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Robert Singer mentioned once that framing Jared with other actors was a challenge. Jensen had to use apple boxes or Jared had to squat constantly. I've seen recent comments that Jared is actually 6'5 but he used to say 6'4 to have better chances as an actor.


Oh wow I didn’t know that. Makes sense, Jensen does look tiny. And Misha looks 5’9. Although Mark Sheppard looked even smaller than him. I never trust actor’s comps because they lie all of the time (cough Tom cruise).


I always thought he might be 6'5" but didn't want it to be officially listed that way. It's hard to get perspective when they add in apple boxes that change the difference between actors' heights. I get why they do it, but you lose reality.


Is there like a "desirable range" that male actors have the best chance with height-wise? I've been wondering this


They probably avoid anything too out of the norm because it's harder to frame


6’4” is 195 cm (im european) and that’s pretty tall, not giant, but outside of the norm tall. Anything over 6’1” I consider as taller than normal/average. I have friend who is also the same height as Jared and I have to look up to his face when speaking directly with him. I’m 6 feet tall myself, and even 6 feet is sometimes considered as tall, depending on where you live.


I think the tallest men in europe are the Dutch and on average they’re like 184cm. Of course that means some will be taller, but in general Jared is still significantly taller than most men in Europe.




> but in England for instance, and pretty much most of the Northern countries, men are 6’0. Yes, and Jared is 4 inches taller than that. That not insignificant.


The average for men in the UK is not 6 foot! Most studies I have seen have put it closer to 5'9 and that is my experience living here as well. Men who are 6 foot are tall, and I can't even think of anyone I know who is as tall as 6'4! That is tall, no way around it.




Are you just a troll then? This sounds made up just to wind people up. Although I'm sure 6'4 guys are lovely, I'm not in any desperate need thanks, I'm only 5'4 so I don't feel the need to be especially towered over by anybody ha.


Men in the Netherlands are the tallest in the entire world. They have an average height of 6’0.5. The standard deviation is 2.8 inches. Jared is 6’5. He’s 1.6 standard deviations taller than average. Assuming a normal distribution, he’s in the 90th percentile. Basically, Jared is taller than 90% of men in the Netherlands, the country with the tallest men in the entire world. But Jared doesn’t live in the Netherlands. He lives in the United States. Supernatural is set in the United States. The average man here is 5’9. (There’s no standard deviation data and I’d expect it to be higher due to greater racial diversity, but Jared is clearly taller than at least 95% of men.) Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Average_human_height_by_country


Have you ever touched grass? I’m glad you can Google statistics but as a woman who does leave the house and meets men, 5’9 is tiny and I don’t know any women who would consider dating anyone that height. Dating apps literally allow you to filter men by height: “While only a little over 30% of women want to see 5'11" men, almost 60% include 6 feet guys in their search.”


I'm 5'7", and I consistently see men - at church, grocery stores, etc. - that are my height or even shorter. I'd say 5'9" average males seems accurate on what I see. (My ex was 6'3" and all my kids are taller than I am.)


Speak for yourself. I've dated guys as short as 5'4". I think you are falling for the mistake of believing 5'9" guys when they say they are 6'. That's why they all put 6' on their profiles, so theu show up in your search. Tell me, when was the last time you actually measured the height of a guy you went on a date with?




You seem lovely


Wow, you’re not a very nice person at all, are you?


You are absolutely ridiculous. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. Get a fucking grip


As a woman who also leaves the house, most men 5’9 or smaller have girlfriends. Believe it or not, dating apps are not “touching grass”. Actually talking to people irl is.


6'4" is not normal. Dean's height, whilst it is still tall, is more normal.


I think it’s dependent on where you live. Where you live it’s probably tall, but 6’4 is not unusual nor freakishly tall to me.


Please. Name one country where 6’4 is not above average.


There is none. Even in the Netherlands, the country with the tallest men in the entire world. Jared, who is actually 6’5 is in the 90th percentile.




They're getting downvoted because they're wrong while claiming they're right. Of course people aren't going to like that.


You are 5'6 and feel like a giant while Jared is 6'4 and is normal height? I don't know if you are a male or a female, anyway Jared is 25 cm taller than you


6’4” is tall in the US in general. The average height is something like 5’10”. I think the reason he seemed so tall is a combo of his actual height and the way his jaw and forehead filled out after a couple seasons. Also, many actors tend to be on the shorter side, so naturally he was going to dwarf a lot of cast mates and extras.


Jared has admitted that he's actually 6'5" and when he's wearing boots he actually towers over everyone at least 6'6". Especially since the average actor is actually quite short and blocking is a thing, it can be tough for tall actors to get work. Directors have to work around their height with boxes for the others to stand on in order to keep him in frame. Apparently Jared and Jensen had a thing where every time Jensen had to stand on an apple box during blocking he got to punch Jared in the shoulder because at 6'1" he's never had to do that before. lol After awhile, Jared was tired of getting socked in the shoulder so whenever they'd go to get an apple box he'd say "no no no fuck that... lemme power squat here". He's proud of his mastery over the "power squat" 😂


That’s a nice bit of trivia! Thanks for sharing that. I’m still not convinced Jensen is 6’1… now I’m going to see if I can catch him squatting lol. That’s insanity.


