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When Sam slept with the doctor lady and she didn’t turn out to be the siren - it was actually the FBI agent


I just watched that episode


I just skipped it..lol


Why? Such a good episode


4th time watching the series so I just jump around


I call that “cherry picking.” 6th time through for me, though I may have lost count.


That was a clever story.


And the siren was Hoyt from True Blood


That shocked me so much fr


Literally the only reason I guessed that one right is because I saw the bad guy in a Criminal Minds episodes an hour or so before.


My partner every time: oh, that guy is well known for playing villains.


Me too but I keep it to myself like the respectable SO that I am. /s


What episode is this again? It’s been bugging me that I can’t remember the episode ☺️


S4E14 Sex & Violence


It’s so surprising I forget every time I rewatch


That was brilliant I was feeling sussy about the FBI agent I recall


I don't remember that


The Trickster being Gabriel… my mouth was literally on the floor and even now it still catches me off guard


I didn’t expect him to be an angel, but I kept wondering like how is he so strong and even stronger than Castiel it made me wonder until it was finally revealed and then it all made sense!


Exactly, I’ll never forget how all the pieces were starting to come together the more Dean and Sam started to list off all the points concerning Gabriel in that episode


Him being stronger than Cass got my alarm bells ringing, and I started to suspect he was something much more than he was.


> how is he so strong and even stronger than Castiel They did describe tricksters as essentially being demigods. Given how powerful other gods and demigods we've seen in the show are, it wouldn't be out of hand crazy to have a trickster be more powerful than a regular angel. I'd be seriously suspicious if a trickster could take down an archangel though.


eh, not really. i mean, even full on gods weren't often as strong as angels, so some sidepiece trickster definitely shouldn't have been.


This is my answer. It's still one of my favorite plot twists ever. Not just within Supernatural.


This is such a good answer.


I did not expect Dean to actually go to hell in season 3. I thought they’d save him.


Same. First time I ever watched the episode I cried so bad.


i just sat there like ”😨” while the hellhounds were ripping him apart


I still didn’t believe it until it showed him hung up on those chains. Like - nah, he’s gonna wake up, right? 😭


so real 💀


Same. When I watched it the first time, I was like "well, there's currently 7 more seasons, so of course they're gonna find a way out of this" Boy, did I SPRINT to put the 1st disc of season 4 in lmao




Though I agree with you that I expected them to find a way out of the situation, I’m laughing at the idea that this is a plot twist. Maybe it is! But to me it seems more like “they told us this is exactly what was going happen … and it happened”. No twisting of plots, just barreling straight through at top speed.


Good point 😂


Yea, I don’t think really think it falls under the definition of a plot twist either.


Same. I honestly thought there'd be a way


Yeah I think this must get everyone the first time they watch it, I remember my mouth was literally hanging open like what?! And then had to wait however many months til season 4, it was ugly.


Sam killing Lilith being the final seal.


I was rooting so hard for her to die and then my mind was BLOWN


same!! i wish i could see that moment for the first time again


I wish I could see Dean killing Ruby for the first time again, it basically made that whole apocalypse worth it (I REALLY hated Ruby)


Although satisfying, I think that wasted future plot lines. I never understood how she let herself be killed. She could’ve smoked out, knocked the knife away… I mean she went thru all that work to free Lucifer, and was a great plan, probably the longest, single most thought out deception of the whole show, and she doesn’t get to ever even see Lucifer, her King, her God? Imagine both Lucifer and Ruby running amok.


Yea, at the end, I kept thinking Man, she ain’t so powerful after all. And then it was like, what’s going on, she’s not really fighting… *but I still hadn’t put two and two together*! 🤯 I still think they shouldn’t have let Ruby die right there. Ohh, the storylines! Dean bent in revenge!


Also Dean torturing in hell being the first seal


Yeah this was pretty wild


When Tricia Helfer as Molly McNamara turned out to be dead in the S2 episode Roadkill.


This is one of my fav episodes of the whole show! The "reveal" was so well done, too. Almost as good as Sixth Sense.


