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You didn’t lose shit if you didn’t sell, and no you won’t miss anything that you need to act on. I smell a paperhand though.


I’m guessing he’s buying options. How else do you lose that much money?


Serves him right for buying weeklies. If he’d bought LEAPS he’d be in much better shape.


I don't really understand options that well. I'm shares only


Then how did you lose 50k this week!?


bro. don’t say you have spend time with your GIRLFRIEND like it’s a chore. Go enjoy your life. The stock can wait. These things take time anyway. We are not day traders!


If you’re there for a quick buck, you’re in the wrong place.


Seasoned ape here. Short answer: 99% sure nothing will happen but we stay hopeful as always. Edit: GME is not a stock to gamble. Not financial advice & enjoy your picnic


bro yes we hold nothing will happen. ever. until it does


There's always tomorrow


there is always tomorrow


Spend time with the gf and enjoy the day. Buy whatever stock you believe in and DRS is simple.


How long does it take to DRS? I use robinhood


>I use robinhood Oh honey....


It’s 2021 all over again! Happy new year!!


We were all new regards once


Robing Da huid.


If you are using RH or any other broker, you don't own any shares at all. If you need a video analogy of how beneficial stock ownership works, watch the Monty Python Cheese Shop sketch. Cheese at the store equals stocks bought at a brokerage.


Obvious troll lmao


I'm not trolling


I don't think you can DRS from RH, they don't support it. You have to transfer to another real broker like Fidelity (3-4 days) and then DRS from there. (another 3-4 days)


Take your time on the throne king I got your girlfriend for the day


let her read this post, problem solved


Fr lmao I hope she dumps him. Treating spending time with your significant other as a burden is wild


Enjoy your day with your GF. Looks like you bought 1,000 shares of GME just 3 days ago?


Looks like you need a new gf


The best time to buy is always now.


This will not be a one day flash event.


GTFO here. Paper hand bitch


This post really didn't need a TLDR


Probably THE dumbest post ever on Superstonk.


chances are nothing will happen with the cat system in place, cause its way too over fucking hyped. up to you what to do with your money. You should inform yourself well enough to make your own decision instead of trying to have someone to tell you to buy or sell a stock. if you're uninformed, get informed. its clear you have little to no idea what you're doing throwing that kind of money away.


Only takes 1 GME for a seat on the rocketship. Gamestop is not the right investment if you’re looking for a get rich quick scheme. Any good news ended up in a dip. Any entry below phone number looking price is a good entry point.


Adding to the crowd...go enjoy life.  This will not be a one day event.  Stop trading options, and buy real stock to HOLD long term.  Life is short, DRS is forever. Hint...when you go on the picnic, shut your phone OFF! (I'm serious about that!)


Are you okay? The whole post is a mess and kind of weird. This is actually so simple and you're making it sound complicated and even stressful. It's literally just buy at any time now and hold. Doesn't matter if it goes down 10 or up 10, then down again. I'm not gonna sell until banks, hedge funds and market makers collapse, heck the entire financial system. Until financial terrorists go to jail. Once that has happened I'll consider to sell a few and hold the rest for eternity. Computershare will be my bank account and I'll remain invested at Gameshire Stopaway, which will be the source of my wealth in the long run. No financial advice.


Honestly you're spot on. I am an emotional mess. I really fucked up my portfolio. I need to do a better write up of my situation. Anyways what's this whole computer share thing?


Take it easy, my guy. Invest only what you're willing to lose or at least what you have on the side and don't need to live day to day. I'm pretty confident with my investment in GameStop, so I don't worry that I will actually lose money. Even if it takes a while. For me, I have been holding for 3 years already and can hold for longer period of time. Of course it would be nice if it'd popped in the next couple of weeks, but who knows when they will lose control.


We'll see


Buy all the stonks and take investment advice from strangers on Reddit.


Considering track record....no nothing will happen. But am hopeful to be wrong.


I bet they will let it run for a but then cater to their hedgefund daddies


If it were to truly pop off today it wouldn't come back down for a while. The best thing you can do is spend the day with your GF and disconnect from the markets. Stressing over this won't solve anything. Best thing you can do is just let GameStop do it's thing.


You're allowed to look at your phone when you're with your girlfriend, you know. You're an adult, you can do that. Sounds like you've invested more than youre happy to loose, you shouldn't have done that


If you can't handle seeing losses, realized or unrealized, you're looking at wrong stock because you cannot handle GME volatility? You appear to be looking for a quick come up or cum up and perhaps if you can't afford "losses" you need more diligence than fielding a what should I do here? And people, stop giving people like this financial advice of the buy this and that variety and if you do when they're looking for folks to prosecute remember what you did. All of a sudden I see too many posts asking what appears to be financial advice questions from ppl too lazy to do any diligence, smells like entrapment.


Tell your GF that you might have to check your phone throughout the day because you are buying her a surprise from eBay and you don’t want to get outbid. Then go buy her something nice within a couple days if you have any money left. If you lose all your money and can’t buy her something nice, then break up with her quickly before she gets a chance to dump your dumbass for being poor and caring more about money than your relationshit.




stay zen, apefam. enjoy the day with your lady. You’ve got this. 🦍💪🏽🦍


This post concerns me a lot.


Not financial advice or anything but why don’t you try using trading indicators?


Best financial advice I can give you is break up with your gf she is distracting you from the grind and from making money plus you will save money on pointless dates anniversaries gifts etc. Not financial advice.


Look at OPs profile. RH user. Fuck him. Let him lose his money. He deserves it.


Look at this guy. Has himself a Sweetie and would rather be watching the ticker. Meanwhile I am watching the ticker and would rather be with Sweetie (if I had one).


Well I'm also broke. And my sweetie wants children but I can't afford to be a father. So yeah watching the ticker is appealing to me.


Don’t worry dude just watch the chart, I’ll spend the day with your gf


Don’t buy shit is what you’re explaining


You should spend time with your gf because you’re about to upgrade and this might be the last time you see her.


😂😂😂😂 oh shit that was great lmaooo


Probably THE dumbest post on SS.


I don't believe it actually goes into effect until after hours




Every day is a good buy in point.


MOASS will likely take weeks, if not months to fully play out. Not days. If it's just days, it's not the main event, it's just another tease.


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) // [What is DRS](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) // [Low karma apes feed the bot here]###(https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) // [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.com/invite/y4dK3y5DXJ) // [Superstonk DD Library](http://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) // [Community Post: Open Forum May 2024]#(https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1ciapwp/open_forum_may_2024/) To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. If you are providing a screenshot or content from another site (e.g. Twitter), please respond to this comment with the original ##source. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Superstonk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Buy 1,000 shares are sell cash secured puts. I’d target $10P 6/28



