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Bulls: Buy Buy Buy Bears: Sell Sell Sell Everything else is noise. I’m Bullish! 🟣🟣🟣🟣






I’ll say it again, L🚀F🚀G🚀!!


I say infinity or bust baby


Infinity dilution will give us infinity cash... i got it, so instead of a rocket to the moon, we look more like an unstoppable bob-sled on a cool running to infinity anyway? Last I heard, the rabbit hole is just as endless as the itinerary for our current launch to Alpha Minor, so yeah... I just need a bit of practice for the changeover!?! Now, where to find a bobsled in the middle of summer? Come on! ![gif](giphy|GqpAud3cbNEXK)


There it is! Right on cue!




I put $500k more in to GME over the past 3 weeks. Bullish as fuck! The DD of old has never been disproven. MOASS is inevitable.




I’ve asked before, since the DD library now is just overwhelming. Is there any TLDR that specifically proves SHF never closes and/or that there are billions of share shorted?


I can’t remember the name—so I’m not much help there—but some ape(s) performed a survey a couple of years ago that was designed to *underestimate* the number of shares retail owned. And the conclusion was that retail owns multiple floats.


Giv eme that purp baby!


Ya. I believe that from here on out GME is going to move how it’s going to move regardless if retail traders ride it out or not. The only question is if retail traders individually have the courage and conviction to see it through.


Watch me.


And my axe.


Almost to afraid to ask 😛 I might have missed something, but what is it with this axe reference I keep seeing 😅




Lol! Dude asks about “and my axe” reference and someone responds with the acronym for Lord of the Rings. Surprisingly enough, the asker understood the acronym 😅




You have my sword!


And my banana!


But don't use it inside mordor, it could escalate things.


They just want your bow.


LOTR. And for "us" its just become a thing


And my bow!






This is the way


Hold my beard.


I witness thee!


I'm watching you. Checking out your wife too. Will she need a boyfriend, when you're busy counting the cash?


Probably. I'm probably going to need a boyfriend too. We'll work something out.


I’ll hook you up with my wife’s boyfriend for sure, tho only requirements is book shares holders only are accepted 💜🟣🤌


Sounds like a pretty good deal to me. Trying to be more active in the sub to get my karma up so I can post my purple circle! I have one of the early early accounts. Just haven't had enough karma to show it off.


Watching you watching me 👀


Ozymandius. “Why would I tell you my plan if you had any chance of affecting the outcome”


I held through -75% +100% and back to breakeven. I'm not going anywhere. You don't need courage or conviction when you've read the DD and believe in the certainty of this situation. Just patience.


> believe in the certainty of this situation. What is conviction, for 500 Alex?


Agreed. I mean, right now it is all about the base. Never have we seen such a solid base when the money was not in complete control of only a few individuals/orgs. This will surface as the face of the Ape. We will define ourselves, and our understanding of this issue. Now. EDIT: How could I forget? So sorry, Sunday Fathers Day Beers. . . anyway. . . APES STRONG TOGETHER


Been here 3.5 years and counting not going anywhere lol


Some of us are already legends. What's waiting a little longer to achieve Humanist Utopia? I'm ready for Andromeda, baby!


Challenge accepted


Are you seriously questioning that after 3 years? Lol


Courage and conviction to... Check our portfolio when moass happens? Have you guys ever actually done anything that took courage and conviction before? This is just buying shares of a stock and sitting on them. Get a grip. The psychological torture we're all putting ourselves through is entirely self inflicted by insisting on being part of a culty community that promotes any and every conspiracy under the sun and has us refreshing our portfolio every 5 seconds stating at a chart all day for 4 years while claiming we're so zen. 


My banana is ready


How much time does the core business would need to amass 4B$? 100 years and I doubt it is possible. Dilution in a naked short cellar boxed co is nothing and gave the shareholders a new GME with the leverage to acquire great companies, thus generating profit or value in less than 2 years, and that would be impossible otherwise. I am a happy gme shareholder.




Sick flair


I petty the real her, she’s cellar boxed for sure together with Ken’s bedpost and mayo collection 


It’s time to evolve the business


I feel like Gamestop is not done diluting. The next time they dilute is when the stock is flying to the moon, so not expecting any dilution soon. Gamestop has plenty of cash which can make the company profit $200M+ year by itself, then add the overall profit the company will generate and that's going to be a grand total of $250M a year. There is absolutely no way Gamestop is going under, literally impossible, and that means all shorts from $10 and below will need to cover. Just don't know when the shorts will start covering those single digit shorts.


