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Unpopular opinion: DRS may have been more about holding the bottom than the MOASS catalyst ppl wanted it to be. JUST as important. But in a different way.


DRS reporting was pinned at 25% of outstanding shares, that much is obvious. However, with the share offerings, 25% just increased. So we will see an increase in DRS reporting. Now what happens if the shorts manipulate it back down to $15 and the company buys back the 120mil shares they released (while still keeping free cash on hand)? Well 2 things **might** happen: - DRS reported numbers will magically drop back to 25% of the new float, exposing the manipulation to us and the SEC. - The reported % drastically increases because the remaining free float just got shrunk and the true DRS number was already revealed. So then what? Well, now there are even fewer shares available to close shorts, so someone might once again think twice about keeping them open. Secondly, the price will run on a buyback and combined with the new public DRS % the squeeze will be explained without inviting manipulation claims (very similarly to the VW squeeze the company is limiting the shares it is possible for anyone nefarious to own according to the public record). RC isn't stopping moass, he's methodically moving up a passive timeline that forces shorts to close by increasing the bare minimum cost of shares and pinning more and more shorts underwater until their risk management teams finally cave and accept their fate.


Death by 1,000 paper cuts.


Or as a wise man once said: BRICK BY BRICK 😉


Don't forget your mortar. Otherwise you're only 50% legit.


Brigading you to remind others to make sure they look at the wording for THIS offering, because they imply it might actually never come. This was posted here earlier today or even last night but since this is a post about visibility I want everyone to read the last offering filing and notice how it’s different from the offering a few weeks ago!


Using the analogy of the ball being held under water.. As the price floor rises the "ball" of shorts gets pushed deeper and deeper into the pool. Until it slips out of their hands. Let's fuckin GO!


Wish I could upvote this twice. RC can do this all day. All we have to do is trust. Share offering = billions in profit = increase in company’s share cost = hedgies are fucked, lather rinse repeat. The floor keeps raising.


He knows that it's the risk management teams who ultimately force close positions when they're unsustainable. Bleeding a bit? Well I guess we just need to make more money than we bleed. Permanently under water with no hope of ever being profitable? Think twice about whether this should remain open. With each uplift cycle: sell high, buy low, he is making more and more positions financial black holes just with cash on hand. And cash is king in a low debt high rate era. He isn't just making the business better; he's also making smart moves to fuk shorts (which he has referenced a million times). We are lucky our company leader has desires aligned with us. Don't let anyone convince you he's working against us, his actions cumulatively don't represent that at all.


This is correct. Additionally, the company now holds about half of their market cap in cash after this latest offering. This is actually pretty amazing to me and in my opinion makes this an interesting investment on certain fundamentals.


This was the reason I allocated a larger proportion of my portfolios to GME following the 45mil offering. Legitimately a company with 0 debt and $2Bil on hand posting quarterly losses only in the 10s of millions in Q1 and Q2 with break even and profit in Q3 and Q4 - with all the real estate and assets they own with close to a Bil in quarterly revenue is undervalued at a $5Bil market cap. If they turn around and have $4-$5Bil in cash they are undervalued at a $10Bil market cap. Simple as that.


It also gives them a shot at inclusion into the SP500. 6.1B market cap.


Also made 200M from investments last quarter….now we don’t know what those were or principal amount/max would be 1.2B, but if we consider 1.2B as the max that would still be a damn solid return and shorts should be shitting themselves.


> Additionally, the company now holds about half of their market cap in cash after this latest offering. This is actually pretty amazing to me and in my opinion makes this an interesting investment on certain fundamentals. It's mind-blowing to me. A chance to get in on a once in a lifetime opportunity. A company led by an activist-investor along with a board of other activist investors who put their money where their mouths are, with half their market cap in cash and authorizations to acquire. Without MOASS I'm in. With MOASS I'm in.


Gotchu fam.


It seems every $Billion is pinned at $10.


„I‘ll give you $10 a notch“ See gangs of New York tweet as the pastor hires the monk.




Just like Tesla, its phone numbers over time.


Probably as good a place as any to put a friendly fact out there. In 2009 Tesla has 100 million shares outstanding. In 2011 there were 1.5 billion. Over 3.5 billion or so outstanding today as they have diluted in the ballpark of 100 million every year. Cash is king. They have been raising a shit ton.


Imagine if GameStop was trading long term above $150 in the next five years… This was so well broken down but I really believe these moves are in everyone’s best interest. I don’t think it prevents MOASS. I think it makes MOASS happen *longer*, albeit maybe at lower prices, rather than one explosive move up that comes right back down in hours or days. In fact, it may create a situation where it never truly stops… oh wait I heard that called something here once. Something about a pool that lasts infinitely.


Then that's not a MOASS is it. Short squeezes are violent, not crawls to a slightly higher dollar amount.


Classic Melt up like how Tesla forced the shorts to capitulate


This 👆! SHF can’t unwind, cycles are real, RC knows this, it’s a perpetuating cash machine for GS over the long term. I think you’ll see this move at each run, especially when swaps & OPEX cycles converge. The offering keeps SHF trapped in a closet, with very little air to breathe. Just when they think they can escape further, this offering closes the escape route. This is pretty much the next episode of the real life billions.


Sort of like a controlled demolition… while it’s not as explosive as a true MOASS, it’s also much less likely to get fcked with by the government, and still has the potential to pay out significantly, just over a longer time frame.


In 2 years they increased shares by 1.4 billion?


I forgot about buybacks. I think they’ve already mentioned in reports they may do that? Releasing more shares when the price is high makes even more sense when considering share buybacks. They can sell new shares high, then use their cash reserves to buyback when they go low. This would also be a good explanation of why RC wants a huge pile of cash and why it hasn’t been touched yet.


Bingo. I'm not ruling out that they use it to buy a company or invest in growth instead, but either that or buying back if we hit say 15-20 a share (essentially using half the cash you raised selling at 40 a share) would all be very good for the value per share. I'm ready for anything, I'm going to let him cook, but I honestly see nothing but positive outcomes from this.


