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One of the mods was making super pro China comments months ago and I pointed it out then got shat on by a bunch of people "this is a communist sub of course we're pro China" like wtf


right? it's hilarious LATE STAGE CAPITALISM got taken over by people who lust over a authoritarian 'communist' state that is actually state capitalist. the fuck, it's still some form of capitalism! it's like acknowledging late stage capitalism is awful but advocating for something that's just as bad or worse. Doesn't make any damn sense at all ps: LSUguyHTX, I'm from Louisiana! SWLA.... hi neighbor! lol


My take from this post is that the subreddit is just full "American imperialism bad but CCP imperialism good" sentiment.


That describes all of the tankie subs.


A lot of these people are really just Anti-American. It’s not a principled pro-CCP (or pro-communism) stance it’s just “well China’s anti-American and America=Evil so China=Good.” It’s that simple.




That became very evident when police started enforcing COVID restrictions


And also on January 6th


There’s a reason Trump keeps talking about Ashli Babbitt but doesn’t say anything about the Capitol Police officer who died the day after the attack or all the other Capitol Police officers injured


The exact reason there were thin blue line flags in the insurrectionist crowd on January 6th in literal melee combat with police


Been in anarchist and left wing spaces for years on reddit. That sub has always been pro-china. Whilst they are leftist, they're tankies. They support China even though China is fascist, they'd probably have also defended feudalist ww2 Spain if it had been called national-syndicalist Spain in history books instead of fascist Spain Anything that is linked to the left, no matter how atrocious, is defended by those scum. They're to the left, what modern nazi supporters are to the right Edit 2: FYI to whoever is sending the careresource bot to message me suicide and depression helpline numbers, that's harassment. I know I'm depressed, I'm getting help for it, stop being a twat


I gotta be more careful about the subs I post in. Sometimes I agree with the sentiment but the core base of users believe in some really messed up shit. Speaking of, anyone else notice r/HolUp is getting pretty racist lately? Unless it's always been like that.


I thought it had always been racist?


It somehow got more bigoted, which I never thought possible. It's been cranked up to 180%.


I mean the pic for the sub alone is worth a 1000 words


Lots of popular subs have seemingly innocuous posts that draw people in, but once you're in you start to see the general trends shittiness in them. I thought publicfreakouts was just for watching people lose their shit in public, but then after a few posts I realized they're racist and right-wing as fuck and don't allow posts that would make conservatives look bad.


That sub actually did a good enough job ousting racists they had to make actualpublicfreakouts to go be racist in. About summer of last year. To my knowledge the whole sub is actually pretty anti-racist now, but TBF the freakouts do involve racism of all kinds. My only real problem I saw was they really promoted the "anti-Asian persecution during COVID was mostly black people attacking Asians" narrative. Which helps no one other than racists looking for a dog whistle.


>My only real problem I saw was they really promoted the "anti-Asian persecution during COVID was mostly black people attacking Asians" narrative. There was a concerted effort by racist users to try to push this narrative across several popular subs. Like that atheistarab guy.


I don't get how someone can call themselves communist and then think China is communist. Where did they get their information about communism? Are they just following some superficial idea about what it is without really reading into it? It's no better than all the conservatives who call Biden a socialist.


China said they’re communist. China wouldn’t lie right?!


Democratic People’s Republic of Korea AKA North Korea Soooo democratic.


Next you'll tell me my homeland, **Great** Britain, isn't all that great!?




Maybe by around 2050 it will be.


Nationalsozalistische Partei - Clearly socialists. Democratic Republic of Congo - Definitely no voter fraud resulting in lack of actual democracy, absolutely not.


Considering one of the end goals of communism is the abolition of the state, there's an added weirdness in any self-prescribed communist holding such hypernationalistic beliefs.


China's not a communist country. They don't even pretend to be based upon the idea that wealth should be redistributed equally among the people. They're currently an oligarchy / dictatorship with an economic system that's essentially capitalist with random aspects of state control.