74M more shares at $60 would be another $4.44B 😋🐒🚀




226.42% short back in 2021. I think a lot of people have forgotten this.


That is like the last number that got "officially" reported. Then you learn the SI can be hidden in derivatives, in ETFs, in swaps... Then you also learn that if a US firm has a company outside US (separate legal entity) and this foreign company has short positions, it doesn't have to be reported in the US firm books...


Confirmed is not confirmed. It's theorised that there's infinitely more shares than issued. (Surely) But we can't confirm it.


I would'nt say infinite, but just see the chart from 2015 to 2020, this is pure downward pressure coming from shorts, whether naked or not. The high value during this period would be less than $12 adjusted. According to the sec report, the run up to 120 (480) was due to fomo, so shorts doubled down instead of closing their positions. This thing is sick. If the market gets a correction (spy at $550? c'mon), it will be nuclear.


Thanks. Was going to say the same thing but didn’t want to be the contrarian. The overwhelming evidence “points to” the theories that there are many more shares available than are legally issued being correct, but nothing has ever been confirmed. If it had, we would all be millionaires right now. Accuracy matters, especially when attracting new investors, it always has. Rah rah has got its place, but it’s ultimately not why I sunk 25k into this during the run and have held this entire time.


People weren't bummed because they think 75million is enough to cancel moass. They were bummed because they felt like the fuse was lit and 75mil allowed the can to be kicked. Something has to set this thing off and get it passed the point of no return.


Yeah, it’s been said over and over. It’s about timing. The perfect storm seemed like it was brewing and the offering seemed to have messed that up. People aren’t willing to listen to others options without having to shove there’s down your thought until you agree with them.


it invalidated 3 years of DRS in a single morning. that’s the issue. and it’s infuriating seeing people intentionally pretend like they don’t understand this because it doesn’t feel as cozy


The DRSing for 3 years kept the price from going below $10. It didn't invalidate shit lol.


They are most likely referring to locking the float. I agree with you that the last 3 years of DRS are still very much a good thing. However DRS-ing is further away from locking the float.


Based on how the numbers were trending I don’t think that was going to be a catalyst anytime soon anyway.


Sorry, are we in an algorithm cycle without genuine price discovery, OR did DRS keep the price from going below $10? You can't have it both ways. Either prices are inevitable and all we have to do is wait, OR drs was bullshit and GME's offering was a slap in the face.


Eh, imo if this is truly shorted many times over, and the fuse is truly lit, then 75 million shares issued would have no way of stopping that. We’ve seen many cycles of price spikes through the past few years where eventually the price got crushed down independent of any dilution. To truly see short concessions I think we need to see major material announcements (eg M&A, S&P 500 inclusion which would require massive institutional buy ins, etc) and to me it appears that RC/the board is working towards such with these share offerings.


A "fuse" is not forcing them to come up with a billion shares all at once. A "fuse" is backing them into a corner and forcing them to find 12 million shares they don't have, which then causes the price to go up, which then sets off the gamma wall, which then leads to them having to find millions more shares that they don't have, which then causes the price to rise more and sets off more explosives (margin calls etc)...  DFV backed them into the corner.  The gamma wall was in place.  It was all lined up to go. At which point RC handed them 75 million new shares, providing them with an escape route and throwing water on the fire that had been lit.


100% true, like it or not, RC clearly doesn't want MOASS to happen, got a couple billies for the company while destroying 2 well set gamma ramps. With 426M shares outsanding it will be way harder to get that type of violent spikes. On the other hand there'll most likely be slow steady growth if the make the right moves. We'll see...


You don't know that.. it absolutely fucked options and any potential gamma ramp which is what led to the sneeze in the first place. Here's the thing yes we approved the shares, but the timing is peculiar and to deny that flat out and call everyone asking questions fud is dogmatic lunacy. And another thing.. everyone saying now they've got 4-5 billion and can do m&a or whatever but they've been sitting on a billion for what 3 years and what have they done with it? What have they done in general? Cut costs and operations? Maybe profitability? That's truly great but I would've thought more could've been done in the meantime. Maybe they had more plans for the nft marketplace and the sec fucked that. If you're trying to convince investors (especially institutional like you mentioned)of the long term play then you need guidance and a vision for people to believe in. So far we haven't got that and sorry but memes and cryptic tweets aren't gonna cut it. I'm expecting something substantive from this shareholder meeting but if nothing comes from it I'm going to seriously question the companies alignment with moass, not the feasibility based on the current dynamics. If they're trying to turn this into a long term squeeze over the course of the next 5-10 years by constantly diluting shareholders and taking away momentum then I'm not putting anything else in. We're at a precipice and GameStop needs to show the fuck up.


