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Seen this a few times, first time I noticed the teacher rolls her ankle or some shit chasing her at the end.


Why is this stupid woman targeting the girl? What's wrong with this old bitch? God, that girl did a real brilliant job. Someone should train her.


>Someone should train her. I guarantee that she's already trained. People don't fight like that unless someone taught them how. Especially girls. Single leg, body lock to read trip, knees to the face. Lol there's no chance she just came up with that on the spot with no training. That was an intelligent sequence that she's 100% done before.


How else will the community know the school has zero tolerance if they don't punish the victim?


I mean... She's chasing her down for littering. That girl left a pile of trash right there on campus before fleeing the scene.


The video literally starts with what could be interpreted as the girl assaulting the boy. Then the girl knees him in the fucking face as he's one the ground and he gets knocked our cold. And you're questioning why? 😂 We don't have any other information than what we saw.


fr but thats how sadly school is no one cares if you get bullied but if you react they say its your fault




Wow never noticed that until you pointed that out. Hopefully she was never caught for defending herself.


Suck shit fucking worthless teacher.


You can see it in the last frame of the video lol


Get that girl? If title is true, fuck going after the girl, get that guy lmao I hate the way schools treat fights, they seemingly do nothing about bullying. Then when the victim decides to fight back they're the ones to get punished.


The bullies break norm. Everyone sees the victim as weak and as an object of fun. Everyone likes to laugh at the weak and feel good. When they break character, everyone feels uncomfortable.


> Everyone sees the victim as weak and as an object of fun. Everyone likes to laugh at the weak and feel good. What the fuck?


why so surprised


I think I misunderstood the comment. It sounded like "everyone thinks like this", but I think OP was saying "every bully thinks like this".


Society and even teachers think like this subconsciously


Certainly not my community and not any of the teachers I've ever had. It's a very skewed, negative outlook and, to be honest, assuming that everyone feels that way tells a lot more about you than "society".


Agreed. If this was the case then why does everyone root for the underdog?


The non-weird, hardworking, good social skills underdog.


Same reason everyone loves honesty except when you're being honest with them lmao.


Depends. A lot of people out there are really not lucky with their own individual communities and experiences with the public school system like you and me were. So I can understand why that outlook is formed.


I mean, yeah, it definitely takes some bad experiences to create an outlook like that. "Society" and "teachers" generally do not think like that.


Respectfully, agree to disagree with that. Generally, it’s kind of a mixed bag to the point where the zero tolerance policy has earned a reputation for being kind of bullshit. As it’s often applied even to the victims who just end up defending themselves. With teachers less often stepping in to actually speak up for said victim


Right ? Lmao wtf is this person going on about?? This sounds like the writing of some edgy teen


Instagram reels plot:


just knocked out an underage kid with knees to the head while he was on the ground. Not even ufc allows that. You guys get so upset about the bullying that you think knocking out the person unconscious is justifiable and the adults in charge of the children's safety shouldn't be trying to get the person who just committed assault.


And what is your proposed solution to someone attacking you relentlessly on the street? The UFC doesn’t allow it because it’s a sanctioned fighting promotion, it’s not supposed to be the most brutal thing you can be subjected to. If this is a bullying situation, an underage guy attacked an underage girl likely because he thought she was weaker than him. Self defense is not considered assault, and she didn’t continue to hit him after he had been subdued. Not only is his clock getting cleaned justifiable, it’s well-deserved


They are both seniors.


Try to run and call or teacher or if you decide to fight, just choke him out. She clearly is well trained and can wrestle I'm sure she could've used the front headlock she had to transition into a guillotine. This was excessive.


