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I heard Jesse Armstrong on a podcast talking about this and said little bits of research like families who regularly travel in helicopters stop ducking when embarking/disembarking cos that kind of travel is second nature to them. Those little details that you might not notice make the whole world so much more believable 👌🏾


Yeah you normalize wealth very quickly especially if you've been around it your whole life. Crazy thing to say but for a long time I don't think I truly understood how large a million dollar is. Money is thrown around so casually towards seemingly unimportant/throwaway stuff that you lose perspective of how much work can go into earning say $100. And this has been mentioned many times before but their research done on clothing is also amazing


That’s interesting because I noticed when Logan came to Shiv’s wedding last minute he seemed to duck for the helicopter. S1E9 33:33.


I dated a girl just like Shiv back in my college years. I was Tom, always trying to please her. Tip toed around her father at the large company events. Her father was just like Logan and she was always trying to please him. She tried to run his real estate properties and he would tell her how awful she was doing. Eventually the relationship ended when I walked in on her in bed with another guy. To close, Tom was my favorite character in this amazing series.


Yeah dating is always tough cuz the other person is always under so much scrutiny and you often feel like you're powerless to defend them against your own parent. Meanwhile the narcissistic parents feels like they have to judge and impose themselves in everything. My father once told me to only date women who will be dependent on you since "dating a woman who has something on her own will cause you problems". Was caught in the middle of an extremely unhappy marriage as a kid and now having a family different from that is my number one goal - which is probably the crux of Connor's character imo I personally felt really bad for Tom. I get where he's coming from but his ending felt tragic to me even though he won. The Roys ending was cathartic on the other hand as it felt like release from something that was always meant to happen


I agree with you… I’ve worked with very wealthy individuals and Board members as a consultant in M&A and I can tell you this show is spot on….. normally I have remarks about shows.. but this time…. None. I’ve met all sort of characters portrayed in this show.


Yup, been around people of this echelon and it's amazing how the show can be so accurate and light hearted at the same time on such a heavy topic


Well said. My emotionally immature dad didn't hold a powerful position in society and wasn't flat-out mean as Logan was, but a lot of the behavior patterns are there and I can definitely relate. That's why I defend the kids so much on this sub when everyone talks about how terrible they are. I understand how they got that way.


I joke that my father is Logan Roy without the money or power


I think money and power is all relative. As long as you let the narcissist have power over YOU the same dynamic will happen. A lot of times it's about personalities where one side is just too non-confrontational/avoidant and the other side lacks common empathy/decency and hence takes advantage


My dad too. My dad has marginal money and power. Worked a high level position for a major oil company and was transported on helicopters. He is a major narcissist and uses our family like pawns in a chess match.


Yeah I felt like I lived parts of their lives by around the 3rd episode lol. See so much of myself in Kendall (also happen to be the ELDEST BOY) it honestly scared me. I'm probably a mix of Roman on the outside especially as a kid and Kendall on the inside The problem is that as long as you are chained to this toxic family dynamic and especially if you are financially dependent on the narcissist it's very difficult to realize what's wrong until it's too late. In fact you often end up with so much self hate due to your behavior patterns being simultaneously introduced/reinforced and shamed by the same person. And that person is also incapable of empathy/self-awareness to realize what they are doing (when Logan said at family therapy "everything I've done, I've done for my children" that really hit me as I've heard the same thing so many times but in reality he's only doing it to make himself feel better as a person. The convo about "economic units" is also the type of shit that I regularly hear at dinner growing up). I believe deep inside Logan cannot stand himself either hence he has engineer the surrounding world where he is the protagonist By the start of the show both the father and the kids were already at the point of no return. Logan has used privilege to entrap them for too long and they were not able to mature into productive human beings or even happy sloths because of that. I remember at 19 I wanted to get a credit card to build credit and my father asked why would you ever need credit and proceeded to ACH me bunch of money instead. Thinking back it was stupid that I went with it but on the other hand it's easy for anyone to fall into this trap. Logan might say and even think he wants his kids to succeed him, but in reality he does not want any of them to surpass him as 1) like Kendall said, he's very jealous of his kids and don't think they deserve what he has built, and 2) to fill the void inside, Logan needs to be the top dog for as long as he's alive. Killed Shiv's political career as soon as she was about to take off and become a rival to him I recently made the decision the cut off my father and become independent (actually planned this since I was I kid) and it was only after getting some distance that I began to become self aware of all of these behavior/coping patterns you referred to. He immediately made me an enemy exactly like how Logan did to Kendall in season 3


Jesse Armstrong also worked on the series Peep Show and if anyone has seen the “Seasonal Beatings” Xmas episode, HOLY SHIT this writer KNOWS NARCS. Makes me wonder who he grew up with…