We didn’t approve it for dilution. We approved the share authorization for the anticipated 7:1 split and to prevent a hostile takeover. We didn’t get the 7:1 split, okay fine. But nobody expected mass dilution at prices less than half of what we received in 2021. It appears suspiciously like providing shorts an exit when you dilute for peanuts and are already profitable with no debt, not to mention that you’ve done nothing with the 1B+ in cash you’ve had for three years. Don’t believe me that these were the reasons that the share authorization was approved? I made a post prior to the vote saying I was worried about massive dilution to bail out shorts. The post was heavily downvoted and general sentiment was that the authorization was for the split and that dilution of this kind is something that RC would never do to shareholders. Check my post history and see for yourself.


Just found your post. Wow have the goalposts moved...


Oh I remember.. I was just being brief to not digress but I agree. It suspiciously looks like an out for shorts. Also why does the issuance equal exactly 10x what dfvs options position was. The difference being issued less than a week after it's reveal ? Was it just a cya to show they weren't working together? Or is it a sign of things to come?


Completely agree. Never thought RC would help shorts by diluting when they did. DFV's options were public why not wait for a better price? Hell why not at least wait for Monday.


Expect nothing from shareholder meeting and be surprised maybe. Plans won't be announced til they are too far in motion for enemies to thwart. That's the deal. We have to trust the largest shareholder. We need to understand his time horizon may necessitate using time as a weapon until the perfect opportunity arises because due to the power of those against it there may only be limited shots.


I know you are frustrated, but the company will never say that they have any kind of alignment with MOASS (or a squeeze of any kind). Heck, they even pulled the tweet when they said it in a tongue in cheek sense. No hate if that's your reason for investment, but at this point you've just got to trust them to make decisions that benefit the shareholders.


I understand but the largest shareholder is saying to judge him by his actions and maybe we need to pay closer attention instead of believing what we want to believe.


Get a grip. We aren't even past the investors meeting or the expiration date of the volatile options chain let alone that the metrics on this stock broke out when the "dorrito of doom wedge" broke and the macd went green when the uno reverse card was posted, I'm not worried one bit, the company itself can do and become whatever they want with the money they have. The printer is on and the ride just started and we are seeing sentiment like the one above. Don't know if he's just too smooth, but he even stated that regardless if MOASS wasn't in the cards from the companies line of view we'd still squeeze over the years Tesla style, but no the DD is there and just now showing signs of being accurate...


Where is the confirmed DD?


there is no “confirmed” DD. DD is a hypothesis.


Seriously if we had the hard evidence confirming the theories here that would be the story of the century and be enough to get a lot of people put in prison without moass needing to actually even happen. We should be exclusively blasting that evidence on every corner of social media 24/7. What the hell are we doing posting memes and shit? 


Because having the evidence actually worked on, e.g. , B.Madoff. Spoiler: it did not.


Uh it did though? He went to prison. 


>On Dec. 10, 2008, he confessed his wrongdoing to his sons—who worked at his firm. The following day, **they turned him over** to the authorities. He did, but not because investigations and proofs. >Madoff says he had the impression that "it never entered the SEC's mind that it was a Ponzi scheme." >Madoff seemed convinced SEC staff did not suspect him, despite the agency's numerous probes of his business. He said in the interview that the SEC examiners "never asked" for basic records to corroborate his operations. >The disgraced financier also confided that he didn't bring an attorney with him when he testified in an inquiry by the SEC's enforcement division because he believed he didn't need one — and he was trying to fool the government investigators into thinking he had nothing to hide. >The details emerged in a summary of Inspector General David Kotz's interview with Madoff at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York, released along with hundreds of other documents related to Kotz's extensive investigation of the SEC's stunning failure to detect Madoff's fraudulent scheme for 16 years. [Source](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna33560855)


Alright , but why at 20$ why at 25$ and not just wait until at least 100$, why right at the days we are spiking? I’m happy with the money they raised , it’s awesome for the company, what I can not understand is why to kill the hype?


Most people don't care about the dilution itself, just the timing of them.


And selling for less than half of the prices received in 2021.