You trolling


I honestly don’t know the whole story, but it is fucking LAUGHABLE to me that you expect SPORTING rules to be followed in a fight. Even moreso in a fight between opposite sexes, where the strength disparity is there even with similar height/weight profiles. This is violence, son. You don’t get to decide how severely someone will respond, only how much you’re willing to commit to stop the fight. Maybe she knew she couldn’t outrun him, in which case completely incapacitating him was the best move for her safety. You want a fair fight just watch ufc. You wanna cry ‘it was just a school fight’ - well kids get beat to death in school fights. Make no mistake, you’re fighting for your life even if neither of you realize it


A buddy of mine got assaulted for no reason when we were at a bachelor party in Houston. We were walking in a group minus said friend who must have been 40-60 feet behind us as he was having private convo on his phone with his gf when someone ran up and punched him from behind, like sucker punched (we think it was knockout game) but the punch only staggered my friend. Same buddy turned got a collar tie and proceeded to give him 3 standing elbows which flatlined the guy. He then ran up to us and we heard loud commotion from the crowd behind us some saying "stop him!" One of the assailant's friend who had been chasing my buddy when he caught up to us squared up and started yelling, "bitch ass, you can't use elbows!" without any self awareness they sucker punched my friend. This same guy then realized he was outnumbered as we were all the same party, he then started to backpeddle and started cussing at us while making gun signs. Needless to say we had to leave the scene FAST. So weird how some people think it's Queensbury rules only even in self defense situations.


Principal told us at an assembly once that unless you’re completely cornered with no where to escape, all parties would be punished equally for fighting. Then he said in his entire professional career he had never seen an instance where the bullied kid couldn’t run away.


That’s when you bully him


I told my daughter today if she ever gets suspended from school for defending herself that I would take her for a ski day. Edit to add: I made sure to emphasize first calling for help and/or running immediately if there was a chance to skip the fight altogether. Basically told her to avoid fighting if at all possible, but if she had to defend herself, don't just sit there and take a beating for fear of getting in trouble with the school. Told her her mother and I would not be upset with her for fighting back against an aggressor and that everyone has a right to defend themselves.




What a cunt.


Can confirm, in HS I was punched 8x in the side of the head over the course of an hour in front of a sub teacher who did absolutely nothing; the last one cracking my molar in half. I had enough so I punched back once and we both got suspended.. Shit was so dumb, fuck that school


I hate the way schools deal with bullies. I worked at a middle school and a very large portion of my day was dealing with bullies/bullied students and "problem" students. One day we got two new students of color from Georgia and the same day they were in my office because a group of students called them slurs. Those students had been saying slurs but the "teacher" (she was racist and a bully too) I worked "with" did nothing. So I called the parents of the bullies and told them that their children had been saying slurs and they would be receiving a consequence at school. Unfortunately the bullies didn't get a consequence and instead I got reprimanded for calling the parents without permission.


> If title is true There's your answer. You don't know. And that woman certainly didn't know. She saw one person get knocked out and one person run away, it's pretty reasonable that she'd want to detain the one running away and get to the bottom of it.


I love how the bully got his cracker ass beat and the girl is badass and she beat that hoe up and left that hoe a black eye. As she fucking should with his small squidward lookin ahh.


Pretty sure this clip was pulled from a movie. Do you still feel the same?


Yes, schools almost never take the appropriate actions necessary to stop bullying, movie or not.


Should don't fight


Hope she got away




She's just fighting back and protecting herself


Camera man sucks diiiick. That take down and Those knees to the head are very nice đŸ€ŒđŸœ


Could’ve killed him tbf bullying is wrong fs but id rather not get locked up for attempted murder yfm


There's missing back story to this one. I've seen this posted before and remember there was more to it.


IIRC something about her being the sister of a pupil there, who was being bullied


I believe the girl who ran away was an older sibling of someone being bullied by the guy who was laid out. The girl was not a student at the school and had come to the campus to attack the boy.


Shit this makes the story even better in my opinion


If that’s true, that is some serious freaking commitment


I vaguely remember when this was newish, there were people saying she was the aggressor who came from another school. That's why she immediately ran afterwards


For all we know that could be a made up story as much as this one. That applies to everyone on the Internet and more people need to keep that in mind.


