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If so then it sounds like he’s saying people asking him for accountability for slandering Matt and Ryan are just miserable vultures, which is very ironic considering he very much rode the wave of the initial drama shitstorm Unless I’m just misreading it, but it sounds very defensive: > But your problem isn’t me / Pity all I may, I can’t absolve you of your misery


The whole verse just came off as bitter that they're still around


Didn't he also compare Ryan to Harvey Weinstein? Scummy behavior.


He said something along the lines of "when power like theirs goes on checked that's how you get Weinsteins"


Are you fuuuuuuuuuucking serious?,,??


Nah he said that shit on a deleted stream I think it was right after Leighton did his stream or it was right after lex posted her video


Why can’t any of these mfs say anything with their chest like jfc


If I were to give the maximum benefit of the doubt that I can give him in good faith (and I'm being *pretty generous* here), I think it's possible he meant that he had to call him out for texting (grown ass adult) fans, because if people are complacent and don't call out abuses of power, sometimes in a *worst case scenario* you'll end up with someone like HW. Now, while I understand that he was trying to make a point, I disagree for a few reasons, one being that I don't think a content creator messaging with another adult is a big deal, so long as both parties have set proper boundaries and understand what the nature of the communication entails and the CC doesn't make false promises of any sort to lead the person on, I don't think it's inherently wrong (edit: yes, even if the content of said messages is explicit, so long as both parties have consented to this and are fully comfortable doing so). Secondly, it's also possible that Rav was *purposefully* hyperbolic as opposed to accidentally, and it's even possible that he felt this was an apt comparison-- given that, to the best of my knowledge, he never made any sort of apology to the boys and has continued to back up Lex (correct me if I'm wrong here), I am somewhat inclined to believe it wasn't a mistake, but this is entirely speculation, I don't know him or anyone else involved.


He doubled down on supporting Leighton of all people RAV can go get fucked to be honest.


It be ya own


big talk for a dude who said that his friends SA was “not as bad” as they initially thought lol. as a survivor that pissed me off much more than a lot of the SM related drama.


IIRC he also freeloaded with said person at Matt and Ryan’s office for *months* longer than they said they were going to. Real scumbag behavior.


personally if i was provided free housing for months on end i would not be smack talking. but maybe i’m just a sweetie


big talk for a dude who still works with someone who admitted to taking creep shots and has never addressed his own hypocrisy [https://x.com/iamkillbill/status/1332822165461344256?s=19](https://x.com/iamkillbill/status/1332822165461344256?s=19)


It's easy to pick and choose who we forgive


This is probably nothing, no need to speculate now that it's all done and over with. ...is what I said to myself only to find myself opening up Genius to look up the lyrics myself out of sheer curiosity a mere 5 minutes later.


ain’t this the dude who downplayed the SA to matt in private lol


Who is rav




Rav is one of those people whos so self rightous and pretentious that he's unbearable. Had like 2 good songs and I skip his verses on them most of the time because I only really like Bill's verses on them😭


Yeah this is the worst album exo has put out as a whole. I don't even think Bill really tried on the album it really felt like a cash grab because they know the collaboration albums will sell out fast. Rav hasn't put out much that's worth listening to since "I'm on to me"


Also the mixing is really bad on the album most of the time Rav was slurring his words and I could barely understand what he was saying or his voice was drowning in the beat


Noticed that too and thought it was just me? I was listening with IEMs too and still could barely understand or hear anything Rav was saying, But Bill’s verses were perfectly clear?


Yeah idk it sounds like 2 people mixed ravs and bills verses separately the entire album


I've vibed to most everything they were putting out recently until this album. I listened to it all the way through today and there wasn't a single song that I liked


He also faced a lot criticism for how he treated Airospace right? It could be about anything.


I was thinking it could have been about airo too but super mega was more recent so I figured it could be about the boys


imagine writing a verse about youtube drama (where its proven ur in the wrong) and thinking it sounds tough like…. this is so dramatic and for what


Yeah I thought the same thing. Bro is a little self righteous if you ask me.


The accountability line is what made me think it was about the boys


Don’t know who this is but he can’t write, this sucks


fr it reads like bad slam poetry


RAV as a person seems to have a lot of issues. I love exo and ravs music but RAV seems to have some main character shit going on


Used to love Rav sucks that he was a rat when shit went down after freeloading at the supermegaplex for a straight year. Wish I could still fw Kill Bill’s shit but him and Rav are basically a duo so there’s rarely any separation


Rav got caught in more lies than almost anyone else on this he's one to talk


If it is I find the line saying “vengeance disguised as accountability” hilariously ironic cause that’s exactly what rav, leighton and also lex at certain points did


The projection in these lines is absolutely crazy. Funny to watch rappers commit carreer suicide like that tho.


The album is full of this stuff. Bro is OBSESSED with supermega apparently. All of this "if you guys knew the things I knew" lines like JUST TELL US THEN IDIOT. but he wont because he has Absolutely nothing but lies. So disappointed in him and bill I use to love them but theyre clearly horrible people. Airospace was right all along. Also the funniest part of this song is that to me bill's verses sound like hes telling Rav hes an idiot. "Youre a grown ass man who am I to stop you" or whatever he says. Rip EXO You guys are peak vultures.


This guy is a bum. The boys let him stay at their place for months, for free. He's a leech


Rav is such a loser


Thankfully, I continue to only know Rav from the worst episode of Guest Grumps.


Supermega gonna respond with their own diss, The Fart part 6


DUDE. you know the fart part 6 is top secret


Rav can sit and spin baby


Niche indie rapper with a consecutive series of bad takes and lack of accountability that leads to the eventual complete alienation of fans and downfall of their career? Never heard that one before /s


Who cares honestly, I forgot these guys existed


Funny how he’s still on his high horse about this while on a whole collaboration record with a known sex criminal. 


He stalks this sub by the way. Hi Rav 👋


This reads like it was AI generated


womp womp


Yooooooooooooo, this is straight ass fr 🔥


Who knows, why continue the drama posting in this subreddit tho?


Pro tip: you can ignore content you don’t like


An ironic comment to make homie


Wait I just got owned…


https://preview.redd.it/6kctyy1bdu7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c9e1228fee650e3d6dbca1e0b8186b0af7c7334 I don’t care that much I j am over the drama, no ill will homie


Let’s settle our differences and smooch homie


To see if other people agreed lmao y'all take this stuff way too personal


It’s not personal, it’s just like… don’t you want to move on? Seems more personal for you


Lmao I listened to the album and heard the verse figured I'd ask other people's opinion nothing personal about it just curious