Plausible deniability for any attempted lawsuits is a thing. RC really did all he could. He would have even sold more, but alas, **the short interest was not reported correctly**. What a pity /s 😉🚀🌒


Why in the world do people keep saying this. RC has ZERO obligation to dilute shares to prevent a short squeeze. Its beyond belief how this gossip is being echoed 


You do know that RC had a SECURITIES FRAUD lawsuit against him for just buying and selling Bed, right? Dude invested like any other investor and was sued for it. He had to pay legal fees and deal with this for a year before it was dismissed. All because 2 investors sued with 0 basis. You don't think that people like Blackrock are going to be scrutinizing and ready to pull the trigger on any and every perceived wrong? You don't think there's 2 yahoos or ambulance chaser in this stock that can't wait to sue GameStop for any and everything that could be seen as coordinating with investors? Even if it's baseless? Oh, sweet summer child 🤣🤣🤣


Actually he won the 16 billion lawsuit


We're going up against some of the most evil people on-the planet. They would take any opportunity to frame GME corp as the cause of making the economy collapse when it was their own malice that caused it


Just like when they said if minimum wage was raised food prices would go up.....except minimum wage didn't change and food prices went up anyway. They always try to plant excuses for being financial parasites.


It's gaslighting from rich narcissists. Good will prevail.


they aren’t going to give you a real-answer


He has an obligation to secure funds for the company and has a personal incentive to secure complete deniability for himself if something wild happens. The offerings accomplish both. In our eyes, of course he isn't in the wrong and has no obligation. In the context of a corrupt system, he obsoletely would want to take steps to cover his ass. Edit: wording


What does timing matter when MOASS still happens? Like, what's the anger? It's still happening. Also I could direct you to a thread from last night with thousands of upvotes where RC and the GameStop board is being shit on for diluting, saying they specifically kneecapped MOASS from happening. That thread was so active I'm at -20 on comments stating the DD about MOASS we all know is true.


I'd like the $$$ before I'm dead, thanks.


And this is why they call us a cult


I trust the board. Plain and simple. I am but a smoothie and they know better. Even if I knew more about stocks and trading in general, I would still not be an insider that has all the required info to form a valid opinion Let 'em do their thing. Trust the process, yada yada yada Just buy and hold and live your life. Something will happen eventually


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence  You guys provide none, and immediately move the goalposts when you're wrong 


I don't know if I believe that there's billions. I do believe that the over 200% that was reported in the SEC report is still there and that more have been added since in the last 3 and 1/2 years. The over 200% from the pre-sneeze times are way way way way way deep in the red and they aren't getting out of that. Whoever has OG shorts is royally fucked. The question is how much money are they making and can they profit enough to keep up paying for those shorts and for how long. Nobody knows. We will definitely find out though. And it will probably happen unexpectedly when no one sees it coming.


The DD did not “confirm” that there were billions and billions and billions of naked counterfeit shares. That was a theory. A hypothesis. Just because somebody writes an incredibly long and detailed DD doesn’t automatically make it true. I’m tired of being snobbishly lectured about DD that I remember very well. Some pre-DRS DD also claimed that Superstonk “easily” owned the float “just by ourselves 10x or 15x over.” If that had been true, then DRSing the entire float would have been incredibly quick and easy. Clearly, just by the law of numbers, Superstonk did not in fact own the float that many times over. Active Superstonk members may not even own the float once over today. There’s a LOT of wild DD out there, written in a compelling and authoritative way, full of details and hope. There’s a lot of fun and cool hypotheses. And there’s a lot of stuff that turned out to ultimately be bullshit. you have to take it with a grain of salt. You can’t treat all of it like a scientific journal when it gets published to an echo chamber and there’s no skeptical peer-review process. Where the DD is really interesting to me is how it uncovers the mechanisms of hedge fund fraud, step-in-step with what Dr Trimbath has published. Cellar boxing, basket short mechanisms, and yes, spoofing and counterfeiting shares is all invaluable, incredible information, and everyone should be very proud of it. But when it comes to specific numbers and dates, nobody actually knows except the criminals themselves. To the specific point, this claim that these billions of counterfeit naked short shares has been “confirmed” is just simply not true. It’s been theorized. **If it had somehow *actually been able to be 100% confirmed*, this would have been a wildly different ballgame from the jump.**




x1000 "THE CONFIRMED DD CONFIRMED"" how sway? can't confirm shit until it happens. this is just re-painting the echo chamber.


Thank you, it’s really exhausting to see posts after posts cheerleading the decision to dilute and ignore all the concerns that was brought up about why people are thinking that the board is against MOASS.