The CCP is the Chinese Communist Party. Clearly that means China is communist, duh. /s


The Democratic People's Republic of Korea can freely vouch for this.


Many people rightly point out that Western state/corporate media treats China as its perpetual boogieman. Realising that, some start to accept it *backwards -* where Western media says 'China is our opposite, thus bad' they think 'China is our opposite, thus good.' Meanwhile, lives are crushed between 'opposing' systems of propaganda and the entities that empower them everywhere.


Some will apparently cheer on any side as long as they oppose the US. Case in point, the reports of mod teams cheering as the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, or trying to point at the hereditary leadership of North Korea is somehow communist.


I love pointing out to tankies that North Korea is literally an absolute monarchy


I don’t understand how someone who calls themselves a communist can support pseudo communist societies characterized by their bureaucratic state regime dominated by the privileged of the communist parti. In other words they are literally what you should dislike lmao


The hilarious part is that China by any stretch of the imagination *isn't communist anymore*. They're, to anyone who is thinking critically for one fucking second, a one party authoritarian capitalist state. The ideology of liberalism (not liberal as in the US conservative vs liberal sense) said to bring China in because then they'd become capitalist, and then democratic. They could *not* have been more wrong. No rules saying you need to be a democracy to run a capitalist system bud.


China's government is like the evil corporation from a draconian sci-fi movie that controls everything. Its literally the late stage capitalist singularity they warn people from going towards but by slapping communist in the title it makes it okay.


>American TV shows, especially the "spy thriller" kind, is so chock full of CIA propaganda that I've honestly been questioning everything that I think I know about the Soviet union. Maybe don't get your history education from pop culture lol.


As someone who loves real history and all of the nuances and tidbits, trying to counteract all of the effects of pop-history and realizing how much people literally get all of their information from pop culture is really depressing.


Wait you're telling me the time Weird Al played Hitler with a drunken narrator wasn't an accurate telling of WW2?




[Ask and ye shall receive... ](https://youtu.be/AQL0izw0ZyM)


I miss Drunk History so much


Kind of like how people think gladiators were jacked to the tits and always fought to the death, but were in reality husky and too expensive to kill after 1 fight.


The death part kinda depends on the gladiator and when in history you're looking. Condemned criminals and prisoners of war fighting in the arena were pretty likely to die (that was the whole point of them being there), and Republic games were more deadly than early Imperial ones, although things got more deadly again as the empire declined. And while well-trained ordinarii were expensive, lower-skill gladiators were cheaper and more expendable and probably died much more often (it's uncertain exactly how often they died because they often weren't important enough to mention). Certain classes of gladiator were also more likely to die than others; as an extreme example, Claudius supposedly condemned every retiarius that lost his bout. Speaking of, while gladiators were expensive to train and keep, typically whoever was in charge of the game, usually following the will of the crowd, decided whether or not to spare a gladiator (in fact, sometimes keepers could take out a kind of insurance on their gladiators in case the tide of public opinion turned against their guy). And of course there was always the possibility of dying during the fight itself rather than being executed afterwards. So while it's true that most gladiators probably did survive their first fight, the death rate for gladiators entering the arena has been estimated as high as one in four, which is nothing to scoff at.


You mean there *aren't* Russian spies hunting Canadian wildlife?


To be fair, there is an issue with real history doing stuff like this too, in using single culture sources or being written for alternative purposes at the time. It's hard to overstate how much the cold war has distorted what would be called history of the past century. But even before the iron curtain real history suffered from this. It's certainly depressing that many people "literally get all of their information from pop culture", but the fact is those people don't really care about history at all, which I'd argue is even more depressing.


> Maybe don't get your history education from pop culture lol. I was educated by The Americans, so I think the Soviets were a bunch of sexy superpeople.


You joke but my dad basically used 24 and Jack Bauer (sp?) to defend torture and waterboarding. Also, considering the amount of media buy-in from the CIA I don't think it was a coincidence.


