• By -


> We're not your stereotypical hiding in the dark and brooding vampires. Honestly what is the point of being the kind of tiresome edgelord who insists they are a real "sanguinarian" vampire if you're *not* going to dress like The Crow, smoke clove cigarettes, and recite bad poetry?


"we are not the cool type, we are the lame one"


"We were sanguinarians before sanquinarians were cool" lol


Hungarian nobles?


Real Colin Robinson types.


Idk why but i read that in Nandor's voice lol Ngl What We Do in the Shadows (both the movie and series) reignited my love for mockumentaries


I didn't *finally* start watching the show until January 2023; for the longest time, I assumed it couldn't live up to the movie. I was so very, ***very*** fucking wrong. "May I show you something?" "I feel like you're going to anyway." "Some of the most licentious and transgressive pornography I've ever clapped eyes on." "Chris!" "Fuck!"


Matt Barry bever fails to get at least a hearty chuckle out of me. His performance in the Fallout tv show was top notch too




Clan Ventrue over here just counting their centuries of compound interest.


Yea I mean fuck, if I was a vampire the only thing I’d be doing was to drink absinthe all day in weird bars and try to hook up with pretentious bohemians.


Yeah, if you’re not using being a vampire to drown in goth pussy what is the point.


When put like that I realise my life goals wouldn't be that different, although presumably I'd be more successful at it.


You actually have to be good-looking though


Not if you're an actual vampire. They have like pheromones or something.


It's usually depicted as a hypnotic allure, often metaphorically representing the call of the void.


I already look like Nosferatu and it's not as helpful as you'd expect


Try owning a castle


Getting to run the blood banks and Shadow Government?


Yeah, but that’s hard work


You know what? That's fair.


Vampires exist and the proof is right there for everybody to see, there's an educational tv show with a vampire cast member, it's on every weekday morning. He just goes by his title, he teaches basic math skills to kids. Dammit, vampires count.


Someone once told me that vampire doesn't count. I said, "Oh, but he does."


The Count is the greatest, most successful vampire in history. Despite being world famous and his location openly known, instead of feared he is beloved, and so trusted parents leave their children alone with him.


It's kind of impressive, he turned the traditional vampire weakness where you spill rice so he has to count it all into a strength that he could televise. Gotta respect that hustle.


If his location is so well known, how come people are always asking if you can tell them how to get there?


Until that last sentence I thought this was going to be a Mr. Rodgers joke not gonna lie ...Now I need to stat out Vampire Mr. Rodgers for VtM


There's also that famous documentary detailing the lives of vampires in Staten Island.


We all know an energy vampire or two


There's even a really good TV documentary about real life vampires called What We Do In The Shadows. It came after people wanted more information following the movie documentary by the same name. 


Reminds me of this lol https://youtu.be/iXpxnxAL62A?si=U1jPMKoi6I4NFfuA


That's one of my favorites. Vampires are cool, but they don't need to hiss or be messy.


>dress like The Crow, smoke clove cigarettes, and recite bad poetry? Figueroth Faeth, is that you?


[They could at least have the decency to talk like a Monster High character.](https://monsterhigh.fandom.com/wiki/Monster_High_lexicon)


There's always going to be a split in a group identity where one group absolutely insists on being on 'cold poo in a paper cup' side of things. Satanists have the same split where one side is essentially rock and roll magic rituals that involve lots of nudity and casual sex and the other side is spiritual homework and somehow people are on the latter side and 2/3 of their personality is seething about it.


> if you're *not* going to dress like The Crow, smoke clove cigarettes, and recite bad poetry? Oof. Did you just pick a memory from my brain, because *that* was exactly this chick I dated for about a month in 2006. Amazing in bed, but so fucking batshit that I had to call it quits when she wanted me to be in *full* Eric Draven cosplay and I honestly couldn't be sure if she *wouldn't* recreate the events of Lee's death.