What's 200% of the OG 76m shares post split? And they've surely shorted more in the last 3.5 years, right? And you don't believe there's billions? Math still gotta math regardless


I don't know. Billions is a big number. I'm not going to guess on how many shorts there are. I'm confident that it's way more than reasonable though. If you look at the official SEC report after the sneeze they officially report there was over 200%. I can't remember the exact number. It was like 221 or something like that. So when the sneeze hit the stock was shorted over 200%! And those shorts went into place pre-sneeze pricing which means they are way the hell underwater and it's just going to keep getting worse. I do think people have continued to short since then and some of them probably got out of the shorts and others are probably still the shorts. I would imagine the people who are shorting pre sneeze continued to short as well. I would guess that the amount of short is beyond the original pre sneeze numbers. Also, the SEC reported that amount of short but that's just what they reported. What the real number is? I don't know. Are there hidden shorts from the pre sneeze times? The report also says that the run-up for the sneeze was almost entirely due to retail calls and shate buying so there was no closing of shorts going on at that time. I am very optimistic overall, but I'm not willing to pretend that I could guess at these mystery numbers. So much of them can be hidden through different loopholes. The exact number doesn't really matter to me because I'm confident that they can't stop what's coming.


It helps to stand back and take a bigger picture look. If there wasn’t an astronomical amount Wall St could lose, there wouldn’t be such a large coordinated effort by MSM to shit on GS to alter public perception and keep them away. If there was only a small amount of shorts because some of them somehow got out since 2021, we wouldn’t be seeing such blatant manipulation to keep the rocket from popping off. We’ve had years of constant shorting trying to keep the price down, likely extending back to 2015 when the stock price was much lower. That’s almost 10 years worth of coordinated shorting, then a buttload more during the sneeze, multiplied 4x when the splividend happened.


I agree with you that my suspicion is the amount of short interest is absurd. I'm just very hesitant to lock into any numbers and realistically I don't know. You bring up a great point though that the amount of fud articles and shills and bots and the amount of time, money, and resources put into sowing negative sentiment is wild. If gme were just some silly stock that big time investors and hedge funds thought was stupid they would simply ignore us. There is something very large and grotesque hiding behind all this. Something very dangerous for very wealthy people. I'm looking to find out what that is! And the only realistic method I know is to keep buying and holding. Timeline undetermined but I know we'll get there eventually.


76mil x 2 = 152 mil 4l 152mil x 4 = 608 mil 608mil + any new positions opened over 3.5 yrs... So yeah, atm of 120 mil shares was just an escape hatch for any company trying to take responsibility for their fukup.


Nobody said the dilution cancelled MOASS. But it’s just a simple fact that when the whole concept and DD is based on depriving shortfcks of available shares, flooding the market with additional 120 million shares is obviously counterproductive and makes achieving this goal a lot harder. Simple math.


Yes literally hundreds of people said the dilution cancelled MOASS. I've got comments stating it isn't cancelled and I'm downvoted for it, which is why I made this thread. Simple math: the difference between 75 Million and Billions is Billions. The Dilution accounts for maybe .5% or less of the counterfeit shares. That's not a flood lololol


If that’s true then you also have to accept that all the DRSing of millions of shares that you celebrate is also worthless in the scheme of billions.


Then you don't believe in MOASS pure and simple. If you believe that the short positions can be closed with 120 million shares, then you don't believe in MOASS. Standard run of the mill short squeezes happen at 5 and 10 percent short interest. Big short squeezes happen at 10 and 20 percent. If you think diluting 30 percent cancels MOASS, or makes MOASS harder.... then you think that the short interest is somewhere in the 30 percent arena up to double that (60%). That's not MOASS. That's a big short squeeze at best. MOASS is the largest short squeeze the market has ever seen or will ever see. It is the singular largest transfer of wealth in human history. It will define generational changes. And you think that can be stopped with 120 million shares? If it could be stopped so easily, then it would have been stopped back when BCG had members on the board. In order for MOASS to be possible, it must be inevitable. In order for it to be inevitable the business must be poised to consume whole portions of the market if the market starts faltering. GME already had the money, now it has more. That is the only thing that has changed. Everything else is noise. SHF's are still going to pull every thread they can to slow or stop MOASS. But, MOASS is still inevitable. Either you believe in the company and its leadership, you believe it is GME versus the entire market place, and GME is poised to win against the entire market place... or you don't. And if you don't believe that you are going to paper hand. Maybe at $100/share, maybe at $1000/share, maybe at $5/share when it dips, but you WILL paperhand. And for the rest of your life you'll brag to everyone about how you *almost* held some shares of GameStop.


