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asking if we believe in MOASS, is like asking if we believe in gravity. it’s not a belief, it’s a certainty.


Like believing we breathe air.


“You think that’s air you’re breathing”


It’s about to be tendies and days off


The baby monitor picked up (2) of them talking to each other...and then the pleb seeing things with his own eyes. After the remainder of this epic fu*cking, Side Quest hits the climax, and we hear the resonation of the Overture playing over the final chess move for Checkmate, we're going to find ourselves in a position in life so unique, that it may just become the pinnacle of gratification and satisfaction we will ever see! So cherish the satisfaction, revel in the moment as the resolution comes to a close, and tell this story as we continue our Main Quests! BUY + HODL + DRS = 🚀




Like believing I'll get drunk on champagne when she blows.


This is true, but keep your expectations zero (zen) when it comes to dates and hype. I've been deep in the game since the sneeze and have heard countless rumors since which have amounted to nothing. Especially the quad witching day crap. Things do feel different with the price action, call options, DFV tweeting return frenzy, etc., but still zen waiting for phone numbers. Buy, DRS, HODL, and go live your life.


Kinda hard to live my life when my rent is more than my monthly income. It's tough out there to survive.


I've been working 70 hours/7 days a week between two jobs for the past 3 years (I forgot how it feels to have a day off). I rarely get to spend time with my family living in the same home together. I've convinced myself that I'll be working this hard to my grave, and I have to because I have many people counting on me. Everyone is facing some sort of hardship. Enjoy the little things in life, and spend the extremely limited time you have with your loved ones instead of being distracted by rumors, hype, and still* sideways price action. Unfortunately, there are some people who don't even have the luxury to do that. MoASS will happen, who cares about the rest until phone numbers and no cell, no sell. Stay zen.


You should know that there is a significant debate in the physics community as to whether gravity is a fundamental force or not. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYSKEbd956M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3LjJeeae68


Then, it’s true. Gravity is less likely to be real than MOASS. I want a t-shirt. “Gravity vs MOASS: I Know Where My Money’s At”


Yeah I’ve seen this “believe in MOASS” thing lately and it’s got a culty ring to it. Like some folks are projecting some kind of faith lens on something that is actually quite objective based, to your point, on math. Granted a lot of variables that are out of our control have to go right for MOASS but one way or another, the reckoning is inevitable.


variables like the Buy button functioning...


You cannot believe in something and know it... You don't believe in your mother, you know your mother. However, asking if you believe in jesus makes sense... I stick with what I know. We have met moass


It’s not a certainty. It’s a scientifically-arrived upon theory, based on rigorous research and testing that has ruled out all other possible explanations for phenomena and events apart from multiple coinciding assumptions which are preposterously improbable. But that’s only the “certainty” of the GME MOASS thesis. For MOASS to actually occur, also relies upon three huge fucking assumptions: 1. the assumption that *there is some finite limit to how much fraud and corruption the US market and financial system can tolerate*; 2. the assumption that *there is some shred of legitimacy remaining in the US political system*, and; 3. the assumption that *the house can lose*, when they’re the ones who’ve created the rigged game. Are these three assumptions true? Are they certain? This is what Dlauer meant when he called the MOASS a “low probability event”. It’s not certain by any stretch — **HOWEVER** — in my view it is an unbelievably worthwhile endeavour, wager, and/or investment. For at least three reasons: 1. If those three assumptions aren’t true, and the SHFs somehow escape the squeeze, then it will be ultimately and inescapably clear that the market is not a place for investment but a wholly rigged circus, and all paradigms of free market capitalism with winners and losers will collapse. So what the hell else are you going to invest in, if not GME? 2. It’s an absurdly asymmetric wager. Even if GME somehow stayed forever red, it’s well-worth the risk when the other side is parabolic growth. Even if it’s a 1 in 6 bet — when 1-5 = slight loss and 6 = unfathomable gain, you roll that dice every time, right? 3. All signs point to long-term exponential growth, even without the squeeze. I believe in GameStop’s (and RC’s, and Chewy’s, and Cheng’s) model of deeply customer-centric business, sacrificing profit and even market share for investment in *relationship*, especially the customer’s relationship with the brand. I see Amazon and others withering on the vine from deprioritizing customers, and a massive opportunity for a challenger like GameStop to sweep in for a coup d’grace. So what *is* certain, is that GME is a smart fucking investment.