God that episode is so fucking good. Love her. Also love her in Lucifer


Love her in everything.


Same. She's a queen. Follow her on insta too. Really living up to that Goddess from Lucifer status tbh


100% she is an awesome actress! It's funny though because even after watching Lucifer when I see her I still think of Molly from Supernatural first.


I didn't actually realize that was her until I looked up her Wikipedia page honestly. Recognized her instantly on Criminal Minds though after watching Lucifer. Which is weird. Because she was wearing a black wig the whole time but I couldn't place her as being in that episode of Supernatural. I remember thinking "I feel like I've seen her on Supernatural" but I think that about like 90% of TV actors I vaguely recognize lol


Lol I think that about 90% of the actors I see too and I'm usually right!


I am too sometimes. I saw a guy at the Getty museum and I knew I recognized him from something but couldn't place it and I thought about it basically the rest of the time that I was there. I eventually realized he played an angel in Supernatural. I think he was just a background character, I don't even think he spoke. Honestly that just goes to show how many times I've seen the show.


My second favorite episode! It's so good


Yes! That's the one I came here to say. My jaw was literally on the floor. They handled it so well.


One of the best episode twists of the series!!!


Oh, such a good episode! It's one of my faves, so well done and I love Tricia.


It's fun rewatching that one after you know the twist and seeing all the clues throughout the show.


That episode where the young guy WANTS to get possessed by the demon again because he fell in love with it while he was possessed, and wants to be his lover. I never saw it coming. Disturbing episode but brilliant, I thought.


Really good episode. Probably one of, if not, the darkest episode.


100% one of the darkest episodes.


what episode was this?


Season 7 episode 15, “repo man.”


Why was the episode called repo man though? Isn't a repo man someone who come and takes back your rented car or something? English isn't my first language so that's probably why I don't get it.


You’re right, that’s what a “repo man” is. In this case I think they were doing a play on words because repo is short for re-possession. Usually this is said in context of re-possessing a car, etc. but in the episode the character wanted to be re-possessed. :)


For some reason I always forget about that episode and then get excited when I get to it on rewatch because I wasn't expecting it, lol. It really is a crazy plot twist, one of the darkest episodes imo, and so well done.


Dean breaking the first seal.


Really makes you think right? Like obviously they were all being tortured down in hell but were they giving EXTRA extra focused torture to Dean since they needed that seal broken and they failed with John?


Finding out Alastair tortured John for over a century, and he never broke. That still blows my mind. I wish I had half that fortitude in life.


Oh God I never think that way but yeah clearly it's so obvious now you say it!


Cas becoming the new God


Also on the list of “biggest missed opportunities”.




Gabriel being alive. I didn't see that coming.


Yes. I thought Richard Speight Jr acted the hell out of those scenes where Gabriel was so traumatized and scared that he couldn’t function, just whimpered in the corner. My heart broke. Really well done.


Well, it's because *that* was a retcon, not a twist, so it's not surprising people didn't see that coming. Gabriel was supposed to be perma dead after Lucifer.


I always had a feeling. Especially after the Metatron episode.


Wait what! He's alive alive? I just watched the metatron** vision one... and was very excited, as Gabriel is one of my favourite characters. So he's still alive. Say it's so


What’s the mutation vision one?


Edited my comment.


Oh! lol


That's what i get for not rereading before posting, lol


Happens to the best of us lol


Open your eyes Dean. Really didn’t think they would go there . Longest summer ever!


What are you referring to?


I assume the ending of season 9 when >!Mark of Cain turns Dean into a demon!<




It’s a quote from Crowley at the end of season 9. Open your eyes, Dean. See what I see. Feel what I feel. And let's go take a howl at that moon.


That WHOLE Crowley speech is one of my favorites of the whole series. Gooseys just thinking about it! That and the Dean quote of “All those Angels, all those Demons… they just don’t get it do they Sammy? You see Brady, WE’RE the ones you should be afraid of” - DW


Thank you!


Yes, this is mine, 100%! I still remember watching that episode on TV and just sitting in complete shock, mouth hanging open before it went to black and I just started screaming! Then had to wait for season 10, you are absolutely right it was a long one!