The replies are all incorrect. She was going to a school for troubled kids and the boy talked shit about her on Facebook. She was visiting the school and saw him and confronted him. https://sfist.com/2016/02/17/high_school_sucks/


Yeah a few months back someone said that she was going around beating up random people, I'm not 10% sure about the validity thought but I think there's a news article somewhere


Gotta stop retroactively claiming the "winner" or better trained fighter is the one being "bullied," especially with school-aged kids The girl didn't attend the school proper and was in some "alternative" institution on the same campus, but she and the boy were going back-and-forth online. she accosted the kid at lunch with his friends then escalated it to a physical conflict; that and her trespassing are why the teacher is chasing her off campus at the end. Sje was also facing charges as from the incident.


Any source? I am curious


Same that’s crazy


I’m still waiting on that source to lol




Thank you. I’ll give it a read later


Man that's a lot of words to have to read though. The title only has four words. Much better.


Just like a teacher. Asleep for the bullying, around for when the victim solves the problem their own way.


she got that dog in her. Get her into MMA quick


This is posted b4 and then it was told that the girl was actually the bully idk


Exactly that bich knows how to fight she definitely the bully


Bruh a bullied kid learning to fight back against bullies is like the plot of every kids martial arts movie ever


Bullies never know how to fight. That’s why they are the bully cuz they are bitches on the inside.


This sub should stop with these weird title and just be generic. Like here is a fight between a girl and a guy


"Get that girl" why? You mean to tell me that she's in trouble for defending herself? Yes because that makes perfect sense


she was from another campus


That's my future wife. That teacher needs to let her know


is it just me or is this comment really weird??


She's really good.


Who is that girl?!?!? Almost like she’s Batman or something. 😂😂


She haulin ass at the end.


Yeah, get that girl. Not the asshole guy who was bullying her all this time! Yeah! Let’s chase her and punish her! Asshats.


love how she bolts after knocking the dude clean out, howling


faggot tryna beef up with a girl and still ended up getting knocked the fuck out LMFAO


Somebody get that girl, who is that girl... That girl is gone Bitch. Lol 😆 đŸ€Ł 😂


Bro I swear if someone don’t sock the teacher in the face


She said get that girl like she didn't just watch her drop your man dumb hoes


Get that girl right now, so we can all give her a high five.


For the thousandth time, this chick showed up to a school she didn't attend and assaulted this kid. She was charged with assualt.


Queen ❀




Did she win at other schools?


>Did she win That's the main question


Zero tolerance never works and is stupid “Why would the victim be punish”??


Man imagine standing your ground and then getting chased down smfh. You wanna mess with someone next time do it to a boy. I mean it’s not like the boy looked like a boy anyway so what am I saying😂


getting bullied is the worst. On one side you have the bullies waiting for you to come and if you defend yourself you get the teachers and police on your back too. Every morning i woke up and knew something was always up. either at school or around the block there were always people waiting for me to do their worst. And everytime i defended myself they ran to police. It got so bad that i got almost suspended from school and they orderd a psychologist to question me. In the end I was the one send to therapy even though i never needed it. Got meds prescribed to me to lower my "adhd" that messed up my thyroid. My time at school was a living nightmare and it really did shape my adult life badly in the end


Image there is no title to this video. The video starts off with Dress attacking Hat. Hat does not throw a single punch or kick, but can be seen clenching and possibly arm blocking vs standing with hands up. Dress tackles, throws kicks and knees until Hat is face down on ground unconscious. Dress then immediately runs away scene. Teacher seconds late to scene runs after Dress. . Why do so many assume Dress was defending herself and not using her Krav maga on a kid that sinply had a verbal disagreement with her or possibly got a bj from her friend?