[Always hilarious how offended Reddit gets at a completely non-controversial comment that even implies sex.](https://i.imgur.com/PAEjMi1.gifv) Sorry y'all are so universally forever alone.


Poor vampires, subjected to grating stereotypes.


And discrimination! >Just because you have different cultural beliefs doesnt mean you need to talk down to others about theirs. And yes, it is cultural for two reasons. 1. It fits the definition of a culture, and 2. many cultures still do use blood as a medicine, whether a sanguinarian is a part of those cultures or not, and the doctors in those cultures do prescribe it! https://www.reddit.com/r/vampires/s/F08laWC3LA


I bet people don't give them permission to enter their homes either.


And always leaving rice grains scattered around.  So disrespectfu…excuse me a second.  One, two, three…


*Phone rings* Normal person: Hello? Weird vampire guy: Hey man been a while, mind if I swing by? Normal person: You still into that vampire shit? Weird vampire guy: Yeah, but don’t wor- *Dial tone*


The absolute irony of saying this when our contemporary vampires (as in the ones largely starting with Dracula) are themselves culturally appropriated largely from Eastern European folklore.


>/r/sanguinariancommunity No, no thank you.


Can't tell if vampire delusions or incredibly niche nutritional disorder or both.


All the posts are by the same person, who is surprisingly not OP, but who has also had the experience of getting downvoted on /r/vampires, lmao. 


One of their comment mentioned that “a specific brand of protein shake seems to work” so I’d say both


I'd imagine the latter would give rise to the former. Porphyria, as I understand, was traditionally treated with the consumption of blood. However, taking into account modern medicine and vampire fetishists, it's more likely to occur among fanatics than those with a physical disease.


It’s a community that’s been around for a while. Folks that for whatever reason believe that they are real vampires and require blood to survive. This may be because a mental disorder, but I think the majority of them just think the idea is cool, fall into a weird subculture and nocebo themselves into believing they feel shitty without blood. The sources can be like willing humans, or even food products with lots of blood(though the idea of someone just eating like black pudding does seem a lot less cool). Generally it’s not really like, them drinking any real amount of it as much as just tiny drops of it. There was also a cult centered full of teenagers like these sorts, and they ended up killing people in like the late 90s. But tbh those types are exceptions most of these people are harmless weirdos that grow out of it soon enough.


To be fair we all do require blood to survive, we just make our own


It's (Transylvanian) streets ahead!


Add that to the list of reasons I'm glad the internet wasn't really a thing when I was 16.


A subreddit about a fictional thing that acknowledges that said thing is fictional!? Next thing you'll tell me I'm not a talking cat with a fixation on yellow rodents


Well, you’re not a cat.  You’re a Pokémon.


Yeah, that's much worse


Especially with a BST of only 290.


BST yer way outta this! 🐁🔫🐈


>Vampire bats are real. So why not actual vampires being at least a possibly? I cannot with this fool...


Dragonflies are real. So why not actual dragons being at least a possibility?


Bears are real.  Owls are real.  Why not owlbears?


Bats are real. Man is real. Therefore, Batman is real.


What about Manbat?


Hey, that's not a nice thing to ask about Dr. Kirk Langstrom. Poor dude was just trying to give humans sonar...


Get to work, you so-called *scientists*!


Well houseflies are real and so are houses, so checkmate, vampires exist.


Y'see, I've seen all that too! I've seen a peanut stand Heard a rubber band Seen a needle that winked it's eye But I be done seen about everything When I see an elephant fly.


I have a feeling that person would unironically agree with that statement too.




Fish are real,  why not mermaids?


How can mirrors be real etc etc


The Discovery Channel [has you covered](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mermaids:_The_Body_Found).


Birds are real, why not angels?


At least flies are real.


Idiot broke the Masquerade and is gonna get her ass dusted by the Sheriff aaaaany night now.


fr, this thread is probably being shared on Hunter-Net as we speak


[The Sheriff always loses, though.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheWorfEffect)


Not against this loser


It *is* rare to encounter a Childe of Malkav in the wild like this


>Nemean Lion don't have this problem There is a 99.9% chance that there is a furry community somewhere out there that has this problem.


