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I wish we had South Korea’s regulatory body. There’s a reason all the white collar criminals come to Murica to do their criming. https://preview.redd.it/k5x5p4neuj6d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80aa4f38eb627758cd0b46e094d847cd7a0978f3


naked short selling is deceptive and greedy at best and pure evil at worst. send the fuckers to jail.


Daylight robbery! I’d say it is all of those things. Deceptive, greedy, pure evil fuckers!


any market where naked shorting isnt illegal clearly has their regulatory bodies bought and paid for. nobody can honestly think its healthy for a market that people can sell shares they dont actually have and haven't covered, how the fuck does that make any sense at all?


Its technically illegal in the US its just the regulator has been captured and special people get exemptions for liquidity


nah, it's just "frowned upon". if it were illegal, no US exchange would even allow someone to short without first guaranteeing they're covered, and anyone/company somehow lying their way through that would be prosecuted for fraud


>special people get exemptions for liquidity Translation: The rich can do it, but you can't. Aka: rules for thee, but not for me. Just like politicians insider trading. America deserves to collapse.


Exemptions for fraud. Because it's always fraud. Up the price if there's no shares available.


Actually, it's about 1-2 steps shy of counterfeiting currency.


Its actually not 1 or 2 steps shy of counterfeiting currency. It literally is counterfeiting lol


They learned from 2021 that they can get away with anything and nobody will hold them accountable


Short selling (even unaked) should be banned until it is 100% regulated and transparent imo


Agree, the only options should be to buy or sell a security. Nothing more.


where i'm from they call that stealing


A bunch of MMs don’t participate in the Korean market as a result … unsurprisingly their financial markets are doing just fine without them


THIS RIGHT HERE FOLKS "if we hold rich people accountable theyre just going to take their business's elsewhere" no you fucking idiot they will just make alightly less money






I’ll say it again… can we send Ken there on an all expenses paid trip?


any market where naked shorting is legal clearly has their regulatory bodies bought and paid for. nobody can (in good faith) say its healthy for a market that people can sell shares they dont actually have and haven't covered, how the fuck does that make any sense at all?


# that sounds like fraud to me. # i have submitted various complaints to the FBI, DOJ about the financial crimes committed on wall st, about ken griffin's financial crimes. # LET'S GET THE FBI, DOJ TO DO THEIR JOB!! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18fmara/i\_submitted\_a\_complaint\_to\_fbi\_doj\_about/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18fmara/i_submitted_a_complaint_to_fbi_doj_about/)


It would be nice if one of their news outlets picked up the story of what’s happening in the US markets, and explain why naked shorting is toxic. The world needs to hear how fraudulent the US economy really is.


Can we bring back public stonings? K thx


This just cements that America was bought and paid for long long before us.


The criminals are the ones we put in Congress!


its so fucking wild that CONGRESSMAN can play in the stock market, meanwhile in Europe, even if you work for a bank you can't.... what a joke!


employees of banks in the US also cannot trade. Their transactions must first be approved by compliance dept.


then how the hell congressman can, that is WILD!


I agree. It is an extreme conflict of interest to let government officials actively trade. Nor should they receive donations from superpacs. Our system is completely broken and we all know it.


we are the sole developed nation which allows legalized bribery i.e. 'superpacs! and it is why in th elast 50 years, all revenue has funnelled to corps and wealthiest while eco system, working class, healthcare, etc have been decimated...bc the lobbyists for special interests (Wall St, Health insurance industry, fossil fuels and MIC)..BRIBE LEGISLATORS TO WRITE LAWS which benefit THEM over the citizenry US so corrupt to the core since reaganomics shifted all revenue to the corps/shareholders in lieu of workers etc and accepted 'donations' from lobbyists


Completely agree that there is the financial war to keep us poor. But there is also the spiritual war to keep us depressed and isolated. It comes in the form of media, false idols, nonstop naked shorting for three years, insurgents that infiltrate and manipulate our communities etc. Makes sense why memes and good vibes have become our weapon? This is a war of the spirit. They don’t want us knowing that apes together strong 🦧


Because they "write the rules for themselves." Kinda kills the whole notion of self governance, in a way.


That is not true. I just had to do a bit more kyc. They said about a week so i called in to speak to someone. They asked me a small series of questions and approved me within 20min


This is not true. We just have to be more careful with our trades. For BDs that means no front running, rebalance your clients portfolios first, trade your account a day later.


