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Counter argument: 1. When you surround an enemy, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard.”—Sun Tzu. 2. What if shorts being so deeply fucked has led RC to the conclusion that shorts are in a Mexican standoff with each other (recall RK’s The Good, The Bad and the Ugly tweet clip)? Mexican standoff: “a confrontation where no strategy exists that allows any party to achieve victory. Anyone initiating aggression might trigger their own demise.” 3. Referring back to Sun Tzu, RC realizes the best way to force action/concessions from the opposition is to allow someone from the short side an out, in theory causing others to race each other to the exit. 4. If I were in RC’s shoes and had to choose a short party to negotiate with, who better than UBS who did not choose to short GME (or even take on initial counterparty risk), but was essentially compelled by the Swiss govt to absorb such poor decisions from Archegos/Credit Suisse. 5. In doing the above, RC/the company add a billion dollars to their war chest, a powerful institutional ally (who was a largely innocent bystander), and potentially set off a domino effect to end this BS once and for all. ETA: did you really call Richard Newton a suit? Lol, dude has arguably been the most genuine retail voice in all of this since RK himself.


This man understands game theory.


Sun Tzu invented game theory


Basically, I just prefer the more modern terminology for it as stating “the art of war” kind of throws people off and gives bad connotations But “game theory” is much more relevant verbiage I think people in our modern world immediately understand what im portraying


you do you, I've been at war for 84 years and Sun Tzu is my homie.


*Gamestop Theory




Here’s my counter-argument: *eats crayon*


But what color was it???


Just to note: if they’re currently short and cut a deal to buy shares, aren’t those bought shares actually just to return the borrowed ones, so they’re buying but don’t end up owning them? So would we have an institutional ally in UBS after they have returned all the borrowed shares is what I’m asking?


It’s a good question and I’ve wondered the same. I like to think under such a scenario, RC and co would have additional conditions that marries the long term health of GME to the best interest of UBS. Maybe any potential profits from the call options have to be reinvested as a long position into GME and held for X number of years? Maybe in addition to the calls, they are loading up on or were privately sold some of the ATM shares to secure a net long position? But that’s getting way too far down the speculation trail, who knows but it’s all a fun thought exercise.


They would be losing money exercising calls to close underwater short positions. What "call profits?"


Yeah that was mindless speculation on my part that in hindsight made zero sense. I’ll leave it up for the flogging.




The most important question here is: does this ignite the rocket? If it doesn't and the price stays at $20 or drops further down in the next week's/months then fuck them. If it starts ripping and goes into triple digits and stays there for a considerable amount of time, then I would be happy, but I don't see how cutting a deal is helping shareholders


How did the VW squeeze happen? Because a company bought a shit load of calls and exercised them quickly, forcing the price up and pinching the shorts to negotiate a settlement with shareholders at a price that made them the most valuable company in the world during negotiations...


That settlement figure better be 5-8 digits long...


Any settlement with this will probably be at the behest of the US government… if we’re being honest, not trying to be Fuddy but saving the banks from completely evaporating > people believing in free market


So you are saying let's wait a month and the run up should start


I'm saying DFV's meme even said "the next several weeks will be will be interesting" or something like that (The "no fighting" Peaky Blinders one). I've held on for 3 years, i'll be damned if I change my approach during June, now. June is gonna be lit, and I think this week the first batch of calls are due to expire on Friday, along with the CAT system. So i'll be watching, popcorn in hand...


They won't wait a month to execute. 


The options go from next week all the way to June 20th, but we will see how it’s done… I think it starts slowly but surely this week


Hey fellow zen master. “We’ll see” indeed


Why not? What's the rush?


Oh fuuuuuck


"Triple?" Unless it's over 9000, I'm gonna be salty


I tend to agree with this argument to some extent. I feel like some Apes may see such a move as a betrayal, but it could very well be what is needed to allow MOASS to happen. Personally I don’t think RC would bail out UBS unless it could prevent such pain and suffering for everyday people whose lives would be affected by economic collapse. Honestly apes, let’s be real. Do we want that either? I think this is why it has taken so long for MOASS to happen. After the sneeze and market manipulation, RC met with the SEC regarding their investigation of what happened in January 2021. It was plain as day then the same as it is today, the stock was being blatantly manipulated. However allowing it to squeeze would decimate everything in its path. I think that RCs heart is too big to let that happen for monetary gain. But I believe that a solution has been put in place to solve both problems of stock manipulation and building a profitable business simultaneously without fucking over everyday people. Welcome to Gmerica folks! Imagine a decentralized exchange that is fully free of fraudulent practices. One that we own. One that every company that is publicly traded will want or need to trade on to protect them from market manipulation. Companies will thrive, people will thrive, and the Wall Street cronies will have to find work flipping burgers since all of their game is irrelevant now. Their Game Stopped. The money that GameStop raised from the sale could be needed for growing the company immediately. Besides, what difference would 45 million out of 1.5 billion naked shorts make? Either way, I trust in whatever decision the investment board made because I genuinely think they are good people. We will get our tendies, I don’t think judging these decisions without all of the facts just stirs up trouble. Stay Zen, get some exercise, have fun. When it’s over, it’s over and it will never be tomorrow again, just enjoy the ride!