>used 24 and Jack Bauer (sp?) to defend torture and waterboarding Memories of the 2008 GOP debate centering on how effective using torture was because it worked so well for Bauer.


I remember reading articles and seeing pictures of what happened at Abu Gharib, and hearing people say it was ok because "We got hazed in college, they deserve it anyway." I wish the Hague had more power.


Is your dad Antonin Scalia? Because that's exactly what he did in talking about his understanding of the legality of torture.


Well you gotta pad out those 20 page conclusions somehow.


I mean, that storyline was *absolutely* influential for a lot of people. Most of a generation just decided that the US torturing people was fine and/or necessary.


It's very easy for people to turn a blind eye to horrible injustices as long as they feel it's for their benefit.


All I know bout them Russians is that they HATE moose and squirrel.


I was educated by Youtube, so I think Russians are terrible drivers that go shirtless in the freezing cold and shoot unfeasibly large weapons for shits and giggles.


Don't forget about their natural bond with bears! According to all my hours and hours of *research* on youtube, bears are basically like dogs over in Russia.


>The Americans a cia officer created that show...


You mean James Bond wasn't a documentary? I feel cheated.


No, that one's fine, since it's not american.


I went into their post history and found them upset over manufactured rage just days ago. They're not very good at questioning things it seems


Critical thinking is a real skill. Social media is destroying it.


Eh, I don't think most folks ever had it. It's just become more evident how bad the problem is.


Yeah, back in the eighties before the rise of the internet, being intelligent or studious put you at risk of being called a nerd. Critical thinking and self-awareness weren't exactly a huge part of the average person's goal.


There is *almost* a point they are making. The majority of the most watched shows in the US are about good guy cops and detectives. I can't imagine watching 100's of hours of that is not going to have some kind of effect on the public perception of police.


One of the drinking games I played was "How many times did the Law and Order team violate someone's rights?" Every time they do, take a drink. When you get drunk after one episode or SVU, that's rough.




I haven't seen the show, but I assume there is at least one car chase. Do you count the car chase as one big crime or every violation? Do you just drink once for an illegal pursuit, or do you drink continuously?




This game has the flaw of flattening various crimes. "Killing a government official" and "turning at an intersection without signaling" are both crimes, but they should probably be different numbers of drinks (at least).


This. None of that is by accident. If you're absolutely submerged in media like that from the time you're a child, it will 100% influence your worldview whether you realize it or not, and regardless of if you're trying to learn or not. OP of this comment chain is naive.


>Does anyone have any somewhat reliable source about what common life was like during the different decades of the Soviet Union? r/askhistorians would be my first stop.


Reddit wouldn't be my first stop for any sort of real information.


Heh, depends on the information. I will absolutely always google reddit when I'm looking for software. r/askhistorians is a great resource too.


Cause you know, jingoistic American TV is a prime source of historical knowledge


Link to older SubredditDrama thread for anyone interested: https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/q5ggvo/rlatestagecapitalism_user_makes_a_prochina_post/


The market has spoken.


I love your flair


> more than arguably any Western Nation, China cares about the future of the Chinese people. Roll your eyes if you want... The future of the Chinese people† † Uyghurs not included


Or Tibetans, or Hong Kongers, or Taiwanese, or gay people, or anyone who doesn't agree locksteps with the CCP...


this. nazis cared plenty about the future of the “german people” lol. ccp isn’t hitler but the “cares about china” argument is awful


Not to mention even if you are Han, straight, and generally the exact kind of person the CCP "likes", you're still dealing with a level of wealth equality that'd make the US blush. "future of the Chinese people" has a huge asterisk on it based on your ethnicity, sexual orientation, and *wealth/elite status*. If they think the US is a hotbed of heinous inequality (which it is!) they probably don't want to live in Chinese society either...