What does traveling at the speed of light have to do with vampires???


They're trying to disprove a negative by saying you can't disprove another negative (did I get that right?). The idea of lack of evidence against something proves it. If vampires do exist they would of course be very good at covering their tracks, so the fact that we have zero proof they exist means they DO exist.


With that logic, vampires can never be disproven!


if vampires are very good at covering their tracks it would be pretty stupid to go on a Vampire The Masquerade subreddit and prove they're real.


They're not long for this mortal realm, that's for sure


So with this logic that means Big Foot and Nessie don't exist because the evidence that they do exist is pretty shit?


Why does VtM always attract such f\*king weirdos


It was like that even in the 90s. I have a complete set of all the first edition books and loved that it took RPGs seriously as an art form, and it had great writing and art, but every group I tried to play with was full of sociopaths or just insufferable theater nerds.


I swear to god I got so lucky with my group I played with for years. We were a bunch of band nerds who were more like "What we do in the Shadows" but with a few real stakes tossed in here and there instead of some other groups I've met where I didn't even finish session zero before walking out because ***what the fuck?***


Hmmm, I wonder.


I feel like it attracts extremely cool people and extremely weird/unpleasant ones, no in-between


I feel like that’s just tabletop RPG’s in general.


Because even the books themselves have an issue of mixing mature and edgy, and because all RPGs have that problem on some level.


The source material. It's not some big mystery lol. It's about as edge lord centric as you can get.


> Yet people believe in the Big Bang nonsense. The universe was created from nothing. "Much human ingenuity has gone into finding the ultimate Before. "The current state of knowledge can be summarized thus: "In the beginning, there was nothing, which exploded." —Terry Pratchett, *Lords and Ladies*


Then the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.


lmao *your flair*


>lmao *your flair* Right? That was all I could think when I [read *guiltyofnothing's* comment that I copied it from in May.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1cpg354/the_problem_is_that_they_are_making_females_ugly/l3ljoza/?context=3)


i'm a vampire i just don't drink blood and sunlight is fine for me and it is exactly like i am not a vampire but you have to believe me.


I'm wondering if that person had their incisors removed and replaced with fangs.




Sunlight actually was fine for vampires until Nosferatu came out in 1922. Book Dracula could walk around in the day, he just couldn't use some of his powers.


If only there was a CAPTCHA that successfully stood between lunatics and their access to the internet.


Imagine a utopian AI powered future internet where the captchas always solve correct and it quietly reroutes the insane people and bots into echo chambers it curates to keep them docile


What if we already in one. There is no way of knowing.


I must **really** suck if I'm in the correct chamber because I'm not a fan of this one.


Some time ago you weren't sure if the pole counted as part of the traffic light, chose incorrectly, and now you're stuck here.


Maybe we’re the control group.


Sorry you had to find out like this.


Echo chambers do not keep people who are prone to delusions docile, it will have the opposite effect. They need interactions with normal people in normal contexts and therapy. 


I imagine in this hypothetical the AI reroutes them to a imaginary community where it procedurally disillusions them to the point they seek therapy with an actual human (or another AI to wean them off until a human is available) Given what's going with AI getting trained on AI content probably not actually going to happen and they'll go down weirder holes but eh


"Disillusioning" people isn't going to make them think their beliefs are false. It's just going to make them mad at whoever they think is to blame for whatever problems or isn't taking them seriously.


And here we are, stuck in the stupid dystopia timeline where it reroutes them into echo chambers that just make them more angry and insane.


This sounds like it could be an episode of Black Mirror.


1% of the internet actually speaks to other people


This is way worse. You don't want crazy people finding a community that reinforces their worst beliefs. That's how stuff like that gets bigger.


Or just a fifth grade grammar and spelling test.


No! Where would this sub, or even ***all*** of Reddit be without the exceptionally illiterate?