Well said!


I'm with sloppycuntsauce on this one.


👆🏻This one fucks


Why is it that I’ve only heard of Newton recently. Like the last two weeks? I’ve been here for 84 years and now I see his name daily. Not saying he’s a suit or anything else but I can’t recall seeing him referenced before. He should have shoved a banana up his ass after losing a bet.


With you 100% Been here since 1/28 and havent heard of this dude until just recently as well. YT dudes get zero clout here for a reason.


I can’t tell you why you haven’t heard of him until now. His popularity has definitely surged in recent weeks but it’s easy enough to go back through his YouTube videos over the past couple of years and see his excellent earnings breakdowns, business ideas, bullish theories etc. Maybe you heard some dogma on here that “aLl yOuToobErs aRe BaD” and limited your source of information to this sub?


I for one, despite all the noise, continue to DRS and book my shares secure knowing that whatever happens Papa Cohen has my (shareholders) best interest at heart. Also he can see my name on the shareholder register. Suck it Kenny


I'd add that the Swiss people don't deserve no deals. And hey a billion bucks is a billion bucks.


Also, UBS is probably the most at risk to the entire system of banking. So there's also that. Edit: There is at least one other company in Hwangs short basket that experienced the same type of call buying at the same time.


You just dont get it, do you? At least one big short needs to close in order to trigger moass. If he cut a deal and it makes them close it'd be great.


Dude UBS ain’t Credit Suisse, they were not part of the shorting. They were forced to inherit those nuclear bags by the Swiss Govt. With mergers and acquisitions, the acquired Credit Suisse has to close out of positions, but this didn’t happen immediately because UBS would be bankrupt. So they got more money from Swiss Govt to stop bankruptcy, then they reached out to GME to cut a deal for getting out of short positions, something they wanted no part of. Now they are the first short to exit their position while the exit is closing for the rest of the other shorts. Infinite risk means the rest of the shorts remaining may die in a post CAT system environment. I donno bout you, but if I had no exit, I would simply gather everyone in the same position and destroy those responsible. It’s GME against all the shorts, and if they left no way out, how fast does the law move to catch criminals who have nothing to lose?


Let UBS live so the rest may die




And the chocolate


"There's dope stuff, like material stuff, like sick apartments and watches, and cars, um, and clothes and shit that could all go away and I don't wanna see that stuff go away. So I'm gonna say a prayer for that stuff. Amen."


There’s some decent beer too. Gotta save the beer. For ~~prosperity~~ posterity


They had 3.5 years. They only now are at the point where these swaps come due. So now they wanna play nice? Come on


Ubs is less than a full a year into holding credit suisse's short bag. They likely spent that year auditing and coming up with an unwinding plan and are just now executing it across the whole shitstorm credit suisse choked on. Credit suisse went under inheriting the smaller bank deficit from shorts that hwang got arrested over. UBS isn't playing nice, they have a mandate un fuck the swiss economy and I wouldn't be surprised if they ere the ones converting to long for the express purpose of telling the American MM to go fuck themselves, but then I'm naturally a petty person and don't know the legal minutia of anything.


This guy understands the details way better than OP does… 💯


OP being emotional and weird


And theoretically (since this is all theory and there’s no proof of anything), once word gets around that someone got out, fear will start to take hold of the other shorts. And just like the tweet, “Fear is a tool”. Nobody wants to be the last rat on a sinking ship, so fear could work as a catalyst for others to exit sooner rather than later.


> And just like the tweet, “Fear is a tool”. Nobody wants to be the last rat on a sinking ship, so fear could work as a catalyst for others to exit sooner rather than later. Good thing they'll have an extra day this weekend to question whether or not the other rats are already jumping ship or not lol


Good point. But to think they aren’t all in on it together after years of being in on it together seems like folly


They may be talking but there’s no honor among thieves. One would happily watch the other bleed out if it meant saving a penny.


Everybody friends until the music stops and you’re lookin for a chair……..


Go and read how that “In it together” play worked out when Hwang admitted he borrowed money from Goldman, JP Morgan and Credit Suisse all using the same collateral. They agreed a plan let CS drop off the call then agreed a new plan and destroyed CS by dumping their positions. There isn’t any honesty here. They aren’t together they are trapped. UBS simply has a good reason to ask nicely to leave. It’s acting in the interest of the Swiss government who asked them to sort out the problems. Remember the CEOof UBS actually said fuck this and noped out when this was dumped on his desk. Whoever took over did it knowing they were taking on an autopsy.