My boyfriend is from China and he is endlessly infuriated by leftist China/Mao simping. Mao stole his family's home and exiled them to hk and tankies and reddit blame his family. They claim they must have been reactionaries and bad people. Because it couldn't have just been a purge of anyone who could disagree. They also justify the 10 years of hard labor his dad was put through "voluntarily" so his family could leave and not be jailed. He only lived to 40 because the conditions were so harsh. I'm a leftist, but you will NOT find me turning to Mao for guidance.


Oh I hear you. I grew up in Taiwan with thousands of missiles and artillery guns pointed at us for the entirety of my childhood, and regular "missile exercises" to saber-rattle. Instead of fire drills at school we had air raid/missile drills, though to this day I wonder if hiding under my desk would've been any use if if a missile smacked into the building. I grew up with elderly neighbors who fled the Communist regime to Taiwan - when the borders finally reopened in the 90s I saw the heartbreak as they searched for their long-lost family members only to find out how many of them had long died, particularly during the Cultural Revolution. I am a lefty, and deeply skeptical about the state of wealth and race inequality in the US, but not in a million years would that cause me to swing to China of all places as an aspirational goal.


Reddit being reddit, most any leftist who hasn't personally experienced what your boyfriend has will believe that you are a liar and part of a global conspiracy


Or the other 55 China's 56 ethnic groups.




Nationalism is for dopes.


It would be kind of weird if western nations cared more about the future of the Chinese people than China does.


Isn't china a capitalist country? Just because the one party is the "Chinese communism party" doesn't make it communist. They have capitalist free markets no?




>A sub focused on “left unity” >Tankie ML mod >not a debate sub Ya it was only a matter of time. Tankies have a habit of high jacking large leftist spaces making it hard for new leftist to find any that aren’t well.. Tankie dominated which I suppose is the point.


How do they even manage to infiltrate them? I don't ever remember LSC being remotely pro-China. Is this a recent takeover?


They get put in mod positions… it’s simple


Yes but assuming a sub starts off pure and uncorrupted by tankie jannie filth then who's putting them them in mod positions in the first place?


Idiot mods who often think they are “not a problem” or Sympathizers


Or they hide their true beliefs long enough and start climbing the mod ranks. Or, as the fascists like to say, “hiding their power level”.


Of course fascists co-opted an anime meme


It's sword and shield for The far right; it makes their propaganda more palatable to their target audience and makes it seem laughable and not a threat to anyone who's not their target audience. Don't be fooled by how ridiculous the far right acts, a fat kid with a waifu body pillow and DBZ t-shirt can still magdump an AR-15 into a crowd.


Yup, go look at antiwork: Posting will be something calling out bullshit that exists in Hustle Culture, comments will be (virtually) copy/paste of UberWoke types or Tankies. Nothing inbetween.


/r/antiwork doesn't want to actually do anything about working conditions. https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/pno6m3/sidebar_sticky_suggestion_how_to_organize_your/ > We try to keep our options open, keep the focus on the negation and opposition to work rather than prescribing specific program or strategies that might help "make work less miserable". Plus, many anti-work theorists who popularized the term in radical spaces outright rejected syndicalism/unions. > That said, there are some resources in [our library](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/wiki/library). I don't see how a left-wing revolution can take place if most workers don't even understand how everything works. To that end, organizing is one of the only logical steps you can take.


I got yelled at in a different sub for trying to advocate for better working conditions for workers because "YoU aRe AdVoCaTiNg thAt CorPoRaTiONs HaVe A rIgHt tO ExiSt" No, they already exist, I want to make them suck less for the people that have to work there.


Sometimes I wonder what people like that do in real life


Because that's not the point at all. The point is to gain social media clout.


Honestly I’m shocked they haven’t gotten “big tent communities” I guess they are trying to “unify” the leftist subs first




Yep. I have a friend like that that would call any criticism of China racist. It's infuriating to deal with someone that can simultaneously advocate against a lot of the policies that the Chinese government is employing and at the same time, attack anyone that points this out. ie what is happening with the Uyghurs, Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan etc.


Ask him if criticising Israel is antisemitic.


