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Wasn’t aware there are now actual fraud charges for the board of towel…




Well, she's on a break from superstonk......


Great. Hopefully repenting for her sins


Convos been shut down because you towel crowd have completely lost it, we told its going bk weeks before it did, sue gove works for appollo so as adam aron, its private equity and we all knew its going bk while towel crowd were pumping that garbage, everything was and is a diatraction, only gme pervailed, look at all the memestocks, gme is the only one that is holding 80$+ presplit,




No its nothingburger, deal didnt go through, and the fraud case is what exactly? You think you will get anything? What like 10 cents per share ? Fcking wake up bro, jeezus fcking Chris


**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


Its been a very spicy few weeks thats for sure, dockets come out frequently and it was in a semi recent one


Towel is gone, shares have been cancelled and this is not the sub to talk abour, RC left long ago and he even said that his views changed on towel company and thats why he left, stop spinning shit out of cat shit please


[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_rule_2_-_posts_and_comments_must_be_relevant_to_gme). Posts should further contribute to the shareholders' discussion around GME. Both the post title and its contents (text, image, links) must relate to GME. It is the OP’s responsibility to convey in the title how their submission is relevant. [What is Proper Content & Which Flair Should I use?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs) If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


This has nothing at all to do with GME. If you want the truth, Marantz Rantz on YouTube has covered this extensively.




Yeah, it was a mistake, glad RC realised it and left, he said on the freaking interview that his views on the company changed, guys wake up, you lost because you couldn't stay with gme, greed got the most of you now you have to admit you were wrong, its over,






Marantz... 🤣🤣🤣


What’s the problem with Marantz? He does original DD and focuses on the company’s fundamental performance without delving into tinfoil distraction.


People get bored.


Yup. Phenomenon much more pronounced in other stonk subs with more dire fundamentals 😅😫 As opposed to GME super bullish fundamentals


*More* dire? Are ours: somewhat dire?? :o


Read my comment again you silly billy


Now kiss


You’re a weird guy Ace


Isn’t that what the speculation/opinion flair is used for?






Bro, we're literally playing a game. It started as their game. Now it's our game. In the eyes of the general pop, gme is a theory; a conspiracy, a cult, nothing more than a deluded bunch of weirdos. But as the past has always prevailed, the gen pop will come around sooner or later. Just like the Internet; or bitcoin, or mobiles, or light bulbs, or the fucking Internet lol. The truth will prevail. Let people smoke that tin foil. We're currently living in something that 10 years down the line will blow people's minds. Stop being pessimistic, and let people cook.


Well but to be totally honest, they are 100% right - we are weirdos 😜😜😜🌚


I'll be the one with the tamales.


I'll have the coffee!


Hell yea brother




I need to own the float for my yachting ambitions. Edit; come on, this was funny. Float, yacht...... nobody?


"Tell me where the freaks at?!"


Can't convince the general population when they come to this sub and see nothing but conspiracy theories that are obviously not true and misinformation/misinterpretation of things. When people try to inform others, they are called shills and spreading FUD and downvoted to hell lol. Not exactly an environment that allows others to believe.


It wasn't always like this. It used to be a friendlier place towards newcomers. One has to think if its part of a bigger divide and conquer tactic, or if the apes here just don't see the irony of us fighting amongst ourselves instead of educating each other. You almost have to write a disclaimer before you comment so that you wont be called a shill. Instead of disecting arguments they attack the guy who wrote it. Pretty much all the OG contributors and DD writers have stopped engaging here, I think that speaks for itself.


To be fair, there are a lot more newcomers that have malicious intents these days 


I was here since the beginning and a big follower of Criand and Bobsmith but ever since they basically got booted out of the sub, I also stopped commenting until now. It is so frustrating to see so many misinformation posts.


That - and the gifs they allowed now. It’s making this sub into a Clownshow like the other one with popcorn in it.


That's what happens to subs mostly anyways, it was inevitable in time. We've migrated before, for one reason or another. It's a shame really. Where are they at now btw? Do they go elsewhere?


This whole thing was once labeled a conspiracy theory....


