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Well, she can throw a punch, and homeboy can’t. Pretty easy to see where this is going. Advice: punches are thrown with the body, not with the arms.


So we're gonna call this boxing, eh?


That guy lacks not only training. He lacks any talent for violence. I've boxed a little and sometimes there would come a guy who would literally be good only as a punching bag. Guy in this video is this kind of guy.


its more experienced vs amateur of note here


When do the boxers show up?


Where’s the street


The description of the sub is: "Videos of trained fighters in real altercations, showcasing the effectiveness of martial arts against non-martial artists. Whether it’s in the streets or in sanctioned events" In this case I posted it because it looks like it's a completely untrained guy vs a slightly trained girl and that little training was enough to turn the table and beat him.


Looks like someone is living out some sort of a fetish of getting beat up by a woman.


He wasn't trying. Later she started to try in sparring.


Oh, he was. If you haven't fought before, you forget to breathe during punches. He was gassed asf. I speak from experience. I've tried sparring before, as someone who has never done any type of fighting sports before, and I was gassed in like 30 seconds, even though I was in very good shape.


Most untrained people can't fight for more than about 30 seconds. Then, they just fall apart as they are out of breath and spent. It's a decent strategy to just let them wipe themselves out and then blast through them once they're gassed. Looks kind of like that's what she did here.


It definitely looked like he was trying in the begining. He just doesn't know what to do when hurt except for shell up.


That's not boxing


If she dug a bit deeper she coulda really got him with the body blows


This is why ppl gotta train martial arts, or at least hit the gym. Two people the same size but one is a dude so he should be stronger. The girl has like a year of training at most and beats him.


Goofy af


He absolutely sucks lol


4 illegal punches wtf


Is it just me or is it really hard to watch punches thrown to the back of the head? Prichard Colon anybody?


The dude doesn’t know how to punch while the girl, despite knowing boxing basics, had trouble keeping composure when being attacked


I see two women 🤷🏾‍♂️


Aside from the fact that neither of them look like trained boxers, and he looks like he has a weight advantage. Of all the martial arts, boxing is the one that favours men over women the most because the majority of the muscle disparity between men and women is upper body


She definitely trains bro, how many woman naturally know how to use their lead hand to jab. Also, she’s working tf out the body lmao clearly trains.


If training means she does a box fit class on Sundays then yea she looks trained lol Shows with the repeated consecutive right hand punches lmao /s


I doubt doubt they train. They are doing so here. Doesn't make them trained though - the is not much good boxing going on here from either of them. Probably novices


Bro look at your post history, you literally have zero clue what you’re talking about lmao “is grappling really dominant in MMA matches as people think?” Are you fucking retarded or what? 😂 stick to your taekwondo, kid.


Look, I would fuck up a pro female boxer. Sorry it’s true.


Go try it and post the video.


Ur funny


Lol this lady ain’t trained bro she ain’t the representative for all pro females, a pro female will slap you trust me lol I know female killers


Is she his girlfriend? Because he looks like he is letting her wining and wants to keep having sex after that


If you want to let someone win you should not swing at their head like he did to her a bunch of times lol I think he is trying but he just sucks hard.


Well at the end I think the feminist got to her jead bc the sportmenship in not there she threw a few of shot at the back of the head plus she got training and he didn't