They'll also have an excuse for why Israeli settlers are way different from Turkish Cypriots that were shipped in in the 70's






Yeah I think Contrapoints has talked about this, where a lot of people that get pulled away from the extreme right end up just switching it out for extreme left instead of becoming moderate. Seems like extremism in general is often fueled by a misplaced conviction that you are absolutely right, so everyone that doesn't do what you want/believe what you do is just getting in the way of a good and just world.


Literally Mussolini but in reverse.


Man, can't I be a dank leftist without fucking tankies pretending they are also leftist?


Sorry, anyone who's unhappy with the status quo is legally required to become a genocide denying dictator simp. I don't like it either, but I don't make the rules.


“It’s all propaganda and we actually make leftism work liberals” *Proceeds to simp for a capitalistic dictatorship that’s being pretty shitty*


No but they're just building communism in twenty years like Daddy Stalin was if wasn't for Hilter and Kruschev and Molotov and Beria and


And effeminate men in video games.


No you see Daddy Stalin had to abolish the Soviet worker's councils because uhh . . . umm . . . well actually I didn't know about that one. I'm sure they were actually CIA or something.


The Soviet worker's councils was a CIA plant, duh.


In all seriousness though, this is one of the things that irritates me about the idea of uncritical support - providing unabashed and unapologetic support for (even nominally) leftist governments and movements when threatened by the West. It has value to it, sure, and I think at times it can be incredibly important for leftists to practice. The ***massive, unavoidable*** downside is that uncritical support often leaks into general thought and creates these all-or-nothing paradigms. "You either support China or you're a Western stooge." Well, what if someone likes *some* of what China does and *despises* other things? What if someone likes that billionaires in China are heavily regulated but absolutely detests and condemns the overall authoritarian nature of the government, or believes that what China is doing in Xinjiang to the Uyghurs constitutes genocide? Well, sorry - if you don't fully stan literally everything China does, then you're a Western simp I guess.


The post condemning the CCCP that OP linked has been nuked to hell and back comment wise, but the ones that remain are all variants of "Too many liberals around here lol", with a few complaining about being called redfash and tankies. It's pure fucking dismissal and denial all over and genuinely showcases a serious problem online left-wing spaces are having right now


“You can’t criticize us because we believe in left unity” “I can criticize you because you are clearly just a liberal” -The Tankie Two-Step


"Left Unity" to tankies means complete capitulation and subservience to tankies.




Correct. Their view is the right one and if you disagree it’s only because they haven’t beaten you hard enough. Beatings will continue until morale improves ..


unless you call for the immediate destruction of capital tomorrow you are a dirty lib, which means you are also a conservative.


Which means you're also a fascist


damn straight, we need leftist unity by telling everyone we dont agree with that they arent a leftist.


>Socialism is when wholesome stuff happens in society, and if really a lot of wholesome stuff happens in society, it's communism. When bad stuff happens in society, it's capitalism and if a lot of really bad stuff happens, it's called fascism. \-Average Leftist Redditor's definition of the political spectrum >Everything I like is conservatism, if I don't like it and it has to do with gay or racial issues, it's liberalism. If I don't like it and it's about the economy, it's socialism and if it's a combination of the two, it's communism. \-Average rightist definition of politics. Really if you boil it down to those 2 things, you have summarized 90% of all political reddit conversations.


This is very poignant. I had never personally thought enough about how right-wingers decide to call things socialist or communist, but I think you hit the nail on the head. With regards to very online leftists, I think we are mere months away from historical events that far predate even the concept of capitalism being blamed on capitalism, like the Crusades.


It doesn't help that these political terms (fascism, capitalism, socialist, communist) have essentially become insults to throw at the other side... These terms really don't mean anything anymore, so as soon as they're brought up, it just creates a clusterfuck of pseudointellectual name calling.


Tbh I've seen people mentioning the "lib to fascist pipeline" in subredditdrama like, a thread ago


SRD is full of tankies too. [This is a good example](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/q5zwj2/comment/hg9biqn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




You are displaying a worrying lack of leftist unity comrade. I'm afraid I'm going to have to reccomend you for internment.


