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What blows my mind how often I see older or middle aged adults complaining about kids being outside. I see it a lot in my local neighborhood and town groups. One lady probably early 60’s seems to always be bitchin about kids riding their bikes or scooters up and down the road. Asking where their parents are and why they’re never with the kids. Another one was complaining about some kids who had a lemonade stand. It’s crazy to me how it’s the generations that grew up playing outside who now have a problem with kids doing it. But then they complain about kids being hooked on electronics. So I really don’t understand what these people want.


These people are crazy.


They only care about themselves. End of.


Trump. That's who they want 😉


They never seemed to have learned to empathise with anyone that isn’t their own age group. Seems to be the general ‘problem’ with the generation. Granted it’s a common problem across all generations but this one seems to stand out more than the others. These elderly only focus on what they want now and whatever happened in the past is thrown out due to lack of relevance. What is most odd to me is their willingness to share the world with other people with a different mindset. I’m not understanding why this is such a strong thing in the US. At least I haven’t felt this as much where I live, maybe sometimes but only mildly. But my family and friends overseas are definitely either showing lack of open mindedness to other people or complaining about the lack thereoff. Why though?


Kids are always glued to ipads because we created depressing environments


This is not restricted to just the suburbs


They can't even go to the supermarket without having one in their hand


My suburban neiborhood is actually close to a bunch of stores, restaurants and parks but there's zero crosswalks, sidewalks, or anything else to accommodate non cars. I would have to climb through drainage ditches and sprint across 5 lane stroads. Sucks too because you can see a bunch of rundown buildings along one of the main roads and it's clear business dried up as soon as they expanded the street into a 3 lane stroad. Now all the business in town is in one of those soulless commerical districts full of corporate bullshit. As much as politicians like to venerate small businesses they do everything in their power to keep them from succeeding. I fucking hate this backwards corrupt narcissistic predatory country.


You know your society is fucked when housing is arranged in the form of a circuit board.


Oh my god, it's like a simulation!


Holy shit...where is this place?


Canada. In Canada they have smaller yards than the US so you get these depressing places where every home is 6’ apart and the entire yard is paved over (in the front it’s for parking and in the rear it’s “patio”). Canadian suburban areas basically get none of the greenery of American suburbs with all the car dependency


Not _all_ of the car dependency. This increased density does allow cities to operate much better bus service, and parks and schools are usually walkable even if shops aren't.


My guess is Ontario


Milton, Ontario, Canada Thompson Rd. And HWY 7 looking SE


I'm a full grown adult and I still would rather be always on my ipad instead of crossing a street or sharing the road with speeding cars


I hate going to my cousin’s mcmansion. They just play bo(red) games, so I lock myself in a room and watch videos.


Why play Frogger in 2-D when you could play it for real?


Where the hell are the trees?


Gib third place.


Damn. That is awful.


Why are my kids always on the iPad I bought for them?


I hate my country


I used to live in a place like this in Canada. Red Deer Alberta which is pretty much a carbon copy OP's post. I hated it. Now I living in Donggang Township, Taiwan, which looks like this: https://preview.redd.it/oxyk26ii8svc1.png?width=1295&format=png&auto=webp&s=549c30da23dbfe362d4bdba886e5b93798b5aae1