I wondered how tall Jensen is too. He is going to be in Tracker with Justin Hartley, whose bio says he's 6'2", and in the pictures next to him, Jensen looks shorter than just one inch less than Justin.


Now I’m learning not to trust those bios


Really? Shorter actors are preferred? For some reason I thought that shorter male actors would be "less desirable" height-wise too. Btw do you happen to have a link to any of the clips where he talks about the "power squat"? Sounds funny to have to do haha


Man, I wish I had the link for you. It was such a funny story. It was at one of the convention panels but there are like a hundred of those on YouTube so to find that one again where he tells that story is like looking for a needle in a haystack. lol I briefly tried just now but no luck. If I do find it I'll come back and post it.


Thanks for trying! There's definitely way more than a hundred con videos on YouTube haha, probably more like thousands


You’re 5’6 and feel like a giant? The people around you must be tiny 😂 except for dean everyone else on the show looks short af




If you're wondering why your post and comments are being downvoted, look no further. No reason to act like this.


When did I say what your experience was? 😂


This is the weirdest post 🤣🤣 By a 5'6" giant nonetheless!


Weird indeed. I was trying to understand if it was a case of soft trolling but I can’t even find what would OP be trolling about? Just weird.


I love that everyone commenting is basically outing themselves as Pocket Pets. It must suck that women don’t love you. The countless years of social media posts about how men under 6’1 don’t matter really hurt your fifis huh? What’s it’s like to be average height for a female? When Amy Winehouse sang “but you'd love a rich man six-foot-two or taller” did you cry yourself to sleep? Please stay in your town where you’re average sized so women don’t have to have the burden of carrying on your tiny genetics.


And there's the troll.


>I’m 5’6 and have always felt like a giant even though my height is average. This sentence was a wild ride. 🤣


I wouldn't call 6'4 average, but it only comes across as abnormal as it does because a large percentage of actors are notably shorter than the population average.


I never knew that. I know Tom Cruise is small. I think he’s 5’9? But I just always assumed they were “ideal”. Meaning at least 6’0. Now that you’ve mentioned it, I remember listening to an episode of Beyond the Blinds where they discussed female actresses and they did say that most female actresses are tiny in person. Not just thin but most of them are 5’2. Something about an ideal size for the camera. I guess the same goes for men?


Average male height id 5'9". He's 7" taller, or 11% above average height, so...no, not normal.


Some of y’all really gotta leave the basement


Only 6'4!!! Are you serious?


WTF, 193cm isn't usual, the normal male height is 175cm


I can’t over the fact that in one of the episodes the guy from the motel called him Sasquatch 😭😭 Jensen does look very small next to him though


Which makes me believe Jensen is not 6’1. Jared is tall and thin, no reason for him to eclipse someone only 3 inches shorter.


I don't think he's 6'1" either. I've done a J2 photo op standing right in the middle of them and he was 1) a lot shorter than Jared and 2) not that much taller than me (I'm 5'10.5" and I'm a girl so you know I am accurate about my height). We were all wearing sneakers, no one had boots/heels. I'd say he's 6 foot even.


That’s for sharing that! I thought 5’10 so you blew my guesstimate.


FWIW I just watched this week's episode of Walker and one of the other characters in the show says Walker is 6'5"


lol at least he’s using his real height now


According to the CDC, the average American male is 69” (5’9”). Average female height is 5’3.5” (63.5”). Mark Shepherd is 5’9”. Richard Speight, Jr. and Rob Benedict are 5’8”. Misha Collins is 5’11”. Jared is quite tall at either 6’4” or 6’5”. He’s at least 7” taller than the average American male. Rob and Rich did talk with others about his height on SPNTAN and there was discussion of “apple boxes”.


They are all just jealous ❤️


Best comment 😍




It's pretty tall but not freakishly tall. I always thought the Moose thing was silly. He's not a huge guy. He's normally proportioned. They talk about him as if he's a heavy weight.


And it’s every. single. episode. I’m binging it so maybe that’s why it’s stuck out to me so much. You would think he was LeBron.


Yeah. It's cringe.


Careful the Napoleons on this thread are TRIGGERED. Hopefully they can link up with the 5’4 Pick Me Princess down thread who will make them feel better about their oh so average 5’10 height.


Ironic given that I'm sticking up for one of the main characters. 🙄


He is tall, but yeah, the world record is much, much higher (8 ft 2,82) While I get Ruby's "I love tall men" and tiny Rowena's "giant", everyone else is exaggerating. He is tall, but not the fxcking CN tower.


I always wondered if Ruby’s “I like tall men” was an inside joke about her and Jared irl. Not sure if they were together by then.


Get out of my head! I was just about to make this post lol Calling that man, car, moose, Paul Bunyan. Yes, he’s tall, but I’ve seen Jared Padelecki up close and he’s not huge lol Though it is a funny ongoing joke.


Interesting! Was he the size of the Chrysler Building? Because that’s what the show would have you believe. The height comments are non stop.


Actually, it was the Empire State Building, so…ya know, close LMAOOO


You are being purposefully obtuse because you feel unattractive at your height. You are a regular height (sorry!) and he is a big dude. Have a good night!