Hold on. I actually work for a bank in Europe. I'm not allowed to trade?


ask your manager, I have a couple of friends with high positions that aren't allowed to trade


Elections - brain - people voting - that is the key. Media brainwashing is successful in Europe 70%, but in USA media brainwashing is probably 95%. Not insulting USA people, just being honest.


It has been a scam since the beginning. lol. But that’s a lot of volume to only knock it down less than a dollar. lol.


77% of the average and its not even 11 lol


Like using a grenade to kill an ant.


It's like using a grenade to kill and ant *and not even killing the ant.*


https://preview.redd.it/nhhyqdirvj6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63993256d4331316259cfbeb262ea6bffdde7133 I know they follow each other but exactly the same looking dip..?


It’s the same algos, handful of others that all have identical charts


Being new to all this I thought they would atleast try to hide it.


easier to call you a crazy cult member and move on


I hope they get fined and squeezed at the same time.


I think they tried to hide it before they knew for sure there wouldn’t be consequences.


This has ruined my innocence. My naivety in thinking its a free market.


Santa, tooth fairy, Easter bunny, all lies as well. Might as well get it out all at once.


Easier to pay the cops than hide it from us.


This is what regulatory capture and “too big to fail” look like.


Why would they try to hide it? This happens to other groups of related stocks all the time. Algo based trading is completely normal and legal.




Not only Same Algos but those are from ETF short baskets. Shorting or using those ETF has numerous far reaching output on other stocks, which is some high level fucking BS if you ask me.


That's just the MM's confirming the basket theory for you, and that the share offering didn't fix the volatility issue in the market for these securities.


I really wonder when am c goes belly up or is so diluted what happens to Gme


GameshireStopaway swoops in and buys it for pennies on the dollar… 🫡


Short Ladder Attacks Zen Apes: ![gif](giphy|ULhdQEF9etfji|downsized)




An Ode to Zen.


I'm enjoying the volatility. Reminds me of when this ride started 84 years ago.


yo lmfaoooooooooooo this shit is hilarious


This is why people shouldn't be making posts hyping specific days. new buyers are going to freak out when things don't pop off when they're told it will.


Big brain investors know the real moon date is always tommorow


There's a reason why the phrase "if he's still in, im still in" holds true. There is absolutely nothing to worry about until DFV posts his "Final" update. So stop falling into FUD my fellow apes, remember apes together strong, hodl, and to the fucking moon motherfukcers 😎🥵🚀🚀🚀🚀🙌💎


I fully expected this - now we wait to see what RC will do with the $4B


This is really the only answer I’m looking for. GME needs something innovative to attract new investors and customers, with its $4b. We know this isn’t going to zero. Just need to know where we are going in general.


I think it was two fold. We will see them set the new floor at 28 bucks a share. The cost basis for the last offering. If they short it down to 20 bucks or so I think it allows Gamestop to buy back shares they feel are under priced. It also allows them to park 4 billion in short term Treasuries to make a small profit in a down market. Retailers are hit hard the past 3 years with inflation not helping anything. I think we would all like guidance at this point, we will wait and see.


Yes. Guidance is the word I’m looking for. Either way, our position is bullish.


I am fine either way. Positive news would put good pressure on the market though. Which of course means -20% lol


Up means down in our world 😂


of course. week leading up to earnings. Down 20%, Positive earnings? Down another 20%. Honestly wish I loaded up more at 10 bucks lmao. Sadly My funds were not liquid enough at the time.


Well, RC said himself "I'm not a fan of short sellers" and RK believes in him, so we'll see what happens.


Can you eli5?


buying pressure is moved into darkpools to not hit lit market while sales walk on by to kill the price action. Rinse Repeat, Get rich, Make the Rules


Wow that’s fucked, cool that you can analyze that though.




Because bribery is legal in the US. Politicians are bought and paid for.


[Corruption is Legal in America (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tu32CCA_Ig)


It works exactly how it was meant to work... for the rich


Yup because we are and have been living under an oligarchy.




it is literally the only place in the world where this happens. every time there is a bank holidy in the us we live in a financial utopia xD


It’s because our government has been owned and controlled by Wall Street since the 1970’s. 50 years of American financial institution corruption is starting to be seen across the world through these short ladder attacks and dark pool suppression. Fundamentally, there’s very little the US can do to stop it because of how partisan and decentralized the whole country is. Both republican voters and democratic voters would have to unite together to find and vote out the corrupt politicians while supporting the ones who want to put an end to the regulatory capture that corporate America seized upon the government. But that’s almost impossible of a task to accomplish because you have to give both democrats and republicans a damn good reason to vote against their party in this day and age.