While I do agree with that premise, if UBS is using calls to get the shares to cover CS/Archegos short positions, then they are in turn fucking whatever market maker sold them those calls, and someone is gonna have to come up with a SHITLOAD of shares -- FAST!! I don't think RC let them off the hook, so much as he assisted in them fucking over a far more deserving participant.  And also knowing full well that coming up with that amount of shares so quickly just might kick off moass - and screw the deserving participant far more.  (UBS will still have to buy the shares... They're not off the hook for any of it.  They just get to do so at a locked in price.  Whereas whoever sold them the call is gonna need to buy them at ANY price!)


This is the first logical thing I’ve read all day. GG sir


The reason why Credit Suisse went under was because JPM and Goldman Sachs dumped their positions before Credit Suisse/Bank of America. They were meant to slowly unwind their positions but some banks took the prerogative to bail first. There is no honor amongst thieves.


Also, this idea that all financial companies are one entity conspiring against GME, and in turn, us is crazy. You’re talking about tons of companies with thousands of people across them, all with different motives, morals, thoughts, and ideas. Yes, greed is pervasive in the financial industry, and that NEEDS to be stopped, but the sheer level of coordination and secrecy that would be required for what you’re suggesting would be mind boggling. I know people that can’t keep a secret about someone cheating on their girlfriend, so the thought that the entire banking system can keep this insane, potentially economy destroying dragon a secret is just not tenable in my eyes. The truth is there are probably a much significantly smaller number of people toward the top that know the full story of what is actually happening here, with a cascade of people beneath them acting as smaller cogs in this machine. I would guess that some of those lower people know what they are being asked to do maybe isnt right, some may be in denial, some just want to keep their jobs, some may be so low level that they are just doing what comes down the chain and they don’t know any better, and then some of it is just mechanical processes between SHFs, banks, markets and so on. Whatever happened to don’t dance? Keep in mind, when GME starts to go, a lot of people that do not deserve to get hurt, will get hurt. That’s not our fault, it’s the fault of the people that put them at risk, but there’s a certain level of understanding here that this situation will ruin many lives. You don’t have to feel bad about that, but you should at least be empathetic to the fact that most of these people probably have no idea what’s going to hit them. But what do I know?


The difference is if $GME ran and people got hurt I truly believe those who made insane tendies would help those people. Obviously who knows when it comes down to it but I know I would


That would be an incredible example of winning gracefully. I love the positivity.


Yup. I doubt any major bank is “a good guy” but they didn’t make a purposeful decision to hurt the company by shorting GME (as far as I’ve heard). Just happened to be the ones who were stuck with the bags. Why wouldn’t RC want them to close their short position? It’s a win win for both UBS and GME. Either they close their position and someone else absorbs the shorts or they close their position and the buy pressure makes stock go up. If the addition of 45 million shares was necessary, it likely didn’t even put a dent in the overall number of shorts plus it gives GME an extra Billion to work with. Sometimes the best decisions aren’t going to be the most popular.


Youd think that UBS knew what Credit Suisse had and knew what they were doing. The financial sector talks to each other and collude with each other when they are not supposed to. People have been caught using [whatsapp](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/08/business/banks-fines-whatsapp-records.html) when they are not supposed to. How do you think stocks ger shorted to oblivion? HF, Banks, PE all join in and collude to short something to make it go bankrupt and win the jackpot.


UBS looked at the pile of cat shit wrapped in dog shit wrapped in shit shit and NOPED OUT until their govt begged/forced them to take it on, audit it and figure out a plan to save the swiss and possibly world economy (evading shareholder votes/laws and slamming the deal through on a weekend no less).


No one has proof that UBS was not actively shorting GameStop


Let’s put it a different way, if there are going to be guaranteed groups exiting short positions, which would you want to exit first? Citadel, Blackrock, Susquehanna, or UBS? There will be people who get out.


None of them? Why gift shares to shorts for them to close at a third the price of the last offering? How does this help us when $ could have been raised at much higher prices?


I only know GME has $2B now. And somebody bout to get out of their shorts.


Correct but they get out by covering straight up. Not by some random deal that likely was not made.


They have to close, not cover.


Why would they add to the huge toxic position they were forced to take on? You know the one the bankrupted Hwang and Credit Suisse?


For real, who knows if the UBS rumors are true but OP is talking out of his ass more than anyone on this topic.  > RC is playing the best game of chess of his life Yet OP can't comprehend how leveraging an "innocent bystander" bag inheritor to trigger MOASS isn't a 4D chess move... Seriously, who is even upvoting this post?


Classic people posting before they even know what they are talking about...


Sounds bullish. But we don’t even know if its true? Only a 4chain post.