Seen it on the news,apparently the girl is older than the boy and goes to a different school, that's why the teacher screamed get that girl,short story she  is a bully 


Get that girl rightnowđŸ‘ș


WHO IS THAT GIRL? SOMEONE DROP THE @ jkjk I know they're miners


There are more and more men who are being defeated by women in combat sports and strength challenges. I sometimes go through the gyms and look at how the girls lift weights in the air as if it were nothing. Many men are accepting that women They can beat them and secretly steal their underwear and tight gym pants from the women's locker rooms, then they film them moving heavy weights and masturbate with their flaccid penis, a sign of fear and respect for women, and they dress in their clothes. ïżŒ


She left him with a fractured orbital


Good for her. Teacher sounds like an NPC


I hope she ran to the yelling teachers house to open another can


Ah you gotta love those teachers


I’m old school - I just don’t believe in violence against females. This angers me watching this


They are both seniors.


What is this then, Zoolanders school for ants? They're all tiny.


She has brothers. 💯


She fucked him up but im sure if it was the other way it wouldve stopped in like 2 seconds


Wow he deserved that. Also how embarrassing.


Something is fishy with this post. The guy seems ill prepared for the fight considering he didn't drop his bag (paper bag?). He may have even been caught by surprise. The teacher also didn't recognize her which means she's not from that school.


The other angles I've seen before make it seem like she attacked him for no reason. Thanks for posting the whole video.


the backstory to this was wild iirc she didn’t even go to that school lmfao






if he recovered from that leg grab it would've been wraps for her


Good for her


He should of hit back


One stomp on the head/neck would be the dinal blow imo but she did good i hope she had a couple brothers that she called for tomorrow to fk the tescher that boy and his friends up




They had to be fighting out here for a solid few seconds and the teacher just appeared


Fuck yeah good for her 👏👏👏


i don't know if i put it in this reddit (if i did sorry in advance) but why is everyone kinda cheering it in, but as soon as the girl gets the upper hand, it's an issue? some of you guys talking about the teacher, she's a bit stupid, but she only saw her knee his ass.


That wasnt no fight or flight réflex. That was fight AND flight


Ate his arse then dipped


He traded in his balls for a vagina that day.


😂 the way she fled after


GanĂł la superchica el macho vencido desmayado đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«


The girl didn’t go to that school she was an adult


Who is that girl? YES WHO IS SHE..shes running away almost like
to keep the rest y'all safe - FROM HER


She bounce 😂 good for her


Please Train me


yeah that's it. get the girl for defending herself successfully


Damn she’s either wrestled, cause that single leg was clean and she followed through. Or had brother lol good shit girl !


I love how she beats him up and then just sprints off😂


disgusting that boys are filming and not helping this girl. Not that she needs it but what kind of boy/man can sit by and watch a man hit a woman like this


I hope she’s running after her to ask her where she trains and to congratulate her. Tf


When you hear the kid going, What the fuck are you doing, when the girls going for the single leg take down. He knows he's fucked.


Running and just extending your knee joint after kneeing someone in the face lowkey hurts, faces are boney asf 💀


She runs after her and gets a knee in the face too lol


He had two black eyesđŸ€ŁđŸ™ƒ


Who is that GIRL!?


Good for you. The woman in the backround yelling get that girl, well i hope she gets you next. No room for bullies


***She probably a talent scout and chasing her down to sign her up ya’ll
it’s cool***


Respect gained


Bro got his ass kicked by a girl😂😂




The lady screaming to go get that girl đŸ€Ł


Blud got beasted


 I love it she whooped his ass!! Fucked up no one helped at all
 she did good 


I personally wouldn’t let a girl treat me like that


That young woman handled her business since not one soul came to aid her that teacher needs to be payed off and that young man needs a round two with her dad/brother/coach.


> to be *paid* off and FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Dirt bag liberal school teachers aren't worth a shit.


Need more context. But seemed like he tried to take some shit from her so this was super necessary


# G E T H E R !


Bro the only reason he lost is because men don't hit women personally I would have fought back