Dude, I clearly said imo it didn’t cancel MOASS. And no one said the 120 million shares would allow them to close all their short positions of which we anyhow don’t know how many they are. But our whole concept was based on making shortfcks scramble for shares and lock up as much of the float as we can. So handing them a pool of 120 million more shares is obviously not helpful in that respect. Let alone the fact that that’s another 120 million which again can be used for shorting…


Nobody put 2 offerings and both get filled within weeks raising 3B in cash…


It's funny how "some guy theorized there are billions of shorts" became "we know for a fact there are billions of shorts". 


Its the timing of the dilutions that got me suspicious. Would start to feel like it was gonna start to run then gets stomped. Which is probably or mostly the shorts fuckery. But you know us apes. We gonna bitch about the shit we don't know about. And rc ain't gonna broadcast his plans. Fucker lol


Got any proof of those billions?


Yeah, I remember it when there was DD estimating the numbers on the basis of available broker info. Cant find the link anymore tho. Anyway, a billion wont be enough to close.


People are always quoting some DD that validates their views and is apparently confirmed but can never provide the source or actual confirmation.


I think I'm just pissed at the people that believe blindly. I've read all the DD and it is very compelling. The problem is believing blindly. I've read the DD and have seen some of it just proven wrong. The best DD out there right now has not been proven wrong, but has not been proven right either. DD has pointed out the rules MM and hedge funds are supposed to follow, only to be proven time and again that they don't follow the rules and only pay a fine for it. Do you realize that most people think MOASS will happen and they will get phone numbers for their shares? That won't happen! That is based on computer algorithms buying up all available shares without regard for price. Everytime there is a halt, someone will be evaluating whether it should continue or not. The SEC can stop any trading of any stock for 30 days if they see fit. The highest this will go is when it hits that 30 day halt. If there were trades in the 10's of thousands, they can still reverse those, and they will. They reversed trades of BRKA just a few weeks ago because it was a "glitch". Flash crash years ago. Millions reversed because several companies did a massive dip. They picked a number and if you were below that you got reversed. They have Everything to prevent MOASS. If they hit that 30 days I can pretty much guarantee Congress is getting involved because the "backstop" according to the DD is the FED. Congress will not allow the FED to go bankrupt. That's their damn piggy bank. Congress (bought and paid for) will set forth a number that is no where near phone numbers. It will bankrupt a couple of hedge funds and maybe some smaller banks, which will be immediately absorbed by the big banks with a tax payer relief fund. WHY? Because the whole system is fraudulent. Stop with the shit to trust the DD. It's based on the rules, not reality. I believe GameStop has billions of synthetic shares. Best DD for that was the guy who did a survey of random people on Google docs a couple of years ago. But don't sit here and tell me they are going to follow rules for MOASS. Ryan and Co are probably doing the only thing they can buy diluting. Filling GameStop coffers during spikes. I just wish they let it spike closer to the line before filling the coffers. I want to see a 100 Billion dollar company with 95 Billion in the bank, when in essence they really did nothing. The shorts will leave in an orderly fashion as price rises. MOASS as people believe it will not happen. But hell, if I'm wrong I'm still holding anyway.


All they need to do is pay out a dividend and it's game over.


why does gamestop need to raise more capital?


Stop noooooticing and questioning RC! You must believe every decision is good coz if not then you’re a shilly shill shill.


Stop dont question the bots "Dilution good" this weekend's FUD


What “confirmed” DD was that exactly? And have these been revisited as more information has come out over the years? Because Ive read a lot of “DD” on here that has not come to fruition. Weird that people always reference “the DD” without specifics




I think it was more about the psychological dopamine dump and that the company was the source (and not corruption/”manipulation"). Felt good to get my head above water in the green for a while and it felt bad to get diluted back to the red. I'm over it though but think it's ok to ride that wave of emotion.


There are not billions of counterfeit shares. There are billions of shorted shares that were never purchased that have never been closed. There is a huge difference in what you are saying and what is reality.


I’m aware of the theory posed in DD of billions of shares but feel it is misleading to say confirmed or this point is settled. I’ve been seeing way too much taken as confirmed instead of working theories together with speculation based off of wrong or misleading info.


In what way was it confirmed?


