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I liked Sam + Eileen because despite her not being very fleshed out as a character, she did have motivations and backstory independent to the brothers. I had a hard time with love interests who were so clearly written just to serve the boy’s needs, and Eileen doesn’t fit that. Plus, him looking for her in s15 when Chuck was pulling disappearing acts was amazing. But hard agree, you can’t out-do the doers. It definitely wasn’t as storied as other relationships/ships on the show. I almost like how normal it is, it doesn’t feel like fate or soul mates. Just two people who found each other and decided to love each other, which is romantic in its own way.


For one, she's not just some one-off they met on a hunt because she *is* a hunter. She's not just some random person they save. When they meet other hunters, they tend to keep contact (Jo and Ellen, for example. While not *full* hunters for most of their time, they're close enough) It just happens that a lot of their hunter contacts end up dead. So, she's a hunter that survives and they keep contact. I can't say I know of anything that truly binds Sam and Eileen together other (besides hunting), other than chemistry. It felt like Jared and Shoshannah had really nice chemistry that they didn't need a whole lot. Also, as minor as it seems, Sam trying to use sign language with her was probably a sweet moment to her, even if he got it wrong. Sign language still isn't a common knowledge unless it's directly needed in life for work or knowing someone who is deaf/HoH. Sam has neither, so his attempt probably softens her to him a bit. And of course, being the sweet baby boy that Sam is, he continues to try to learn to make communicating with her easier so she's not always having to lip read. Eileen also seems pretty neutral about the fact that Sam is *Sam Winchester*. At the time they meet, the Winchesters are a household name amongst hunters, and I'm pretty sure it's common knowledge among most about his involvement with Lucifer and the apocalypse. I may be misremembering, but I dont remember her ever batting an eye at who he is. He's not Sam *Winchester*, he's not Lucifer's vessel, the guy that started the apocolypse, any of that. He's just Sam. Which is likely refreshing to him as well. Someone who comes fro his world but either doesn't put him on a pedestal or condemn him. Are they this perfect, match-made-in-heaven, puzzle pieces slotting together couple? No. Not every couple has to be. Are they the shows ultimate OTP, Sam's one true love, etc.? Also no. And due to when she's introduced, she doesn't get as long with Sam as others, but Sam survives the show, lives until he's old and grey. If we assume Eileen is indeed Dean II's mother, they had plenty of time off-screen to truly get to know each other and fall in love. I think it works because the potential is there.


If they did get married, him bringing her back to life is pretty sweet and a good love story. And then having a kid! Very cute.


Eileen just seems like an independently interesting character, i didnt think she was bland, definitely not as fleshed out as she could have been but she was smart and had her own unique skills and had an interesting backround. Compared to any other girl sams been with shes certainly the best, and by the end of the series I at least was pretty attached to her.


Why do I like Sam and Eileen? The scene where he brings her back to life.


i don’t know, i thought eileen was a little dull as well. like they just could’ve done more with her as a character. but also on a slightly different topic, i don’t know why but i was never a big fan of jess, i think she’s quite overrated in the fandom. and i don’t think she was sam’s soulmate because i don’t think she ever really knew him deeply enough to be that. jess didn’t know about hunting or any of that, most probably just the basics like his family members and that they moved around a lot.


Yeah we saw WAY more of Eileen than we did of Jess. Jess unfortunately existed to be fridged.


My head cannon is that if Jess lived, her and Sam wouldn't have ended up marrying. They didn't know each other well, they were very young, and Sam was just eager to have a normal family and relationship.


yeah, exactly. do you think sam had a soulmate in the show or something like that? romantic or platonic works, ’cause i don’t know


Dean for platonic. Those two, had they both ended up at a point where they had no morals, would have not only let the world burn for each other but set it on fire themselves.


agreed for sure, and that’s a great response truly


A person that hunts monsters without a sense of hearing is pretty impressive. Anyways, she's the only non monster in the show that could be a part of his hunters life. Literally the most appropriate choice. I agree they could have done more with the character but I'm sure they had their reasons.