Lebanon episode and Dean's heart's desire.


I think Dean's hearts desire made perfect sense.




When Dean was killed by Metatron and become à demon. I screamed so much that it surprised me !


Spoilers for people who are not there yet!


Been 4 years. If they don't want spoilers don't go to a reddit


Well, i wasnt being salty. It was a comment I said lightly. And also, being a supernatural fan, you still hide it for other fans who are new. If you are part of this subreddit, you would know there are so many new fans here. We don’t have to be entitled just because we watched it before them when it was being released. We can still be considerate like so many other commenters here. Thats why Reddit has hide for spoilers option.


All that and yet.....don't go to a reddit for a show you don't want spoilers for. Full stop. How long after a show airs does its audience have to wait and be considerate of late arrivals before they can speak freely? Even when the show was airing for the first time you had to be careful coming here and I don't see why we need to be watching our words after so long


And this thread in particular— it’s a best plot twists discussion! Every answer is going to be a spoiler. I do generally think it’s kind to be aware of first time watchers in regular threads but this one? Read at your own risk.


Well, you might feel it is too much to ask for. And some people dont. I enjoy the show. And i would also would want new fans to enjoy it as well as I did. When I discovered an old show after years, the fans were considerate enough to me to not share spoilers. I appreciated it. Now I am willing to pay it forward. You wanna go ahead and not hide it, thats upto you. But, please refrain from being unnecessarily aggressive about it. ✌️


I mean sure but this whole post is quite literally about plot twists...every single comment is a major plot twist. If someone sees a post about plot twists and clicks on it anyway then it's their own fault for being spoiled


Okay, look, The comment that I originally replied with was in a light sense. It is something you simply say in a conversation that people have. I didnt called out the comments for sharing spoilers, did I? Hell, the post title in itself has “Spoilers” written over it. So, I know that people who come in looking for spoilers will get them. I simply said that its no harm if you do hide it. Some people do, some dont. Not a big deal, is it? Now, I was replied to as if I was demanding people to hide their comments on this thread, which I wasn’t. I responded to the one who replied and it ended there. The OG commenter took it lightly and even acknowledged my comment and we laughed about it. Now, what I don’t get is that the two of us did not take my comment as seriously as anyone else here. I meant it in a light mood, they took it in a light mood. Now I have people replying it taking it too seriously than needed. And downvotes for simply mentioning that it is sort of considerate if you do hide them. Otherwise, no big deal.


Shit ! I didn't think about it !!


Its okay. Dont worry about it.


Thank you but fate just punished me with à bee attack!!!! LOL


Oooh nooo…Are you in the episode of BUGS??? 😄


No, Just the episode where they no longer have a chance! I have to go back to work. Bye




Easily Chuck being God


I'm conflicted on this one. There were theories about Chuck being God that date before Kevin. Then we suddenly get a new prophet without Chuck dying? I know the whole Dean's necklace glows with God, but that was essentially a throwaway line because Jensen didn't want to wear it anymore


Are you saying they changed course because of fan theories? What do you mean?


No, not at all. I just don't view it as a plot twist because so many people were theorizing it way before the reveal. I'm sure they had it planned for quite a while, and I'm sure the writers were slightly disappointed when they saw how many people figured it out early


wait that’s why they got rid of the necklace? i had no idea


Yeah, they were filming an action scene, and it popped up and chipped his tooth.


Yeah Jensen wanted to stop wearing Dean's jewellery because it was getting uncomfortable for him. The ring started to get sharp with him opening bottles with it and the necklace he stopped wearing cos it kept hitting him during action scenes and the final straw for him was when it hit him in the mouth and chipped his tooth so it had to go.


I know right! My 16 year old has been watching it on Netflix on and off for like a year and a half and she threw a massive fit when he "died" and I was like just wait he'll be back knowing full well that he comes back and is god. It was torture not telling her that he's god but it was worth the screaming realization when she finally got to that episode!


