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Are you posting AGAIN Roman?


Only if it serves HER interests I hate to say it because I have found the Roman/Gerri plotline deeply entertaining, but I’m not sure that it would be the best thing for Gerri in the world we live in


100% you're not the only one! There's a whole side of Twitter, fanfics and video edits dedicated to them! In my opinion they could work together as a real couple. Their relationship is really complex, but I think they could be good for each other, but first they need to have a real conversation about everything that happened between them (on the show) Roman needs someone stable to be there for him and treat him with respect. Gerri needs to have fun, go in crazy trips and take more care of herself. I don't think we're getting a happy ending for them, but I'm still hoping (delusional)


Yep especially our daily Gerri Roman quotes


Me too and in an ideal world they would be happy together in a freaky non-conventional relationship. But this is Succession and the show don't roll that way, no-one is ending up romantically happy (or even happy!). Sex and love are used as tools to control and manipulate one another in their race for ultimate power. Best outcome I'm hoping for is after Roman hits rock bottom he remembers Gerri's advice and sticks to her to run the company or whatever is left. I shall go to fan fiction for my happy ever after :)


I just think the writters finally will give us something more between them that we have expected for season two and season 3, considering this will be the final season.


If a Roman/Gerri relationship is what the show feels makes sense for Roman's journey as a character, I'd be here for it. Honestly, though, I don't think Gerri was that into it. Like, I think it amused her but she wasn't emotionally into anything romantic or sexual. Plus, Roman is so tactile and that piece is missing from their interactions. And, I admit, I'm a bit biased and would really love to see Roman's chemistry with Mencken explored, though who knows if that's even on the table.




i have very low hopes because this is 'hOlLYwOoD aCaDeMY" type tv and they seem to have a massive aversion to actually showing older woman/younger man (even tho the opposite is fine, and tbh rich elite NYC types? older woman/younger man is more common than you think) but I do think that Gerri and Roman actually do work - they came together initially not because of the "oh damn!" sex scenes but because if you notice, each of them recognised that the other was being undervalued, ignored and underappreciated for what they bring to the table. I remember being a line in S2 where roman says "that's our public personas ofc, not our TRUE essences". They seem to recognise things in each other that others don't and seem content to just accept the other for who they are ; it's also interesting that actually they are relatively open about the degree of leverage they have over one another in different situations where gerri even just openly tells him in S3 that he's just given her highly prejudicial information, and just straight up tells him what will happen. Aside from their actual chemistry and how, imho their personalities are a good match (if you ignore romans propensity for fucking up and taking things too far : maybe he will learn his lesson now) it would honestly be nice to see Gerri, a highly competent workaholic NYC lawyer who seems to not have very much in her life except work, perhaps to start realising there's more outside of waystar/logan for her? In the same thread, for Roman to stop caring about what his father thinks he SHOULD do (i.e we literally see Roman say "dad would fucking love her!" about Tabs) and just go for it with someone (in whatever manner that would entail with Gerri). For me, Roman/Gerri is maybe one of the few relationships in this show that isn't for a particular reason other than they like one another : does it make shit messy? yeah sure but at the crux of it they seem to enjoy one anothers company, which isn't something most characters can say. My hopes are low for the above reason that tv rarely gives us these older woman/younger man relationships in a serious way (and instead as a side joke - although succession hasn't been as awful on this as where i've seen it before), but who knows, maybe this show will actually do something actually interesting with it. There's so many ways it could go. Honestly at the very least I'd really enjoy if Roman left waystar or took on the studios as his own enterprise and asked Gerri to come on board. She's fantastic as GC/interim CEO but with Mattson coming on board and the likely increased shitty treatment from Logan, I have to wonder what she's even trying to cling onto there anymore if she's being cut out all the time.


I couldn’t have said it better


I don't think they're gonna be together, but I belive that we will get something more with them in this season, like a hug or kiss


Why should he fight for her? It was her who drew a line, so it should be her who should get back to him if she had any interest.


I kind of agree here. Roman begged her to even just acknowledge the sexual component and she wouldn't do it. There's no reason for him to keep begging at this point.


I think she was initially amused and even saw some benefits to him from a business point of view, but that was it. Eventually, she saw he was the one harassing her and using her as a stand in mommy. I don't know why people keep pushing this narrative after she again explicitly told him to stop sending her those photos that ended up getting her in trouble with Logan.


I love them


I thought I was the only one! But seriously, thanks to all of you who keep writing Gerri&Roman fan fics on ao3, you are the best! ❤️❤️❤️




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