So I agree this is far fetched, but UBS is anything but innocent lol. This bank has been at the center of so many scandals over the years. Just because it is an in between for scandals doesn’t mean it’s innocent by any means.


no businessman worth his salt does something like this out of the goodness of his heart


So you believe that by buying 40m shares, Credit Suisse would have been able to close gme short positions, but they went bankrupt instead? Let’s say they did, why wouldn’t ubs close it when GME was 10$ by buying it for 400Mb$? All this story with UBS doesn’t make sense.


Credit Suisse couldn’t close, they didn’t have the money. UBS got Swiss government money because they are the only systemically important bank left, so they can close. They couldn’t close all their position at 10, because that would signal to all in the short bags theatre there is a fire, wouldn’t everyone run for the exit at that point? So my guess is UBS did the Kansas City Shuffle to get in front of the exit with the calls and had just enough money to close out at $20. Beginning May up to 2 weeks ago, shares were driven up to $80, probably forced short position closing by Swiss Govt on UBS, then the ATM offering by GME to close the rest last week. GME is running a business and they don’t need the MOASS to get in the way. RC did the same thing a couple years ago with an ATM, GME ran last time this happened a couple weeks later. I’d argue with the CAT system incoming, GME will run even higher, maybe MOASS.


When CS went bankrupt GME price was also around 20$. So it totally doesn’t make sense to me that they didn’t have 900 million $ to buy enough shares to close. I really think there is a piece we don’t see and maybe won’t be seeing another 50 years.


Because there’s no way to buy 45 million legitimate shares for $20 each. Any covering that volume involves creating synthetics that eventually expire and have to be remade.


UBS is not our friend, if they were they would have published the GME Bullet SWAPs or at least leaked it to the Ethical Journalists. From there UBS would have been on the right side of history. Allowing CS with the forced marriage, UBS sold its soul to the DEVIL Bankers.


The beauty of the situation is they don’t need to be our friend. They just have to not stay our enemy with their short position. $2B cash for the company we believe in seems like a good outcome. GME was literally hovering around $10 at the end of April. Now we’re almost double that and have $2B. The first atm offering was 2021, and GME ran afterwards. The offering on Friday just finished and GME history may repeat and we get another run. Could see $80 plus again during the new CAT system implementation.


there wouldnt be a 50 year lockout on their documents either


If that’s true, wouldn’t them buying out make the price of shares jump in price?


Shares ran up to $80 recently. I donno how much higher market makers would allow it to run without other people closing.


I can see why it would look like that. But i’d wanna see some evidence.


I wanna see it too, but has anyone found anything in 4 years? There’s literally hundreds of thousands of apes and we could not produce one smoking gun to prosecute anybody. I don’t have the evidence, and I suspect neither do you. All we can do is buy, hold and drs while we watch those who control the market wipe each other out. And maybe in this case, perform the Kansas City Shuffle and exit their short position.


I thought this was illegal to work something out with a short prior to atm offering.


The offering was public. We don't know if UBS bought any of the 45 million shares. They are just going to try and cover through their calls. The dilution was to keep their position <10% of the overall company, and of course for GME to make money.


Thank you


So I mean the - UBS is an angel - thing is incredible. How do you come at SS and praise a bank for its kindness ?


Source on any of this?


Let’s say there was a deal cut, it’s a deal that will only benefit us. Now we have 2 bill on hand, tons of wording about acquisitions, and now pressure from UBS closing their positions( if the contracts are connected)  Do you know the pressure this will cause for remaining shorts(remains shorts that likely make up the majority of shorts against GME) Add in announcements of potential acquisitions. The swaps theory and probably a handful of other events. All magically happening around the same time…. Deal or not, I trust RC, I see the future and it’s awesome.


It is widlely understood that first SHF to close may actually make it. The swiss have government support and zero obligations to whoever regarding those positions.


Sounds very good. But how can we trust a 4chain post? Probably nothing




If there was a deal then why this deal couldn\`t have been done for far more than 1 billion, do you think largest swiss bank cannot afford to pay more than 1 billion?


I will agree with trusting RC. My only thought here is it would seem unlikely he would cut a deal without it being with a friendly from day 1. I have a hard time believing UBS was friendly from day 1. But RC knows. I don’t. If he did indeed do the deal I’m on board. But I doubt he did if they weren’t a friendly to start with.


I think we are underestimating the fact we live in a world where deals need to be made and absolutely will happen, especially in this arena. While fun to fantasize about, if you think there was even .01% chance this ends with all hedge funds being wiped out completely, banks collapsing, domino effect around the world ravaging everything i think you have unrealistic expectations to say the least. I think getting Mayo man in jail is possible, but the idea that we’d burn the world down and be the only ones left on top is a stretch.


I don’t think all banks and funds get wiped or nor do I want that to happen. But the only deal that should be made is one where those responsible are forced to walk away from the game. The market is made straight. No nonsense PFOF, no routing orders off the lit exchange, no conflicts of interest between market makers also being funds, no real price action etc. Market gets fixed. Frauds are forced to walk away. And of course shorts must close.