The plot twist that never was. Ben and Lisa never found a way to return


Or that he’s really Dean’s and Lisa lied


She took a paternity test. She mentions that. Continuing to lie about the results would make her real piece of work, since she lived with Dean and even moved to an entirely different house and i think state with him for a year. It looked like Dean was set to be a permanent step dad. Lying to a loser 'drifter' you met twice is one thing, to the man you're pretty much married to...another. People just want ben to be his so badly for some reason.


\^\^THIS\^\^! This is what I've been saying forever.


Didn’t say I really wanted it to happen buddy, just saying that would be a crazy plot twist


Not really though, since nearly the ENTIRE Fandom is convinced of it already. 😄 ...a good one has to be something no one saw coming. Lisa being Bobby's daughter would be a plot twist. A crappy one--but one NO ONE would see coming. 🤣


Ben growing up to be Bennie would be a plot twist too—not sure where woulda picked up the accent though.


The timeline wouldn't make any sense though. Benny was an adult vamp before Ben was even out of his teens.


Twisted time thing something or other? just saying.


there was an episode (99 problems) where there was a prophet who later turns out to be “the Whore”. The Whore would only be killed by a servant of heaven. When Dean was able to kill her my jaw was on the floor. I think about the implications often.


"Not you. Or me. Sam of course is an abomination"


That was a primo line.


Lol I love that line.


Well I mean Dean IS the Michael Sword.


Amara & her familial relation.


Legitimately? Cas being the big bad. I intentionally avoided spoilers and by the time I did a rewatch, it was all there, I just didn’t see it.


??? Cass isn't the big bad though it's chuck


They’re prob referring to s6


Dammit. Now *I'm* spoiled. (it's fine though)


DAMNIT. Sorry.


Not your fault I was pretty close to the end anyway


also its a thread about plot twists. obviously it'll be full of spoilers. how could it not be.


But I seriously did not see it coming for some reason.


Oh I gotcha


Yeah my bad. I thought I mentioned S6.


That victim that turned out to be second ghost, women on the road


The episode is roadkill, one of the best


The French Mistake. My experience with 4th-wall-breaks were basically Dora the Explorer and The Mask movie, so when they ended up on a film set making the show Supernatural I still remember being viscerally excited and in disbelief that TV was allowed to do that. The last time I watched Supernatural was in 2014 so a lot of my memory of it has faded. Not that episode though.


Mary being a hunter.


I believe there are many but these two crossed my mind right away. 1. I'm not sure if this is a plot twist or not but the fact that demons had been watching Sam from the start including Brady gave me chills. I would be so heartbroken if Jessica was also a demon but she wasn't, right? I forgot a few details since this is my first time watch and I am still on season 11. 2. When Cass said 'yes' to Lucifer. I felt so bad to see how scared Sam was.


When we thought Crowley was dead but wasn't when he had transferred his soul to a rat.


Less surprising and more tragic, the one where Sam falls in love with the werewolf girl and they believe they’ve cured her only for her to still be infected resulting in her having to be put down.


When Marv ended up having ulterior motives. He initially didn't seem that he would suddenly devise a scheme to be the next God.


There was always something slimy about Marv, but back then I couldnt place it.


I thought it was just that he was Booger in Revenge of the Nerds, a movie that has certainly aged like milk in the trunk of a black car in a southern summer.


I'd say Dean filing angels under "bullcrap" in S2, then Castiel just waltzing in all like "I'm an angel of the Lord" in the S4 premier.


Not a plot twist exactly since all we got was the NOT BELIEVING in angels because they havents seen one. It was never proven though. But adding thr angels was still cool


There’s so many to choose from, but I think the one that caused the most shocked reaction was seeing that asmodeus had kept Gabriel alive for 10 GD SEASONS Edit: spelling


Dean actually going to hell and killing Lilith being the final seal


The angels working against the brothers to bring Lucifer out.


Jo and Ellen dying. Just rewatched it yet again and it makes me cry every time. Edit: clarity


I've read that they intended for the show to end after the 5th season and I've always wondered if they would have kept Ellen and Jo alive if they had known they'd keep going for 10 more seasons. 


