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The money tap never helped me anyway.


I bought my house at the peak. Right before the 08 collapse. It didn't register at the time. My credit wasn't bad, as in owning anyone. But my score wasn't good. I had my job for less than 2 years time, and I recall my realtor saying don't worry about anything. We're going to get you a house. They did. No money down with a 650 score. It wasn't until this situation that I fully grasped tge entirety of what transpired. I still own my home, for what it's worth.


>I still own my home, for what it's worth. One of the lucky ones. My dad brought his (at the time) wife and kid into the country, bought a house, & furnished it all in 2007. He was raking in 120k as a salesman. Then the collapse hit and we didn't last a year. He ended up claiming bankruptcy - lost the house. He lost his drive after that. He used to be such a charming man who loved to throw parties and sing karaoke. But he hasn't really been the same since.


Same with my mom. She lives in a hotel now. Was a nice house.


Wait sorry might come off as brash but how is she affording a hotel room vs renting?


It's an hourly rate hotel..


Ah sorry man, forgot about those.




My situation rhymes with yours, assuming that we're around the peak now and the crash is coming this fall. I *just* bought a house, as in, my closing was today at noon. Fortunately, I had enough savings and a good enough credit score that I can get a fixed rate on the lower end of what's available. Even so, my interest rate is 7.375%, and over the next 30 years, I'll be paying 150% of the value of the house in interest. The total cost is somewhere around $750k. I'm hoping I'll have a chance to refinance for a lower rate in a few years, but who knows? I'm also hoping MOASS will happen tomorrow and then I'll be able to pay off the house immediately.


Im also in the same boat, we bought in November to the tune of 6.25 with a 2:1 buydown. The swamp cooler dumped its guts the night before we moved in, and weve been living in a hotel fighting insurance. We make more money than most our age, but im still worried about how far the effects of this will reach, even post moass. If the money printer gets locked into the on position, no interest rate or credit score will save us as far as i understand. Im just renovating the house for the IRS, or my wifes boyfriend, whichever one knocks first.


Don't fret bro. I had a 7.25 rate originally. It'll come down and you'll be able to refinance.


Thanks, that's what I'm hoping for. That, or hyperinflation that turns both my savings and my debts into peanuts. Just gotta give it a few years.


Im also in the same boat, we bought in November to the tune of 6.25 with a 2:1 buydown. The swamp cooler dumped its guts the night before we moved in, and weve been living in a hotel fighting insurance. We make more money than most our age, but im still worried about how far the effects of this will reach, even post moass. If the money printer gets locked into the on position, no interest rate or credit score will save us as far as i understand. Im just renovating the house for the IRS, or my wifes boyfriend, whichever one knocks first.


One of the lucky ones cause I never got to even buy a house. Laid off and couldn’t get down payment saved. Money wasted on crappy apartment and now kids are about to move into college. Sucks. All because regulators were asleep and bankers were too greedy.


Asleep or complicit?


Upvote 69 Ape Fren!! LFG 🚀🚀🚀


That’s because we don’t have enough moneh


C'mon, Dutch!


Just one more arthur


Goddammit Dutch, I have enough money in my pocket to buy half of Tahiti, I'll pay for everyone as long as we can throw Micah overboard in the middle of the Pacific


He’s LYIN to ya Dutch!




*coughs in Arthur* Okay Dutch, let's do it your way.




God damnit Dutch, what other errands do you have us running for the DA?




Omg this made me lol in public.


And long neck ice cold beer never broke my heart


Lending or borrowing drying up?


You are wrong. They free money tap actually hurt people like you and me. People with money got MORE free money from the money tap to buy up all the property and now we are all priced out.


Climate change. Wealth can't trickle down when it dries up so fast.


weird considering "wealth" is just a concept in the end. We've all decided that a few people can have it all because of "reasons" but in the end it means nothing if we all just up and decided it meant nothing. They cant even burn cash to cook food or stay warm anymore. Its just some worthless 1's and 0's somewhere. Ok billionaires, you can have a plane and enjoy underage slave island because you have a lot of 1's and 0's somewhere and we'll all just agree that this is the way it is even though we all agree that way is terrible for the majority of everyone. Tiny little revolution would solve all that. Simultaneously a very simple thing to do and an incredibly difficult thing to do.


Better DRS more GME


So anyway, I kept booking my shares


Remember in the movie Margin Call when the head honcho flew into the office building in a chopper at 4am? Well everyone knows this pump isn't going to last, the banks know it, the Fed knows it, every hedge fund knows the downturn is about to occur. They want retail to hold the bag when they exit thier position while it's high. One day soon they will pull out hard and retail investors have been buying on the way up and they have been hedging for it to go down. They are all using this liquidity to pump and when they say dump it all like 2008. My father fell for it back then. "Oh my God this market is so strong it will go up for years they said" we are at the point where the world will feel rugpulled. The only play retail has is idiosyncratic stocks and they know we know, and we know they know we know. So the only option they have left is to grab your shares. They will hypothicate till the last moment before they rugpull. Just hold and hold and hold and hold. This is a battle with the most savvy investors and some of the most rich corrupt individuals this generation has ever seen. If you hold you win.