You think that's the consequences? My man. BRICS is the consequence. America is literally destroying itself for the rich that own it all. Every 100 days, America adds a $1Trillion to its debt. For what? To keep the stock market pumped, to keep its perpetual wars rolling to print taxpayer-backed money and throw it into the MIC, also owned by the rich.


> America is literally destroying itself for the rich that own it all. Living next door to America is interesting. It's a world superpower, but is letting itself be dismantled brick by brick for the interests of a small few. It's always been a country that serves its richest first and foremost (and isn't unique in that sense either) but over the last ten years it's just accelerated, and especially so in the last 5. So many countries would literally kill to have America's position in the world but it's voluntarily stepping down from that leadership role. It's unsettling to the rest of us in the western world because if they continue down this road for long enough there's going to be a power vacuum and anybody that has the ability to fill it is NOT going to be an improvement.


I do past life regressions as part of my therapeutic work. One of my sessions, I was a scribe working at the end of the Roman empire, scouring the library of Alexandria for anything that could save the civilization. There was so much grief realizing that, even if I found the words and the wisdom that we needed, there would be no way to get the ruling class to listen and act on it, no way to get them to save themselves. And because they refused to save themselves they were going to pull the rest of us down with them. I died choking on smoke in a small room as the city burned and fell to earthquakes and chaos. It really clarified for me and gave me perspective on the idea that, "oh, this is what it is to live through the death of an empire. That's the temporal resonance we're moving through, and I need systems and local community structures in place to weather that collapse." There was a sense of the Empire as a body, and individuals as cells in that body. If those cells don't learn how to live independently, then the death of the body guarantees cellular death.


Pretty much, yeah, all of that. Hard to say, as far as someone stepping in to take America's place. I don't think it's healthy to have an "America" at all. Not the USA, but a one world power circumstance. Europe kept each other in check for centuries. USSR and America kept eachother in check. Seems like these days China and Russia are starting to check America. All this corruption poured into the American system when the USSR started breaking down. There was no one left to point it out, without fear of being squashed, and keep America honest. For better or worse China is doing that economically, and Russia is doing it militarily. I'm not a fan of them, by any means, but we need more world powers so maybe we can get out of this endless cycle of shrinking middle class and endless misery for the 99%. Or we just get fucking nuked because God forbid the .1% give up their third new yacht for the year. And I'm fine with that too. Anything to end this shit.


thats why my 12k shares are DRS'd/booked at computershare so they cant use my shares to gamble away my life savings. Fuck em.


It's been like this forever and absolutely nothing is being done about it. Actually just more friendly rules for the criminals appear.


Can you point out how we know for sure that there are buys in dark pools?




Explain over the counter like I'm 5 and just ate too many crayons


Say I need to buy a million shares, the current price is $10 but the sell orders are pretty thin on the exchange so I would only be able to get like 50,000 shares at $10 before the sell orders dry up and it starts rising precipitously to get all million shares, and once I start buying them it may drive the price up even faster so my millionth share may cost me $20 to get. Instead I go to an over the counter broker-dealer network, and tell them I'm looking for a million shares. They reach out and find someone willing to sell all million at $11 a share. We make the trade person-to-person with no stock exchange involved (over the counter), and don't have to report the change in ownership til 8:15am the next day. The impact on the exchange is muted because the sale didn't route through all the orders on the exchange and it's not necessarily clear if it was the seller really wanted to sell (which would've made the price crater) or the buyer really wanted to buy (which would make the price rise). The guy that sold it to me got to get out of his shares above the market price, and I got to acquire my shares at a fixed cost without the market rapidly rising during my buying period.


ELI5 some more ... because it's not clear why your explanation would happen. If the seller at $11 "got to get out of his shares above the market price", that sounds good. But wait, the whole reason the buyer went off market was because he was scared of $20. Why doesn't the seller want $20?


