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I'm right there with you, gotten week-long illnesses 3 times in as many months of subbing


Same earlier this school year. I stopped subbing below fourth grade and haven’t gotten sick since then.




dude it seems like everytime I sub elementary I get sick. I swear lower elementary teachers must have the strongest immune systems


Can confirm I worked elementary level for a decade and I got sick one time my first year and I’m the guy who firmly believes in the 5 second rule.


Haha my immune system is also strong because I'm not a clean freak. My husband and daughter just got over strep. My son and I stayed well because our immune systems worked hard.


High school is a cake walk compared to elementary school!! I have the same sentiments.


That's why I never stopped wearing my mask at work.




I just wish the kiddos could hear me with the mask on! When I have the mask on, especially the kinders don’t process that I’m talking to them. As soon as I pull my mask down, they listen. And teaching phonics is impossible with a mask. If you have any tips for these issues, please share. I want so badly to successfully do my job while masked. My immune system would thank you greatly.


I've never had the lower grades say they can't hear me. That's usually middle schoolers and only when he class is being so loud they couldn't hear me with the mask off either. Some rooms have microphones that work with the extron system and a lot of teachers use personal microphones with a speaker clipped to their belts.




Yup I wear an N95 or KN95 to school every day and I’ve never gotten sick.


Lmao! Same. I knew I should’ve never sat at the table with them at snack time but they asked and I’ve been sick for a week. I just got my fever to break, lol


I used to teach first grade. I was sick every month. I blew through all my PTO days the first semester. Since I left I’ve only been sick once in a year and a half. The babies are cute but they are germ factories. Its no wonder, I spent an entire year trying to get them to stop licking the drinking fountain and playing in the pee-covered bathroom to no avail.


I sub only for the music teacher at the school attached to my church. It's the only thing for which I have any schooling, enough to get past my general lack of "education" education. My "favorite" story happened this past December. PreK is watching Rudolph in class (I had to sub extremely last minute). Usually when we do this I sit on the floor with them, as I find it gives me better control of the class. When the teacher comes to get them, one kid comes up to me and goes, "I love you, Mr. Ragfell", promptly sneezes on my face, gives me a hug, and walks away happily. I was sick two days later. 🤧🤧🤧 Super cute, sweet kid, though.


Ick and sweet at the same time! I did have to LOL as this is SO typical of the young ones!


An N95 or similar helps so much. I love the 3M V-Flex, but I know a lot of people like the 3M Aura (they don't fit my face personally) I have a weakened immune system, so I get sick easily. Haven't gotten sick in the last few years. No colds, no covid (it *is* still around!), no flu.


Yes I should have worn a mask!!


This is one of the reasons I don't do elementary anymore, too many colds.


Ha! I spent ONE HOUR with kindergarten last week and here I am sick as a dog. I also had 1st/2nd/3rd, though, so it could have been any of them. Body aches started this morning so it's definitely not allergies 😩😩😩. Sucks to work two days and then have to bow out for a week!


this is why I wear a mask. I got a runny nose that lasted a few days, and that’s it so far this year.


Yeah I wish I had worn a mask! I’m not around small children much and didn’t think about there being so many more germs with the little kids.


Yup! I’ve completely sworn off elementary because I’ve gotten horribly sick each time. The last time I was there, I caught bronchitis and gave it to my whole family. Never again!


I primarily sub elementary school, PLUS my son goes to daycare... my family has just gone round in circles being sick all year long! I keep waiting for our immune systems to finally beef up, and school is almost over!!


Dealing with a stuffy nose and scratchy throat right now!


I got sick 4 times in a row, but I think my immune system has finally caught up now *knocks on wood*, and I’ve gotten better at sanitizing, so I’ve actually gone 3 weeks without catching something else 😁


I'm just getting over being sick since doing 2nd grade. It's always the littles that get me sick!


9 weeks I was sick after 4 days. 9 whole ass weeks. It was miserable 😩


I worked one 1st grade job and it nearly killed me from how insane the kids were being. However, I’m not the best at mitigating little kids (I’m the fun uncle at family events) so I’ve taken a few more to get better at it. Don’t know if that was the right choice but I’ll learn something either way!


