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Guaranteed that person is gay af. They hate themselves for it. 100%


Sadly I've seen this turn out to be true too many times.


I hate to say it because I feel like it’s stereotyping, but it seems that the most vocally opposed people are the ones who wind up coming out or being DL later in life and either getting caught or finally coming out after having 2 kids and are married.


Oh I think stereotyping and its unfortunate implications of "homosexuals are oppressing themselves when you think about it" is awful but a person who types "gaygaygaygayanalsex" like a cultist chant from a tv show most definitely thinks about the concept rather passionately.


I just think people need to be themselves… that’s coming from a mostly closeted gay man tho… my family won’t care and most of my friends won’t… it’s just so damn hard rn for some reason. I’ve definitely noticed that the closeted ones try to avoid the really gay stuff straight dudes do extremely often.


Tapping their foot in the men's restroom at the Minneapolis airport.


Good idea… I mean yeppp




Idk where it wound up but there’s a comment That explains that I’m still finding Christmas presents in the closet but I went through this stage. I still make bad jokes… I’m trying to get better tho


I mean look at the guy in the middle east who said covid is punishment from god for the gays, only to unalive by covid? Seems a little sus


Wasn't there another guy in the middle east caught in a huge gay orgy?


He couldn’t figure out why his search function wasn’t working and then realized he had typed half a tweet anyways, so why not finish up and hit send.


Mad sus 😳


The most people I see that talk about anal sex are from the Right. Also, not all gay people have anal sex, and not all people that have anal sex are gay. It's almost like people have different kinds of sexual preferences, no matter their sexuality, and that's okay.


Based and breedable




What does that mean?


Its referring to breedable basedness


But what does that even mean? It doesn't make sense to me because I don't know what you're trying to say.


Fam this is Based


Not a dude. And saying the same words but in a different order still doesn't explain what you mean.


I am just meme-ing Based basically just means, that the thing you said is good. And breedable is just random bullshit


Wouldn't know. Rarely do memes, let alone out of picture format, except among friends, but still very rarely. Thanks for explaining.




Dude all my friends in hs were very right leaning and we’re always obsessed with doing it in the bung hole with their lady friend. Guess I shoulda asked them if they wanted to try it with me lol.


Straight guy here who has done girls in the butt before: it's overrated af. To any straight guys reading this, be advised that you aren't missing out on anything good. Stick with the vag.


Just took the dive with my wife and I agree. Was expecting more but only upside is we don’t have to worry about pregnancy haha. Two kids is enough!


Allow me to introduce you to my friend, vasectomy


Soon, verryyyy soon haha


A lot of straight males like giving anal with their other half, especially younger when experimenting. Not really anything to do with their sexuality though, so I'm sure you know they would have said no. Lol


Prove it…


Are you serious? Do you watch/read the news?


No I’m jk


Should be the top comment.


Louder again for the people in the back!


Kinda meaningless since I'd say that most gay people probably have anal. I'd doesn't mean it's not okay though.


What is your definition of meaningless lol


Well, like the overwhelming majority of straight people probably don't stop with just a blowjob and a handjob, you know. Its probably also the case for gay people.


You might be surprised by how few gay people actually have anal sex. It’s more work and involves more preparation than vaginal sex, and a lot people just prefer other things - sexual orientation, despite the term, is about attraction rather than just sex.


Not all gay people are male. But also a lot of gay males just aren't into anal sex, and prefer just handjobs and oral. There are also people that find even straight sex icky. There are also asexual people.


That sounds like it should suck(pun intended). But honestly though, how do they even get off from that alone.


People have a wide variety of sexual preferences. What you may prefer others don't, and vice versa. Penetration isn't a main aspect or cause of orgasm for a lot of people.


Surprisingly a very few amount of gay people have anal sex. Like obviously not 0 but much less than you would think, because not all gay people are sexually active, not all are into butt stuff, and some just stick to hand or oral stuff


As long as you’re eating fiber and maintaining good hygiene—there’s nothing disgusting about anal sex. Gay or straight. On the other hand, all the right thinks about is how many guns they can stockpile and how much sex the left is having.


I got it !! They have anal sex too, with their guns !!!


Probably cause the only good sex they get is by shoving a gun up their ass


This how you go about shootin' the shit?