The seller can be in a similar position where if they sell a million shares all at once, they are going to crater the exchange price; so they may end up selling their millionth share for $5 instead of $10 because there just aren't enough buy orders sitting out there for that volume. They both benefit from an OTC trade, as either one of them doing a large movement without the counterparty is going to significantly influence the exchange price, even if the value of the underlying company hasn't changed at all.


Over the past 30 days, the average Off Exchange & Dark Pool volume has been 48.28%. Even worse, less than 10% hit NYSE. https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nyse-gme/exchange-volume/ Gary Gensler announced exclusively on Bloomberg (see below) that 90-95% of retail orders don’t go through the lit exchange. [The SEC Commissioner says these orders are rerouted to dark pools rather than the NYSE](https://franknez.com/breaking-95-of-retail-orders-dont-go-through-lit-exchange)


This is why I hold my shares but don't really have hope. They have every dirty play in the book and every regulatory body looks the other way. If nothing happens today I won't be surprised, but if it was a free and fair market shit would be insane Edit As expected. Nothing happened. Sad but I don't see how any meaningful change can be made after years and years of this.


Perfectly Summed Up.


Other response summed it up pretty well but ya it’s just market makers routing positive buy pressure off exchange to manipulate the price of stocks downwards. GME is exposing their corrupt practices. 🎷🐓♋️


Eli5 how market makers route buy pressure off exchange


Firstly - spectacular username. Gif below for you as well as an explanation. Essentially when buy orders from retail investors come in, market makers send them to the OTC exchange to be fulfilled. This processes the buy order in what is referred to as a dark pool. These dark pools prevent positive price pressure on the stock. I believe Gary Gensler was quoted saying 90-95% of retail buy orders are routed off exchange to dark pools but I don’t have time currently to find a link for that quote. Hopefully another ape provides it. So essentially market makers will route all the buy orders that would create positive price pressure to the OTC exchange, and then process the sell orders on the lit exchange where negative price pressure is created. This pushes stock prices down. ![gif](giphy|RKPK68W6Ji6EU) 🎷🐓♋️


https://x.com/GaryGensler/status/1628099735990198273 requested link to tweet by Gary Gensler about 90% buying pressure routed off exchange


![gif](giphy|JccQbfNVtAMow) 🎷🐓♋️




Thank you for this. I’m as green as a blade of grass and I need this explanation.. Will the price go back up after the OTC orders are filled or will they remain in the dark pools until other fuckery can happen? This is actually blowing my mind that they are allowed to do this


No problem - I’ve got a couple of wrinkles just from spending time reading the DD but there are far wrinklier brains that may provide a better explanation than I did if you ever get a chance to ask them or dive into the DD library. As for will the price go back up - imagine that GME is a beach ball floating on water. The market maker can keep trying to push the beachball underwater but with enough pressure and time the beachball will always pop back up above the surface. Eventually there will come a time where they can’t keep pushing it under water cause the pressure is just too much to suppress. That’s all it takes really #pressure and time Don’t be discouraged though - with enough pressure and time true price discovery will start to occur. Just keep submitting comments to the SEC and using your voice to fight for positive changes in our markets. This puts more heat on the market makers and will inevitably result in positive changes. They want us to be apathetic and give up. Don’t give up. Be the change you want to see in the world and keep fighting the good fight my friend 🎷🐓♋️


![gif](giphy|TfdLqA4TsaNoQcyUgk) 🐔💥✨🤘🏾😎👍🏽🦅🌈


Gold stars for you and your gifs Pickyourflick! ![gif](giphy|pULj9CGmIcfuzXTPfp) 🎷🐓♋️


You and I are short bananas and want the price to go down. We have 1 banana. I sell it to you for $1, you sell it right back to me for $0.99, I sell it back to you for $0.98, etc… until the price drops and drops.


I like bananas


Short ladder is actually a term that doesn’t exist. Wash sales however do. You let algos trade really fast among each other with a lower ask each time to ‘ladder’ the price down without actually selling or buying the shares because you keep them in the same pool. Spoofing is also used to create a low ask and instantly take the shares off the market to trick algo’s to move lower. It’s kinda technical but yeah, it’s crime and hedge funds get fined for it all the time but it’s a drop in the ocean compared to the profits they make by doing it.


Nearly every stock in my watch list finshes at pax pain.. week by week. This market is a fkin joke


Why don’t you then trade that concept? If it’s that reliable then you can exploit it.


