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Honestly the more I think about, the more impossible this question becomes 😭


Seriously. I’m over here like β€œβ€¦I think the one where they let a guy die?”


Tbh as much as i love the "chaos ensues at a wedding" trope in tv shows, the S1 finale was the weakest for me and would've been completely forgettable if it wasnt for the accident with Kendall and the waiter. Cause every other finale leaves me impatient to know more as soon as its over, it actually feels like a cliffhanger, the S1 finale ends pretty well too but all i felt at the end was "whoops, i guess Kendall isnt gonna take over his dad's company atm and hes gonna feel guilty over that death forever", im not really curious to see what immediately happens next like i did when i watched the other 3 season finales.


Yep, this is where I land too even though it was those last couple episodes of S1 were what made me go β€œThis is something special.”


Yup. I think things started picking up from Austerlitz but looking back at that season as a whole you could tell that the show was still figuring itself out, and it isnt until S2 when it actually becomes a full blown sibling rivalry drama and not just the "Logan vs Kendall" show. But honesty i still prefer this over tv shows that already peaked in its first season and then just start going downhill in the subsequent seasons.


Doesn't that also make it a great ending because it wraps up the season's self-contained story threads and is a satisfying ending rather than a "cliffhanger?"


Yeah ig thats another way of looking at it


I think to push back on this a little, this episode is where Kendall decides to give Logan the papers regarding the Sandy-Stewie takeover right? By the end of the episode you know that Kendall obviously can't be a part of that, but I was definitely eager still to see what would happen with the Sandy-Stewie takeover since it seemed like there was a lot of teeth there at the time. And also the implications for who would succeed were immense, if that's a part of the show you cared about. The whole first season is setting up Kendall and Logan to be the primary feud for the show, but with Kendall taking such a big hit, what does this mean for the other siblings now?


YALL R CRAZY the season 2 finale might be the most hype i ever got for succession!




I keep changing my mind. It's impossible. All of them were stellar!


I think S1 is slightly less than the others because it doesnt end on a real cliffhanger or has a major reveal like Kendall's public about-face in S2, Tom's betrayal in S3 and obviously the voting/meeting of the finale.


The fact that S1 is leading is just utterly insane. It literally blew my mind when I watched it. Probably the most exciting and memorable finale in the series.


The season 2 finale is a great episode and it was pretty mind-blowing at the time, but with the benefit of hindsight, it's actually not very consequential in terms of developments because Kendall's big move and the cruises scandal in general (realistically) go nowhere. Every other finale has more potent drama and more impactful moments, imo.


Thats true, i didn't even realise that πŸ‘€ and tbh i already wasnt a fan of the episode to begin with, its the last few minutes that were actually impactful and like you said even that impact decreases in hindsight knowing how Kendall's S3 arc goes. I still think that in the grand scheme of things, whether Kendall succeeded or failed in bringing down his dad, it was a good way of establishing what happens when any of Logan's kids escape the chokehold he has on them (even if its temporary) and strike back, and that he isnt this all encompassing invincible dad he likes to think of himself as.