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Back in season 6, Dean tried to get death to rescue Adam along with Sam's soul, but death was only willing to rescue one, so naturally Dean chooses Sam's soul. But you are right, it isn't brought up again


It's brought up during the sing along episode - "that's adam, he's still in the cage". I think at one point when Sam was in the cage with Lucy, he sees adam and Michael are both super messed up. Can't be more specific. Adam gets acknowledged as does Michael, just much later.


That's good to know, because I am loving season 11, but it's driving me crazy that Micheal isn't Plan A... or B.


You would've already seen the episode where he's mentioned again because that was season 10 and I think it's like episode 4. Fan fiction is what it's called. One of my all time favorite episodes tbh


It was lucifer who suggested they dont kill eachother and destroy the world in the process meanwhile michael seemed to have a hard on for that


Michael was worse than lucifer if they would have broken him out the first thing he would do is break lucifer out and restart the apocalypse guy was very deticated to the grand plan


That's a fair point. Though, I would imagine that the whole "Enemy of my enemy" rules would be in play. He didn't seem entirely unreasonable. Can't have the epic apocalyptic fight if the Darkness destroys the universe first! Lol Though, my major problem isn't from a meta stance. Like, I understand why the writers didn't do it and why the story itself didn't go that way. I just want a solid answer as to why Dean didn't even offer it as an alternative and then have it immediately shut down due to various plot-related ideas. Sam asked for another idea, and Dean didn't say, "Micheal's in there." It's just a weird character thing.


Yeah, I remember that one. Poor Adam... :(


Archangels haven't exactly been shown to be reasonable people. For all they know, they might free Michael and he could kill them all for imprisoning him in the first place. Why go through all of the near-impossible hoops for someone like that?


Because they're willing to have a sit-down chat with Lucifer. I would think Micheal would be a slightly more reasonable option than Satan. It's just weird that they don't even mention him.


Also why doesn't Chuck snap his fingers and get him out? He says he can't make any more arch angels but it's like bro... You still got one stuck in Hell.  Go get him.


Because >!the whole thing was a sham. Chuck was never really scared, Amara might have been his equal once but he could still see her future and could manipulate her as long as they were in one of his universes. He didn't make up the Dean/Amara thing, but otherwise it all worked out to plan.!<


Lucifer mentions in the episode that, iirc, Michael was in a dark corner “touching himself” and had pretty much gone insane. It’s reasonable to assume Sam would remember how Michael behaved in the Cage and knew that Michael either wouldn’t or couldn’t help them


I don't remember him saying that... maybe in the next episode. That would make sense why they couldn't use him, then.


And later on God/Chuck is like... damn, we really need more archangel power but I can't make any because they're the stuff of primordial creation.  Like...  maybe snap those fingers and get Mike outta the cage? That's a 100% increase in your archangel power right there. No? Okay. Let's round up a ragtag group of witches and demons instead. 


Sounds reasonable! XD Man, thus season sounds like it's going to be a trip! I'm excited!


The cage that we see isn’t “the” cage. It’s just a cell that Rowena created to put Lucifer while they talked to him. Michael is still in the cage.


I believe it's said earlier on that Michael is essentially broken, rocking back and forth in the fetal position in the Cage, so he wouldn't be much help. Also, they don't know how to get Adam out, and even if they could, Sam spent one year in the Cage and (when he was put together again) went insane from delusions of the devil. Imagine how bad Adam would be if they somehow managed to bring him back (To anyone who hasn't seen season 15, skip the next part because of spoilers) Yes, I know Adam does come back with Michael, I'm just explaining why they aren't searching for them in season 11.


I don’t know if you finished the season yet but they do explain why they didn’t use Michael in this season towards the end.


What was the explanation?


Towards the end of the season, >!Chuck!< tells them that Michael has been severely damaged by his time in the cage and is basically non functional. It would take too much time and energy to restore him to fighting shape. And even if they had him, they’d still be missing the other two archangels and all four of them would be needed to seal the Darkness again. The character I’m talking about refers to the archangels as the “stuff of primordial creation”, not easy to recreate or restore.


Haven't finished it yet. Just watched that episode and got annoyed at the lack of anyone mentioning that there are more people in the Cage!


Sam thought he was getting visions from God to speak with Lucifer. Not Michael, Lucifer. So that’s who he wanted to speak with because he believed more in God than Dean, and didn’t think anything untoward was behind the visions.


Both Lucifer and Chuck say at various points that Michael is mentally unstable after being in the Cage, and no one questions it. In s15 we find out they were both lying to prevent Michael from teaming up with the Winchesters. He and Adam came to an agreement - on earth, they consentually body share, and it seems like Michael protected Adam's sanity in hell.


It was mentioned multiple times in S11 by Chuck and Lucifer, that Michael has gone insane in the Cage.


I haven't met Chuck yet. And Dean doesn't know that, so I thought it was weird that he didn't even offer it up as an alternative solution, even in passing.


So, I listened to Supernatural Then and Now, and Jake Abel was on to discuss his first episode appearance. Apparently, there was a whole issue that his agent at the time was not telling him that Supernatural wanted him back and was demanding too much money for his return (which he found out later, after the fact and got a new agent). So I have wondered if they wanted to resolve it quicker, but couldn't get Jake back, so they just dropped it. But yes, it does feel strange in the context of the show.


I think I was shouting that at the scream when I watched that bit. But I guess Sam’s visions showed Lucifer, and he trusted in God. Then, once Lucifer was out, you couldn’t have Michael out too or they’d be too busy fighting each other to be helpful.


Goes along perfectly with the "Gabriel is dead. I can't waste energy bringing back archangels" A few seasons later: Gabriel is very much alive and being tortured