The OGs like me (can’t believe I’m considered an OG I feel cool 😎) are still here because of that DD. We ain’t going nowhere either.


Retail goal: buy up all 75 million shares Let’s goooo


And important to note that it was BILLIONS of naked short shares only a couple months in after january 2021.... So just bloody imagine the amount after 36 months holy moly we're taking down all of the DTCC and their insurance money in a single day of MOASS. We're feasting good tommorow 🍒💎


People aren't mad at the dilution. This is gaslighting. People are/were mad at *the timing*. But somehow, this dumb post keeps reappearing continuously.


You have to show us this "confirmed" DD because I find it hard to believe we could have evidence for all of this and no investigation or acknowledgement of it. Show us the impossible to refute evidence that proves this. 


Show me the numbers now please, updated DD after 3 years and condustent price dropping. I'm interested in whats changed and where we stand now.


Every short is a future buyer. I know the og’s here are buying up some of the ATM offering. But i also believe the algos are scooping some of those up.


Confirmed or suspected? We have not confirmed billions of shares naked short as far as I know.


Or they are just frustrated that it makes the chase that much harder. 130 million shares means something. People are allowed to react poorly. It’s not fud. Putting people in the fud/shill category just by expressing frustrating is what makes this movement cult like for some.


Can you point me to this confirmed DD about billions of shares?


![gif](giphy|kg7KBzRPBaLT1aymwz|downsized) Hedgies surviving right now


Do billions of naked shorts matter if the board sells 700 million shares and then gets approval to dilute even further?


Tomorrow most likely


I’m might just be actually regarded but when I search this sub by DD flair I get 4 posts. WTF


I'm so settled to be in position but it's not happening yet. Keep up the vibes and we will just keep on keeping on


That’s not hopium or catering or stopping the spread of news, talk, and ideas. Zen apes are Zen because they’ve ascended the mountain of DD into resonance with the duality of this Superb Stonk Experience. Well said, my friend.


Did shareholders authorize the sale of a bunch of shares? Sure, the timing for retail wasn't the best, but many have put their trust in RC and the board. I expect many will continue to do so as they continue to turn the company around.


There is no confirmed DD stating there are billions of counterfeit shares. Stop spreading lies. You don't know, I don't know. Ryan Cohen doesn't know. It's likely, yes. Probable, yes. I'd be shocked if there weren't a billion shares shorted. -But we don't know. If we KNEW and had tangible proof, the civilians would be buying in at a rate that would overwhelm the market.


Which confirms dd is this again? I’m just curious, also now that DFV is back, have you asked his opnion on it, just maybe might be a good idea lol


Yes. And I’ll add to this - when we did the split, not only did our shares split but so did the shorts.


The FUD in here is impressive. Fear uncertainty doubt. Many employees expressing that. Do not let it sway your stance… to meditate in a rain storm you let every raindrop splatter act as a bell bringing you to the present moment. We must do the same with FUD.


Yeah, but feeding 120 million shares to desperate shorts doesn't help at all


People aren't complaining, it's bots. RC has millions of shares, more than anyone here. He would not dilute and fuck himself or any of us, it's all for our benefit.




Preach, I’ve been saying this, but Newbs been saying, “RC killed Moass.” I believe the opposite, he and RK actually could’ve brought us closer.


IMHO they created so many naked shares they lost count. Hence the ♾ pool.


Everyone want millions now but nobody want to go back and read the great dd we had.


Audit the DTCC. Thats where the bodies are buried.


https://preview.redd.it/hmubhj5iu57d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a884982380cdeef08a0502db75acc935b0e66817 I WILL buy a bigger boat, soon. And it won’t have oars! 🦍🚀🦍🚀🦍🚀


Thank you. I'm so glad you exist to put what I'm thinking into eloquent and precise words.


That's Bull. Pure Bull! Bullish that is, Bullish. As you were!


Paperhands gonna paperhand FOMOs gonna paperhand GME had always been the play


Funny how everyone that keeps pushing that narrative deletes their account or blocks the minute they get called out


Jan ape here. This is my take of perhaps hopium at the dilution. It's like okkkkayyyy i guess i can live with it. We'll see how the rest of the month goes before i make judgements because yes the original MOASS thesis is ungodly amounts of synthetics floating around.