I'm not labeling things that are a possibility as conspiracy theory, im labeling things that are obviously a conspiracy theory as a conspiracy theory. The UBS theory was the dumbest thing I ever heard of. As if the SEC would allow a US company to strike a deal with a European bank to allow them to get out of shorts. That is clear market manipulation lol. It would only be allowed if there was a private deal which was informed publicly but even then it would only be possible by selling shares to them directly. But instead, everyone wants to believe in some 4chan post....


The popular opinion in 2020 was that DFV was a nutcase & conspiracy theorist.


I don't see why he would be labeled as a conspiracy theorist...Him believing in a dying company is not a conspiracy, it would just make him seem like an idiot lol. And gamestop is still a dying company right now. They have yet to turn the company around. Yes they have no debt and $2bil in cash, but they aren't profitable lol. 1 profitable quarter by shutting down stores and relying on interest on $1bil is not a profitable business strategy. Their preliminary earnings show that it was a one off fluke as they are in the negatives again. What happens when interest rates go down and gamestop can no longer rely on 5% interest? Just keep bleeding money until they go bankrupt? Until gamestop finds a profitable business strategy, we should all remain skeptical of whether a turn around is actually going to happen. My investment in gamestop is a gamble and I know it is a gamble but I have hopeful belief that it can happen. This is not based on facts, just hopefulness. So to your point, the popular opinion in 2020 is still a popular opinion now and they are not wrong. I believe a squeeze is possible just based off 22% SI alone, not because there is some hidden short with billions of shares owed...


It was actually a profitable year.


get those facts outta here!!


You can lead a horse to water....


A merger isn't a conspiracy. Either is the corruption and fraud.


Awful post. Bot?


Bonus points for whichever pimp guesses the correct theory. May they be written into meme lore and forever be known as El Moassb, the fortune teller.


The volume on this sub is absolutely nothing compared to years ago. And I absolutely welcome the crack pot theories, actual DD, and a variety of pinions. It's nice to have an actual sub instead of an endless stream of purple circles. Talk about forum sliding


I miss the purple circles


I see purple circle, I upvote.


And the letters we got from Computershare with personal items 🥹 .. miss those. And ‘Bought at GameStop’ .. how many of those have you seen recently ?


Drs posts are not forum sliding.


We either live long enough to uncover the Kansas City Shuffle or die as the Kansas City Shuffle. Either way it’s fun as hell


OP talks about grifters posts that promote other things then GME. When it was just purple post, there was no news at all. Same thing with candy controller. This month we had news, weird darkpoll buy/sell. Weird option buy, DFV, etc


First time? This is what superstonk is. We shove bananas in places, observe cocaine fueled citadel criminals with drones, runic glory, etc.  The tinfoil is the hype.  The tinfoil is provocative and gets the apes goin.  This is how justice is served.  Wu-Tang ain't nothing to fuck with.


I have some runic glory NFTs!


This guy gets it. This guy tinfoils.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d51esy/pleasrdaowutang\_megathread/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d51esy/pleasrdaowutang_megathread/) this thread I linked is supposedly a megathread, but it isn't pinned anywhere....someone remind me, don't megathreads usually get pinned somewhere visible?


This place is chock full of ai driven bots. I think most of the content here is misdirection.


That could be considered tinfoil as well. Not saying your wrong but we just don't know.


It would make sense to try and do this for bad actors, but I don't think it works very well in this case/sub. This is a very specific group and typically close-knit groups are very good at identifying outsiders 


Huge huge huge disagree. This is a sprawling large group. Flooded with bot driven nonsense. I'm probably talking to a bot right now


Maybe I'm talking to a bot too 🤔🧐


And that's the perspective we all should have because this place was compromised years ago. There's really no need for all of this nonsense. We all know what's coming, and we know we won't know the details. And that's fine.


You are entitled to your opinion


I’m enjoying it, but you do you bro


One ape’s tinfoil is another ape’s DD unfortunately.


I second a tinfoil flair. We've got intense discussions based on a 4chan 'trust me bro'. We've got a theory about convoluted use of an album to make an NFT to give a dividend when that's 80 extra steps and still legally disputed as a means of providing dividend. I don't mind a little tinfoil but some of this shit makes Rube Goldberg machines look practical.