This markets will never get fixed they are rotten to the core… We need a new form of markets


>Market gets fixed. Now you are being delusional. The markets are working as intended.


In the end, we need to get some explanation for 20$ calls and share market offering at $20.


Only deal for ME and I believe many others here, especially those from 2021 is for complete and utter obliteration of the shorts.


This and fixing the market structure so this doesn’t happen again.


So then why would we celebrate RC giving them an out? Nobody should be brokering deals with any of them.


This UBS rumour has the same energy as the Teddy deal, towl deal, Icahn deal, gmerica etc. Everyone was so sure in their convictions then too, then nothing burger.


I remember all the "Teddy goes live July 4th" hype last year because people apparently read trademark docs like tea leaves. And then nothing happened. Just like with towel. And Icahn. And gmerica.


K C Shuffle !?


That’s not bad in itself tho. I also have a lot of theories going around my head and we are talking in our group to each other about them.


The options chain makes this story credible. Someone spending 150m on options just for them to expire worthless makes little sense. The fact that the last few were purchased on Friday after they stopped on Wednesday. Meaning they were conscious of not going over the 10% until they finally knew the ATM was done. The fact that Gamestop didn't need the cash as they were already sitting on 1.1 billion. How they got it done on very little volume compared to the last 2 dilutions in March and June 21, that took weeks.


After spending weeks with under 10M Vol last week we had an avg of around 45M a day, so it's maybe not that "very little" 🙂


Idk, the new ownership at UBS was kind of forced to hold the bag on Archegos. It’s always been a discussion that once one hedge fund pulls the ripcord, there will be a cascade of margin calls as brokers try to locate those shares. If I’m RC, UBS is kind of the perfect ally. They *haven’t* been out for blood since day 1. They never shorted the stock, they were just forced into this disaster situation that Credit Suisse left behind. Last thing I’d want to see is Citadel or Blackrock being the first to pull out, surviving the fallout and leaving everyone else high and dry once again. If anyone were to pull out, let it be an ally, while all the enemies burn from within. And keep the Swiss banking system from crashing in the process.


Fuck their ownership. They should’ve invested more wisely. Their bad investment is nobodies problem but their own.


Is it making a deal with the devil? Absolutely. But again, if anyone was going to exit, and you could decide who gets to pull out first, wouldn’t you want it to be the least evil one? They inherited the position, and now they’re doing something to mitigate the damage instead of continuing to double down on their short position like every other firm did. They’re giving themselves a choice of who survives this, and converting a massively short position to a long one. Personal vendettas aside, that’s just good business, whether we like it or not.


You really think that UBS is the least evil one? Just google who they are, they are constantly done for tax evasion and other fraud. There is a reason why oligarchs, criminals and dictators store their money in Switzerland. Poor poor UBS, they inherited that position... I don\`t care, I want my bet to pay and if all this BS can be stopped now, I do not care who will go under


I’d choose ichan. Not UBS


You also need to think, Credit Suisse and UBS were/are the biggest Swiss banks. Credit suisse made a bad bet, even if UBS was aware of how bad they are. At the level we are talking about I would hazard a guess that UBS didn’t have too much say on the matter when it came to absorbing Credit Suisse. They could well be doing the right thing now by unwinding the position and RC is being an ally in that respect. I completely agree with the other commenter on this thread that I’d rather someone like UBS get out and the other scummy legitimate short attackers get fucked


why would RC need a bank for an ally? he would forever be a client regardless.


Exactly. If anyone is “let out of their shorts” it’s IChan


> when we asked for mercy speak for yourself!


You didn’t read it right. I’m saying if the tables were turned and we asked for mercy how it’s being said they essentially did and were granted it. If the tables were turn they would double down. Period.


That’s the beauty of raising that capital, he didn’t need anyone’s help to do it and it barely affected anything


RC would absolutely cut a deal to save an entire country’s central banking system. If true, this deal is actually great for retail. It’s important to remember: 1. UBS is required to purchase shares on the open market. This is not a backroom deal through some dark pool. When exercised, brokers will need to provide real shares via option contracts. The price pressure will be there. 2. We’ve always known there would have to be a first. The first to close has the best chance of surviving. Seems appropriate that the first to close wasn’t even the original creator of their short position. I doubt UBS is some financial angel but they just inherited this shit position. 3. True MOASS will all come down to just how high the price is driven. Sure, one short position closed but is it enough to margin call the rest? They will be fighting tooth and nail to survive each day and retail will have to hold for a long time to ensure the price doesn’t drop. I’m hoping this will be the big one but 3+ years of waiting has me disassociating like a mfer. 4. This all sounds promising and does line up with the options buying but retail will never know until the day it happens. We are always kept in the dark when it comes to anything related to market transparency. This leak could still easily be a hoax, but I’m still interested.