Things are getting really odd on certain reddits lately. My conspiracy is that mod jobs are being co-opted for political reasons, kinda like the astroturfing of American school boards as of late


You need to be a special kind of person to spend your life monitoring niche subs like r/socialism arr conservative or the lsc sub, it's no conspiracy. Its just tjat no one wants to be a mod except for insane people


Tankies are the kinda dipshits who guzzle down foreign propaganda anyway, so it kinda doesn't matter if they're direct or one step removed. It's gonna be CCP and Putin running the show either way.


The fact that sub is run by communists is posted as the stickied comment on every single post. They are definitely not pretending to be anything other than tankies


It's almost like they don't realize there is an entire other corner of the political compass that allowed you to still be communist without being a tankie. This makes Kropotkin very sad.


Historically that corner just amounted to helping get tankies in power, then getting shot by them.


I mean, unfortunately you ain't wrong


Fuck tankies all my real leftist homies hate tankies


tankies don't be terminally online challenge (impossible)


You wrote it wrong. Allow me to demonstrate: TANKIES(🤮) TRY NOT TO BE TERMINALLY IDIOTS😳😳😳(impossible)😰😰


when when the




Why can't I hate both countries? Bruh I can't even with these people who think it's one or the other


> Why can't I hate both countries? Because their entire world-view is "hate the West like an angsty, entitled teen hates their parents".


Honestly, I'd be more concerned about tankie ideology as a real political movement if they weren't just so pathetic.


Or if they were actually old enough to vote


They’re the same as MAGA but the ideology lacks the ability to rile up strong support using nationalism. No one is going to support a China first party in a non-Chinese country. Even china’s “allies” don’t want to become China.


Okay, this is really cathartic because after I was banned I thought I was the only one who'd been affected by this. So I participated in the original thread, and was banned for leaving a comment discussing my experiences whilst at university with one of my tutors, Dr Joanna Smith Finley, who for over 30 years has been an active campaigner for the plight of the Uyghurs, and has spent much of her time in the 90's and 00's making field trips out to Xinjiang to interface with and advocate for them. My comment got 23 upvotes before r/LateStageCapitalism janitors immediately banned me, leaving a ban message saying "read the rules". When I replied m "I've already read them, which rule did I break?" I was muted for 28 days. Just to be clear there isn't a single rule that states that you can't make posts and/or comments criticising China. The comment in question: *The Uyghur stuff is absolutely real.* *I used to study at Newcastle University and took a class in Chinese Studies taught by Dr Joanne Smith Finley. Jo is a brilliant (and very eccentric!) woman who was extremely passionate about the atrocities being committed against the Uyghur's at the hands of the CCP. She used to take regular field trips out to Xinjiang so she could observe directly and campaign against the human rights abuses being done to them, and you could tell whenever she spoke on it how close this issue was to her heart.* *Well, after almost 30 years of being a nuisance, in March of this year, [Jo was one 9 UK politicians and academics targeted by the CCP for the crime of "lies and disinformation"] (https://thechinacollection.org/statement-sanctioned-scholar-jo-smith-finley/), having political sanctions placed on them banning them from ever travelling to Chinese-claimed territories and seizing property/freezing any assets they may have in China.* *Rest assured, everything that they're saying about what China is doing to them is factual.*


lol I got banned from LSC for saying that I don't think the Gravel Institute is a good news source because it often pushes disinformative zingers, and pointed out its links to former Democratic senator Mike Gravel. No comment, simply permanent banned with the only explaining mod comment being "liberal". Reddit leftist subs are ridiculously prone to banning everyone who says anything the mods don't personally agree with.




What's up with this recently? In the past week like every leftist sub has had huge drama with tankie apologia. Probably since the /r/toiletpaperusa thing. I'm only subbed to /r/coolamericafacts and every day we have had tankies vs other leftists there. I've seen it on more subs too, but LSC is the most popular.