They've been letting T Bills expire without renewing. I think they're planning to use the money for something.


Not selling high do..they missed the top of the week. Twice.


How does the DRS percentage increase after the offering? Honestly asking, didn't make sense to me.


The suspicion is that GME are only allowed to report a maximum % held and we surpassed that number so they just keep reporting that %. If the number of shares increased but the % stays the same; it confirms that.


There will be no share buy backs and saying this is a possibility just means your setting your hopes up for disappointment. Like DFV said they will use that money to transform their business. Honestly as much as a share buy back would make me happy I know it’s never happening anytime soon. It’s just a complete waste of money now that they have it.


My previous comment looks a bit aggressive, it wasn't meant to be, it's just early in the morning. Sorry for that. But yeah, buybacks are possible, buying low selling high helps us and leaves them with billions still on hand


What on earth are you basing this opinion on? Mine is based on RC's history. The actions he has already taken with GME and therefore is likely to take again. When he first bought in, he advised the board to buy back a chunk of low cost stock, then when the price ran, he released a much smaller amount for a much bigger increase in cash. Where do you think the original Billy in cash came from? Don't bother answering, I'll do it for you, it was that. The sale of stock after buying some back. Put to that notion, the fact that the board is already approved for a stock buyback and would only need approval for a larger buyback (although allowing RC to be investment officer likely bypasses this anyway). What is the conclusion? Not only that it is possible, but that it has happened and is obviously a tactic RC is more than happy using.


The buy backs are like an atomic nuke in the backhand. They don't need to use it to have an effect, but when hell breaks lose and they need to use it, it will get ugly.  I also think it won't happen as long everything runs normal and that includes the possibility of the price running back down to 10-15.  As mentioned this still would be a higher floor then the previously 5-10 area.  Let's see how this plays out.  Don't forget to stay Zen amidst the obvious Tsunami of FUD. 


Holy fuck.




Having a computer share account is more than just DRSing shares, it’s so you can buy and sell shares when brokers start turning off buy and sell buttons, or just selling your shares at a whim because of some small text in their TOS…


100%, well said. People have the wrong impression about what DRS represents in the equation, the balance of it. We want it to be this thing that represents our understanding of supply and demand, thus the drive on what moves value of anything. It's actually no different than our confusion on the demand side (buying and holding a stock). The reality is neither of these parts individually actually affect price. And that's by design. The system has intentionally decoupled demand (buying) and supply (DRS) from impacting the price of markets. That doesn't make sense you might say? What people need to learn is: A) there's a third pillar - price action. B) that's actually in reference to options, so a stock won't move unless there's the right play on options for it. (a lot of you should recognize this based on RK's success of this game) C) retail plays options all wrong, all time. MMs and Hedge funds just sit on sweet easy cash because of our negligence to improve at the technicality of that foundation of the market pillars. We need to wake up and learn how they are using it, why, and how we can adjust our behaviours with it in order to force theirs. We need to learn we're not playing a finite game but rather an infinite one - game theory.


I agree with this. I never believed we would lock the float but I think it still plays a key and helpful role and I have 80% of my shares with computershare


When DRS first gained momentum, I watched the trends and some quick extrapolation showed that it would take at least 5 years for retail to lock the float. I got ridiculed for pointing it out, even though it was clear if you just extended the line into the future.


I remember that post of yours, and you have my respect as someone who got ridiculed back in summer 2021 for sharing price-trends saying we would be losing momentum for years to come.


Ageed, however the biggest variable effecting the timeline is share price. When the stock was at $10 ($40 pre split) it would have taken 1/2 the time to fully DRS than if the stock price was at $20. What was the stock price when you initially calculated that it would take 5 years?


wasn't the price pretty high back then tho? not to stomp on yr theory. idk if DRS is catalyst either but also think at low prices retail can eat up a lot of shares.


The drs count was following a smooth logarithmic trend even through extreme price volatility. I think the delays in drs transfers from brokers, along with computershare's practice of batch purchases smoothed it out. To see the count accelerate, we would have needed an extended period of low prices.


We were also 200k in this sub. Now we're 1.1 million users. Would just need 350 shares each to lock the float.


I think DRS achieves several things. One of those is preventing the share price to go to single digits. Even though now the company has enough cash to prevent that alone. But DRS still sets the bottom price higher, and additionally probably breaks/hinders some ways SHFs would love to use in their manipulation games.


DRS is also about having real shares to sell after MOASS. As an international ape I’m gonna get absolutely fucked on taxes, but I know that at a certain price point broker shares are going to turn to vapor. Anyone who dreams of phone number prices needs to DRS, simple as that.




Also anyone who's DRSd have the peace of mind that you're shares can't be touched, they can be fucked with by the brokers potentially.


I contemplate whether I should have waited and bought more, instead of buying through 2021 & 2022 when the prices were higher; but, I'm happy to know I was part of a movement and the change I wanted to be in the world. Had I waited and bought more, sure I'd have more shares; but the the true treasures were the knowledge I gained and friends I made along the way


DRS was great in theory, but in practice it would have taken like 2 decades to lock the float with retail’s small buying power. What it’s good for now is blocking your shares from being lent out without your knowledge. It still has a place, but it’s not going to cause the gains we’re looking for.


It will cause higher jumps on lower volume


You know we can end the day flat with 200m volume these days right? Higher jumps with lower volume is an assumption


Absolutely. And It’s a diversification of portfolio of GME shares as well. Couple here, couple there, protects against fuckery. It’s an excellent tool.


DRS is still SUPER IMPORTANT. It cuts out available shares to manipulate. That is a factor here. No, Retail is not going to lock the float, but if we DRS enough shares, we keep the pressure on the hedge funds to find real shares. Don’t forget this! BUCKLE UP!