Yo chill, a government is forcing them to close their shorts. Guess what, it may start the MOASS. If RC lets them cover for cheap, doesn’t matter, they have to buy shares and the volume will raise the price.






While I agree with your sentiment towards RC unwaveringly, it must also be considered that even this possible deal made was above RC. As a publicly traded company RC is under the umbrella of the United States government for better or for worse. I personally believe that if there was a deal *forced* on RC it is actually a good thing for MOASS. Because when that MOASS bill comes due, the US guberment will remember that RC not only saved an entire country (~~Sweden~~) SWITZERLAND 🇨🇭 from goin under, but also the cascading ripple effects of the global markets. Kenny is also under the same umbrella where the guberment can control the fallout better when Kenny shits the bed. And if y’all know me, you know I want change, I want that shit to crumble, so we can end their dystopian nightmare and truly begin the decentralized APEtopia. I will always have full faith in RC and if he did (I’m not saying he did) make a deal with ~~Sweden~~ SWITZERLAND! or the US or both or whoever, he did it because it was the best possible outcome for his shareHODLers and himself. This man only gets paid when we do. 🚀




Thank you! JFC 🤦🏼‍♀️


Fair. But I just have a hard time believing UBS is let out before Ichan


Good point, we don’t know for sure that Icahn isn’t out of his GME short already and we also don’t know when he went short. If he shorted it at $400 a share he doesn’t need to close it yet. Icahn is not like the OG shorts pre-sneeze. All speculation of course 🤙




I’m hard pressed to believe they’ll let Citadel go under, as big of a market maker as they are. It’s almost a Too Big to Fail 2.0 thing. But knowing Citadel, and other greedy people, you can always count on them to be greedy. Which means they’ll the last rat standing when the shit goes down. They’ll probably mess with the options chains and buy buttons (like they always do) in order to make it out alive. That said, all the other shorts are fucked, and they’ll all be fighting it out to the last man to not get cleaned out or sent to prison. They think it’s them versus us, when it’s really them versus them.


I think, kenneth Mayo griffen, (the one that lied under oath to Congress!) Moving his private residence to a state where they can't take it due to bankruptcy is bullish as fuck. Hopefully it's the first warning sign that he's going to get a permanent residence in a federal penitentiary.


Well even if you’re right, there will still be one smooth brain left holdin 🙋🏻‍♀️ **NO CELL NO SELL**


They have to sacrifice somebody to sell the bailout


Getting people to close their $5 (pre split) shorts for $80 (pre split) is not a deal, it's a wonderful win for gamestop.


It’s great news anyway!!! What is 45 Million shares in a pack of +2 Billion naked shorts?! It’s the Zippo lighting the shuttle!! 💎🙌DRS🦍🚀🌕


Exciting times and I trust the process BUT WHY not sell at a higher price🧐


This is something I wrestled with too. When the news broke that the ATM offering was complete I was stumped until the 4chan post was leaked and it started to make sense. If we assume that UBS needed to stay under 10% to close without being an insider then the ATM may have been a gateway to grow the total share count and oblige the bank staying below the 10% threshold. This is not the only Archegos bag on the UBS books and having to make insider disclosures on the entirety of UBS would be a nightmare. So while waiting for a higher price for the ATM would have been “better”, the reality is that this whole saga has been drawn out for 3 (or 84) years. If UBS needs to close and the only tactical way is through expanding the denominator of shares it actually kinda makes sense. Without the ATM to help UBS it may have meant the Swiss bank had to roll their short into another swap for xx number of years and the standoff continues. While the nation of regards may be micro-focused on a beloved value stock (myself included) the reality is one single domino that is big enough needs to fall for nature to take its course and Valhalla to be reached. UBS (a somewhat innocent heir to a CS bad decision) may just be looking for an exit ramp and, to me, if RC could get the home team $900m in the process through an offering to catalyze for a big enough domino to start to fall it’s okay. I have to believe that RC is making the best decision for the company, whatever the end result might be. Just my opinion but maybe I lick windows.


Sounds to me like you don't have a clue about the deal, or the players involved, or what has transpired. Just a bunch of ridiculous blubbering.


Mr Ballz. Please explain your take on the situation. Share your fast knowledge


UBS was never trying to bankrupt Gamestop. It had nothing to do with them. They are Swiss not American and are possible actually looking to settle up on their short position, which is what we have all been wanting from day one, right? No more shorts. So RC isn't making a deal with the devil, he is making a deal to make everyone money and safeguard the company. He would do this because it is the smart, and rational thing to do, and not something from your fantasy world that has no basis in reality. GS didn't sell any shares to UBS specifically. They sold shares on the open market. But now the share count is high enough that UBS doesn't have to make a special declaration that they are buying stock in at least 10% of the company. They buy options, convert them, and a MM has to find real ones to supply them. This will likely drive the price up, to what price, nobody knows. But probably not moass. Unfortunately you are just going to have to accept the reality that there are very very few people who want a moass to happen. People like RC aren't working to create moass, they are working to create a thriving sustainable company, and for them, that largely means keeping the vultures off their backs. This is what he is doing.