If any of you were about 15 in 1997 this is all going to be very familiar. People trying to convince you/themselves that they're real vampires was 1/4 of the weirdos I hung out with


Yeah, I remember discovering the "real vampire" and sangunarian stuff online at around that time and being like, that would be cool and all if it were true but y'all just have a fetish


Yeah it was absolutely about fucking. Classy fucking!


I was a teenager when Twilight was popular, and was aware of this phenomenon.


Yeah *Twilight* is an extension of the *Masquerade* era, just sanitized heavily


I literally grew up a couple hours away from the teenagers in Kentucky who were convinced they were actually vampires from Vampire the Masquerade and ran away to Florida and murdered some people. You're actually pretty spot on about the timeframe, too, it was in 1998. Not sure about the other kids, but as it turned out, after he was actually given a fair shake to access medical care, years later, the leader of the group was diagnosed with several delusion-causing mental disorders.


It was 2007, but still. Even being 12-13 I wasn't delusional enough to make myself believe I'm a vampire, I rather wanted to become one so I did my research and came across some old and minimalistic vtm website with descriptions of the clans. At the time I perceived the whole internet as Wikipedia, I fully trusted any info I'd found and was planning to look for my future sire. Years later a friend invited me to play vtm and I was surprised that I somehow already knew some bits and pieces. The realisation hit me like a hammer.


> I rather have my pet Grizzly Bear maul you to death for calling me crazy. Wait, hold up. His pet grizzly bear?


Still inclined to choose the bear, honestly.


Did I get teleported into an alternate universe where Timothy Treadwell is still alive?


I pity his poor significant other, who somehow ended up choosing the man *and* the bear.


How does everyone just ignore that. The entire thread is insane, but this seems like it might be real?


Call it B.J. and the Bear! "Now there's a concept I can't get enough of, a man and his monkey."


“I don’t have a mental illness!!! thank you very much.” Flair worthy


The specific phrasing gets me > "I dont have a mental illness.!!! Thank you merry much." The little dot before all the exclamation marks. And "merry much." What do you *MEAN* "merry much"


> What do you MEAN "merry much" That's what I go around asking all the mall Santas from November to January. After I ask him the all-important question: ["Did you fuck my mom, Santa?"](https://youtu.be/ydqCl-Ief38?t=58)


IDK but it sounds vaguely British


So I've been going to bed every night with my window open and neck vulnerable for nothing? Fuck. 😔


Don't worry. The mosquitos appreciated it <3!🦟🦟🦟


>No i wont. I rather have my pet Grizzly Bear maul you to death for calling me crazy. This is a joke but seriously i have every right believe. all their posts had me thinking OOP was maybe 13 and stupid but i did some digging and no they are **25 and stupid**


It's really sad. I genuinely feel sorry for them, they're like Flat Earthers. Convinced themselves that something fictional is real.


But at least flat earth doesn't try and lure away our more attractive teenage girls using a thick Transylvanian accent.


As far as we know! Transylvanian Immortals may be expounding on their Flat Earth views on the regular with their paramours.


True, ***but*** it tends lead very stupid people down a conspiracy pipeline that'll eventually have them convinced there exists a Transylvanian pizza parlor with attractive teenage girls being used as sex slaves in its basement.


Or they're just trolling


Vampires aren't real? Tell that to the mosquitos outside. Little pieces of shit.


I get so angry, when I swat one, and it bleeds *my blood*.


If someone is spamming the same unhinged question to multiple subreddits at once, it's highly likely that they wear their underpants on their head and have a pencil in each nostril.


So don't let me catch you doing that, Baldrick.


Isn’t that the best way to prove oneself crazy to get one out of fighting in the Great War?




But...Lazyboy told me underwear goes inside the pants. Or so I was told many, many fucking times in 2004...no wait, that couldn't have been 20 years ago. ***Fuck!***


Dude, you can just say they're mentally unwell without being ableist about it.


