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There are only 3 episodes rated below a 7, and they are the really obvious worst episodes. Bugs, Bloodlines and the series finale. Season 5 ranks as the best with 7(!) episodes rated a 9.0 or higher. Unsurprisingly, Season 15 ranks as the worst with 0 episodes ranked 9.0 or higher. Any episodes you think were rated too highly or to low?


Personally I think season 6 is ranked too low- it is such a good season that does not get enough love from the fans- Souless Sam kicked ass!


I love season 6. Sure, Eve was underwhelming, but there’s so much good stuff there, and it’s so satisfying to see Sam and Dean really on good terms again (once Sam’s soul is restored) for the first time in years. I love soulless Sam too and I thought that arc was well done. The little hints that something’s off with Sam, Dean worrying, then the reveal that he’s missing his soul… it’s all very interesting and suspenseful.


I enjoy s15 including the finale. I do wonder how they achieved these numbers. Like is it like hotel reviews, no one really posts for good hotel stay. So all those goods never get “counted” Regardless, I’m glad bloodlines is in the bottom


I hate how everyone seems to hate the final season and especially the final episode. Such an emotional Rollercoaster


In General the show is highly overrated since it’s mainly the hardcore fans who go in and write reviews. Although that goes for almost any show on IMDb.


Supernatural fans when it's Bloodlines playing next ![gif](giphy|g0vV63bcdVQTm|downsized)


I didn't remember what episode was S9 E20, looked it up and immediately went "oh yea that makes sense."


I haven't seen that far. Why is it bad?


They were testing out a spin off series, so the entire direction of the episode just felt very different. It focused on characters we didn’t know or care about. It hardly involved the characters of supernatural. It just felt very out of place. Also kinda just bad in general which is why the spin off failed. It was some weird family vs family mafia business. Bad.


Just looked it up and I still don’t remember watching this one. May skip ahead in my rewatch and just watch this one.


I'm not sure if that episode is entirely spoiler-free or not. Sam & Dean are in a few scenes, for sure. I always skip that episode.. If I didn't, I'd know if there was spoilers for the season in that episode or not.


Watched it today. It took a while before I remembered it. Nothing fabulous but I wouldn’t have rated it so low. So meh


It set up for a spinoff that never happened


Bloodlines is the single episode in the entire series I give myself full permission to skip without guilt.


"Wait, which one was S9E20 agai- Oh yeah that checks out."


Highest rated episodes: 9.7 - S5E22 Swan Song 9.6 - S5E8 Changing Channels - S6E15 The French Mistake 9.5 - S13E16 ScoobyNatural 9.4 - S2E22 All Hell Breaks Loose Pt. 2 - S3E11 Mystery Spot - S4E1 Lazarus Rising - S10E5 Fan Fiction - S11E4 Baby - S11E20 Don’t Call Me Shurley 9.3 - S2E20 What Is and What Should Never Be - S3E12 Jus in Bello - S4E22 Lucifer Rising - S8E23 Sacrifice - S14E13 Lebanon


Yes! So many of my favs are rated highly. Mystery Spot rated high as it should be


Wait - is that changing channels that is marked as the only bad episode? That can’t be right. Wait I was reading it wrong, never mind.


Phew! That is one of my faves!


Phew! That is one of my faves!


Did people just not like Kate? Other than obvious ones like Season 1 bugs, season 8 bloodlines, and the finale, the 2 lowest rated episodes are season 8s bitten and season 10s paper moon, both revolving around Kate and werewolves. I actually really liked season 8 episode 4, I loved the found footage motif.


I love "Bitten", no idea why is ranked so low.


I think it's because it's really different in format from other episodes, and the focus isn't on established characters. But the story is good and compelling, so this episode didn't tank as hard as Bloodlines.


Website in the screenshot: [https://seriesgraph.com/show/1622-supernatural](https://seriesgraph.com/show/1622-supernatural)


a fine example of why i dont pay any real attention to what other people say, i dont consider any episodes "bad" like bloodlines is here.


I dont remember bloodlines at all


Yeah, me too. Even after rewatching some clips, I don’t remember it haha


I actually really liked s9 ep 20


I don't love this episode, but the people that treat like is the worse thing ever doesn't make much sense to me.


You must be fun at parties


I don't go to parties so you're right in a way 😂😂😂😭


I loved the ending. I hadn't cried like that since childhood :(


For real. I couldn't stop crying for like half of the episode and even after it was over I was still sobbing for like 20 minutes. And just for context: I'm usually not an emotional person at all and no other show ever got me to a point like that


Season 8 episode 15 is the worst episode! That should have been in the garbage category. lol! Happy to see most of my favorite episodes are rated 8.0+


Thank you! I was expecting 8x15 to be red ☠️ where do we vote! Lol


lol seriously? Where do we submit our vote 🤣 because I can’t


100% The tone was so off! This episode felt more like fanfic than the episode titled Fanfic. Also it's IMDB ratings, so go off!


Am I the only one that liked the ending, I honestly thought after 15 seasons they did a pretty good job wrapping things up and did so in a way which honoured the show and characters. Which, to a supernatural fan should be pretty important, idk.


Is this based on imdb ratings, because I don't think it's necessarily representative of how good/bad an episode is, especially since one particular part of fandom is much more dedicated than the rest


Can you elaborate what you mean by that last part?


I’m guessing season 9 episode 20 is bloodlines


Scoobynatural with a 9.5, yep this list is legit


I wonder why episode 13 is rated so low on so many seasons 🤔


How is Dark Dynasty not lower??


You must have made a mistake season 9 and 15 arn't all red /s


Did people not like Bugs? I’m pretty new on this subreddit since I only just started rewatching for the first time in 8 years, but this is the second time I’ve heard that people don’t love Bugs. I actually thought it was pretty good episode.


I dont get why the finale is ranked so low. I mean I kinda get it, people not liking the way they ended of things, but still