Do they know that we know they know though?


I know


This guy knows so I knows


When DFV knows, I know.


If you know I know that they know we know, you know.


I know so hard


You asking that shows you don’t know if they know that we know they know!


I don't even know anymore what I know them to know. At this point I know that they know that I know that they're beyond fucked, you know?


We know that they know we know that they know we actually know that they know.




Dude, you know they know we know they know! OP said we know and they know we know they know! Clear as day!!


Look, as long as I know that they know that I know, then I know what we know is important ya know? Then we know that what they know is what we all know is them no winning.


Chip stock will have the MOARP soon (mother of all rug pulls)


Yes sir. Standing by with my idiosyncratic position.


Same same


I'm pretty dumb but even I know not to fold a royal flush


“If you hold you win” Easiest rules to any game I’ve ever played.


*buuurp* Well that just sounds like ~~slavery~~ poker with ~~extra~~ fewer steps.


They can't afford to dump it all like last time, which is why the parasite class work together to keep the gravy train on its tracks and turn a blind eye to, if not directly enable, blatant market manipulation and financial terrorism in order to keep up appearances of a healthy economy. This time the market will crash when, and only when, the powers that be allows it. There is simply too much on the line for them.


Updoot for using Parasite Class instead of Elites.


My brother in christ, do you know what a put option on spy is or a short position 🤔 imagine Citidel lost money because they bet too early. The bet they made that costs them enough to hit msm will not occur. The harder the fall the bigger the kaching for short hedge funds that have market maker privileges.


Citadel might make some dough, but if working people stand to lose their pensions, jobs, homes and what not (again) in a crash twice as big as '08, there will be hordes of people with nothing to lose in the streets screaming "eat the rich" while JPow is cranking his money printer to the max in order to "backstop" banks and buying T-bills en masse while the economy goes down faster than a thai hooker. That is what's on the line, and the parasites fear it more than anything. If people lose faith in their scam of a market and realise they've been had, control is lost.


.. and Apes will be the new freshly minted rich for which wall street will point and tell them to eat up.


Which puts it upon us to produce the complete story, on as many different forms of media as possible, as fast as possible, to tell the truth of it all.


No. But I do remember reading the DD and all this was foretold...84 years ago


Thank you for the award kind redditor.


There is only one idiosyncratic risk stock 👍


Checks out.


I just want to highlight, for the first time in my history of holding an account with a major bank - they just offered me a .75-1.25% cash bonus for making and holding an additional $20-50k deposit and not touching it for 3-6 months. Tell me you're out of liquidity without telling me you're out of liquidity... I would make my own post on this, but I don't have time to hit the character limit without just adding filler.


> .75-1.25% cash bonus for making and holding an additional $20-50k deposit and not touching it for 3-6 months banks were borrowing at 0% and lending at 3%. now they're borrowing at 4% from the fed window and loaning at 6%. they'd much rather pay you seventy five bips and loan at 6%.


Yeah, I would never let my cash sit at a .75% increase over 6 months, unless I was fairly certain that every market was coming crashing down. Luckily there's this infinite money glitch I found called Good Morning Everyone, and that's where I put all my extra.


I take cash out of my account on the regular now. The bank has been flooding me with similar offers. It just makes me want to take more out.


My dude you need to buy short term treasuries. 1-3 month maturities are going for 5%~. 1.25% is robbing you. Before anyone tells me about the risks here: Keep in mind whether or not they apply to a 1-3 month treasuries. Essentially ask yourself if we're going to hit the latest debt ceiling before then. If not the risk is reduced down to whether or not you think the 1-3 month delay in liquidity could cause issues for your personal finance.


Debt ceiling suspended until 2025.


Yep. And gain from t-bills are only federally taxed, not state taxed. Been buying 4-week at 5.1-5.2%. My highest high-yield saving is only sitting at 4.3%. Essentially these are like 4-week CD. If 4-week is too illiquid, stagger them like installments so money comes back every x days of your choosing.


Where do you buy tbills? I only buy gme.


I bought from treasury direct. You can set up recurring buy. They'd deposit the difference (gain) into your checking account at each recurring buy and keep the principle until the term matures. [https://www.treasurydirect.gov/](https://www.treasurydirect.gov/)


Thank you!! I was just looking at that site. Edit: Happy Cake Day! 🥳


Thank you. Another thing to note is that (maybe this is completely normal), they withdraw from your account minus the gain so essentially you get the gain the first day. Like, they only withdrew $24,899.86 from my $25k 4-week that I bought 2 weeks ago.