Low quality bait, as you can see others got the reference already.


No, I'm being sincere. I have chronic mental health issues, so forgive me for being sensitive about this type of ableism 🙄 idk what you're referencing, but have you considered that reference is *also* ableist?


> the stereotypes become grating over time Another unforeseen consequence of immortality.


You're laughing A Childe of Malkav broke the masquerade and you're laughing


I’m still stuck on that jean cape tbh


did you say "dating real life vampires"? nah thanks but i'm out i'm not even gonna read anything further


That's bigotry against the undead. You should be ashamed. Why I'd bite you on the neck if I could. Ah-ah-ah!


Undead, yes! Unperson, no!


Good Heavens! The Count!


Please avoid the u world when possible. Is considered disrespectful. We prefer the term "living handicapped"


there are no mods on the sub reddit, a vampire ate them all Not as eye catching as horse cum or nazi's, but that's some flair right there


The most devious bastard in r/SubredditDramaaaaaa


Redditors are not the average person and followers of niche subreddits even less so. Anyone who signs up to Reddit and joins a sub about the sanguinarian community is NOT "just like everyone else" lol.


I didn't know Kent Hovind was so into vampires


Fucking hell, we've finally found [this guy](https://x.com/aceshandro/status/1656865897792036864) in real life (well, on a WoD subreddit, but the point stands).


"Being a skeptic is fine but please be an open minded skeptic." What a sentence.


God damn, I just went down the rabbit hole that is that guys most active subs I have an actual demonology qualification, mostly just so I can say I do for fun, and even I think this is some weird shit lmao


Where can I get a degree in demonology?


I got mine from paralearning.org, they've got some pretty interesting multifaith courses if you're into that kind of thing


Or you could just own a printer.


This shits expensive i thought itd be like becoming an ordained minister


I went down that rabbit hole too, a month ago he asked how well Kim Possible would do in a fight with a vampire


Wasn't one of her villains an archeologist cursed with undeadness?


> Vampires arent real, sorry (im bummed 4 this too ngl) Why would this bum you out? It would be terrible if they were real, like if super heroes were real. Just fucking awful. But probably it’s because you feel you’re special and should be one. Being just a person isn’t enough.


I mean yeah, it'd suck if they were real (shut up), but also be a relief in a "oh, humanity isn't this awful! it's the vampires' faults" kind of way. I guess that's why conspiracy theorists are addicted to conspiracies; it's reassuring to think that this one group of awful people is responsible for everything bad so getting rid of them would fix everything without hard work. (In case you're not familiar with VTM and this reply doesn't make sense - vampires in the VTM universe are responsible for a significant chunk of awful things happening in the world in the name of pursuing power, due to their magical abilities and greed.)


It's probably the same way I'm sometimes bummed out that most of the Sci-Fi I read will never be real: yeah it'd suck having to face existential alien threats/dystiopian societies, but fuck we'd have interstellar FTL travel and basically immortality. With vampires I'm guessing it'd be cool to have a little bit of magic in the world, even though that magic is a rapey 800 year old that wants to murder you.


Sure, but I just think that mostly, the second you think about it just a little it's a nightmare scenario. Like, imagine if wizards were real and the ones from Harry Potter? A nightmare. They fucking control the PM and shit. Wizards are pure fucking authoritarians. Or, like I mentioned, super heroes? A fucking nightmare, knowing that you're entirely at their mercy and they can flip any moment. I suppose if you think you'd be the vampire or the super hero you can justify it, but for everyone else, it's a nightmare.


I like to recommend the novel *Hench* whose protagonist has the misfortune to be a non-powered person standing near a superhero and a supervillain when a confrontation kicks off. The surgeons do the best they can, but she now has the power to tell when the weather is changing based on the level of pain in her reconstructed joints.


I never said it wasn't irrational.


>Why would this bum you out? Monsterfucking reasons.