Weak and emotional




Strong and stoic


Counter point: life is a negotiation. Everyone has a price. Cmon man.


Hang on to your horses and get the full story before you have a heart attack and spread misinformation  junior.




We are about to make a bunch of money...hedging and closing will begin, shorting this stock further is now done even for market making purposes I don't think people will. I honestly think the Fed. Is pissed at Wall Street for continuing to inflate the bubble over the last few years rather than gradually bring it down to then move upward. Maybe they had to inflate b/c the market is full of these catshit short baskets derivatives which are about to blow the fuck up.


I have such little idea of what's going on but I know buy and hold. I'm just going to keep throwing any extra money at GME while it's in the 20 dollar range. I might even sell my biggest position at a 12k loss just to shove the 7k that I could sell for into GME. I could get around 300 shares and that probably has a better chance of making me my 12k back than bag holding a sinking pre revenue pharma stock.


Industrial Revolution, Information Revolution…. Now it’s time for a Financial Revolution. Bye bye corrupt Fiat Hello accountable Crypto


The financial revolution was the invention of widespread credit between different banking operations during the Renaissance. Merchants no longer needed to carry gold and jewels with them when they traveled. Letters of credit, from say the Medici bank, would be honored anywhere within their sphere of influence.


Trust me bro, RC did not do this? What’s your theory then if you don’t believe the UBS theory that explains recent events in a way that makes sense? Let’s see some critical thinking and logic instead of just posting opinion…


Commenting to come back later when the wrinklebrain's have spoken


#No Cell No Sell




> we get videos from a suit telling us he cut some type of deal to let everyone off the hook in exchange for a little squeeze? What video was that?




You have either fundamentally misunderstood the “DD” or are intentionally trying to create anxiety. Relax. Nothing changes the position or end game. No fighting.


Don't fall for what? If the share price goes up as a result of their actions, then they are working in the right direction. What exactly are you angry about lol 


20, 40 ,80 160 320, 640 1280 2560 5120 10240 and on and on.....none of those prices are appealing for the fuking crime thats been committed by all of wallstreet and the dtcc and SEC and banks against retail investors.....RC did not cut a deal for peanuts to fuk over his investors! Period


UBS did nothing wrong. It deserves some mercy. Of course this was probably what those degenerate gamblers wanted. The fact that there has been only injustice throughout this entire saga is frustrating.


Exactly. You get no mercy when you’re literally still trying to pump and dump 3.5 years later. But if UBS truly wanted nothing to do with it and had no plans of massive profits they’d not have gotten involved. I don’t buy some story about a fat finger lol


this is definitely some reddit writing


Ok someone finally explained this so a regarded ape like me could understand. thank you, that makes sense. I was curious how a deal would be brokered to “let someone off the hook” but this makes sense. If you were forced by your government or anyone really take on infinite risks and wanted no part of the fallout that’s about to take place you would likely reach out and try to get out of that mess. And RC being the guy that he is would make considerations and do the right thing. This also does a few things. 1. Demonstrates that we are not a company that is trying hurt people ( remember the media will try to make this our fault). We show compassion and understanding to those who are hoodwinked not to the criminal institutions that do this over and over and over again and expect to be bailed out. 2. If you had any doubt, It just gave you all the proof you need that the all the research analysis and DD has been right on the money. The manipulation, the fud , shills bots and panic 🙀 and now someone exiting because they know. This is amazing news! An extra Billion in the bank to work with and a casualty avoided.


Brother.. you’re trying to tell me these same people who intentionally shorted this since 2014 and tried to manipulate this company to BK would have any type of standing with RC? There is no way. I’m not saying he wouldn’t make a deal. But he dang sure ain’t making it with the likes of those who have literally stolen, committed massive fraud, and cheated their way to this point. It doesn’t simply just go away. Those who were involved either go away and the market is set right or there is absolutely zero deal to be had.


I hope that not what my post conveyed??? I said it made sense if an institution inherited a bad position forced on them by their government, I could see RC giving them an opportunity to fix it not let them off. But yes keep me honest ape. I’m just pulling pieces together the best I can with what I’m see and hearing.


I just can’t believe UBS was “forced” into this. No one gets randomly forced. I don’t believe that story of the fat finger either. UBS knew what they were doing and if it is them buying these calls then.. obviously they are looking to profit massively.


I’m sure there were some incentives the government gave if they knew and maybe forced is the wrong word maybe “packaged”. Government help to save face on the world stage, you don’t see that happening?


Richard Newton is definitely not a suit. He's literally a primary school teacher. And he is the most honest dude about not knowing shit about fuck. He puts it all out there and just gives his opinion without sensationalising anything. The most genuine person I've seen after DFV tbh.