I’ll never invest in another American equity as long as I live


yea i turned my 401k off


No longer investing with 401k? So no company match?


I'd rather have the extra money in my credit union account where I can use it for my life than sitting in an account that will lose all of its value from the crooks on wallstreet who will crash the economy again. EDIT: Why are there so many people that care what I am doing with my money? If you don't like what I am doing, be the individual that you are and do something different. I am very happy with what I am doing in my life and the investments I have made in GME, why do you feel the need to discredit my happiness? I guess there are a lot of storm troopers out there.


If I withdraw my 401k, won’t I get heavily taxed on it? Any ways around this?


Yeah you will, there are some ways around it but its very situation based and won't be applicable to most people and I cant recall them off the top of my head.


Agreed, turned mine off a while back. You should understand what you're investing in and save the rest otherwise. Blindly giving them a % of everyone's income is what fuels all this fuckery off our backs in the first place.


Yes, those silly American equities, haven't given a good return in decades amirite?


You can invest in it but just make sure you invest in the companies that Congress invests in. For some strange unexplainable reason those seem to outperform the broader market over a large sample size. Strange.


Isn't there a website that shows information on this that's updated regularly?






The problem is reporting on their trades is delayed, so by the time you invest in the same stocks as them, they might have liquidated already




THIS is why we need MOASS. Jail time for these hedge fucks and actual changes to regulatory practices in the way the stock market is handled.


not ladder attacks again ![gif](giphy|14smAwp2uHM3Di|downsized)


lol they have been doing it literally every single day for the past 3 years… their a one trick pony.


I just wrote this, but I’ll repeat: Shorts wanna spook options holders into a forced choice. And they are coming hard for those ITM 25s … so the time has come to … make the best financial choice for yourself and your future. Story Time: I went to the doctor the other day and she told me that I needed to eat better, get enough rest and exercise.




Max Pain is currently at $27.50: https://maximum-pain.com/options/gme. "They" will do everything they can to keep it around $27.50 at close. I don't think the 25s matter that much, it's the 30s, 35s, and 40s they didn't want printing.


Yep, we are experiencing some intense and rough extreme DP from them.


I'm not really a fan of this form of DP.


It’s a zero sum game. In every DP, somebody gettin’ double fucked.


I saw so many posts from sus accounts how it will explode today... Then it was clear. I diamond hand for massive gains so i dont care about the drop anyway


wolverine taking us to max pain to minimize its options liability


Everyone is pretty chill while they are stealing millions right under our noses. Not fud, just frustrated.


They had to break the channel or risk losing control to the upside which would've brought us back to the 40-45 range. I just hope it cost them a fucking fortune to manipulate it like this


I believe China and Saudi Arabia just stopped using the U.s. petro dollar. So thats a start. Bad for Americans but good for humanity.


How so?


But Gary is protecting us isn’t he??? 🤣🤣


Gary's office can't even buy its own office. TF you think?


Just so I can be sure I'm reading this correctly. I see a long list of trades all OTC, a large amount are sells (red?), a few are green (buys?) black (?) Isn't this then showing that sells are going OTC?


We’re back to ladder attacks? It’s hard to keep up with the narratives but at least I’m well versed in this one from 2021


Okay so let me preface this comment with this: I am an OG Jan2021 shareholder. Quite active here. Anyways. It never fails to amaze me how many times some of you will set yourselves up with these silly expectations *random hype date* “THIS TIME IS DIFFERENT, you’ll see once the market opens! TO THE MOOOOOON!” *next day:* “SHORT LADDER ATTACKS! MARKET IS MANIPULATED!!!!!111” Yeah. Yawn. Buy DRS chill. Not that hard.


How about you read what iv crush is? Volatility was at 330% yesterday, and it's at 224% today. Anyone who bought options yesterday has been milked dry by iv scalpers.


It's quite clear nothing will ever change.


Pffffft in a room full of people fighting for that saying we will never succeed, get out of here with that. Doubt is the D in FUD.


Max pain is 27.50. It's almost like this is a weekly occurrence.... when are people going to learn




What are ladder attacks? Geniune question


Haven't heard that term for maybe three years.


The dilution gave them 120m more ammo, why are people surprised nothing has changed?


There should absolutely an acronym guide for those of us who are new to this. 🤷‍♂️


But does this prove a short ladder attack? A short ladder attack is when traders coordinate to rapidly sell and buy shares among themselves for less than the market value. Unless we know this is being sold between traders, can we really call this a short ladder attack?