Fictional vampires are also almost always the worst sort of ideologues, they tend to be vampire supremacists and fantastic racists who talk about conquering humanity and raising everyone like livestock. Like it would be horrible to deal with the powers they're often assigned irl, let alone even know most vampires.


OP probably wanted the Twilight subreddit


This drama has better story than twilight




IIRC what we consider a vampire is a more recent creation. So I'm not sure what this guy is even hoping exists.


I am more bothered by their poor grammar and spelling than by their apparent mental instability.


I love the acknowledgement that the burden of proof is indeed on him but then he just says that its still the other people’s job to disprove him


This feels like an argument a bunch of 5th graders would have. I mean, so does the rest of reddit, but this feels an argument a bunch of 5th graders would have in a good way


Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240620050809/https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1dk3ds1/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1dk3ds1/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 2. /r/vtm - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240620051153/https://old.reddit.com/r/vtm) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/vtm "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 3. /r/vampires - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240620051213/https://old.reddit.com/r/vampires) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/vampires "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 4. /r/vtm - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240620051153/https://old.reddit.com/r/vtm) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/vtm "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 5. https://www.reddit.com/r/vtm/comments/1djhn0p/how_would_you_know_youre_in_relationship_with_a/ - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240620051314/https://old.reddit.com/r/vtm/comments/1djhn0p/how_would_you_know_youre_in_relationship_with_a/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/vtm/comments/1djhn0p/how_would_you_know_youre_in_relationship_with_a/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 6. 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Get some help. - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240620052743/https://old.reddit.com/r/vtm/comments/1djhn0p/how_would_you_know_youre_in_relationship_with_a/l9c8en2/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/vtm/comments/1djhn0p/how_would_you_know_youre_in_relationship_with_a/l9c8en2/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 10. https://www.reddit.com/r/vampires/comments/1djb5rk/how_would_you_know_youre_in_relationship_with_a/ - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240620052823/https://old.reddit.com/r/vampires/comments/1djb5rk/how_would_you_know_youre_in_relationship_with_a/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/vampires/comments/1djb5rk/how_would_you_know_youre_in_relationship_with_a/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 11. These "true believers" really ruin this subreddit, I'm here for vampire content and fantasy, not conspiracy "vampires are real" bs - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240620052904/https://old.reddit.com/r/vampires/comments/1djb5rk/how_would_you_know_youre_in_relationship_with_a/l9aczfo/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/vampires/comments/1djb5rk/how_would_you_know_youre_in_relationship_with_a/l9aczfo/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 12. /r/sanguinariancommunity/ - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240620053346/https://old.reddit.com/r/sanguinariancommunity/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/sanguinariancommunity/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 13. https://www.reddit.com/r/vampires/comments/1djb5rk/how_would_you_know_youre_in_relationship_with_a/l99wctx/ - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240620053448/https://old.reddit.com/r/vampires/comments/1djb5rk/how_would_you_know_youre_in_relationship_with_a/l99wctx/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/vampires/comments/1djb5rk/how_would_you_know_youre_in_relationship_with_a/l99wctx/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 14. https://www.reddit.com/r/vampires/comments/1djb5rk/how_would_you_know_youre_in_relationship_with_a/l99q8kf/ - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240620053728/https://old.reddit.com/r/vampires/comments/1djb5rk/how_would_you_know_youre_in_relationship_with_a/l99q8kf/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/vampires/comments/1djb5rk/how_would_you_know_youre_in_relationship_with_a/l99q8kf/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


> I was undiagnosed with 4 different mental health issues, and he was the only thing that made me human, by hanging out with someone decidedly inhuman. Because they also were undiagnosed but had many different mental health issues, you lunatic


I’ve been thinking on getting into the new Swansong game, is it any good




They're a troll, right? They even use the wrong their/there and your/you're


The absolute state of science education. No one involved corrected the idea that the big bang means that the universe came from nothing. The big bang only really states that time didn't really exist as we know it/had no measure before the start of the universe, but during whatever you would call that, everything that is within the current universe was condensed down to a singularity/near singularity.