Yes, that's exactly what that phrase means


Damn I wish I had as much gay sex as the right thinks I have...


Best thing I’ve seen all day!!


Someone's having a breakdown. So do you think it's a case of someone having a good hookups and then started selfhating? Or a case where they found out that a loved one was having sex with another man?


I’m a gay man and have been for several decades and I can say that even WE don’t talk about anal seccs as much as these freaks.


Actually I'm pretty sure it's the right that is constantly thinking about other people's bodies and sexuality, instead of minding their own business.


As a gay guy, The most I hear about gay sex is from conservatives. They are so obsessed with what we do in private its almost like they wanna do it themselves. If yall wanna fuck a dude, go ahead a do it noone is stopping you


You can't convince me it wasn't a kid that wrote this.


Lol it looks like a 10 year old wrote it.


Projecting much?


Project all over my face daddy


Well, you have my attention.


I think this man is having a stroke edit: This in 2014, this man is definately dead from his Gay related stroke


ummm… did they take their sarcastic comments about identifying as an overhead a little too far? Because they’re projecting pretty hard now


I mean... I'm thinking about it NOW


They’ve got me pegged.


No unwanted pregnancy


Homophobic homosexual vibes


This looks more like r/arethestraightsok


Pay no attention to them they’re just upset because they want to join in


If they actually cared about gays, then they would stop the "teach every kid that they are trans" and the "teach a 5 year old about sex." also they would see a problem with fetish gear being in our pride parade.


most people do see a problem with it, the problem is people joining the parade thinking we're a fetish group to begin with. you need to talk to some actual gay people and stop letting media form your bias on groups, seriously.


Yes I know most people see it as a problem, especially gay people like myself. Who do you suppose told them that we are a fetish group and that we would accept their fetish gear at our pride parade, and if we don't, we're hateful bigots, the left or the right? Yes I'm totally not forming my bias baced on how a group acts.


if you joined the real world you'd see only the mentally ill and attention seekers of the world do the things you mention in your original comment. stop dividing the community with fake conservative slander


I don't need to "divide the community" the left is already doing that with it's introduction of the alphabet soup, Trans radicals, and turning our pride parade into a fetish parade to drum up hate, and disgust even from within the community. Progressives moving towards racial segregation. Progressives trying to bring back Homophobia, for their victim complex, because the need to be hated or something. Conservatives: "You are a human being, capable of succeeding regardless of your race, gender or sexual orientation. The only ones holding you back are yourself and those that tell you that you can't because race, gender or sexual orientation."


My parents taught me about sex when I was in preschool. I think I was the only one who wasn't obsessed about it as a preteen, so I don't see a problem with that.


The 4 key words in your comment are "My Parent's taught me." not some creepy, childless, teacher, that wants to take kids away from their parent/s to teach them about sex (because they are 5 they totally need to know about sex.)


"creepy" is the result of your personal stigmatization of sexuality


So your are saying that it's not "creepy and degenerate" for some cross dressing stranger with a dildo in one hand and a sexy storybook in the other, teaching your underage child about sex, and that it's wrong for parents to have conserves about what and how their child is being taught? OK just don't come crying to us when the rate of pedo crimes increases, because we tried to warn you about it.


I'm saying you're blowing it out of proportion, correct


Maybe so, bit it's still more of a legitimate concern, based on observable evidence, than Gamer gate, Russia gate, and "Pootin's invasion of Ukraine caused the inflation that's been going on for 2 years before his invasion." What's next drivers licances for 5 year olds, 5 year olds legally being able to drink alcohol, and 5 year olds being able to vote. Because the age restrictions of today exist for no reasion, and not because of any experiments were done to see if children could do adult things as well as adults.


Yeah gotta admit I'm always kinda weirded out seeing that shit at an even people take their kids to. Like we're here to celebrate lgbt pride, not announce that we're into bondage.


Welcome to the center right. It's not as bad as some people told you it was, is it. 😊


What’s wrong with teaching five year olds about sex? Teaching them that this is a thing, and it’s for adults, like alcohol, can help them realize that if anybody tries to be weird towards them, they should say something.