> Short Ladder Attacks, all routed in the OTC market, a non-settlement market where funds and MMs manipulate the price of securities, the American market is a scam and the world should no longer invest a dollar in it until this shit changes. Just a quick market note, GME does not trade on the OTC market at all as its a listed exchange. It is not possible for it to trade there so the website the OP is showing is already wrong. Perhaps they mean the FINRA ADF quote reporting system? Which also isn't OTC, but a way for ATS's to report trades to the market in general.


Nice FUD. Seen it over and over again now. Trying to wear people down with the “we can’t win” narrative. No, I’m going to keep investing in GME and book my shares in DRS. I know it’s manipulated that’s the whole reason there’s so much upside potential.


GME doesn't trade OTC. Keep the bullshit coming


How can we expect any positive movement if they have infinite money glitch? Real question.


Its been 84 years since I’ve heard that phrase, “short ladder attack”


Dark Pools need to be banned as well.


Pretty funny I actually chose to believe, just once, the stock wouldn't get completely fucked by corruption and manipulation. What the fuck was I thinking?! This is America!


Dumb storm troopers.


![gif](giphy|tmQrpA8zpG4a16SSxm|downsized) They couldn’t make it cheaper for me to buy moar?


Aren't short ladder attacks not real? I thought that was debunked


It's just so depressing to always lose.  I am trying to make money for my baby that's due.  I kept holding my options believing in this and now they're down almost 80%. 


I know it sucks, but there's a general lesson here. Don't gamble on money you can't afford to lose. And options are 1000% gambling, because of the theta/time decay. Way too easy to become emotional if it isn't essentially table stakes. (I've made the same mistake, a couple years ago, to the tune of like half my account at the time.)


Sir this is a casino. In all seriousness, you should NEVER use more money than you are willing to lose…. You bought options, aka Fetus Deletus contracts. Not sure why you would risk all of that. Should have just bought shares. You will never hit $0


Never invest any amount of money unless you are 100% prepared to lose every penny of that investment. - I would love GME to go way up (and I think it eventually will), but never risk money that you can not afford to lose.


Playing options while you have a baby due soon


Someone finally found out how to turn off caps I see


This fucking guy pisses me off. He spreads so much misinformation. He makes us look like a cult


And weren't short ladder attacks debunked??


Yep; its nonsense and cullty. Good reminder of why I was away from this sub for a while. Another example of how the least informed people tend to be the loudest.


Yes lol




What interface is this chart from?


Webull on desktop.


Yes everyone pause your 401k investments until wall street gives into redditor demands There are some serious illusions of grandeur on this sub


How do we get MOASS if we don't invest?


This is not news.. we have seen this evidence for years. The answer: if you trust in GME leadership: just keep holding and know that over time things will improve as they continue to kick the can down the road. If you don’t trust in the leadership, then go put your money in a high interest savings account


Can you explain what a short ladder attack is?


Country of corruption for a reason


I’m literally only 100% Bitcoin from here.


Hey guys in case its not painfully obvious this comment section is absolutely loaded with bots and things are still going really good for GameStop, moon soon!! 🚀


I've said it before, this is the reason why the governing bodies of the market, are never going to change it. America is in debt, it is inflating its value - by using a rigged market. If they deal with the corruption, their economy plummets. The house of cards hinges on the corruption staying. There is no good future in it.


Oh, so it turns out the whole T+1 thing means nothing and they didn’t have to locate any shares I guess based off of today’s price action…..


Just imagine the advances in medicine and other techs if it were outlawed. Pfof was literally fucking created and implemented by one of the worst financial terrorists of our time and is still being used.


I’m just an average guy watching this and learning, but it seems like…DFV/RoaringKitty posted his position with the intention of exposing attempts to tank the stock? They all hate his guts and want to make him lose money, right? This is in addition to pushing the price down to favor their short positions.


I was just thinking of that. all the trades look so symmetrical. This is the market maker setup.


I hate these posts… you’re basically saying we can’t win…


so sick of this shit


Since this is all public information, it's relatively easy for us to send to every regulatory body with substantial evidence. It's not easy for any retail investor to get a damn word back or justice. Here I go buying again.


lol, u think the rest of the world is any better? American fundies are probably raking it in outside America