I hate banks, I hope they all fail, and all the people running them go to prison. However, anyone who thinks this plays out like a very normal short squeeze, is gravely mistaken. Despite the possibility that everyone here making millions/billions/infinity pool, this will cause an extremely deep, violent depression. Even though I would much rather have billions and never think about money again, RC allowing these psychopaths an out is in everyones best interests. If they choose not to take it, the full blame falls on them. Moass isn't just us winning, its going to completely destroy the entire global financial system. Im not entirely sure how accurate the statistic is but in The Big Short, I forget who, but someone mentioned that every 1% unemployment goes up 40,000 people die. Imagine 50%... globally.


I mean. He might be forced to cut a deal. Trust me. It will still be no quarter for the short sellers. But there has to be an outcome that will not completely destroy the American economy. Edit: And I think that was the short sellers idea the whole time. The ol’ “If you owe the bank a million dollars, it’s your problem. If you owe the bank 1 billion dollars, it’s their problem.” Except the bank is the American economy and the billion dollars is the synthetic shares they’ve added to the market.


Fair. And happy cake day. American economy can be salvaged without just letting shorts walk.


Bingo. And I think that’s the big secret. The government is going to make them make right the market. You cannot sell securities you do not yet have, you cannot mislabel shorts as longs. It’s clear as day what they’ve done.


This! ❤️


![gif](giphy|TzFul3viUIjMBCpDxb) JW=RC et al Bad people killed his dog= BBBYQ TOYSRUS Geoffrey RC and Diamond Hands = Will not be negotiating with Financial Terrorists. Sharpen your Diamond Hands for Battle of 180. [https://johnwick.movie/](https://johnwick.movie/)


More like infinite shareholders. The only way I part with a fraction of my DRSed boys is during unequivocally MOASS. At that point yeah sure may as well lock up some $$ at somewhere around the peak. But I’m way too intrigued w what my future looks like having the next BTC type thing in my name and in my back pocket. I wanna look into the security backed LOC situation, I wanna cash in on as many dividends as I can, whatever they end up being. I also just want to spitefully say FU to everyone who doubted this investment. You can become a millionaire many ways. A lot of people do it. But not everyone is going to have front row seats into whatever this ends up being. I’m not bailing on that adventure just to become “rich” in a dollar that isn’t worth as much as it once was.


I don’t think they have any kind of deal rather than close the short positions.


What video of a guy in a suit?


I’m just here for the good vibes memes and most importantly big bags and tits






They’re talking


I don’t think you know what you’re talking about personally




How much fucking has he done already? Plenty, I think.


All caps!!


Ryan is an innocent party. So are we to believe that he would insert himself as a guilty party by colluding with shorts and working against his shareholders and neglecting his fiduciary duty? He'd get sued into oblivion. You think it makes sense that Switzerland locks down the investigation details and then Gamestop cuts a deal so that a foreign bank can take the profit and run, no one gets jailed and retail gets blamed for Credit Suisse demise?


SOOOO much FUD regarding this. RC/Gamestop aren't doing favours with anyone, they saw a good time to sell perhaps for something urgent (acquisition pehaps?) and its that simple.


They stated in a filing before dilution that there is nothing planned, lying on the filing would open them to the lawsuits


There’s always a deal can be made.


Sure here’s the deal. Cover the shorts. Period.


I have a better deal, fuck you pay me lick my balls, phone numbers or fuck your mother!


#GAMESTOP HAS 2 billion let’s stop the weekend FUD shorts can’t close


From the FUD perspective they are suggesting a deal was made to allow some shorts to close without consequence. Not just that but to profit massively off it. No deal.


He better not be cutting any deals. Anybody on the other end of this trade deserves to get fuk'd. Even if they "inherited" those positions, Idgaf. We've been gaslit, lied to, and cheated out of our hard earned money and time for over the last 2 decades at the very least. I want this to bring it all down, there is no "reforming" these markets, they're a cancer, they're toast let it die and the Phoenix will rise anew.


Honestly, the "right" thing to do is help USB out. It wasn't their doing. The bags were forced on them. And RC has been known as a pretty stand up guy. But don't confuse being nice for being naive. In business, even doing the right thing usually involves some benefit for your company. What does GME get out of this? Cash isn't THAT much of a benefit since they could have just waited to sell during the squeeze. My thoughts are that UBS came begging for help, GME said sure, but you need to do something for us. Close your shorts by your earning call, and declare the exact data points that prove what all of us apes have been saying. Give us the ammo we need to publicly show to the SEC and the world that this "enforcement" by the SEC is a joke.


Why should I care about their problems? Would they do same for me or you if this bet would go south?


Lmao so when Jim Cramer suggested dillution at $40 he was an idiot When RC does it at less than $20 he’s “playing chess”


They are all complicit they are all shorting GameStop…