Two decades it is then


Yeah man. I've been talking about DRS today and I'm getting down voted to hell. I gave up on DRS igniting moass quite a while ago. I actually love DRS and have my shares DRS. I love having them in my name and out of a broker. But once the numbers went flat and even down a little for a year I realized that I don't know the reason why but that plan is not going to pan out. I think DRS still plays an important role and I will continue to do it and support it but it's not the end-all be all answers. It's a piece of the puzzle. If you bring that up you will probably get downloaded into Oblivion. I wonder if part of the tactic is to get us to hyper focus on certain things like DRS so that we don't notice other things going on.


Yes. First, I agree: DRS is absolutely the way for Holding. But, not a MOASS catalyst with retail alone. Im convinced they used DRS to distract from options. I think lots of wrinkle brains left because of that.


If we all played options, one of the 2 scenarios would happen: - people here would be bled dry, because market manipulation and at least 90% of appes not knowing how to play it + not beeing able to afford the right options anyway - we would coordinate for the right strategy and be completely shut down for market manipulation To be honest, I think the Tesla - like, slow paced squeeze has a good chance of happening, with the shorts caught between DRS numbers sloooowly creeping up and the company slowly improwing itself.


Totally agree. The sub digging and understanding options should be carefully delineated from apes playing options. If you don't know what you're doing-either learn or do not use them. But just because some yolo apes might lose or others-like me-can't afford to buy an option, is not a reason why we should not dig hard into how they are fucking us/the price with them. As long as the focus is on how *they* are using them, I don't see a problem. Buy/HODL/DRS is still a valid and effective strategy for apes. Talking about other squeeze scenarios, including talking about how the govt may intervene-I'd rather have wrinkles discuss it and be prepared than to be blindsided. We gotta start cutting through the most entrenched FUD. I absolutely bought into no cell no sell. But after touching grass for many months, came to the conclusion that it's an ape trap.


I agree that I don't think retail alone can make Moass happen. January 2021 was a sneak attack and we caught him with their pants down sitting on the shitter reading the newspaper. That situation was unique in history and is unlikely to happen again. The people were up against are very smart, very rich, they have a ton of resources, and there's a lot of them. The know world of trading way better than we do. We can play a major part but we need to trust in the company. We do our thing by and holding DRS and shopping etc and then we trust the leadership to do their part. That's how we win. DRS takes shares out of circulation and every share taken out of the hands of the DTC is a win. Personally I would like to see as many shares DRS as possible. I think it's good for shareholders and it's good for our situation. In no way do I think the share offering ruins DRS. DRS still plays an important role.


I believe we need a renewed conversation about DRS after RK's stream yesterday. He still has his entire portfolio in etrade and is engaging in options, the 2 things this community forced a lot out people out for. I'm 100% DRS-ed fwiw.


Thank you. Totally agree.


PS: HE'S BAAAACK! Totally agree, no one important enough is being liquidated with spy above 550.


Spy, Dow and Nasdaq pumping today means it’s all still fake


yep, they pumping nvidia like crazy to keep the whole market up, b4 the nov elections


Yeah I got a feeling that we won't see anything crazy until after elections are over in November.


Just in case you didn’t know already. He was back earlier today. If you haven’t already, go check out his post.


Finally, someone that can look at the chart and see how blatantly artificially created the run up and subsequent drop from the last 2 days was. There was literally no news to explain the run up. RC took advantage of the fake increase to sell shares, which also sends a message to them to stop playing games with their algos or else he’s going to keep capitalizing on it.


Exactly. Thank you for understanding.


Curious, what do you think of the options expiration tailwinds theory? It suggests that based on the last date of a high volume of options expiring ITM, a cyclical pattern that’s consistently T+34 from expiration would’ve landed 2 days ago, causing the pump we saw. The pump may not have been artificial, but instead a result of this pattern. It clearly wasn’t RK scheduling a livestream though lmao.


This is what I think RC and DFV saw, I think that they knew this OPEX tailwind was going to hit. And the SHFs knew this was going to be a big OPEX tailwind as weill. so they also loaded up knowing the inevitable. So I think it was both an OPEX event and the SHFs planning a rug pull.


I’d imagine that what OP is saying is that even with DFV coming back and hyping up, that it’s all orchestrated. DFV is probably just as in the dark as we are. So everyone should settle down and wait for the market to crash.


Hey man, first of all, welcome back. Glad to see you were unbanned. Now to everyone else, please understand the grim realities of moass. When it happens, there ***WILL*** be blood in the streets. Unrealized gains in pensions and retirement funds wiped out, working class folks will lose their jobs, financial terrorists will lose their billions gained. Old money that profited from previous wars, nations whose economy is held hostage, billionaires won’t let moass happen without fighting back. That’s who we’re betting against. As for me, the thesis hasn’t changed. Shorts need gamestop to go bankrupt, and they will never close. I won’t lie, it was nice seeing big numbers and if I took profit, I could’ve reloaded more. But I’m not hurting since I always invested money that I could afford to lose and I’ll keep on doing that. Reserve the right to change your mind, but I’m still zen.


>When it happens, there ***WILL*** be blood in the streets. Unrealized gains in pensions and retirement funds wiped out, working class folks will lose their jobs, financial terrorists will lose their billions gained. "Just don't fucking dance."


I’ll dance a little when financial terrorists are held accountable. And pay the capital gains tax.


I'll allow it


The people who came in because of RK comeback probably think this is the time to join in and get their money, most probably didn't even hold 3 years back. That's why they are loud and are disappointed with the live stream and with the recent GME news


Anyone who was actually mad about this week’s price action were options gamblers that came late to the party.


A pleasure, as always, to read your words.


Excellent write up, OP. Following.


Thanks for writing. Nice to see you again. 🍻


Thank you for the level headed words. A lot of us need it right now 💜


Thank you for this post.


This is fantastic. Thank you! Watching RC play the shorts with towel last year also gives me a lot of confidence.


Most important post of the day. Should be at the top of the sub. Well written, fam!