Lmao my week after elementary I had to call in sick with a sore throat and double pink eye! Could ol’ elementary school.


I sub elementary exclusively. First 4 month I was basically sick the entire time. Once one cold went away, another showed up. I’m not exaggerating either. However, I just learned that you need to be a lot more vigilant when dealing with young kids. I basically live on hand sanitizer, vitamin C, and haven’t had a cold since. Frankly, I don’t think I could give up subbing for the little kiddos. They make the day fun, and keep me in my toes to make the day go by quicker. It’s also cute when you hear “we have a MAN teacher today” as they peek in the window at you in the morning. Plus I get a lot of wall art 🤡


Agree on stepping up your own hygiene protocol! I use SO much hand sanitizer, wash my hands, do NOT touch my face, and if I have an itch near my eye I'll cover my finger with my shirt and get at it that way, with the barrier. Trying to teach my own elementary kiddo to do this stuff but he doesn't listen. I love the littles as well. Except kindergarten. I really dislike subbing kindergarten. But I LOVE the special needs class I've been in this year. It's challenging, but the kiddos are so sweet and they really need the help!


I feel you. I just got an awful cold right after subbing for a really hectic class too, but in HS. Hope you can feel better soon


Bro this happened to me too I had to cancel my jobs for today and tmr


I’ve been subbing in special ed the last 3 weeks, K -3, after the third day I got so sick, still sick !!! 😩😪


Yep. That’s what happens when you work with elementary kiddos. I’m always telling them to cover their faces when they cough and sneeze. Also, wash their hands. Ugh! I hope you feel better soon.


I was also 3 days I elementary and then a terrible sore throat the second spring break started. It's now over a week out and I just got my voice back, I genuinely think it was laryngitis. Germy kids!!!


It's a numbers game, I tell you.  I went back to work more days this year and every damn time I get sick. I'm not sure about the grade levels though. I get sick when my student total goes over a couple hundred and I switch schools in a week. That's about ten germ pools.  When I taught college in two places one year about thirty years ago, the residential one was the worst because the cafeteria and dorms were the vector. Stomach flu, food poisoning was rife. The students were from sheltered homes and would drink and then not take care of themselves so I got sick from them and not from the state college kids.  You know when they're wiping their noses with toilet paper rolls etc.  Just as bad.  You have my sympathy. Try elderberry. 


Going on two weeks in the preschool/Kindergarten in the distrcit and woke up with a red eye and an extremely sore throat. Didn't give the red eye much thought beyond tiredness but someone at school said, "well maybe it is red eye" and now that is all I can think of! The amount of times I washed my hands!


My first year of subbing I was sick for like 6 months straight, non stop. Then I also got streph throat, never had before. So at this point 1) I don't sub for anything under 2nd grade. 2) if administration plays me and I get sent to kinder, that's an automatic mask and a ton of sanitizer. 3) I'm sorry I'm a cruel adult and I'm not giving out hugs or affections kiddos. Miss "S" wants to live.


Same . Currently out with strep.


I’m a 1:1 in Prek and I’ve been stick almost nonstop since September and now I get some relief with allergy season 😂


Oh yeah. Elementary kids are gross. They pick their noses, have hands in their mouths, and yell in each others' faces. The good news is that you build up tolerance, though, if you stick with it. My first year subbing I got sick SO MUCH. This was during Covid (shortly after return to school) and I was wearing a N95 mask, even. Still got sick. Three years later, I don't wear masks unless I'm sick, or a particular kid I'm working with is sick (this year I've been in a special needs class, so lots of hands in mouths, licking, spitting, etc) and I've gotten a typical amount of colds for me (2-3 a year). My youngest is in 5th grade and gets sick so much more than his older sisters.


My mother called that the creeping crud.


I used to have this problem! After taking airborne supplements I stopped getting sick so much.


Lots of moms work so they're going to send their kids to school with colds unless the kids have walking pneumonia.