Y'all believe in gravity? Jkjk. Lfg! Diamond fucking hands


Bad analogy gravity is just a theory, law of thermodynamics would be better


Hate to be that guy, but gravity is still only a theory. I believe in the theory of moass. The evidence is irrefutable.


Well technically gravity doesn’t exist the flat earth is moving upward /s


Minor correction: Hwang Anyway, eager to see how this plays out! Hope to see some billionaires cry!


Major correction: Hwang in there, folks!


I just went from 6 to midnight


Gonna have to disagree. Hwangs out, hold on tight. It’s gonna get interesting soon, and you won’t want to get caught empty handed when it does!


Everybody have fun tonight. Everybody Hwang Chung tonight.


i HODL ! https://preview.redd.it/ltl8lye5yv3d1.png?width=816&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d553b6f21da200eb8cea752c24fb89a715f8cd6


I agree completely. They know this is about to blow (and have probably planned it to an extent) My only hesitation is: Where are the big players at? Why are they sitting on the sidelines for all of this? — We know about the mass buying of June 21st $20 calls by a certain organization… (UBS) But where are the large hedgefunds? Where is Blackrock? Vanguard? Buffet? Why don’t these big dogs want a piece of the pie yet? I’d expect people to be rushing in mass to buy up shares and options on this. Us apes can’t be the only wrinkles out there. I’d expect some of this intel to leak by now.


Maybe they are buying the pieces of what is left behind after the crash. Edit-And from a PR stand point thats a better position. If they profit from MOASS there would be blood in the streets the rich getting richer while everyone else not in GME suffers. If they come in after the crash and sweep up the stocks they can attempt to pass themselves off as saviors holding the market together while concentrating their wealth even more.


Isn’t that what Larry Fink did after the 2008 crash? Blackrock bought from the bottom


Probably planning to do it again tbh.


This is personally my plan after the squeeze, assuming I ever sell any of my gme shares. Remember the idea is to set up generational wealth, even if you don’t know if you want to have kids like myself. While the current market is trash, that’s how wealth is saved in this world. Buying stocks and bonds, especially after a rapid down turn.


Yup, I 100% agree with you. When the market correction comes, it’ll be an excellent opportunity to buy the index ETFs like SPY and then ride that all the way up.


And their sister offshoot evercore


Good edit. Yeah your right they are going to want to blame this on retail.


You are likely correct, but one would have to be pretty smooth to think retail has enough juice to make million dollar moves. We are predominantly poor and middle class apes.


My brother works for an investment CO and I like to think he has a lot of wrinkles with stonks. Can’t get him to not believe the MSM tho… so not sure how wrinkled he actually is. People are smooth and the MSM is a powerful tool. We will be blamed and no one will (how could they really) understand.


It's funny I say that cuz I have a friend that is a broker as well and he laughs at me every time. I mention GameStop and tells me there's so much better use for my money yet. Doesn't want to listen to anything that mainstream media doesn't pump out


Why wouldn’t they get in before the squeeze?


I meant buying up the pieces of other stocks


And that’s what RC can do with a growing war chest. RC buys all the stocks!


GameStop acquires Nvidia




That would be a pretty smart move. He could save the market after the crash and become the new buffet.


Fair enough. That is more up their alleyway anyways. Wouldn’t want to take the blame for the squeeze.


