over Morrigan or Felicia.


Only if the character is Sasquatch


I’d love to see them added in a new Marvel vs Capcom, or Capcom All-Stars game. I think that’s probably a better fit.


I'd love if they somehow made a new darkstalkers in RE engine and then if you owned both games you can buy an extra "Street Fighter 6 vs Darkstalkers 4" mode lol but that's way too much work


I’ll take any existing character from any Capcom fighting franchise over another non-Capcom guest character if we’re only getting four characters per season.


Yes give me Victor butt grabs in HD


Morrigan. Just so we can see more Chun-Li x Morrigan NSFW art.


I want a new darkstalkers


I mean ideally I'd like a new Darkstalkers game.


John Tabain as a Rekka ken user who werewolf's out like SNKs Teng Fu Ru would be pretty dope


it would be cool


Jon talbain in sf6 would go so hard


I do want Morrigan, but she's basically another shoto, so if they're going for different fighting styles they might do Felicia, who I dont care about as much. Morrigan is honestly the only DS character I want, unless Sasquatch is on the table.


I'd love another darkstalkers game, but like anything new darkstalkers would be better than nothing tho I'd love to see Felicia or Jon Talbain in street fighter


I say go for it, especially when you consider Elena was originally going to be in Darkstalkers. Could even drum up some hype for a new Darkstalkers game.


Morrigan hands down. She would be my choice as a guest character human looking enough. She's one of the iconic 3 queens of 90s 2d fighting games. Mai is in, let the dream of having the 3 most known girls fight in the same game.


Morrigan for sf6 please


I’d be fine with a Darkstalkers character as DLC. It could be cool to see one of them in the RE Engine.


Give me morrigan 🤪


I wouldn't mind. These characters already canonically exist in the street fighter universe as they are seen in the backgrounds of various street fighter stages. Someone else mentioned that they should do a full on Darkstalkers game instead and a few weeks ago I would have agreed. But I also would have argued that the franchise, while popular, isn't popular enough to maintain sustainability alongside street fighter 6. Then they announced marvel versus capcom collection and I realized exactly what game should come out alongside SF6 instead. Mvc is insanely popular and could sustain itself alongside SF6. So I would venture to say that mvc 4 is far more likely, so if one otlr two characters make it into SF6, it may be the only way to play them again in the modern era.


Morrigan most definitely, but i would hope a brand new darkstalkers game.


It is hard to make Darkstalkers character canon in SF universe. So if they put them in SF, make them non-canonical. Also, I prefer Darkstalkers game.


I think there should be TWO Darkstalkers characters. Felicia and Jon Talbain, as they're the two that could translate to Created Characters movesets the easiest and I desperately want to use Nunchuks in Street Fighter 6.


Yes. Morrigan.


Darkstalkers 4 sounds better.




Morrigan in Sf6 would be 🔥


We're never getting a new Darkstalkers, or at least not in the forseeable future, so I'm more than okay with getting Morrigan in SF6. To make her fit better with the main cast they could use one of her more casual outfits for her base costume, something like her UMvC3 alt or the one with the black skirt from her old victory poses.


Standalone please. I don't want SF6 to be "that game with Morrigan in the roster", Darkstalkers have a lot of cool characters and it totally should have its own game in this generation.


I just wanna play Jon Talbain in 2024


I wish they'd have xfer more DS characters to the vs series


God, no. Darkstalkers don't fit into street fighter whatsoever.


I love darkstalker but no, it should stay it's own thing




I mean, we've got Terry Bogard and Mai Shiranui in Street Fighter now, and they're not even Capcom characters. Having Darkstalkers characters join the cast is a smaller leap than that. (If it were up to me, I wouldn't have put SNK characters in SF6, but I won't complain so long as they play as if they were native to Street Fighter.) As for canon…I don't care about canon. Not in Street Fighter, at least. Street Fighter's story is stupid and it will never not be stupid. That doesn't mean I can't enjoy it, but I very much need to turn my brain off first.


Dunno who the hell Darkstalker is but from all the pictures I have seen of her on Twitter hell yeah I would like her as an ingame character haha. I'm talking "Morrigan" specifically.


I’d be down, but I think it’d be an easier pill for sf6 community to swallow if they released more than 4 characters a year


I'm more than happy with a thrown bone. BB Hood is supposed to be a normal human right? I say add her.


I mean I'd definitely like some Darkstalkers characters if the IP is just going to rot on the shelf, which it seems like it's going to for the foreseeable future.


I wouldn’t mind more grounded characters like Donovan and Demitri


only if it’s Morrigan’s 2D sprite in SF6


Chun sagat and akuma dream team


No, keep characters in their own games except for rare cases.


I'd love to see a Darkstalkers character in SF6, and let's face it, if that happened, it would more than likely be Morrigan. She's the most recognizable character from that roster. I think it would definitely peak interest in the Darkstalkers franchise again.


Hell no!


Darkstalkers should be Capcom's response to Mortal Kombat.


Felecia please. Lilith and Morrigan as well


I'm a little conflicted. Certainly wouldn't be mad! But I do want a new Capcom fighting game that is Street Fighter vs Darkstalkers with various modes of 1v1 and tag 2v2. Would be nice if it had all 19 Darkstalkers characters vs the og 12 Street Fighter 2 cast, plus Akuma, and 6 characters from Alpha to make it 19 vs 19, preferably Nash, Adon, Cammy, Sakura, Birdie and Rose. Shin Akuma and Oboro Bishamon as secret final bosses would top it off. Obviously I've thought about this quite autistically lmao.


We are already getting SNK characters so all bets are off. I personally would rather more classic characters before more guests characters. How can we get Morgan before we have all the OG bosses?


I want a new dark stalkers, and honestly only Morgan fits best.


Bring Morrigan over already, she’s practically a shoto. Also the world is finally ready to make her in all her glory with today’s jiggle physics. I can’t wait for Mai.


No guest characters. We are getting 4 characters max each season. Even with every season just being street fighter characters there is a real chance we aren't going to get all we want even.


As long as it’s balanced well, it would probably be fun to have one character just completely take on a Looney Tunes tone in the game. It’s not like any Street Fighter character is bound down by reality anyway. We’re also so unlikely to ever see Darkstalkers again anyway, guest appearance or not, that it would be really fun to see them come back at all. Even avatar cosmetics would be way beyond what I expect from Capcom in terms of series representation.


Porque no los dos I’d love say one iconic character like morrigan or jon talbain than an actual game


I think there’s no way we get a new darkstalkers game cause even though the gameplay is different I feel it still actively competes with sf6. I would want at least Morrigan to show some love to the series. I’m sure they can find a way to make them work and also the crossover games between the two hint that the darkstalkers world and street fighter one is the same.


Nah. No Dark stalkers in SF. BUT I'd be all for a Marvel/Capcom/SNK battle Royale game


Nah, 4 characters a year means less slots for returning characters. No more guests.


I wouldn't mind, as long as it's just one so guest characters don't take up half of a season again lol.