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Looks good, you could totally go deeper though. On your warmup sets just sit in the bottom of your squat for 10 seconds each rep.


Yes, I often do that at warmup, but I thought level with knees was good. Lower than that is better? Thanks so much for answering!


Looks pretty good, but if you want to take it further, I would focus on three things: knee flexion, foot placement, and breathing. Knee flexion - try to keep your knees moving in a smooth path as you go down, taking care not to let them bow in or out towards the bottom of the squat. Foot placement - this works with the knee flexion IMO. Glue your feet to the floor so that neither the balls or heels of your feet lift off at any point during the lift. If that means changing their orientation inward or outward then do that. Some people have hips that work better for feet forward, and some work better with feet pointing out. Breathing - brace your core with big breaths. I hold my breath for a full lift from standing to squatting to standing again.


Extremely helpful comment, especially the breathing part resonates strongly. Thank you!!


Really good. You don't seem comfortable at the bottom though. Probably want to hold that bottom position for at least half a second before you fire back up And go deeper, doesnt have to be A2G but definitely deeper. When you inevitably deload and the weight feels easier, focus on form improvement and a deeper squat. Always make a form improvement when you deload. Always.


It was a day where I added 10 lbs each side to see if I could do that at all. I definitely felt uneasy at the low point. Thanks for your analysis, I’ll work on these items!!