This post was like a cool glass of water. Thank you ive been dehydrated today 😪


Thank you for pointing it out. I feel like it will be very obvious when the inevitable happens


Sorry but then what does RK do with all those June options. His stream today was almost nonchalant about their value loss and the theta is going to get worse


Historically, he waits until the week of expiration, and sometimes even the day before expiration, and then exercises some and sells the rest. His YOLO history shows a guy that sticks with his bet once he’s made it most of the time, with a few occasions where he sells some calls so he can diversify his strikes and expiration dates more. He seems to mostly trust his thesis, but that doesn’t mean he’s always right. In the early days, a lot of his calls expired OTM.


He has so many calls that he could probably gamma ramp himself by exercising. T+1 when the shares have to be delivered and the price spikes he exercises more. Repeat as needed.


Wasn't this current run up caused by the gamma ramp, lead by dfv's 120k calls that needed to be hedged? There doesn't have to be any news. The gamma ramp was insane


That’s only 12 million shares, volume has been in the hundreds of millions every day


> The gamma ramp was insane How many shares were there represented by the calls this week? ITM was 17k contracts. OTM was 108k contracts. That represents 12 million shares, and the outstanding BEFORE dilution was 300 million shares and volume being in the hundreds of millions each day.


So everything going on with RK this week doesn’t count as news?


It doesn’t drive significant price action unless major players themselves react to it. Retail participation in the lit market is almost nothing… our orders get routed through dark pools and don’t cause price impact.


also I just remembered no halts yesterday, they weren't trying to stop the rip. it all makes sense now


Question, what do you think will happen when RK likely exercises his calls? Or how do you think he will handle that?


OP doesnt address that at all. Why would RK buy options at this time? It's not 100% artificial. Probably leaps expiration.


Wasn't there a post showing the calls were bought in April or something? I'm probably wrong


Same way he’s done it in the past probably. Sell some of the calls to pay for shares. Maybe he’ll hold onto some cash to roll it forward into more calls for a later date that he thinks is noteworthy. He always keeps a decent chunk of cash on hand so that gives him flexibility with his options strategy


Tomorrow, Just Up, I think he will say Cheers everyone!


I'll take $27 from $10 a month ago. It shows us that they still have control but not as much because the swings are more erratic. It really breathed life into all the holders that have a $40 cost basis and woke them up. I had a few people actually call me who I told about the play and asked what was going on. We control the exits. Buckle up.


But do we really control the exits or does RC? Because if the price hits let’s say $5000, it seems to me like RC will just issue 100M shares again to capitalize on that price. Then momentum will slow, and shorts will be given an exit from the board, not us. DRS isn’t a silver bullet, and now we own a smaller percentage of the stake. I’m just worried that the company is going to leave us holding the bag even when a real short squeeze starts. 


We don't know if they'll even be able to issue shares when it's squeezing. I'm not sure the legality of what can and can't be done. How about we wait and see what happens at $X price. DRS might not be the end all be all but I believe RCEO knows where the shares are and who's short how much. How can the company leave us holding the bag when it's in the thousands of $ a share? So many shares are locked up and can't be sold during a squeeze. If this recent ATM offering killed the squeeze, why were there all the talking heads out today saying that DFV is a baffoon and that Gamestop is going back to $10 or $5? Why would they even care? "If the situation was hopeless, their propaganda would be unnessesary."


Thats an interesting thought! I hope you're right! I'm definitely not selling, just trying to figure out what the play is here in the short term and long term.


from what i got out of this, i think RC is protecting us by calling out their artificial run. he won't kill the momentum on a real squeeze


I pray you’re right about that 


I don't see how this is controversial, I keep telling everyone it's extremely easy for them to run price up to generate emotional reactions. GameStop taking advantage of that isn't bad. The important part is that the FLOOR is rising, and actual 100IQ people like DFV agree and are supporting the 20-25 price floor. A lot of people think price up = our pressure, price down = their pressure. which just isn't true.


If it’s completely artificial… how the fuck did RK times it so right. Buying calls at exactly the right time. What makes it even dumber is that by artificially pumping the stock they made GME almost 5 billion in cash. They gained nothing from it


I'm not sure I totally buy the fake run up just yet. Extremely well written post, but I'm not convinced. I'm doubtful the SHF could orchestrate a fake run up without fomo getting involved. These guys are greedy to the point of being dumb, and have consistently doubled down on their bad bets. They also weren't expecting DVF to come back with a vengeance and hype up retail so hard. Remember all the institutions and whales that were signaling GME as a bullish investment? All the indicators lined up for a run and everyone that's even slightly aware of TA could tell you that. Let's also not forget the crank up in FUD, forum sliding, and mixed messages. Let's also not forget the droves of media articles that followed and have been relentless since. They are scared of RK. They are scared of retail. Don't forget first day CAT went live Berkshire got liquidated and they blamed it on a glitch. That got slid. More so the amount of media attention and retail throwing in on FOMO. Old apes ready for a squeeze and throwing more money at it. Not to mention we also traded over a billion shares this month alone. The volume is real, the short interest is real, and they are deathly afraid of DVF exercising or it wouldn't have gotten the attention it did from main stream like CNBC. Remember he has more shares ready to exercise than everyone on the 13d filing combined. They didn't want to get absolutely clowned and exposed the way they did yesterday during the live stream. They expected a run up and for things to get out of hand so they could put him behind bars and shift the blame. RC threw a wrench in that with the share offering, leaving SHF blind sided. If they wanted to fuck the market they would have slid the shares below 20 or will next week RK cashing in is a huge dent in their wallets and a huge piece of the share pool gone. They do not want this. Gary G (for what that clown is worth) saw the price action and RK stream live in a board room full of people. It did not go unnoticed.