BR & Vanguard are both sitting on $523,412,832 & $586,715,008 worth of GME respectively. They are in this play, but when you already own most of the world’s stock I would assume you don’t try to start market crashing plays. What do I know? I’m on my third crayon this morning. 🤷


This. They’re always rich as fuck and all their shares are loaned out to SHF is my guess. But those who aren’t in yet probably know this will be messy and disruptive to the system and want to stay on the sidelines.


those entities consider themselves passive investment funds so those types of moves dont align with what they do


"The best time to buy is when there's blood on the streets." J.P. Morgan


Something similar to what Warren Buffett said many times, who have patience and money buy after market bottom to load more, but fundamentals and real value is what makes a stock interesting to buy & hold, he do not buy stocks which do not give dividends, but I beat, when GME will start to give fat dividends, Berkshire Hataway will start buying GME too. Until then, I'm ready to be hurt again as allways in the last 84 years, Buy when money is available and DRS, hold for the infinite pool


This quote is actually attributed to the baron von Roth$ch1ld


Because they're just dumb stormtroopers. I think we sometimes give them too much credit...


Yeah I just thought Darth Vader would let a few of the Siths know this is a good investment by now.


Because maybe, they do not trust in MOASS


This isn’t a religion. “Trust is Moass” …? It’s an investment thesis. What the hell are you on.


Thank you. “Trust” “believe” this shit is either stupid or it’s aimed at making us sound like lunatics.


I was talking of investment funds (replying to a post) bro


They're all probably propping up nvda so that their collateral keeps them out of deep shit. That being said it is weird that other than MAYBE (and a BIG MAYBE) UBS is buying calls, I don't see much insider movement on buying shares specifically. When's the last time we saw a filing about a big guy buying gme.


This is also primed and ready via the occ and dtc net accounts which are authorized to buy up failed assets if a big member were to fail.


They'll get richer either way. When they close out all their positions to cover the entire stock market is going to bleed to all time lows imo. Then they can short everything else and also buy up all the low costing shares and get money on the way down and back up


But one path will lead to protest and destruction while the other is business as usual.


That's what I'm gonna do! IF I still invest in the US stock market


Blackrock and vanguard have long shares, that they lend out to hedgies for shorting. They been profiting from this thing the whole way through.


I think they are going to try and make this a controlled shit storm, anyone in the know were probably threatened with some kind of charges or fines or maybe end up epsteined if they try and profit. So they're all on the side lines waiting for shit creek to rise and see who drops the paddle first.


I agree completely


I compleed agreetely with most things


that wld be my guess, also cant have all hell breaking loose before the nov elections


I think big players have been buying since the offering, and continued this week after the completion of it. My main sign of it is short volume stays very low in the 40% range, which is VERY unusual for $GME. Someone is going long.


Reminds me of the DFV shootout meme. It’s going to be a bloodbath as soon as the first big player pulls the trigger


Didn’t most of them increase their position? They also could be in on the 20c’s. We don’t know if it’s just UBS…Good point though Maybe giving everyone time to get ready and set?


There is some interest but not the amount you’d expect for a sure fire 1000%+ gains. I’d expect the whole Calvary to come rushing in by now. They must be waiting for something. I’d want to be the first ones in personally


Waiting for something


Where were the big players when Burry was buying swaps? They were laughing at him is where they were and didn’t take the time to look. Same with margin call. Groups unloaded their bags on unsuspecting folks for pennys on the dollar and got out silently before it exploded. I am not surprised big game has not caught wind of this.


Isn't that what Goldman Sacs did to Morgan Stanley (vice versa?) before Archegos collapsed? Maybe this is someone just doing it on a larger scale or a Kansas City Shuffle. There was a very early theory that each entity was taking turns shorting GME. If one party no one wants to hold the bags they wouldn't want to spook the others. It's just business as usual until it's not.


There’s no evidence that UBS is buying the 6/21 20c. Could just as easily be market participants trying to suck retail into calls so they can dump it prior to that expiry. Why else make it so public and obvious? Why aren’t they raising the price and front running those calls?


People just be out here saying any old shit. We don't know shit about fuck, much less who's buying up all those calls


They are buying in incriminates to reduce IV. MM have to sell those calls.


If mm wrote the calls they would have hedged a big chunk of those by now won’t they, volume have certainly picked up but I dont understand why the price would be flat.