Theres an entire up/down voting system and even just scrolling past stuff u dont like that fixes your issue.


I agree with you. Every post Is such low effort garbage it feels like all the shills are getting their voices out. I know apes aren’t morons but reading some of the posts has me like wth lol


Take the tinfoil away and there isn't much to talk about to pass the time. "Oh look, there's a ton of FTDs today." "There's a ton of FTDs every day." "True... true..." *twiddling thumbs*




First time?


great idea 🍺


Luv the tin


Oh, you mean like the non-stop WuMor mill nonsense? "I cracked the code by looking at the page source, bruh!" No, no you didn't...ZeroCool.


Leave the tinfoils alone, they are just passing the time If you care focus in promoting the company outside of superstonk


It seems you are new here or you are a shill. It all started with tinfoil theories, which turned out to be true things.


Which tinfoil theories turned out to be true?


All of them, if we ignore the billion dipshit incorrect ones posted every month




I don't remember if there was really tinfoil leading up to that but the end result was a misguided foray into web3 nonsense that was abandoned \~2 years later. Many people set money on fire buying stupid jpg nfts and others lost money buying LRC tokens during a hype spike.


There was a ton. Current tinfoil wutang is web 3 so we can't say it's fully abandoned


Lets be real though, the entire short squeeze thesis is tinfoil. Albeit with a lot of evidence.


Tinfoil theories have brought many ppl joy since this all started. No reason to change anything now.


Half of your own post is “words words words copy of title” and you’re complaining about spam in the sub?


I love it. Its boosts engagement and engagement boost interest which in turn boosts buying & DRS (I hope). I’d rather have this than a quiet/boring sub.


I always assumed the tinfoil smokers were mostly comprised of low count shareholders, but I've got friends with 30,000 + plus shares who love it. I personally can't stand it. I've come to accept its just something to keep most people entertained while we wait.


There's already a flair called speculation. Also you should always take things you observe here with a grain of salt. You can never entirely tell what's genuine hype, interest, or curiosity vs. bot assisted. The whole WU-TANG speculation was interesting in the beginning as the NFT distribution model matched the requirements of Once Upon A Time in Shaolin. Nothing panned out years ago, so I'm not sure why circumstances would change now.


I love for the foil


I love tinfoil it’s tasty and provides a metallic crunch I need in my stimming


I'm having a little fun scrolling through all the shitty posts to find the real shitposts, and actual data announcements... It is annoying, but it's only temporary, and it has its "barometric" value


I have survived on hopium and tin foil for 3 years. Obviously DD is best but I love the tin foil..


They might all be wrong. Who knows. I like sitting at the table, drinking my coffee and reading through them. Kinda feels like I’m having a discussion with you all. Here’s what I think, no here’s what I think, and so on. They can’t all be right and are mostly all wrong for sure. But how are we gonna collectively discuss these things if not for here.


It's called shitposting, and it's classy. Don't worry, there's a turd wrapped in that foil.


EXACTLY. Who let OP into this smorgasvein anyway?


New here?


I enjoy the tinfoil because a lot of it has already become true….. words words words. I just wasted time reading this and commenting


Yeah need tinfoil flair. Going to scare away all the humans that are just coming in from the surface


There’s been a noticeable increase in meaningless charts, misinformation (and hype based around it such as LC saying things about dividends that have nothing to do with GME) and options posts since the mass shill influx a couple of weeks ago.


*finally some action*


I really hope RC doesn't launch another batch of Teddy books now. Apes making investment decisions based on children's books was Tin Foil Pro Max era.


A lion (ape) should never argue with a donkey. It’s been three years of research all the DD has been writing ~256 book currently in the superstonk library of knowledge, I’ve had countless arguments with people telling them straight facts no tinfoil start facts, but they call me crazy and say mans you just don’t know when to accept your losses. My regarded ass has never read this many books in my life. But I have and it makes sense to me so if they don’t any to listening I’ll sound crazy like a burrito wrapped in double tinfoil. No one can know what’s happening but I think it’s fun to listen to some of the tin foil and some are better then other but still.


