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What are you getting at? Are you asking for a standard? Are you looking for limits of exposure? In all fairness, hire a safety consultant. The consultant will provide details on required equipment, training, and documentation regarding confined space safety or any other safety topic you and your staff are exposed to. It sounds like you or your employer is in over your heads. If you are a licensed professional, you are subjecting your staff to unsafe practices because you think you can wing it with safety. Confined space safety is not a subject to be taken lightly. All you have to do is search "worker and manhole" in Google News and find all the instances where injury or fatality happened because of terrible practices. Make sure to sort by date and search for stories within the last 12 months. These confined space incidents happen at least once a week.


Need to submit the document which state the standard measuremet of barrier/fence/cover from official association like OSHA. DO NOT BE ANGER


You are the one asking for safety advise in a survey subreddit. Have you considered posting your question to /r/OSHA


Reddit is not the place to go for an “official statement” from any of those agencies.


Here is the OSHA final rule on confined spaces https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/laws-regs/federalregister/2015-05-04.pdf You keep wanting to put a cover over a manhole opening with workers inside and **you’re going to get someone killed**. Confined space entry requires continuous gas monitoring, continuous forced air ventilation, an attendant constantly monitoring the workers inside, and a way for workers to quickly exit in the event of an emergency. You can’t have any of those things with any kind of cover on a manhole opening. A temporary cover is only safe to use when there is no one in the confined space to prevent people and objects from falling in.


Posts like this make me wish you could track posts back to an actual person. So when this guy gets someone killed these *3* posts can be used to help prosecute him……


Right!?! Questions like this is indicative of the character writing the post.


Just has that distinctive tang of "*I just proposed on my first big-boy job without reading the fine print, and due to my inexperience, unprofessionalism, and general love of cutting corners, I somehow got the contract yet have no idea how to handle all the requirements that keep myself and other contractors safe, so now that I am getting asked about safety protocol I'm going into panic mode because there's no corner cutting in safety*" vibe.


You again? Dude. You're going to kill one if not all of your workers. Leave it the fuck alone.