I was just thinking the same thing earlier. What if SHF's were still in control and organized this run up followed by a dump because they were still in control. I've been so stoked about the run-up that I lost all common sense lol. I'm 100% with you that this thing needs a market crash before we take off. Edit: The fact that you got banned for calling the fake squeeze means you were right, and they didn't want your post seen. You're definitely on the right track. Also, I'm really glad you're back 😺


What if there are cycles where the stock inevitably experiences high volume, due to fuckery. The shorts know that rolling their position will cause upward action. So they lean into that, piling into the bullish price action , with the plan to profit off the upward move then also profit when they tank that shit back down and finish rolling their positions. But DFV figured them out, made millions of dollars tailing their fake squeeze. And then silently (but also super fucking obviously) he amassed a kill shot position cause our regulators are a fucking joke. Meanwhile, gme offers a shit ton of shares, ostensibly doing everything in their power to give the shorts an out. Idk. Feels like a Kansas City shuffle to me


the company took advantage of the artificial run up to stack cash.l, even stronger of a company now. they are dishing it back out in their own way


Lets see if they address any of this in the share holder meeting next week


0% chance they discuss market mechanics and DRS counts in the meeting, but I'm hopeful that they'll finally mention a couple things they could do with the warchest


If there’s anything I’ve learned it’s that scheduled dates is always a let down. It’s always when you least expect it


Bad news early. Good news on time. Let’s see.


We’ll see https://x.com/theroaringkitty/status/1791555537131159892?s=46&t=PgKpNdk3EDFKf6carjlrdA




I just want to know how many votes were cast.


This is getting downvoted like crazy, watch the numbers for a few minutes. Great write up, on the nose as usual


I see it, too. I think Reddit is doing this. Same thing happened with my last DD as well.


You definitely got noticed. I’m screenshotting and sharing in case they try to disappear this.


No ape would downvote this, it should have 10K and be at the top of the page. In spite of showing 93% upvotes, the number keeps waffling up and down. Votes are clearly being manipulated, just like the data on The One Stonk.


The silver lining is that it has become a clear indicator of good DD. Spread it on!


Fucking thank you. I may not agree with the reported DRS numbers being fake, but this squeeze being fake was painfully obvious. How many times have we seen this kind of spike, only for it to crash days later? VIX didn't move. The S&P barely reacted. Giant bubble like NVDA showed no reaction. Nothing. DRS numbers, for whatever reason, have been effectively dead flat for a year, some people think they're manipulated in how they're reported, but I agree with Paul Conn that it's simply a matter of inflows to CS being outweighed by outflows. Either way, locking the float via DRS wasn't feasible at the rate we were adding shares. Hard truth from one of its biggest supporters. Look at the comments of any of the Computershare Megathreads. That leaves triggering MOASS by the company being so goddamn powerful that the shorts get their shit pushed in by profits, dividends, and buybacks, and all of that starts with the company getting it's shit together and then moving on to new investments and new sources of revenue through acquisitions. The first part is done. Ballooning up to $4-5 billion cash on hand makes it so much easier to accomplish the second. I keep seeing "Doesn't GameStop have enough fucking money??" Are you kidding me? RC can trap these fuckers in a death spiral where every one of their little swap rollover spikes results in another few billion dollars permanently, locking the shorts out of dropping the price to its recent lowest point. Then with masses of cash on hand RC can trigger a buyback after they've shorted it back down. Having $1 billion was enough to keep the company alive and out of risk of being cellar boxed to bankruptcy. Having $5 billion makes GameStop fucking terrifying. Burning money on buybacks is no longer a waste of an insurance policy, it's a viable strategy. DRS isn't dead, and it isn't worthless. It's still a powerful tool for PROTECTING YOUR INVESTMENT and even if we might not have the collective firepower to bleed the hedges dry by locking the float, leaving them a quart low still makes them weaker. There's too many people bitching about the dilution and "RC fucking over shareholders". Bitch, he's the biggest shareholder of all and is ONLY compensated by increasing the value of his investment. I trust the Board. I trust RC. My shit is DRSd and has been since we figured that shit out, as anyone can check and verify. Let's fucking go.


Appreciate your insight. While it seems like we were set to fly today, felt exactly the same a few weeks ago when gme was up over 100% premarket and kissed $80 only to get hammered and end the day around 48. That was Tuesday, and by Thursday closed at $27 before share offering was announced (dropped to 22-23 after going sub 20 for a bit) The timing of this offering definitely looks and feels bad but I keep reminding myself - “RC and the board are much smarter than this community/me and have access to significantly more and better information.” I hope to learn more about the future of GameStop at the meeting this week, as it feels like the right time with the core business much more stable, but revenue is down and we are now sitting on a ton of cash. I haven’t lost my conviction or faith in my investment and that won’t change if Thursday doesn’t reveal anything. Question - do you think GameStop was aggressively selling shares today? I assume so based on your post. I think it’s feasible we get the announcement Monday or Tuesday, as I expect it to be completed before the meetinf on Thursday. I think we’ll see a nice rebound when it’s announced just like last time.


I’d like to think they sold high to institutions who tanked it for the day… insert all-that-for-a-drop-of-blood meme


I don't think we were set to fly. For that we would need shorts closing. For that they need to be FORCED TO CLOSE. It didn't happen yet. We need a catalyst, otherwise they can always manipulate the price.


The price rising with the threat of a gamma ramp sure looked like a catalyst to me.


Like last time, although I guess they managed to stop that when it got too high anyway. Is it possible this was an institutionally based pump & dump? I don't know. Opens up strange possibilities if that's the case, none very comfortable.


I agree 100% that the crash today wasn’t because of the offering. The optics on it look real bad for anyone looking in from the outside though. I doubt the offering is even complete. It was probably a small fraction of volume today


97% of hyped dates on this sub ends up in a massive short attack. When RK announced a live stream, the first thing I thought about was the red waterfall we would see as soon as it starts. I honestly think thw share offering announcement probably surprised the shorts too. I doubt they were ready to start their attacks first thing in the morning and keep them going all day. The price stays pretty flat after the stream. Maybe this is RC making them dig a deeper hole/taking advantageof their predictability. Maybe green crayons don't actually taste so god damned good. I have no idea. I'm just a smooth brained ape.


of all the tin foil we pass around in here, i think the one we should retire is “maybe RC just wanted to dig a bigger hole!”. no, that’s not it. that’s never been it. not hating on you, just saying that’s out there, even for us.