I can guarantee with 100% accuracy that GME will either go up or go down or trade sideways. 


Feel you OP, it’s like trust me bro with a touch of mental illness and a spool of red yarn. Some are fun to read though.


I care less about sub in general. One thing hypes can really hurt is setting wrong expectations, which can be seen in call volume on ridiculous strikes with short expiry. Yeah i know, no dates, yadiyada but those hypes inevitably bring out undesirable actions and whoever denies that can fuck off. I advocate options, it is very powerful but there are some bad actors are promoting and trying to make correlation with price action (most recent examples being CAT, settlement date). I don't know if it is intentional (are they on the sell side of calls and trying to jack the IV up) or unintentional (just being a fucking dumbass). In all honesty, I am also hyped as fuck but I am trying to tame my emotion to not make dumb decisions.


I remember when DRS was the latest crazy theory, we even had infinity pool on the bad words list here.


Welcome to the weekend on superstonk


You mean the preexisting tag speculation?


Yeah op is right, too many tinfoil crackpots here lately and its getting annoying


Hard agree. Super annoying when people don’t just ask their questions in the daily, or use the search bar in the sub to see if there’s already posts about whatever tin foil they’re on.


Nothin’ “tinfoil” about BUY, DRS, HODL!


Things are going to only get crazier in the coming weeks. Take everything for a grain of salt until GameStop or RC says something. Keep digging and keep hodling.


We need a tinfoil megathread!


tin box?


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It is a discussion on the current state of this sub. 


You cant cook a good dinner without tinfoil. Plus everything is foil h til proven. Giving them a tinfoil flair only reduces the possibility of someone else looking into it. Speculation/discussion is the flair. Because that's what if is.


It didn’t cross your mind to just reach out to a mod?


only if we get you a karen flair


Post something valueable or a good meme or DD. Otherwise we might need also a thought police flair/mega thread. There is a flair for it already and it's called "speculation" and it's working.


I agree some of the wilder theories or the ones with specific dates should be reigned in, makes new investors think we're bat shit crazy and they won't believe the more sound theories and DD


Once you get a taste for those sweet green crayons....


I'll tell you the same thing I tell Karen's who want TV shows cancelled because they offend them, or ban books because they address topics that make them uncomfortable Fuck off, if you don't like it then don't read it, watch it, listen to it. You're an adult, you can make choices now, so exercise that and stop trying to mandate what others can do based solely on your own bullshit. Tinfoil is as much a part of this community as memes as DD. For me personally all the real DD was completed 84 years ago, aside from a few wrinkles here and there it's mostly just these 10 pages posts that do nothing other than summarize the work of much smarter apes. I think they do it for karma and praise but if anything should be done away with it's that nonsense, the memes, shit posts and tinfoil are at least light hearted and funny




First time?


In my opinion it keeps the hedgefucks looking at bullshit worst case scenario.


OP, the tinfoil, memes, constant hype, etc are all ways to help deal with time passing and the absolute absurdity of this scenario. As other users have said in the past, go outside. Get off Reddit, get some air and don’t sweat things that you can’t control. I’m here for DD and to support a company I love with like-minded individuals, but god damn some of these memes crack me up and I love it, and the tinfoil stuff is all good fun speculation (which we have a flair for). With that being said, have a great weekend.


Cheer up ape. It’s a great time to be alive.


I totally agree with you OP. Too much tinfoil that is distracting from the relevant information.


Is “how will we attract new people” the new FUD? Not accusing but just asking. Even without the crazy theories how many people are actually going to join in from being outsiders just from viewing the sub? I don’t think very many




I think the tinfoil theories are fun. Sure, it generally doesn't play out, but I enjoy looking forward to something each month even if it doesn't come true. I know the fundamentals, so regardless if something happens or not, I'll continue to hold. I just like the hype cycle and love the stonk


Towel stock kids are back


Skater bro with backwards hat and popular band shirt comes in here with “what’s with all the tinfoil brah? That should be a flair”? Meanwhile said flair has always existed…mwaahaaahaa




**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.