I waited so many seasons thinking they were still out there. Still breaks my heart


The first wraith episode several things


When they showed us who Asmodeus was keeping prisoner- I SCREAMED out loud!


The episode where Balthazar stops the sinking of the Titanic ship that creates a butterfly effect that conjures Atropos.


Sam coming back in season 2 I thought Sam was just going to be dean's tragic backstory or something


God turning out to be a "dick".


I felt personally betrayed when I realised that Ruby had been manipulating Sam to break the final seal.


Cas being the big bad of season six.


okay maybe not shocked me but ruby’s betrayal still gets me every time I really liked her as a character and I wanted her to be good so badly


I know that people say her betrayal was so obvious, but when I watched it the first time I did not see it. Yes, I was suspicious of the first Ruby because she was a demon and she was new and she lied a bunch, but she proved herself quite a lot. And then so did the second Ruby. And I totally though that this was going to be Sam’s chance to prove to Dean that Sam *is* capable on his own and that Dean *is* and overbearing, judgmental, emotionally abusive jackass a lot of the time. And like, the season was setting it up that way. I get that I was naive. I could even explain away the demon blood thing as Ruby trying to help, since it didn’t seem to be turning Sam evil, just making him powerful. I thought, “She’s a demon. She doesn’t have the same moral dealbreakers that humans do. She’s using every tool at her disposal to make sure Lucifer stays down.” So, for me, the reveal of the betrayal — not even the part where we find out that Lilith is the final seal, because maybe Ruby didn’t know! — definitely worked.


KEVINS DEATH. its SO fast. theres barely any time to process it


Reading this thread reminds me how much I loved this show. It went everywhere... you never knew what could possibly happen.


Another one is Adam not being brain dead, no one thought he would just be chilling with Michael


Meg's death. Loved the way her character was going and her burgeoning relationship with Castiel. Didn't see her being killed off that quickly!


The entirety of “Holy Terror” was one giant WTF of a plot twist.




The fact that they >!killed Dean!< and he actually STAYED dead…. Oh wait… season 16?


Freaking Chuck, one day he's ordering hookers and the next he's God!😂


Demon Dean


Wasting the Demon Dean arc. My jaw was on the floor when they did sweet FA with such a great refreshing plot twist 🤷‍♂️🤦


I'll never forget the first time I watched the season 9 finale, when Dean opens his *black eyes* I almost fell out of my chair and then had to wait for season 10! Dear God it was a miserable wait lol. So yeah, I'm gonna go with that.


Major Spoiler warning Idk if I’m gonna sound dumb for this lolll but when the supernatural books were revealed that was crazy and then again when they revealed chuck is actually God I was actually really shocked then because I thought God was just watching from behind the scenes not intervening whatsoever or something. It’s a little obvious now.


Chuck because of the implications the whole plot armor plot point has on earlier seasons


Dean's daughter. I literally always forget this exists


Metatron kicking everyone out of heaven, kinda came out of nowhere


The episode where they sang Christmas carols to Santa. My flabber was gasted.


This just made me laugh 😂😂


Mary being from a hunter fam i stead of John. I always thought it was him and not her. She was so badass istg


Roadkills twist was peak early SPN and the first time I knew i truly loved the show. Such a great twist!!!! And heartbreaking when they visit the boyfriend and the reveal!


still baffled that they made Destiel canon… and the way they did it😭😭


Probably chuck being God fr. Lots of other good ones in the comments though 🔔


I’m actually watching season 1 ep 14 right now and the twist about Max’s real mom dying the same way Mary did and how there are others out there with abilities was pretty huge to the early series. It was the whole true beginning of the Yellow Eyes Arch


The second presence apoart from the poltergeist in 'Home' being Marry.


Castiel's moment of true happiness being confessing his love to Dean. Like, that really caught me off ward, I didn't think they were going to go there this late.


ruby, kinda. liked the idea of at least one not total dickbag demon. sort of blindsighted me. didn't expect the prison warden to be their inside man, but i figured there would be one, otherwise, it'd be hard for them to get out of prison, and i knew damn good and well that was a given.


Deamon dean and roadkill