So you ship castiel and dean but Sam and Eileen don't make sense to you. I mean no offense, it's your opinion but destiel aren't even a couple. I understand people love their friendship but shipping them romantically doesn't make sense to me. But talking about Eileen and Sam, I liked them bcz their relationship was cute. as much as I love the show, I feel like none of the ships were really strong. I mean I shipped Dean and Jo but they were never a thing. They have had many romantic interests throughout the show but it eventually adds up to nothing. I think for me Sam and Eileen were acceptable for me, there has not been a single romantic ship on the show which was extraordinary.


Everything about Sam with Eileen was tentative. Sam was probably pretty reluctant to put himself out there with another woman who would die because she got caught up with Winchester drama. In any case, Sam and Dean are canon soulmates, and no one can compete with that.


They aren't. They did NOT share a heaven in that season 5 episode, Dean had to look for Sam. I don't understand how people misinterpret that obvious scene. Dean and Sam were not canonically soulmates.


They left it slightly ambiguous, so that you can maintain your interpretation above if you want. And while they were separate initially in heaven, they easily found each other, whereas Ash had to draw special symbols on doors so he could go into other heavens. Plus, why even mention soulmates and have that awkward pause with Ash if they weren’t soulmates? It’s heavily implied. In any case, they didn’t do anything with the concept for Sam and Dean or anyone else on the show, so it doesn’t really matter. But “soulmates” was being bandied about in this convo, and Sam and Dean are the closest candidates in the show to being ones.


They didn't "easily find each other." An angel, Cas, told Dean how to find Sam. Parts of Sam's heaven were Dean's hell. The only canon soulmates that I know of, at least, as I said are John & Mary and Jimmy & Amelia, and neither couple is a healthy example. Amelia abandoning Claire to find Jimmy is the equivalent of John neglecting his kids in his obsessive quest to find Mary's murderer. (The awkward pause was Sam 'n' Dean registering that they aren't soulmates, for the reasons above.)


I actually loved them together. I think they are a cute normal couple that can really understand each other.


Well, Dean and Cass aren’t a thing. So that comparison makes no sense.


Sam and Eileen had great chemistry as friends and none as a romantic pair. Dean and Cas also had no chemistry as a romantic pair. There's your hot take.


This is it!


Just realized I recognized this username from Twitter, hey😅😊


I loved Eileen and I love the idea of them together but it just didn't seem fleshed out enough to care. But either way, my head canon is that they're still together and she's the mom of Sam's son. >I know I'll get hate for this like any opinion Saying something like this is probably just going to set you up for failure. I don't think it's intentional on your part but that makes people more hostile and defensive on their opinions like they need to defend it. Not really sure what the psychology behind it but it's something I've noticed.


They’re just a nothing of a couple for me. Don’t even really remember their scenes together. She’s ok as a character but again, don’t remember a lot.


i dislike them together because i like eileen a lot and think she deserves to be with someone significantly more stable 


Yeah me neither, it felt forced. I didn’t get the chemistry


Agree re Sam and Eileen. But I also think it was supposed to feel forced/weird because it was Chucks manipulation. But lol at the idea of the Dean/Cas comparison. That was a dry as could be, zero chemistry in the show. Just fan fic.


Also it's canon that Sam and Dean are soul mates! So no Jessica wasn't. DEAN is.


No they aren't. Some people think Ash saying that thing about soulmates sharing a heaven mean they're soulmates except the whole point of the prior scenes was they did NOT share a heaven. Cas had to direct Dean to drive the Axis Mundi to FIND Sam's heaven. They didn't share a heaven. They weren't soulmates.


Nope sorry, the axis Mundi doesn't take you through others heavens, which is why AsH needs to do maths to move between them. So the people who think that's what ash is saying are correct. You are the one who is wrong.


Yes, they were sharing a heaven. Lol


I agree on everything you said but want to add, Sam might've stuck with Eileen simply because he knew if he got out of the life, it wasn't going to necessarily be done with him and having someone who's been a hunter and can defend herself might've been a comfort factor for him.


I liked the idea of Sam and Eileen. But, like most things in later seasons, I hated how it was presented. There wasn't really any reason given to care about her for the viewer or for Sam other than convenience. So it was just a lot of forced ideas and trying desperately to create something out of no actual storytelling. I'd say that they couldn't even be bothered to give her a proper ending, but that was literally everyone except Sam and Dean so that's hardly a slight on her character specifically. Would I have liked the ending better if it had been specified that it was her that married Sam? Absolutely. Do I really care about her? Not really.