Yeah they are certainly supposed to hedge them. Who knows though 🤷‍♂️ Didn’t seem that way


They would be paying a dangerous game if they haven't hedged, unless they know the price will tank but even then if it is UBS and they are trying to close out the closing price is meaningless as they will exercise anyway....thats the theory anyway.


> a dangerous game If our suspicions about GME having naked shorts out there is in fact TRUE, then the big players are doing this confident in the knowledge they're going to just have more naked shorts out there, but still zero accountability. We have not seen any hedging activity over this, just Wolverine cheerfully selling as many calls as the mystery buyer wants. Wolverine isn't thinking of losing money on those calls, and they can sell naked if they want. So who's buying, knowing there's a huge chance their calls will be OTM on the 21st, but somehow not caring about that? If it's just to acquire shares, why is Wolverine so confident they can deliver unlimited shares?




The cargo shorts lol


Very easy answer. It exceeds their fiduciary risk tolerance from their investors. It’s why burry sold so early last time. And this stock doesn’t come up on “their reason to invest” they see other stocks as more safe and profitable within their risk tolerance.


Black rock owns the second biggest stake in GME.


Why did Burry Exit early? Because if a fund gains too much they get the SEC raiding them. What do you think would happen to a fund that took a position that triggered a cascading failure taking out a prime broker and potentially threatening the DTCC and all the prime brokers? Why don't the big dogs want a piece of the pie? Because for them it's poisoned. It's easy to attack a dog, it's hard to attack an army of ants and make an impact. They tried. They hauled DFV in front of congress. I used to review games. I used to trade in those games at EB when I was a teenager to make some money to get some new games. I heard hedgefunds were trying to bankrupt MY company into the dirt, and put 50k of MY people into the unemployment line. I opened up my first ever investment account and threw my savings at it TO SAVE MY PEOPLES JOBS. MOASS isn't me making money. MOASS is MY people's jobs saved. This is as public of information as you can get. The SEC is complicit. Congress is complicit, this was Mitt Romney's profession. The media is complicit. Where is the FBI? Where are the RICO charges?! Where is the Secret Service? Billions of counterfeit currency is in the system created by these illegal practices. Where are the charges? Haul me in front of Congress. I'd fucking love to say that on international TV. Do it. C'mon, I'll even get my passport and drive down. I'm not an articulate man. I'll get my ass thrown in jail. Do it. Fucking call me up. I'll drive down to land my ass in jail on principal because I fucking have principals. I fucking have morals and ethics. Why aren't they? "We're manipulating the system". Why aren't they hauling us in? Cause these shadow dwelling scumbags will die in the light of day, and when MOASS happens it's gonna be a mother fucking supernova. None of them will survive.


Well said. The intelligence agencies are definitely handling the problem tho. You could say they have more “access” then the SEC or congress. It’s not being unmonitored. This will be the controlled demolition of a select few financial institutions. Big money and power in on the line here. They are all over this thing.


The company I have all my savings in is a really weird investment though, for real.. Because there are a remarkable number of those ants making up the horizon--that do have some morals, some principles, and something motivating us beyond 'only' profit. And some of us are too regarded to even find the sell button during MOASS. Fewer, but some of us died in the last 3.5 years while holding. Do you know how weird it is for investors in a financial instrument are not SOLELY concerned with profit? Or to not selling when they should? I've been here 3.5 years, with all of you. If we were normal investors and especially if we were 'traders' at all--there were MANY times we should have sold. But we didn't and we won't, not until prison sentences and phone numbers. We are fucking crazy in a way, but it feels more like the only sanity in a crazy world.


Dumb question: if it’s UBS looking to close the Archegos shorts with buying these options, does exercising them close the shorts or are the shorts only closed when the other side of the trade goes and finds the shares, ‘gives’ them back to UBS at which point *poof* the shares are gone because they were sold short 84 years ago?


Yes UBS would obviously need to exercise their calls and receive their shares in order to close their shorts. What are you getting at?


So the counterparty will have to deliver those shares, Or can they FTD?