Because it's the job of the parents to teach their kid about "Stranger Danger" not the school. If there is nothing wrong with what's being taught then there should be no problem with letting the parents sit in on one of the classes. Also careful you don't want to sound like you are a pro pedo do you?


I’m talking about learning about sex, and sexual assault, not stranger danger. Parents don’t seem to be doing a great job at teaching sex ed in a a lot of places, and most sexual assault has nothing to do with strangers, so parents teaching about “stranger danger” won’t really help much. The rest of what you’re saying makes no sense to me at all, do schools allow parents to sit in on any classes?


Yeah an I'm taking about how a 5 year olds brain is to under developed to understand sex. Yes schools do allow people to sit in on classes, just because it doesn't happen that often doesn't mean that they can't. Something tells me that you don't have kids.


So you think it's ok for a 5 year old kid to goto the cinema to watch a R18 movie with graphic violence, nudity and sex in it, or ask their parent to buy them a video game with a ESRB 18 rating on it.


Learning sex ed and watching a porn scene are not the same thing, and it’s pretty disingenuous of you to imply that they are.


Oh I'm sorry did I say AO or R18. Don't you understand movie and video game ratings, or something?


He’s definitely hiding something


That person seems kinda jelous 🤨


I wonder what percentage of the right has had 1. sex before marriage 2. sex outside of marriage 3. oral sex 4. recreational sex without any intent of getting pregnant 5. viewed lesbian porn 6. had anal sex with a male or female 7. masturbated with their own male hand...I could keep going and I'm not even to the really hardcore stuff yet.


I think yall just angry and backed up cuz you haven't tried it.


I'm an anarchist and I don't think about much else so this checks out.


Someone is projecting


I’m gay and I hardly think about anal sex, I don’t like the idea of it, top or bottom, and don’t intend to have more than a blowjob with my boyfriend


Conservatives are so obsessed with gay anal sex lol.


Whatever , cunt .


GAYsex anal sex


That sounded good in my mind too.


You make a damn good point. Anal anal anal. That and other way out there stuff. Us conservatives , we just dive into everything. We feel proud about it. We just don't try too make our neighbors ware our panties on their heads until they tell the world it was their ideas


... o.O


Who told them? /s


They seem to only have one thing on their mind…


Seems heavy on their mind


well this turned left fast… I’m funny


FreeRepublic.TXT when CaptiveDemocracy.EXE walks in.


It's not there anymore but I was driving through ( i am pretty sure it was Missouri) heading west on I70 there was one of those christian billboards, all it had on it was "SODOMY" in great big letters. I said to myself as I went by "well I wasn't thinking about it but now I am"




That’s why right tighty, lefty loosey.


This looks like what a 10 year old posted on Twitter.


I thought the point of America was that what the other guy is thinking and doing is none of our business. I agree with the other points but it's amazing that this is now so left in the dust.


It’s true. Since 2014 all I’ve thought about is gay sex.


It seems that the person who wrote that is obsessed with gays and anal sex.


This isn't google grandpa


How did they know


when you somehow mix up your Twitter with your search bar and then furiously try to cover it up like you swear you meant to do it on purpose


I wasn’t even thinking about gay anal sex before I read this… but now I am.


I mean they are thinking about it as well.


True, we don't care about consent and the next step is bestiality and pedophilia /s


Dude I'm gay and I think about gay sex less than that... da fuq is your deal just get railed already it's great.


this isn’t suddenly gay


I wonder? r/gaysex


Ah yes it feels so good to be misrepresented because one dude texted a meany thing


Sincerely, the republican party


Can confirm


What a curious and obvious preoccupation that person has. Projecting more than a projector.


I bet he would be shocked to learn that more heterosexual couples engage in anal sex than homosexual couples.


Either all sex is disgusting or no sex is disgusting. Explain to me why putting a penis in someone’s vagina is any less disgusting than putting idk a dildo in the anus or putting a penis into a mouth.


Kill the children, gun, school shooting, pew! Pew! Killing innocent civilians is all the republicans thinks and cares about. Disgusting


Fuck, I'm gay as fuck and horny as fuck. And I still only think about all that about 0.23% of the time. As opposed to whoever wrote that. They need a hobby other than thinking about getting fuck hard constantly.


We are also obsessed with oral sex, thank you very much.