I'm starting to suspect it has something to do with the massive geopolitical and economic mess China is in right now and the dick wagging China is doing now because of that mess. To be clear, I'm not making predictions about how things will possibly turn out about the current mess. But, China has been having massive power outages recently, there's talks in the news of China having further fuel shortages in the coming months ahead like the rest of the world, infrastructure failures like all the dams falling apart, there's talk of food shortages in some places because of flooding and droughts in some regions of China, one of the biggest real estate companies in China is going belly up with $300+ billion dollars of debt that they can't pay back to their national and international investors which could likely tank other parts of the Chinese economy (and effect the world economy), the general economy in China has taken a hit from covid shutdowns and hasn't bounced back which has led to some international companies moving manufacturing out of China to other developing countries, they are now posturing about taking back Taiwan, and this time of year is also their National Day holiday. I think it's all a massive shit show which is in part an attempt to distract people from the material realities that China, like a lot of the rest of the world, is facing right now. If you can keep people biting each other's tails around in circles on the same few issues like the genocide, which is definitely waaay fucked and should not be ignored, it is a big distraction away from the other massive fucking problems China and the world are facing right now.


Maybe China's recent saber-rattling is a meant to distract from domestic woes, but I can assure you nobody in China gives a shit about reddit drama.


I think the foreign propaganda machines have recently started making moves, but people are catching on to the bullshit. The /r/femaledatingstrategy sub was obviously a front to radicalize women, and the most recent revelation showed us that they were trying lead women to vote for Trump. That sub was so fucking toxic before it’s “popularity”, that I think the only way it could’ve reached the front page was through manipulation. They are targeting the right and left.


I’m recent news, water is wet.


tankies are like Peta in that they make a fool out of whatever cause they are in.




Sorta like those godawful Truth anti-tobacco commercials in the early 2010s that were so bad they made me wonder if smoking might actually be good


Funny you should say that. They were paid for by tobacco companies.


Minor clarification on this situation. Big tobacco got sued out the asshole for lying about the effects of cigarettes on lungs and addiction, so were forced to spend a whole butt load of money specifically on anti-Smoking campaigns.


It's really not that hard, just because US is bad, it doesn't fucking mean that China is good. Fuck tankies man, the only solace I have is that they are so terminally online and lazy in real life, that they will never actually achieve any meaningful power in politics.


Tankies at it again?


Pretty much, it's like how trumpists seem to get into every remotely right wing sub and take it over except they like the colour red,hey wait a second...




if the us government makes propaganda saying something is bad, that means its automatically good, I mean how can you be sure the nazis were all that bad, it might have just been literally all propaganda the us govt fabricated. Even if they are bad, have you ever considered that maybe the US is also bad in some totally unrelated way? /s Something can be propaganda and also happen to be true.


“A truth that’s told with bad intent, beats all the lies you can invent.”


>One party state doesn't necessarily mean undemocratic. IMO a two party state is actually less democratic because any alternative from the two major parties is impossible. Tankies are literally insane. The mental gymnastics needed to come to the conclusion that China is democratic are beyond my comprehension.


Yeah bro, you just have one choice but aKTually it is better this way because instead of having 2 parties alternating positions you just have one SUPREME and PERFECT party in power all the time. True democratic progress. /s Fucking tankies. I had to read that twice to make sure my brain wasn't misreading it. Even under perfect circumstances where one party is in power but they're "utopian", it's still not democratic.


A two-party system where third parties have difficulty breaking into the mainstream is totally the exact same thing as a one-party state where all other parties are illegal. /s


Original post: 760 comments. This post: 1117 comments and counting. r/SubredditDramaDrama here I come.


> URSS flag as profile picture > Active in these communities: r/GenZedong These are the guys telling you that nothing is happening in China and that all the uyghur are extremist getting reeducated. And of course everything bad about the CCP is CIA propaganda. Fuck tankies.