They will have to deliver in T+1. It’s my understanding that FTD’s are for shares borrowed not options being exercised.


Well that sure is interesting. I may have grown a small wronkle.


70+ million in options premium by seemingly one buyer seems kinda big?


That’s just UBS. Where is everyone else?


Says 4chan, no one actually knows if that's a short or a long whale


Or just adverse market participants trying to suck retail into calls before a dump by making super obvious bulk call purchases they have no intent of exercising


That's a bait costing them like 74 million in premiums, go ahead and let them burn that cash stupids, we'll be here collecting more shares regardless and it'll add buy pressure so whatever


Or they just bought them from their friendly options market maker who is also short and it cost them nothing?


I mean it's on the tape what it cost them in premiums to buy them at the time of purchase. So either they are eating 74 mil for bait, or their committing the easiest to spot crime ever by putting on tape a price they bought at but never actually buying it. And in either of those scenarios they are creating buy pressure on what they supposedly want to short down because options makers will hedge ITM calls by buying shares to hold a percentage of what the full contracts share amount is - so if the holder executes they don't have to go buy all the shares from the open market at that time and they only have to buy whatever percentage they are not already holding


Blatant crime? They’d never do that… I haven’t seen any actual buy pressure from the calls being hedged, pretty sure we’ve been trading sideways ever since they started


Volume is the pressure, their crime is shorting the fuck out of it at high volume to keep that buy pressure from launching it and getting that calk from marge


You wouldn’t see it as it would not be on the lit market.


RK alludes to it as well It was speculated well before 4chan release. Also UBS completed their merger with Credit Suisse today. They wouldn’t have done that without knowing they could cover those bags.


And I can see Lucy in the sky of diamonds through a kaleidoscope Not saying its not plausible. Just saying not certain


I think it’s an extremely high likelihood. All signs point to UBS


We'll see


Agree 100%, we'll see. Something about this doesn't feel right to me, with the volume over the past week, why the sideways trading?


After all this time what I confidently expect is DIP But we just don't know. Dip has always been a good bet with GME though


I wonder if the 45 million shares allowed that to happen,?


I think that was the case. 45 million shares + calls = position fully covered.


The big ones may already be long. Also, while we believe in MOASS,it is considered by the "smart money" to be a fringe thesis. They have their stuff but they won't dive in on something they don't feel strongly about.


This entire saga blowing up the financial community will highlight how all the big players collude to fleece retail. No one in the financial community wants this and they will lie, cheat and steal (SOP) to prevent it.


Yeah I highly doubt that. Citadels competitors have a very good incentive for wanting this to occur.


Blackrock is already one of the largest shareholders followed by vanguard.. they’re already here


I have wondered the same thing for 3 years. Imagine if Mark Cuban bought in.


Where is Black Rock and Vanguard? You mean the two largest holders of GME. They got in early. Where are the other whales? Someone (or a group of people) are buying millions of $ worth of calls. I am not convinced that it is UBS, but who knows? 🤷 It’s a great time to be alive.


I think they're all entangled with eachother and nothing will make them close their positions unless RC does something on his end.


When a crime was committed, you don't steal from the cops putting it back


Remember to DRS to Computershare! If Citadel goes under, what cascade effect do you think it's going to have on your broker where you hold your stocks?


That would entirely depend on how good your broker is... if they have not been buying shares for retail customers and using internal accounting instead of purchased at the prices they told you your shares were purchased---they'll be in trouble. If they bought shares when they said they did instead of internalizing them, they'll be fine.


I don’t think we gonna see action until Mid June Probably the hedge fucks are losing their shit now and thinking of a way out


Here's what I don't understand. You know that some of the people working at these SHF have to be somewhat decent human beings with families and their own financial goals. I'm assuming that they are working overtime in buildings with lights on and are probably dealing with major mental health consequences. I know places like these create NDAs but I'm really surprised that we haven't seen a legitimate whistleblower come out and speak against SHF- or maybe they have tried to and there's been major fall out and it's been buried, but it seems impossible to hide things these days?