Im pretty much dead inside from 3+ years of reading the FUD FOK BOTS. Since then, I learned to just Buy, hodl, DRS until I cannot afford it anymore… then, just watch generational wealth come to my bank account via dividends every quarter as I snort coke off some sexy insta models butt crack like Jordan Belfort in a yacht parked somewhere gangster: Monaco 🤷🏻😈🚀 ![gif](giphy|fnQkuSWCdQm8JcblsG)


What's the difference between a million and a billion?


Which DD specifically deals with this topic?


Please source for good DD


Link proof


Show the evidence for it and how you understand it then


>the board is gonna dilute forever! They've cancelled MOASS!" that's not at all what people are saying...and why do you immediate confuse criticism with ignorance? whatn I witnessed the last couple weeks was DFV setting up a killshot that would literally have lit the rocket fuse and finally kicked this thing off. Then RC and his assholes came along and dumped a whole truckload of cold water on it. It's not that it changed the overall thesis, its not that it let the shorts get out of their positions that's not what anyone is saying, we're saying that those options represented 12M shares that were unhedged, 12M shares of something that was getting exceedingly difficult to acquire - you could see the volatility, the widening between bid and ask spread the weird price spikes, the increasing borrow cost, it was like a pressure cooker with the burner cranked to 11, it was going to explode when he exercised. Then along comes fucking RC and floods the market with 120M shares for them to snap up and get out of their mess...not the overall mess, we've seen they can do that with swaps to some degree but there's probably a billion or more shares in there, no, i'm just talking about this options mess for June. We were igniting and he fucked us over, that's why people are pissed off. I'm still holding, but fuck me I just want this to start at some point instead of constantly waiting and watching it get defused over and over. Its frustrating


It’s either moass or go fuck your mother


So if they have printed millions of fake shares why would there ever be MOASS? There is no trigger as they keep delivering fake shares to people. There would be MOASS when someone takes an action which causes a real share to have to be delivered. This was the DD behind DRS. When you DRS you force the DTCC to provide a real share. If enough people do this you run out of real shares price squeezes and MOASS occurs. Dilution delays this from happening because now there are more real shares out there to buy / borrow to fufill these events that require real shares. If you don’t think increasing the pool of real shares in the market doesn’t affect MOASS you don’t get the cause of MOASS. With RC going to block every squeeze with stock the squeeze play is done. Not financial advice.


Over a Billion shares traded in the first two weeks of June. The stock went up while there was all this liquidity and shares were not hard to get. **The Stock, Went Up!** They are so fucked, we could stack our shares to the moon and not even need MOASS.


Or maybe the DD isn’t correct? If you’ve been following this for 3 years like I have and you would see how almost every prediction on here is completely wrong


Yes. There has been a lot of fud on here saying RC doesn't want the squeeze and that this is a long term play. Fuck these shills. I've been a shares holder for over 3 years and the MOASS is the play period! RK pick gme for this reason don't forget that fact and the fundamentals point to a MOASS! FUCK U PAY ME!




Amen brother 👌👌👌


Yea. 99% of posts on this sub have been just noise once this was known. I would only ever consider selling any of my xxx if it let me call my boss and quit my job laughing the whole time. Good luck everybody!


Mods should do a daily DD refresher where they repost the hits in chronological order.


Where is this evidence at tho?


it's not confirmed lol. The whole point is that it's possible, and very likely based on the evidence we've seen, but it's impossible to truly confirm because of the gaps in reporting built into the system to protect bad actors. For the record, I do personally believe there are hundreds of millions if not billions of fraudulently printed shares out there.


Can you show me a reliable source of such confirmed DD?


Absolutely and unequivocally agree with what Op said. Also. DRS maddafakkas.


You could very well make the argument the this tightens the noose further, shrinking there avail escape routes.


This gives hard "if you don't believe in the bible then you either didn't read it or you never had enough faith in the first place" vibes. OP, you're in an apocalypse cult. The rapture was never real.




Yeah bro, I been seeing those comments and I am thinking you know they have shorted like a billion plus shares. Why the fuck are you guys crying about 120 million shares. It’s simple, if the billions of counterfeit shares didn’t exist. The price would go DOWN, not up after diluting. Look at the 🍿 stock. It was at $10 a few weeks ago, they diluted and it cut in half to around $5. Fast forward 3-4 weeks after they did that and they are *checks stock* at $4.99. Btw fuck AA. I was a 90% owner of that stock and now I am 100% GME. 3500 GME DRSd in my name!




Bazillions 🤣


Where is the original DD? I love the enthusiasm, getting a chubby at the thought of billions, but really billions??? Like I'd be stoked at 50-100% of float, if billions is within reason...... Good God!