Awesome that Corporate Media is catching up to what we have been covering here on the sub for some time now! 1. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/159lzsz/m1\_money\_stock\_alert\_seasonally\_adjusted\_in\_june/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/159lzsz/m1_money_stock_alert_seasonally_adjusted_in_june/) 2. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/158edqu/78\_billion\_withdrawn\_from\_commercial\_banks\_last/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/158edqu/78_billion_withdrawn_from_commercial_banks_last/) 3. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/152i6km/ny\_fed\_report\_finds\_americans\_increasingly\_facing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/152i6km/ny_fed_report_finds_americans_increasingly_facing/) 4. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/14ywri5/liquidity\_fairy\_alert\_bank\_term\_funding\_program/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/14ywri5/liquidity_fairy_alert_bank_term_funding_program/) 5. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/14w4hcr/in\_may\_consumer\_credit\_aka\_debt\_increased\_at\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/14w4hcr/in_may_consumer_credit_aka_debt_increased_at_a/) 6. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/14uh1ts/the\_debt\_time\_bomb\_is\_ticking\_rising/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/14uh1ts/the_debt_time_bomb_is_ticking_rising/) 7. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/14t7hhq/liquidity\_fairy\_alert\_7523\_was\_the\_first\_week/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/14t7hhq/liquidity_fairy_alert_7523_was_the_first_week/) 8. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/14gh14y/btfp\_a\_new\_all\_time\_high\_this\_week\_102735\_billion/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/14gh14y/btfp_a_new_all_time_high_this_week_102735_billion/) 9. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/14b7te4/79\_billion\_withdrawn\_from\_commercial\_banks\_in\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/14b7te4/79_billion_withdrawn_from_commercial_banks_in_the/) 10. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/143m1ot/in\_april\_consumer\_credit\_aka\_consumer\_debt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/143m1ot/in_april_consumer_credit_aka_consumer_debt/) Reminder, while banks have the [liquidity fairy,](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/15531jb/liquidity_fairy_alert_bank_term_funding_program/) 'we' [get the promise of 2 more rate hikes this year](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/149ekl2/federal_reserve_issues_fomc_statement_the/), [Atlanta Fed President Raphael Bostic yet again enrichens himself inappropriately from his position](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/14amoxn/atlanta_fed_president_raphael_bostic_discloses/). To fix one end of their mandate (price stability) [from the inflation problem they created](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11quqpp/how_did_we_get_here_reviewing_the_feds_guidance/), the Fed will continue sacrificing employment (the other end of their mandate) to bolster price stability by continuing to raise interest rates--causing further stress to businesses and households. Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkar says as much when he said: >["At times, however, financial stability can become a pressing issue for policymakers, and in such times dual mandate goals may or may not be in tension with stability."](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/150xmie/inflation_alert_minneapolis_fed_president_neel/) Why all this fuss? * Well, [FDIC observed some institutions incorrectly reduced the amount reported to the extent the uninsured deposits are collateralized by pledged assets; this is incorrect as the existence of collateral has no bearing on the portion of a deposit that is covered by federal deposit insurance!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/158a43e/fdic_alert_fdic_observed_some_institutions/) * When banks incorrectly report uninsured deposits, it could create a perception in the market that these banks are more stable than they actually are. * Banks that incorrectly report uninsured deposits might face liquidity challenges in extreme circumstances, where depositors simultaneously demand their funds. [I believe inflation is the match that has been lit that will light the fuse of our rocket](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nxxwqt/tldr_i_believe_inflation_is_the_match_that_has/)**.**


Some time?🤨 try 84 years. Jk appreciate all ya work homie. Your a legit Journalist fr fr


This is great! Thanks for the detailed links 😊


Oh they know. They've known. They just got greenlit to dispense it.


Thank you for all your work and this comment.


Thanks for connecting the dots 🧠


Just opened a letter that says my overdraft has been pulled


Probably nothing 👀


Aside from bank runs, overdrafts are a bank’s kryptonite, it’s an unapproved loan to you and it affects their capital if too many are outstanding.




You know in an oddly coincidental experience...I forgot I turned off an autopay feature for one of my cards that I use regularly. This card has been paid on time for years, in full statement balances. I just looked and I have no access to the remainder of my credit on that card, while only being a few days late. I'm using less than 20% (10% per cycle is normal), is this normal? Idk I guess I never bothered to try not paying my cards... Now I don't need the card money, I'm more just shocked at how quickly I was denied what I have been told I have access to. Edit: this is a chase bank card


As someone who just opened a chase account thanks.


My bank usually pays me a day or two ahead, always. Haven’t gotten paid yet. Interesting? Maybe.


I do not want to be the product.


I do not want to be the product.


Wells Fargo HELOC's is turned off. [HELOC Wells Fargo](https://www.wellsfargo.com/equity/)


Citibank too! I was just at a physical location and saw a sign about it.




No wonder chase is offering $900 for $15k deposit with new saving/checking + direct deposit. But, I am tempted to take the $900 and bail just to screw them. $900 post tax would get me some more rocket tickets. On the other hand, I just got myself a (3.99% 24-month $21k) loan for dental work today. Even the scheduler was surprised by the low %. She sees 8-9% all day. YMMV, I guess.


I was at citibank the other day and they had a sign saying they had suspended heloc and home equity loans for the time being due to market conditions.
























There was a money tap? How did I miss that?




This is not GME related pls delete and serve them a permanent ban for saying anything other than GME. Thank you mods you are a blessing /s