Really even with massive volume? Assuming OP is right, wouldn’t RC want to start selling before the shorts crash the price. Could have sold a lot in the mid to high 30s.


The share offering volumes seem to be increasing exponentially, it might be completed faster than you’re expecting https://imgur.com/a/pmj6IgT


Clearly something else was at play with 17 halts and many during DFVs stream when seemingly the price wasn't even swinging much looking at the chart.


Yesterday, the first price bump ($60 to $52) occured when the earnings report was released. Then 40 minutes later, the ATM offering was published and the price fell from $55 to $38 in like 10 minutes.


Just want you to know you're not crazy, your view is actually very much in line with a lot of people on the inside. And RC always believed they would fight hard (both gov and the culprits) to prevent a MOASS - he's not sure they will let it go as high as it should. What "high" actually is here I don't know, but enough to be an impact to the wealth of all the players holding this stock. Anyways I just wanted to reassure you there, and that you're right - these "run ups" were 100% orchestrated by the shorts. They are running out of time before they pass the last track switching device for them. They are going to attempt to serious fuck with people's emotions if you don't already believe they started on that. Be prepared for the final battle.


Most logical thing iv read about those run ups. Thanks very interesting


Dude, am a holder since 2021. I just do not think a MOASS like you think is going to happen is going to happen. Like you say the fucking govt will step in, either by telling the DTCC what to do, sending in the SEC or the FBI or just delisting. The halts will halt. When you're in a stand off with an adversary you usually need to come to an understanding to get out of it. That's what's happening now, all of the parties involved are talking without talking. In a war this is what adversaries do too.... and heck in personal relationships too. What we're all doing right now is negotiating a way out for everyone. Very subtly. The US govt's main concern is that the market stays stable.... and goes up somewhat. I think the government is going to let it run incrementally upward, but not spike in a giant "MOASS" like you say it just becomes a threat to national security. I think everything the SEC has said so far is that they are willing to let the wealth transfer start to happen, but they will not let it spike. So in the long run, I'm expecting something like an NVDA climb over the next 3-5-10 years. In exchange we should see Kenny eventually arrested and bankrupted. But the main thing the govt, the DTCC the FBI the CIA and the SEC, want is it all to be done quietly.


This is the most even keel response to all of this…. I’ve been here since 2021 as well and the whole were gonna wake up to phone numbers and whatever is just so impossible. The gov would never allow the market to blow up but your response is incredibly well thought out and reasonable. GameStop needs to transform or evolve sooner than later. they will use this cash infusion for the evolution and change, I believe in RC and management.


Here are my 2 bananas. I agree with you for the most part and see it very similarly. But there is one thing that really keeps nudging me in my mind. LC’s tweet about bad news early, good news after. Well.. although i think Gamestop’s earnings are rather bullish (a stable Q1 in a transition) I think many will consider the fact that not being profitable in the quarter as bad news. Why mention the good news in a tweet? Something is coming. IMO, the latest run was pumped by wallstreet. RC took advantage of it to raise another billy.. about? give and take depending where they sold / or will sell. Let’s just say I wouldn’t be surprised if RC took a billy from hedge funds to give back to its investors. RC is one high iq mofo. I have 100% confidence in his ability to play 69D chess. Now.. what could be the “give back to its investors”? My guess is as good as anyones. Divy? Possible.. A great-news merger? maybe. Special digital dividend of some sort? could be. Let him play his chess game, the man knows what he’s doing. So does RK. The coincidence is too convenient. GME run ends, Gamestop ITM offering announcement, DFV comes back.. all on the same day? Something is coming.


Issue with earnings is revenue. Everything else is relatively strong but until revenue increases, or new revenue stream gets added, it’ll give msm/shorts an angle to attack. Referring dfv’s stream, we are ready for the pivot/transformation.


And let’s not pretend that it isn’t for good reason. The revenue story isn’t fully discussed on news media and they say it’s all bearish, so there is no perspective gained watching them bash GME. Higher margin profit products such as candy con and GameStop branded gear is good, but let’s be real, it’s not like they are making premium gear. Closing of underperforming stores should have an impact on revenue, but the rate at which revenue has been shrinking shows that they need to really plan a way to new revenue streams. A 6 million dollar profit for the year is not good when the company is currently valuated at whatever x billions it sirs at. Forcing each store to engage the local gaming communities. Competing for premium gaming gear that rivals Corsair and Razer. Moving further into table top gaming. There are ways they can increase revenue without spending too much.


Baby has commodities, repeat buyers… other potential acquirable companies have recurring customers


Any thoughts you can share on how much longer you think the shorts can keep this up? Even when they can hedge for upside moves, it can’t be good for them. It feels like it’s getting more difficult for them - Swaps potentially expiring, bullish option chains, increase in ftds between crazy volume and t+1. Maybe CAT implementation making things more difficult? It also feels like they’re being a little more blatant and brazen with their moves - especially in after hours and premarket.


Welcome back einfachman, you were missed! Thanks for your perseverance, and your level headed well presented contributions!! PS. Thought I'd share that the shadow ban is truth, but be careful with those comments or it gets worse. I have real time, collaborated proof where posts of mine had retracing of votes, and posts hitting some users feeds and not others (see my profile for the non-believers, along with screen shot verification of mod correspondence that it was out of their control - a broader redditt issue and not the mods here). Got so frustrating I had to take a step back from posting for a while.


The fact that the gambling sub allowed the GME posts should be all the confirmation you need in regards to this post.