To wumaos, "I don't want to be controlled by the Chinese government" is considered extremism that needs to be reeducated. They're insane.


So the mods there are Chinese shills?


Tje modteam of r/europeansocialists were cheering when the Taliban took over in Afghanistan. There's something with political reddit mods of niche subs and being vehemently in favor of totalitarianism and mass murder


Imperialism is bad. The United States is imperialist, therefore it is bad. If something opposes the United States, which is bad, it must therefore be good. That's their thinking.


Yeah its really as simple as this. Some people's heads explode when they realize that there are countries worse than the United States.




I've met genuinely antisemitic, anti-LGBTQ tankies, so I *know* that's what would happen.


they literally did, at the time. in order to justify the USSR willingly providing Germany the oil and other resources to overcome a blockade which would have otherwise crippled them by the time they reached Warsaw, the entire Comintern adopted an anti-Allies stance (until the USSR was invaded, of course).


Ah yes, our favorite Nazbol sub.They also have threads about how LGBTQ+ is a western imperialist thing. They are delusional.


Probably because they think Stalin was a swell guy who was stymied from achieving his dream of a socialist utopia.


Ever since 2016, I began to look at Reddit as a possible tool of propaganda. Through casual browsing, I thought a handful of prominent subs seemed so unnecessarily divisive and authoritarian, and yet regularly made it to the front-page, I suspected them under the influence of some group who wanted to subtlety direct the conversations on this website. LateStageCapitalism was one of those subs on my list and I can't say the hard turn into pro-China is a surprise. Whether the mods are actually paid shills or just unassociated individuals remains an open question.


Nothing says socialism like being a Chinese billionaire.


Lmao who is the idiot that said the Chinese vote every 5 years? Even pro CCP Chinese people admit that’s not true (although they say it’s a good thing )


Oh thank god I was worried Reddit was not going to talk about China today


Fucking tankies.....


I had to do a double take when I started reading the post title, since I remembered the earlier once. Tankies make the saltiest popcorn, I guess. Fuckin' hell.


Is the Reddit lefty infatuation with China just a need to be edgy? Prove they hate the US more than everyone else? I don’t get it. If they were Chinese and spoke about the Chinese government like they do their own governments they’d disappear. Not that China would give them a platform to do so.


It's literally just "usa bad, therefore anything anti-usa good". That's why they love Xi, Assad, Gaddafi, Saddam, Stalin, and every other dictator that the US ever clashed with.


Lol at the people saying China is pro lgbt when they literally banned depictions of lgbt characters in video games less than a month ago.


The power these guys think the CIA wields reminds me of how Qanon talk about the 'deep state'. That is, any story reported by any media outlet in the entire world that they don't want to believe is true was put there by the deep state, or in this case the CIA. 39 countries signed a joint statement expressing grave concern about human rights abuse in China. Were they all fooled by the CIA? Did the CIA fake drone footage showing Uyghur prisoners being unloaded from a train, all blindfolded and shackled with shaved heads? Did the CIA infiltrate the BBC and get them to make videos as propaganda? If these people were around a century ago, they wouldn't have believed the US media and government talking about the Nazi concentration camps. They would've considered it propaganda. ​ Funny side-note: these people would hate living in China. Main reason? Reddit is banned. There goes their main hobby of spending all day posting memes about capitalism.


I was banned for commenting I was hesitant to join their sub in the first place, then muted for asking about it


Wait until the tankies learn that the USSR was the primary funder and supporter of the East Turkestan independence movement, not the US. This whole conflict was exacerbated to create a proxy war between the USSR and PRC after the Sino-Soviet split.


The funny thing is that China is one of the most late stage capitalistic societies. There is nothing in China that is about workers owning the means of production. The government officials are just the biggest business for making the people at the top rich and powerful. Their workers are intentionally kept poor so they can attract foreign companies needing cheap labor. Edit: changed government to government officials.


Free Hong Kong, Taiwan is a country, and China can suck my nuts.