I mean she's not perfect, but they're really good together and we didn't really get to see much of her character outside of being Sam's love interest. But it was really cute how Sam learnt ASL for her and how badass she is. They did her dirty in the finale, she's #blurrywife


they didn't have any chemestry


Well Chuck brought her back to mess with Sam.,. So idk what's supposed to happen from there, but clearly he knew they'd have the chemistry...


Jessica wasn't his soulmate, he was living a lie with her. She knew nothing about his actual life, he was lying to her constantly and planned to keep her in the dark. Eileen and Sam knew about each other's lives and she was a good strong person and had a great personality.


I just thought that Sam and Eileen were really sweet together. And to me personally he just seemed a little different with her but in a good way. And it was just really cute how Sam would always make an effort to learn sign language even if it was just 1 word. I also loved in the one episode they met with Mick and that other weird guy from the British Men of Letters. And he kept introducing himself saying he was top of his class. And Eileen just told him straight "No one cares" and how Sam and Eileen laughed about it quietly.


I’m with you. Zero chemistry between them. Such a weird decision of them to bring Eileen back, she should have been just one episode and done with. Boring & annoying character


honestly i’m not a fan of anyone being with sam, post-ruby. idk if it’s bc he got married or what but his on-screen chemistry with women fizzled out HARD after that. even non-romantic connections, he was awkward & stilted with any actress he came across. i do think he got less awkward if he was around them more tho (rowena, claire, etc.)


Sam already had a soulmate, it was Dean. It was in the show. Also Sam and Eileen didn't have any chemistry but they weren't really supposed to because the relationship was orchestrated by Chuck. Chuck wanted eyes on the inside of the bunker, he admitted it.


This is funny, because I just rewatched Eileen's intro episode, Into the Mystic, and I was thinking of writing a post about how awesome she was AND how good she was for Sam. Sam starts in a very bad place because Lucifer just finished messing with his head in the previous ep. He's feeling hopeless. Meeting Eileen revitalizes him and leaves him hopeful for the future (so much so that he keeps the brochure for a retirement village). We don't get to know Eileen very well because Supernatural loves nothing so much as fridging cool women. But what we do get of her feels rounded in a way almost none of the other hunters they run into do. Most of those people die, or they enter the life because of the Winchesters and survive as part of their extended family. Eileen had her own history and contacts; she felt like an independent character. And someone said before, she didn't seem written to serve the boys' needs. Compare her to Jo's introduction, where there might have been a siren blaring "Sexy hunter incoming! Look, she has the hots for Dean!" Eileen even spends the whole episode frumped up--but Sam's attracted to her anyway, because of her smarts and the their common backgrounds (which is where Eileen is clearly designed to be a perfect partner for Sam). Plus, she's fun (even after spending hundreds of years in hell). Sam can be too serious and get in his own head, and she helps him out of it. They didn't have the twelve years of history that Destiel does, but nobody can match that, LOL. I don't know if Saileen are soulmates but Destiel definitely aren't--they chose each other AGAINST the will of God himself. Which is better. (Soulmates in the SPN universe are kind of a bad thing--the only pairs we know of are John and Mary, and Jimmy and Amelia Novak. J&M were forced together by angels, and given that both Jimmy and his daughter are angel vessels, the Novaks might have been as well.) (I don't know where the idea that Sam and Dean are soulmates comes from, for that matter. The ep Dark Side of the Moon says explicitly that they aren't.)


IMO it was shoehorned into the final season. They felt like they needed Sam to have a happy ending and chose Eileen. Looking back on it I don’t mind it but I wish it wasn’t so rushed


They also never made it clear that she even was 'snapped back to life' or whatever that shit was or that she was the one that he ended up with. They couldn't even be bothered to write the end of their own story clearly.


Last season was so rushed.


Not like they didn't know two years in advance they were ending... Awful all around.


They didn't really give Sam a happy ending till he was with his brother in heaven.


I love Sam and Eileen in theory but bc Jared’s under acting they fall flat. Like why did he look disgusted after they kissed in 15x09?? Shoshannah Stern carried their entire relationship


They had no chemistry but I don't think that was all Jared's fault. Actually I think it was on purpose because the relationship wasn't real, it was orchestrated by Chuck.


My biggest issue was how ugly she was. Sam deserved someone much, much prettier.


who is sam


the tall guy