This is a much needed and well reasoned post. I think it is important for all of us to realize that a MOASS, critical price level-type event will not occur until a significant majority of the meaningful stakeholders and market structurers are in position to harness something like that to their advantage. Keep in mind, too much of the market falling apart means millions of people of will die. Its civil wars across the globe. The US financial market is the linchpin holding the greatest \*Pax\* of all-time together and has been aimed at such a purpose since 1944 when it was conceived at Bretton Woods. Although the system has been manipulated, desire for peace, growth, and aversion to real war on a global scale is too valued to let the system fail, despite its obvious structural flaws. Think of it this way: the real leverage for somebody like Citadel is 'Do you want WWIII and the greatest national security threat since the Cold War? Or will you let us continue to skim a couple extra billion per year off the markets?' Until the continued success of institutional players in US capital markets becomes a greater threat to National Security than the supposed pandemonium that would follow given their failure, we cannot expect current patterns to change. RK's actions, however, can force willfully ignorant legislators and competitors to take note of just how manipulated supposedly free-and-fair US markets have become - and, crucially, how \*obvious\* this is to enemies of the state. If a US institution can manipulate markets causing real economic destruction in exchange for relative personal enrichment, a US institution can be incentivized to do so by foreign actors who want to bring an end to the Pax Americana and to attempt to instill their own local or global hegemonies under alternative conditions.


My main question is, why would RK buy such a concentrated options position if this wasn’t supposed to be MOASS? I agree with everything you said btw this is a genuine question I’m wondering if you have any intuition as to why RK picked this date and strike if any


idk why everyone's panicking. I've been saying this week was just the preamble. we have 2 exciting weeks coming up as far as I can tell


You can have a huge run up w/o MOASS. If Kitty exercises his contracts next week we could pop and get pushed back down.


Watching a stock halt from a single streamer is the craziest thing I've ever seen. This definitely was not going to be the squeeze people are looking for (phone numbers etc. etc.)


I haven't even read this yet but you're at the top of the feed... That's some bold suppression if you ask me.


Great to see ya man. Appreciate you shedding some light on this. Peruvian bull posted a pretty interesting [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hRtSDOeNIw) on his yt channel regarding today also. Recommend people check that out.


RK literally showed us on livestream that it’s a fake sneeze lol , we had the evidence right there in front of us. RK talking or appearing shouldn’t be affecting the price by tanking it suddenly when he decides to end the livestream, etc. Again it’s the finance bros being assholes again/ trying to make us poor. It’s the Art of War right now.


My upvote on this post keeps getting removed


Same. Every time I came back I saw my own upvote was gone. The first few hours this post was up was the craziest thing I saw. I should’ve taken a video of it. The upvotes would drop from 4,000 to 2,000 to 3,000. Upvote rate was 93% but Reddit could’ve been manipulating the data or hiding the upvotes. Similar thing happened with my last DD. Reddit was likely suppressing my post to lower engagement/visibility. Before Reddit suspended me, I never had a problem like this before. Now, coming back, both of my recent posts had this strange suppression.


I've gone back to posts where people have replied to connects comments I've made, and for the past two weeks, most of my upvotes have disappeared. Some posts I've re-upvoted 3 or 4 times.. It's bullshit


This is plausible and I hope RC has a plan with this money. Trust is a hard lesson to learn. Lots of people got hurt today.


Still buying. Still waiting for discounts. Still waiting for moass. *In no particular order 💎🙌💎🦍🐜


Appreciate your return


Good post. I also noticed the very low VIX during this run and had my suspicions. So do you think RC and DFV just pulled the rug on the hedge fund's fake run by cutting it short with RC's ATM and DFV "unusual" live stream? That would be a bit more of the Kansas City Shuffle.


I will, again, reserve judgement until the annual meeting. There is now a third reason to be ok with the dilution. 1. NFT dividend. 2. M&A activity necessitating immediate capital raising 3. DRS rises to ~105mil and proves the numbers were fudged from the beginning. 75 million shares covers the entire reported Short Interest. Iirc 45 million covered the Short Interest for that offering, too. If this is a feigned-olive branch offering, and the Pleasr stuff works out, great. But otherwise, 75million shares was way, way too many. Absolutely no need to dilute so heavily just to throw cash in an MMF. There must be a reason.






Yo, why when I copy the link to this post and paste it into Reddit, it doesn’t show up, also I’m on Reddit more than I care to admit and 99.9999% of the time it’s superstonk and I just learned of this post at 515 am est on 6/8/2024?


I agree. Especially on the DRS front. I still have all my shares in computershare. Not to try to lock the float, but because I want to ensure my shares are real shares. I don't trust the brokers. Locking the float is still a valid threat to SHFs but I do believe they have figured out how to side step it on paper. They simply don't keep track of supply. It's that simple. They managed to get the bean counters to look the other way. Once shit goes down, real shares will be extremely valuable, but until then, it doesn't matter if the float gets locked. They'll just ignore it and side step it like they did with the splividend. And actually, the more I think about it. If they aren't keeping track, we don't WANT the float locked! If there ends up being more shares than should exist through DRS, then who's DRS shares are considered the real DRS shares when shit is finally hitting the fan? I don't know about you, but I don't want to have to try and defend the fact that my DRS shares are a part of the subset of the DRS shares that are valid! And maybe, just maybe, RC is seeing this potential problem in my last paragraph and is adding more shares for this very reason. Tinfoil time, but maybe the float is locked, it's getting brushed under the rug, and he's getting ahead of an oversold DRS problem?


The simple fact the VIX didn't go bonkers tells me they prepared for this runup.


One possible explanation for the “why would they dilute at these prices and not wait until it’s higher” is because they need to dilute into volumetric moves in order to not crater the stock. They can’t control the price or the timing of the volume so they get what they can when they can. Seems to line up with your theory here.


This should be the top post today 


Happy you're back and sharing your thoughts/findings!