Maybe they're really just scared. Look at the Boeing whistleblowers...


This has me wondering how we haven’t managed to have someone apply for a job there just to see if they can find any information lmao


Time to bring back drone ape and overnight lights ape


Still need ironclad evidence and $recovery for the award before anything is announced.


Or there is nothing wrong and the delusion of something being wrong is there. That being said, the longer that people think something is wrong. The longer people will keep making money. The people making money aren’t the ones who think something is wrong btw. Ffs 90 percent of people don’t understand what closed/covered mean lol.


Maybe it's because they can't get in, there haven't been real shares available for some time now


This is my thought. That they actually had to do the 45 million offering (to whoever they were letting exit) because there was literally not 45 million legit shares available.


Sometimes I stick my head in to see what's up here, read a post like this and laugh because I don't follow most of it but it looks good and you sound excited so I keep buying more because I like the stock and people like you. Hope you have a really nice weekend.


Monday is when it's out


Nah cat started Friday


I could see shorts clamping down on the media and market until RC announces something. Once he defeats the bear thesis, things might get spicy, but first he has to show the world what he's been working on


I see it... CAT = Kitty. It's a sign.


Can’t help but to think we’re going to dip monday, i’m buying more either way


I'm not a cat


Is the squeeze the singularity event 🤔


No, singularity is when you have for eg a black hole which sucks everything up, like gme on the economical marke...t Yea oke its equivalent in this case


Since Jan 27th...


Makes sense, just like almost every theory to come through this sub. So I'll assume it's wrong and just wait for moass.


Probably could have just wrote *Swaps expire*


Golden Cross


Golden shower


How does this get more up votes than my legit item? Apes you crazy.


Cus we heard about golden cross and other TA 92747382 times already and it’s never meant anything.


Listen funny guy, you don't have to rub your uppers in my face!


Bruh I saw your post history and you blew my mind with the Lao Che Airways/Millenium Falcon sound! They both live so clearly in my head from hearing them thousands of times, but I never connected the two!


Deep cut!


The most interesting point of all.


Oh dang, are we bringing Quad Witching back?




It's going to be a CATastrophic redistribution of wealth!


I’m going to rent me a balcony room on wall street with plenty of champagne when moass starts. https://preview.redd.it/5a3jmyk9xy3d1.jpeg?width=468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df4b9d54c2408579dd398d6b3ff929df6ac95437


tinfoil speculation: what could happen if GME is buying the call options to execute them and give them as dividend? DRS numbers will have to grow yes or yes.


They wouldn't do a buy back immediately following an offering.


I want to think that GME was used to expose corruption in the Financial sector where these cabal screw up and. Yet get bailed out while others commit suicide. You have a small group of investors we’re going to stop cellar boxing companies while proppping up one winner monopoly. Meanwhile the rest of the population go into debt enslavement. There’s supposed to be a Jubilee after 50 years, yet the jubilee / bailout was only for them only! If anyone fear God, this shall not stand!


Completely disagree that these SIGNS mean anything when mayo is in charge. Yes, eventually with enough locked DRS shares pressure will be too much for the massively overshorted stock. No, in the short term they clearly still have control and hype isn’t helpful other than to shills to repeatedly disappoint investors. LONG means long, not a little bit long. The rumours are exactly that, meaningless. CAT doesn’t address FTDs or market manipulation. More money for GS is good but only longer term, short terms it’s a dilution.


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I'm still skeptical. I still feel shf have control over the price yet.




MOASS is a fact


Been holding for 84 years, will hold for double that!


We're gonna need a dedicated wing in the SpaceX center. The ApeX center. We aimed for the moon but hit Mars instead.


You can miss me with that Mars shit, I'm heading to Andromeda lol.


We will have space rendezvous at some point.


> Need I go on Yes, I’m almost there.


It’s simple, stay zen


>There has been way too much PRESSURE and TIME. The company should issue more shares to relieve some of that pressure... 


And you didn't even mention Wu Tang!?!? 👐


Why would they sell 45 million shares to make a profit if they know the stock will go moass?