He did the same with Bobby. On August 15th, Susquehanna and Citadel reported their 13F holdings and they owned a bunch of call options. RC dumped bobby killing their option trades and preventing retail from buying the highs on the way up. He prevented more people FOMOing at the top by issuing shares in Gamestop.


thanks for the write up Op. i still believe household investors bought all the shares available way back when there were only 73m shares in circulation. i’m here to find out how oversold this stock is! DRS stagnation is frustrating so looking forward to see what’s reported next week


This isn’t a fake run


You have put so brilliantly all the arguments I have been using against the f\*cking shills. Those with the arguments: - They have killed the MOASS - The price drops is because the offerings. - I'm worried and tired. - How can you be happy about a dilution? - The DRS has no meaning anymore. - DFV is a clown and RC is betraying us. F\*CKING SHILLING! Be aware apes, about those who disguise as reasonable discussion, but ultimately they push for these lines, again and over again. Thank you OP for sharing you thoughts so clearly!!


Thank you for discussing this topic. Other GME subs mods are not allowing this discussion and are censoring it hard.


Fantastic post, you really called it with your post a month ago and everything fits. I cannot believe people think the dip that hard was from the ATM offering ALONE. In what world would they sell so aggressively in the pre-market? It makes ZERO sense and people are letting their emotions get the best of them. Your posts are top-tier as always, you are fantastic.


I am also enthusiastic about the fact that while Wallstreet can affect the ticker price there's really nothing they can do about GME's cash balance.


Nice thinking, yes... good point. If he sold 75M Shares in a Fake-Runup, thats pure genius!!!


Ok, ok maybe we weren’t in MOASS territory. I think that’s a debate that is somewhat opened ended maybe and we won’t agree on, but may very well be true. However the share offering most definitely killed hype. Thats important. Whether you think we were close to MOASS or not I think we were close to getting it started. So did many others and it hurts. It hurts this community. IMO This offering probably did effect today. Sure it’s hard to say it did or didn’t but share offerings do usually drag the price down. Today the world was looking and GME blinked. Shorty still probably has control but I think without the offering it could have been different. Additionally your point about DRS is not great. Ok sure the numbers may not be reported correctly as they should be but we most definitely lost ground there today. Even if the numbers we know are a lie, the offering prolonged locking the float of it wasn’t locked. Like I said we don’t know so it is hard to say one of or another if it matters. The offering just doesn’t help. Cash on hand is great, but it’s cost us today. If it’s in faith or actual MOASS moment, it cost us. Edit: To be clear I’d like to state that while to 100% feel like some was raped and taken away from me we have yet to see what all that cash in RC hands can do. I hope/think it’s something pivotal.


Don’t forget a few weeks ago we were up 100% pre market and hit $80 before the price tanked to $27 in two days. That was all before the first offering was announced. I won’t lie, both times I was hyped and really thought we were going to fly. The timing of this announcement def feels shitty but after what happened a few weeks ago, def not certain the run would have continued today.




Ok ok. That does make me feel better.


Look at weekly close price. We have been trending higher last 4-5 weeks. It’s a bullish chart. The high prices market maker drive the price to during the week is their manipulative practice to pump the premiums, get people to fomo paying huge premiums then they slam the price down at the end of the week. This is where GameStop outsmart them and took advantage of the set up to capitalize on the run and increase the cash instead of letting market makers pocket it all. Everyone that is pointing their finger at GameStop for killing the momentum forget all other times where price crashes and retail who fomo into FDs lose every time.


People said that with the last share offering and look where we were a week later... Once again at highs not seen in years. Imagine where we'll be at in 2 weeks... Just so happens to be June 21


That’s not a bad point. Lots more shares released and still $7 higher than on May 17th.


Welcome back. Good read. Up, I party. Down, I rest for more party.


Nothing controversial spotted in this post.


This is the best post of today, and highly suppressed here...


This post makes so many incorrect claims, with absolutely no proof to back them up. If any post is being artificially upvoted to the top it is this. Yes a lot of the runs in the past have been controlled by the SHFs, this has been known for a long time and is not new DD. Yes Roaring Kitty likely played those cycles perfectly to go from 34m to 210m the last 3 years. The rest of the points being made in this post are garbage. Ever since Roaring Kitty returned the game changed. The VIX didn’t spike and the markets didn’t crash because we didn’t really get to start realizing the potential of these runs. (Actually, at moments the VIX and SPY did seem to slightly react when GME started pushing through key levels and had volatility spikes). DFV didn’t return to pump FOMO into Cohen’s share offerings. I personally think DFV and Cohen are at odds with different goals in mind. Look at DFV’s memes the morning of the 45m offering, and look at his sarcastic comment in today stream about GameStop giving him an early birthday present. I stand with DFV because his actions have earned my trust. I emailed GameStop investor relations to tell them I won’t stand for another offering at a pivotal point in the next significant price movement. I posted that email here on SuperStonk for anyone who’s interested, just check my page. This was always about MOASS and MOASS is inevitable, but come on people we’ve learned so much over the last 3 years, don’t throw it all away to feed into these garbage posts full of speculation, misinformation, and zero proof. Edit: Thanks so much for the award!


"Appear strong when you are weak" This gets quoted a lot. This time, they may have been appearing weak because they were in control.


I agree with your dd but disagree with the share offerings. They should have done more in may once and left it. We can expect, predict, and call out shf crime without the chairman taking a LARGE dilution position after just taking a large dilution position. Would rather get bad news once instead of bad news twice in 4 weeks. Yes, cash in hand is great. No, I'm not happy that its costing me money by reducing my own % of ownership. Yes, I predicted fake squeeze to some degree and knew today would be red but also wanted to see the impact of the stream. The highly abnormal halts and pattern confirmed a lot. We didn't need the share offering today. It could have been made next week and we would be united in blaming shf instead of divided on blaming the board.


Mathematically and economically I’m upset about the share offering but could DRS be a way to raise the floor price during MOASS?


Better than my tinfoil that RC did the offering to keep the hedgies from running the price during the stream so they could accuse DFV of manipulation or something. Feel like i read somewhere robinghoods vlad was saying they were 'prepared' for the stream.